Thinking it would be an easy task to ‘only send a naughty pic’ from a dancy night out yesterday made me act negligent regarding my other assignments as well. So with that I added 4 dashes to my tally yesterday eventhough my Dom was assigning me an easy task after the original idea for day 12 fell through. Thinking about it I grudgingly have to admit I tend to get a little careless as soon as he’s showing a more lenient approach. Seems like the more effort is needed the higher my motivation. Reflecting on that since morning I’m giving yesterday’s task a 8/10 in intensity.
See my previous post for an explanation of the title and stay tuned for the next day’s :) I’ll try to post some pictures somewhere around here so check out my profile if interested!
First gf was a greek girl, [best]( women! Besoded, if helen of troy is any account of historical beaity, we should defi itely have more gracing fashion covers