With this post I’m starting a 24-day-journey of a kinky/sexy Advent, a pre-christmas adventure I’m supposed to share on here.
When you get a diy-advent calendar from your boyfriend the first thing you think is:’awwww, that’s so cute’!
When you get one from your bf who is also a kinkster -and a dom at that- you think:’ Fuck, I’m in trouble ?’
Yesterday I didn’t even had to open the first envelope to know, that I would have quite a number of tasks to fulfill in the coming days leading to Christmas. Turns out I really was right.
Task 1 was to walk around the spa and pool area at our hotel with a slightly ‘slipped’ bikini for 30 min. I decided to go for a casual nip slip, which got me a couple of stares by other hotel guests. While walking through the pool area like this wasn’t a big deal, walking by the restaurant and bar was feeling like a small challenge. My nipples barely visible I was still feeling exposed.
Asked to rate the intensity of the task each day, I’d give day one a 4/10.
For day 2 I was to create a reddit account and keep a diary on here. So get ready for a new post tomorrow!
Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/e577yg/kinky_advent_bi_f_bdsm
Hot. And it appears this tale is going to get hotter. Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to your further adventures.