The Twins Chapter 1-4

### Chapter 1

“You’re late,” my older sister, Adelyne, said. She was bouncing on her toes, her arms crossed over each other, trying to keep warm. Her black adidas gym bag was draped over her shoulder. “They’re waiting.”

I shuffled through my gym bag and suitcase in the trunk of my car, taking out one of the items and stuffing it deep in my suitcase.

Adelyne wrinkled her nose at me and gazed at the clothes that were now hiding the second vibrator that I had bought this week. “That’s why you were late?”

I zippered up the suitcase and pulled it out of the trunk. “Yes.” Her cheeks flushed but mine didn’t. There was no use trying to hide it. I wasn’t embarrassed. I – voluntarily – hadn’t been touched by a man in weeks – since Oliver so I needed it.

“What’s the rush anyway?” I asked, throwing my backpack around my shoulders and maneuvering my suitcase onto the cracked concrete. Adelyne smiled wickedly at me, her dark brown locks blowing against the hood of her forest green Columbia coat. I rolled my eyes. “Not this again. Addie, I already told you that I’m not interested.”

After I shut the trunk, she tugged on my arm. “Come on, Naomi. I know that you’ll love them!”

The bright red lights of Bainundo Martial Arts glowed against the dark backdrop of the night sky. The large glass windows were already foggy, yet I could see the inside was crowded with unfamiliar bodies. The forest that surrounded us was eerily quiet.

“I highly doubt that.” Men around here didn’t know anything about pleasing a woman, and this woman had goddamn needs. “Besides, you have terrible taste,” I wrinkled my nose. “I mean, Derek?”

She growled at me. “Hey, he’s my mate.”

I raised a brow as we walked toward Bainundo’s. “No, you were his mate. Not the other way around.” I bumped my shoulder into hers. “Remember that you were human like me before he marked you.”

“You’re just jealous.”

*Jealous*. She knew that I wasn’t ever jealous of her being a werewolf. I was strong and smart as a human – that’s why the Shadowcrown Pack had hired me. With two alphas who were both bred for war since they were pups, the Shadowcrown Pack was already one of the strongest packs in this region. But they wanted to strengthen their weakest ties. A war was brewing, and even the strongest pack needed to be ready.

Being the only human that trained with the Lycans – the best of the best werewolf warriors around – I had learned from the inside-out what a strong pack was comprised of and was dedicated to helping packs.

Addie opened the door and grabbed my suitcase, pulling it in with her. Unlike the stench of body odor which hit me like a wall, the chatter from within the room came out in waves. We walked around people, trying to find her mate.

“Give them a chance.” She leaned closer to me and whispered in my ear. “They’re twins.”

“So, you get embarrassed when I tell you that I masturbate, but are fine with pushing me to get fucked by two twins?”

Derek suddenly appeared in front of us, brow raised. “Woah, woah, woah… TMI, Naomi…”

Addie kissed his lips and wrapped her arm around his. “I’m trying to convince her that she’ll like them.” Derek raised his eyebrows suggestively at me, and I shook my head. Men. Goddamn men. Had one thing on their mind all damn day, and so did I.

I shifted from foot to foot and surveyed the room. It was filled with Lycans and werewolves. Some were wrestling, throwing each other onto the mat with a loud slam. Others were boxing, their fists colliding with each other’s faces. And, from all the way across the room, two wolves were staring right at me.

Two pairs of hazel eyes. Dark brown hair. Arms covered in tattoos. And stares so damn intense that I clenched.

After taking a few moments to recover, I smiled in their direction. One of them smirked back at me, his dark hair falling onto his forehead slightly. The other didn’t smile. Instead, he clenched his jaw, his eyes glowing gold.

Addie nudged me. “Told you.”

“Watch my stuff.” I placed my backpack on the ground next to my suitcase. “I’m going to use the bathroom.”

“*Use the bathroom,*” Derek commented.

Again, Addie’s cheeks flushed. Before she could scold me for what I was about to do – touch myself because I hadn’t in nearly two weeks and they were much hotter than I expected – I stepped through the crowd. Over everyone’s chatter, I heard her say, “You’ll thank me later!”

I glanced over my shoulder at the twins. They were both still watching me, but had stopped talking to the woman they were chatting with. The one who had clenched his jaw at me leaned over to his brother and whispered something. He nodded.

Then, as if in sync, they disappeared into the crowd.

I continued to the bathroom, glancing back every so often to see their golden eyes staring back at me – closer each time. My stomach tingled.

When I finally pushed through the crowd, I glanced back once more. I bumped into someone’s chest, my hands feeling the thick muscle under his shirt. I gazed up at one of the twins and swallowed hard.

His eyes glowed gold, and he growled lowly. The other brushed his fingers against my hips from behind. “Where do you think you’re going, *Little One*?”

### Chapter 2

I clenched and tried to peel my eyes away from his but couldn’t. They were golden suns, burning with such intensity, holding so much dominance over me. He didn’t smirk, smile, or say anything. Just stared like he didn’t know what to say or just didn’t want to say anything at all.

The other one dug his fingers into my hips a bit harsher. “Curling your fingers into his chest like that only makes you look desperate.”

I pulled my hands off of his chest, narrowed my eyes, and turned on my heel. “Excuse me? Desperate?” He smirked at me, his eyes dark. “Hypocrite much?”

He gazed back at his brother. “A feisty *Little One*.” He curled a finger around a stray piece of my hair and tugged on it gently.

“What do you think you’re doing?” I asked, slapping his hand away.

He chuckled, stepped toward me, and posted his hands on the wall next to either side of my head. “I’m thinking about skipping this little introduction to that chick who wants to *fix* our pack and locking us all in that bathroom for the next fifteen minutes.” He gazed at his brother. “What do you think, Noah?”

Pure dominance dripped off of every word that he said, and I couldn’t help pressing my legs together. I gathered all of my strength, placed my hands on his muscular shoulders, and pushed him away. “Actually, I’m busy at the moment.”

I side-stepped him and slipped through the women’s bathroom door, locking it behind me. I pressed one hand against the wooden door and slipped the other into my underwear. Those were the idiots that I was going to work with for the next month.

My fingers glided over my clit, rubbing small circles around it. The damn idiots.

I pressed a hand against my mouth to muffle a moan. Rude.

A wave of pleasure rolled through me, and I rested my forehead against the door. Arrogant.

My fingers moved faster. Dominant.

All I could imagine was them barrelling into the room and taking me. One from behind digging his fingers into my hips and thrusting into me, the other from the front, his hand laced in my hair, pushing my head down to his cock, making me take all of him.

My legs trembled, and I whimpered. I pressed my fingertips into the door until they turned white, like it was the only thing keeping me standing. I pulled my fingers out of my pants and took a deep breath.

After taking a few moments to splash some water on my face, catch my breath, and push any sexy thoughts of those assholes out of my mind, I opened the door. Like I expected, they were both standing there.

Noah clenched his jaw, his gaze traveling down my body to my hips. He sniffed the air lightly, cursed under his breath, and when his gaze returned to mine his eyes were golden. His canines emerged from under his lips.

The other crossed his arms over his chest. “You smell like you just-”

“There you are, Naomi!” Isabella, the leader of the Lycans and my boss, beamed at me from my left. “So, you’ve met Noah and Jax.”

Jax’s eyes widened. “You’re Naomi?” Noah closed his eyes briefly, shaking his head at his brother.

I nodded. “Yes, or you can just call me that chick who wants to *fix* your pack. Either works.”

“Jax is an idiot,” Noah spoke for the first time. His voice was deep and low. He ripped his gaze away from me to look at Isabella. “Thanks for putting it together.” He had a black tattoo designed on the side of his neck.

Isabella glanced awkwardly between us all, then nodded her head. She grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the alphas. “Well, before she leaves with you for the next few months, she needs to meet everyone.”

Isabella tugged me toward the woman that Noah and Jax were talking to earlier. She had dark red hair and a bright smile. Young and beautiful were honestly the only words that came to mind when I saw her.

“And, last but not least, this is Makayla.” Isabella wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “She’s small like you, so I thought that you could show her all of your tricks.” She winked.

Makayla blushed. “It’s nice to meet you, Naomi. Alpha Noah has talked a lot about you. He’s excited for you to help us.”

I raised a brow and gazed through the crowd to see the twins talking to Addie and Derek. Neither of them seemed particularly excited about it. Jax definitely didn’t want anyone coming into the pack, and Noah didn’t even say a word to me.

I thanked the Moon Goddess that Isabella had pulled me away because if I was there for another moment, I’d probably end up letting them lock me in that bathroom and doing whatever I wanted them to do to me.

Desperate, maybe. Horny all the damn time, definitely.

Men around here might not know how to please women, but those two surely did. I didn’t have to find out to know it. The way they talked, devoured me with their eyes, *hell*, just their mere presence screamed that living with them for the next few months to train their pack was going to be a ride. A ride that I was looking forward to.

### Chapter 3

Isabella turned off the light inside of Bainundo’s, one of the indoor fighting areas within the Lycan’s territory. After being introduced to everyone and hopping in on some of the fighting, almost everyone had left.

I gazed out into the busy forest, listening to wolves run and howl deep into the night. I tossed my backpack over my shoulder, and Jax grabbed the handle of my suitcase. “I can do it myself,” I said, taking it back.

He smirked and walked next to me with his hands in his pockets. “You seem to want to do a lot yourself.” His eyes were dark, even though the moon was hitting his tan skin perfectly.

“Well, that’s because I don’t need anyone who can’t do things right getting in my way.”

“Can’t do things right?” Noah asked from in front of us. He turned around. His golden eyes were already staring intently into mine, again so intensely like earlier.

Jax crossed his arms over his chest. “Listen, *Little One,* I don’t know what you’re referring to but-”

Isabella cleared her throat. “But… I expect you two to take care of Naomi.” She tossed her arm around my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. “She’s one of the strongest that I have on the Lycans.” She opened the trunk of my car and placed my suitcase in it. “And when I say take care of her…” she shut the trunk, “I mean to take care of her in *any* way that she may need.” She leaned in, covered my ears, and said, “You know what I’m talking about. This girl hasn’t gotten-”

Before she could continue, I shoved her slightly. She giggled. “Well, you haven’t!”

Jax leaned against my car, smirking. “We can take care of that.”

Noah’s lip curled into a smirk, mirroring his brother.

“I don’t need any taking care of.” But I wanted to be taken care of.


When we made it to their packhouse, I lugged my suitcase all the way upstairs to my new room. We showered – not together – only I wished that we did when I was standing under the hot water, teasing my clit with my fingers.

By the time I finished edging myself in the shower, I was aching for a release. Jax and Noah were in my room waiting for me. Both showered, hair dripping. Their shirts clinging to their body, hugging their biceps.

“We’re going to get you settled in,” Jax said.

My gaze lingered on him and Noah longer than it should have, as I tried to decipher how exactly he was going to help me settle in. Help me put my clothes away or introduce me to the real Alpha Noah and Alpha Jax.

I was hoping the latter, but when Noah set the suitcase on my bed I frowned.

Jax talked the whole time, asking me about anything and everything, while Noah stayed quiet. When Jax went silent for a moment, I knew something was up. I gazed back at him from my closet to see Jax smirking at Noah and holdning… my vibrator.

“Where do you want me to put this?” he asked, swaying it in his hand up in the air.

“Up your ass,” I said, walking over to him and trying to take it from his hand. He held it higher, so I couldn’t reach it. An immature idiot. Great.

“Why do you have this?” he asked.

“I told you already.” I reached for it again, my body brushing against his. “Because guys can’t do things right.”

Noah growled lowly from behind me. I gazed over at him, locking onto that intense stare. Every part of my body felt like it was on fire when he was looking at me.

Jax wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer, his nose brushing up the side of my neck, making me shiver. He stopped toying with my vibrator and threw it down on the bed behind me. My breath caught in my throat.

“Well,” Jax started. Noah placed a hand on my arm and stepped closer to me. “I guess we’ll have to show you what guys can do right.”

### Chapter 4

Noah sat behind me and grabbed my hips, pulling me onto his lap. His hardness pressed against my ass. I moved my hips slowly, teasing him. He growled in my ear and wrapped an arm around my waist, slipping his hand into my pants.

Jax smirked and stalked over to me. His fingers moved slowly up each of my legs until he reached my leggings. He gripped the edges of them and pulled them down my legs. My pussy clenched.

I slid my feet up, so that they were resting on each of Noah’s thighs. Jax gazed at my pussy, smirking. Noah moved his fingers around the hem of my lace underwear. “Look at her pussy through those panties,” Jax said. He rubbed his hard-on. “You can see fucking everything.”

I clenched again and raised my hips, getting tired of Noah teasing me. He brushed his fingers down my underwear and began to slowly rub my clit. I leaned back against him, moaning softly.

“You’re so wet,” he mumbled against my ear.

Jax knelt in front of me, pressing his fingers into my underwear as well. He brushed them against my wetness and slipped one inside of my panties, then inside of me. Immediately, I clenched around him. “Fuck,” he said. “Her pussy is so tight.”

Noah’s hand traveled up my body, and he groped one of my breasts through my shirt. My nipples hardened through my sports bra. He drew his fingers around it, then took it between two fingers and squeezed harshly.

I whimpered out, digging my nails into his thighs under me. He chuckled lowly in my ear. “Do you like that?” He did it again, and I moaned. My pussy clenched.

Jax pushed another finger inside of me, and I gripped his fingers. He moved them slowly, pushing them in and out, curling them each time they pressed all the way in. He twirled them around lightly, then added another.

“Better than your vibrator?” Jax asked from below me.

I bit my lip and shook my head. “No.”

Noah tensed and growled in my ear. He wrapped a hand around my neck and picked me up with his other arm. Jax pulled his fingers out of me, his eyes dark. He ripped off my panties. Noah leaned against the headboard with me between his legs. He thrusted his fingers into my pussy – the calm, quiet Noah gone – and began to wildly pump them in and out as his hand tightened around my throat.

Jax smirked at me, my face growing hot. “There he is.” He grabbed my vibrator and turned it on, handing it to me. My brows furrowed as my body jerked back and forth from Noah’s fingers. I moaned loudly, my head falling against his chest. Jax put it in my hand and placed it on my clit, holding it there.

“Don’t cum,” Noah said lowly in my ear. “Not until we tell you that you can.”

My pussy tightened around his fingers. Jax pulled his shirt over his head and pulled down his pants, his cock springing out. He crawled onto the bed next to me, grabbed my head, and pulled me toward his cock.

My lips wrapped around the head of it. Jax laced his hand in my hair, pulling me all the way onto him until my lips were pressing against the base of his hips. I could feel his cock pressing against the front of my throat.

I moaned on him, my eyes closing. My core tightened and tightened and tightened. Noah thrusted them into me faster, making it difficult to hold my vibrator steady. The vibrations coursed through my body.

My fingers dug into the bedsheets. I bobbed my head back and forth on his cock, trying to think about anything but cumming. My legs began to tremble, and I arched my back against Noah. I pulled back to breath and moaned out loudly.

“Don’t cum,” he commanded again, but I was so close.

His fingers stilled inside of me, and I whimpered against him. Jax grabbed his cock in one hand and pushed it against my lips, wetting them with my spit. He pushed himself back inside of me and against my cheek. With the side of his hand, he lightly slapped it and groaned.

I moved my hips back and forth, trying to get Noah to continue to please me, but he stilled my hips. He grabbed the vibrator from me and began to move it around my clit in small circles. I unclenched and clenched again.

“Look at me, *Little One*,” Jax commanded. I gazed up at him through my lashes. He moaned. His hand tightened around my throat, making my eyes water, then he slowly shoved himself down my throat.

Noah’s free hand wandered up my body, lightly grazing over my nipple and then found my neck. He placed his hand right under Jax’s and felt his cock in my throat.

“I can’t wait to be this deep inside of you,” he whispered in my ear.

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