Advent Kinkendar: December 11th [Ffm+]

Some of yesterday’s experiences were clearly intended as little preparations for today. Miss is having a great time toying with us both, and at night we can hear her climaxes. She has never explicitly told me I’m not to play with myself at night; but it just doesn’t seem right if I was to do it, plus the boy is just over there. But last night I was just so tempted and aching.

As a result I was so glad to wake this morning with an orgasm, and the boy was allowed one as well. Miss scooped up his cum into our mouths and had us make out messily with it. Snowballing I think she called it; appropriate for the time of year, and looking like the only snow we’re going to see here.

Our boxes were waiting on the breakfast table, but Miss waited until after breakfast before letting us open them. Inside mine I found a new plug with a long, fiery red tail attached to it, and a headband with a pair of matching ears. The boy’s contained a shorter, stiffer tail, ears, and a snout muzzle. Underneath the gifts were identical notes:

>Pets do not use words; pets just make noises.
>Pets do not walk on two legs, pets stay on all fours.
>Pets do not use human furniture, pets stay on the floor.
>Pets do not use human toilets, pets use the yard.

>Pets wag their tails when they are happy.
>Pets beg for treats and attention.

I think Miss was more gleeful than ever as she watched us help each other with our tail plugs, then added whiskers to us both with her eyeliner pencil. For the final touch she used some rubbery tape to wrap up our arms and legs; keeping them folded double and making it impossible for use to get back into an upright position. We could only crawl on our knees and elbows, and luckily (well, probably thoughtfully) Miss kept us in the living room all morning. She left a bowl of water just inside the kitchen, so we wouldn’t leave a mess when we drank, but also left a straw to help us out, since human tongues aren’t made for lapping like a cat or dog.

She really did treat us like pets, stroking from our heads down our backs, rubbing and tickling our bellies, and caressing our faces. We both nuzzled back against her touch, making appropriate noises as best we could. I wasn’t too sure what noises a fox make, so I decided I was a big ginger cat and even in my own head christened myself Crookshanks. I purred and mewed, loving every minute.

All morning she had us do tricks, beg for little chocolate treats, and even had the boy bark as she jiggled his cage with her foot. Just before lunch, though, she removed his cage again, and reminded him of a dog’s favourite passtime – humping everything it can get at; clearly meaning me. While he struggled to mount up behind me, having to hold my tail in his teeth to keep it out of his way, Miss spread her legs in front of me and guided my face between them. As her lips parted for my tongue, he finally managed to get his cock to part mine, most of his weight leaning on me.

“Good puppy!” she praised him, stroking my hair as I lapped at her folds. “Go on, fuck her hole!” She was positively gleeful as he jerkily and shakily did his best to jam his cock into me, falling out and having to struggle to get back in time and again. True to our roles, I made mewing squeaks and he grunts and barks; getting more and more urgent as he fucked me.

“Getting close, puppy? You want to cum?”

He nodded, barking and whimpering with ever increasing urgency.

“Mmmmmm” she mused, watching him and waiting. “Go on, fill up my little kitty with your doggy cum! Good boy!” she eventually encouraged, and fill me he did. His cock throbbed and exploded, pumping into me again and again.

Despite the wonderful feeling of getting fucked, and the hot experience of being a pet, I was also a bit disappointed when she stood up without letting me finish her. But I savoured her flavour on my lips.

Dinner was served on the kitchen floor. She put down a pair of pet bowls, then started opening some tins up on the counter. I was nervous at this point, wondering if she was actually going to serve us pet food; could I actually eat that? Luckily I didn’t have to find out, as she poured baked beans out and left us to eat while she made herself a sandwich.

We both put our faces down and were very quickly messy with tomato sauce all over our cheeks and chins. Much like yesterday, I felt my rear very exposed, though my tail covered me a little, and the whole thing just felt amazing.

After eating, and Miss having us lick each other’s faces clean, she cut the tape off our arms. Apparently it wouldn’t be good to keep it on for too long, and the stiffness I felt as I stretched out again supported that. Even without it, though, we still stayed on all fours the rest of the day. She put a leash on each of us, then led us outside into her large garden.

My heart was pounding with nerves going outside like this, having no idea which of her neighbours could see. But that just added to the excitement as she started leading us around the grass like dogs going for a walk. After a little while the inevitable happened, and I needed to pee. I knew there was no point trying to hold it all day, so I tugged on the leash, whimpering for Miss and wiggling my hips.

“Oh, does kitty need to pee?” she asked sweetly; I nodded. She looked positively joyous as she led me to a corner. “Are you looking, boy? This here is your pee corner. Go on, kitty”. With both of them watching me I squatted down, held my tail up behind me, and after a few moments began to gush onto the grass. It was definitely embarrassing, but also exhilarating. After I had finished the boy decided to admit his need too, and crawled over to squat. “Uh-uh.” Miss chided, “is that how puppies pee?”. With such a humiliated look on his face, he got back onto all fours and cocked one leg up, his pee spraying quite a lot as it splashed through the cage.

We spent quite a while playing in the garden, Miss throwing balls and sticks for us to fetch in our teeth, both fighting to be the one to bring it back to her and get her praise and petting.

By mid afternoon we were both locked up together in a large dog cage in the corner while Miss entertained some guests again. While eating and mingling they would come and admire us, pet us through the bars, and even toss morsels of food in for us, or else hold them out for us to eat from their hands. I was having a lot of fun, feeling maybe even more submissive than ever before.

After dessert the debauchery began. It started with cocks being pushed through the bars at us, two, three, four at once through different parts of the cage. My hands and mouth swapping between all sizes of sloppy dicks sucking and stroking with a huge smile on my face. Moans of “good kitty” and “such an obedient puppy” carrying into our box.

Miss opened the cage and reattached our leashes, leading us out to parade around for everyone to see, and grope. Throughout the afternoon we both got passed around, our leash controlled by different partners while they had us lick, suck, and fuck whatever and however they pleased. It sounds a bit pathetic; but I had one of the strongest climaxes of my life while I was made to hump myself against a woman’s calf as another one shoved her pussy in my face and squirted all over me. The whole experience was just so intense.


1 comment

  1. This would be even hotter if I didn’t have “What Does The Fox Say?” Stuck in my head throughout half of it

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