Sara’s Self Discovery Part 8 [BDSM] [Oral] [Anal]

My god I thought I’ve created a monster, I have never seen a kiss filled with such passion as I was witnessing now.

Our hostess June and another lady unhooked Gem and helped walk/carry her to a sofa along the wall.
June sat with Gem and cradled her as she lay recovering from an orgasm the likes of which she had never before experienced.

  As this was taking place two other ladies one of whom was our sales girl from earlier walked up to “Sub” and led him up to the vacant set of cuffs that previously held Gem.
Before they cuffed him the took their time stripping him of his clothes, it appears that “Sub” had lost his earlier hesitation and was getting into the role of sub.

 As the girls removed his pants our sales girl spoke up and saying “We have here something special,
his master has him caged to prevent his erection from making itself known, lets see how much he can stand before this beautiful cock bursts the welds on his cage.”
As “Sub” was hoisted up he began to play to the crowd, swinging his hips an smiling at all the woman present in the room.

 Our sales girl walked over to me to ask my permission to indulge herself with my sub.
Before I gave my permission I had to ask her a question, 
“I think there has been a failure of communication between us, and that is “I don’t even know your name.”

 “Oh my, I am so sorry, I should have introduced myself when we first meet earlier.
My name is Karen, and I humbly beg your forgiveness for that lack of decorum.”
“Well, no harm done my dear, it was just a matter of proper manners, and yes you have my permission to enjoy yourself with “Sub.”

 With a clap of her hands she bounced over to “Sub” and began her tease.
From her pocket she produced a long strip of black cloth, this she used to cover his eyes preventing him from seeing what was to come.
Once effectively blinded she next took out a pair of ear plugs and inserted these into his ears.
This was followed by another woman bringing out a “spreader bar” and attaching it to his ankles.
Now he was bound, blind and deaf.
This could get very interesting I thought.

 As “Sub” hung there about a dozen people both men and woman approached him.
As a one they reached out and began stroking his body.
They spent quite awhile gently playing with him, many of the ladies concentrated on playing with his ass.

This I could understand, “Sub” had a killer body.
He was young, well developed and muscular, his ass was as tight as anyone could ask for.
When they discovered that he was “Plugged”, they began to manipulate the plug, by tugging on it and alternately inflating and DE-flating it.

The more he groaned from this treatment the more they indulged themselves in the slow tease and mild torture that a plug can bring.
“Sub” kept twisting his body attempting to cope with the overload his body was beginning to experience.
One of the gentleman and two of the ladies were spending their time concentrating on his cock and balls.
They stroked the area between his ass and his balls, above his cock and inner thighs, not yet touching his cock.

 If you looked hard enough you noticed that his cock was beginning to strain against the cage that encased it.
When one of the ladies knelt at his feet and took his caged cock in her mouth “Sub” let out a sound that registered somewhere between a groan and a plea for mercy. 
When she withdrew from his cock the entire cage was bobbing up and down as the blood flow attempted to enlarge his cock.

 Reaching into my pocket I withdrew the key to “Subs” cage, holding it out towards Karen she walked over and took the proffered item and returned to “Sub”.
As the others stepped back, Karen inserted the key in the small padlock and turned it.
As the lock snicked open the cage fell away and “Sub’s” cock inflated like an autos air bag, one moment it was flaccid, in a heartbeat it was as erect and hard as only a young man’s cock could be.

 I love this boys cock, it’s length, girth the wide mushroom head and because he was “cut” it looked even streamlined and larger.
One of the ladies took her long fingernails and ever so slowly began tracing it’s length, up and down back and forth over and over.
This had the effect of causing his cock to jump each time she applied her nails to it’s tender flesh.
“Sub” began to twist at the end of his rope as this treatment continued.
To counteract this some of the others held him in their grasp to keep him from being able to avoid hi tormentor.

 Kneeling in front of him she leaned in and ran her tongue along it’s length.
As she took his cock into her mouth he began to cry out in loud unintelligible sounds.
Sweat broke out on his face and body as he did his best to withstand the intense pleasure he was experiencing.
As Karen sensed his impending eruption she withdrew from his cock allowing him to momentarily calm down.

 While this was occurring, I had “LS” unzip my fly and kneel at my feet as she began to worship my engorged cock.
“LS” had a talent where sucking cock was concerned, she would spend a long period just licking my cock and balls.
From top to bottom she made sure that no spot was left untouched.

  As if a silent signal had passed between those toying with him, they all stepped away as one.
As this was happening June approached him from the rear.
She had a harness strapped around her waist, protruding from this was a long dildo.
Approaching him from the front a tall elegant silver haired and impossibly thin woman began rubbing herself upon his front.
She was tall enough that it wasn’t a problem for her to impale herself upon his cock while standing upright.
Behind him June was lubing up her “cock”.
As she finished this, June moved in and began the process of spreading his ass to accept the “cock”
she was sprouting.

“Sub” now began to understand that he was in for the ride of his life.
As June burred herself in his backside, the woman impaled on his cock began to ride him, slowly at first, then with more vigor as the three of them found their rhythm, June thrusting from the rear and the woman in front bouncing upon his cock, it was all “Sub” could do to match the relentless assault.

 Sweat was pouring off all three of them, causing them to shine and reflect the lights that were aimed at the center of the room.
So heavily were they sweating that it was creating a puddle at their feet.

For the next five or so minuets this was the main attraction in the room, even those who were playing out their own dramas in other corners of the room stopped to witness this.
The woman impaled on “Sub’s” cock began to cry out and her body shake, “Sub” followed suit and June re-doubled her effort at fucking his ass.
There was an incredible mix of sound emanating from the trio. 

The woman riding “Sub’s” cock was wailing in orgasmic delight, the squishing sound of a cock slapping into a very wet pussy, the sound of June pounding his bottom, her hips slamming into his ass cheeks
and above it all the sounds that were issuing forth from “Sub’s” throat.
Had I been on safari in the darkest jungles of Africa those sounds would have me in fear of my life as some wild animal was stalking me for his next meal.
Instead those sounds signaled the upcoming explosion of three souls about to climax in unison.
Moments later, as a one the trio burst.

From the depths of “Sub’s” soul, a yell, loud enough to shatter glass, followed by the woman riding him hyper-ventilating and sobbing with joy and finally June grunting like a Wilda beast as she came upon her dildo.
As the two woman fell away “Sub” hung from his bonds for a moment catching his breath, yet a moments later he stood upright, head up and roared like a lion in defiance.

 The crowd in the room went absolutely wild with their applause, from behind me I overheard someone say “That’s the best damn fucking I’ve seen a long time!”
Even I was impressed, I was sprouting a boner the size of a baseball bat.
The woman undid “Sub’s” bonds and led him over to the couch that was nearby and removed his blindfold and ear plugs.
Poor “Sub”, he had to spend the next five minutes or so on the receiving end of a endless series of kisses from both of the woman.

  After 20 minuets my two sub’s had recovered enough to stand and return to my side along with “LS”.   From Gem I received a million kisses and an endless amount of “Thank you’s”.
 June came over and thanked me for bringing her and her guests such a wonderful gift.

 “Now, while you and your sub’s have only seen a small part of what we offer.
If you please I would like for you all to follow me.” June said.
Walking through the house June stopped at each doorway to show us each room.
In each of the room there was a theme, three of the rooms had mattress’s covering the the floors from wall to wall. 
With the exception of a small table by the door that held bowls of condoms and tubes of lube.
At the first doorway we saw what could only be termed an orgy.
There had to have been ten naked couples writhing upon the mattress’s in various form of copulation.

 On room was decked out as a Dr’s exam room with all the assortment of items you were sure to find in the real thing.
It was the next room that made my party stop and stare open mouthed.
It was a dungeon, it had stone walls that made you think you were in a 15th century castle’s lower levels.
There was an assortment of rough hewn benches with wide leather straps as key spots.
Some held the captive in a kneeling position with their upper torso strapped down and their legs strapped to the legs of the bench.
In one corner stood a pair of tall a St. Andrews cross’s.

It was upon one cross we saw a woman strapped rear outward while her Dom lashed her with a “Cat o’ Nine Tails”.
Her arms and legs held fast to the cross as he stroked her backside, this was not done with violence but with strokes that could only be described as loving.  
While the whip did leave red stripes upon her back and bottom, the blows were never overly hard or harsh and delivered in a measured method.
With each strike the woman moaned out her approval. 
And after every five or ten strokes her Dom came to her side to soothe her and ask if she was OK and wished to continue.

 Next to me “LS” was squirming around and rubbing her pussy.
It was clear to me that she found something in this display that had her turned on.
“Mistress June, would you mind if we entered the room and spent a little time here?” II asked.
“Be my guest, I would love to see any of your subs receive such training. She responded.
 “ “LS”, come with me.” 
As I walked her over to the vacant cross she began to shake with excitement.
Having her step up to the cross I began to adjust the straps for her height and then fastened them to her wrists and legs.
Now she was facing the cross, her back to us.

Letting her stand there while I took Gem and “Sub” over to a pair of benches that allowed me to hold them face down and ass up, I began to attach the straps that bound and held them in position.
The benches kept them kneeling with their legs held by wide leather straps, their arms were held in a
position that held them straight forward and one last strap that held them around the waist and securely to the bench.
From where they were held they could see the cross that “LS” was bound to.

On a table near the cross was an assortment of items to chose from.
My first item I picked was the “cat o’ nine tails”.
If used properly it will allow the sub to feel a small series of stings without leaving any marks or long lasting harm.
At the first use I kept the hit light, just enough for her to feel it’s sting and for me to judge how she would respond to further hits.
I shouldn’t have worried, she took it like a trooper and let a small moan escape her lips.

I took this as signal to slowly raise the intensity, in a series of five strikes, with each set going up to the next level.
After fifteen strikes I put the “Cat” on the table and walked up to “LS” and asked her how she was doing.
“I’m OK.” She responded.
As a reward I reached under her bottom and ran my fingers back and forth across her sex.
As I was doing this I began to speak to “LS”.

” “LS”, up to now every strike was relatively soft, yes they stung a little bit but they were relatively light.
Before I go any further I want you to remember your safe words.
They are as follows, “Yellow” means slow down.
Red means “Stop”, I need a rest, and “Halt” means everything stops, I can’t go any further, at which point I will stop everything and take you down from the cross and offer you safety and comfort. Are you OK with this?”

“Yes” she responded.

Walking back to the table I picked up a riding crop and walked up to “LS”.
The first swing landed squarely across her bottom.
As it landed she let out a small oomph.
The second and third were done at the same level and resulted in the same reaction.
“OK “LS”, I am going to give you ten sets of ten, with each set I will increase the intensity.”
The first two sets were delivered with nothing more than a small series of oomph’s.
The third set was delivered with care, making certain that I never hit the same spot twice in a row.
On the forth and fifth set I switched to a wide leather belt.

I kept waiting for “LS” to give in and use her safe words, however they never came.
As the belt whooshed through the air I saw that she would tense up a bit just prior to the belt landing on her bottom.
Yet she kept her cool and never uttered her safe words.
On the sixth and seventh set I switched to a long thin cane.
On the first hit her knees started to buckle and she slumped a bit.

“ “LS” are you OK, shall I go on?”
From her came a very small “Yes.”
I delivered four more strikes before she said “Halt.”
It was at this point that I stopped everything and took her down from the cross.

I reached under her legs and back and lifting her up I carried her over to a sofa and laid her down and covered her with a blanket I found.
Sitting with her, I cradled her head in my lap and stroked her hair and face, telling her how proud I was of her and how brave and strong she was.
“ “LS”. I want you to rest now, you have earned it.”

 Turning to Gem I asked her if she was OK.
“Yes” she said.
From the table I selected a belt and a medium sized dildo.
Approaching Gem I began to tease her sex with the dildo, running it front to back causing her wetness to spread along her thighs.
As she began to moan, I stepped back and let the belt land upon her bottom.
Three strokes and then I returned to her and teased her by manipulating her clit, more moaning and then I let the belt fly three more times.
Returning to Gem I slowly inserted the dildo half way and played her pussy for a moment more.
Stepping back I delivered three more blows.
This process I repeated a dozen times, each time lingering longer with the pleasure portion of my treatment.
On the twelfth time I took her over the edge, rubbing her pussy and clit with my left hand while spanking her with my right.
Her orgasm was almost as powerful as the one she experienced while hanging from the cuffs.

 Stepping over to the table holding the assortment of toys and tools I knew exactly what I wanted for “Sub”, there was a “Fleshlight” still in it’s box and next to it was a “dildo machine”.
Think of a piston where you could attach any one of a dozen dildos that varied in size.
This in turn was clamped to a stand that allows you to adjust the height and angle.   
Along with a remote that controlled the speed of the device.
I attached one of the smaller dildos and then lubed it up and repeated this with his cock.

 Placing the stand behind “Sub” I adjusted it to the height and speed I desired.
Slowly I inserted the dildo about a quarter of it’s length into “Sub’s” bottom and stepped along side of him and placed his hardened cock into the “Fleshlight”.
As I turned on both machines “Sub’s” face lit up.
I began to adjust the speed and depth control on the dildo machine, first alternating the speed up and then back down and then the depth.
“Sub’s” reaction to this was truly priceless.
He was more than moaning, he was crying with pleasure, his head shaking with sobs of pleasure.
With this two pronged treatment he didn’t last long.

With a sound we had heard prior in the main room he let out his African roar and came for the second time this evening.
As the air left his lungs he slumped forward and lay motionless upon the bench, if you didn’t see his body rise with his breathing you might have worried that that orgasm had killed him.
After a few moments of rest I unstrapped both “Sub” and Gem.
Gem was the first one capable of movement.
Struggling to her feet I reached out and took her by the arm to help her over to the couch where “LS” had been resting.

 “Gem, are you OK, do you need anything?” I asked.
“Yes I’m OK, and the only thing I need is a kiss from you.”
This I delivered with as much passion as I could muster.
Moving over to “Sub” I released him from his bonds and repeated the same process.
Helping him to his feet and walking him over to the couch I set him down and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
The two girls hugged him and each other as they collected themselves.
“I want you to know how proud I am of all three of you.
You acquitted yourselves well, you took what I gave you and held your heads high.
And because of that I am giving you the rest of the night to explore whatever you chose.”

 Gem spoke up saying, “Sir, I can’t speak for everyone but I believe that they will agree that this has been an eye opening experience. I never thought that I would be capable of doing the things that I have done tonight.
You have pushed me to face some of my fears, fears that I didn’t even know I had.
You did not force me, I went willingly and did so only because I knew you would never cause me harm or allow me to come to any harm.
That being said, I am a bit sore and my bottom is throbbing but I don’t think I would have it any other way and I “came” like never before, so all I can say is, THANK YOU.”
At that both “LS” and “Sub” nodded agreement and “high-fived” Gem.
 I stepped out of the room and went in search of June.

Finding her I had to ask her the rules about allowing my “Subs” their freedom in exploring the party without me being present as their Dom.
“Well as a general rule we prefer to have the Master or Dom present and directing their sub’s actions.
However if they comport themselves and act properly we will allow them to explore.”
Returning to the “Dungeon”, I informed the trio that if they wished they may explore the house on their own, without my being present as their Dom.
Their reaction surprised me. 

“Sir, while you were gone we kind of talked among ourselves and while your offer is uncommonly generous and trusting, we would prefer to stay with you.”
That is incredibly touching I thought, the fact that they trusted me and were willing to follow where I might lead them, and conversely myself.  
That line of thought has been with me ever since Sara became “Gem”.
Being a Dom had never really entered my mind.
I often thought of myself as more of a “Sub”.
Some of the most memorable encounters have been when I was treated like a submissive.

 I can only conclude that if you want to create a better Dom you need to start with someone who will understand the “Sub’s” need to be loved, cared for, protected and safe.
And it’s the Dom’s responsibility to ensure nurture his charge(s) grow and find themselves psychologically.
Any Dom who wantonly harms or through omission causes harm to come to his charges, should be taken out and kicked repeatedly in the ass, hard and often.

 “OK”, kids let’s go back to the main room, and see what we may discover.
Entering the main room I spotted a young man sitting at June’s feet.
He was a beautiful boy, eighteen or nineteen, skin as smooth as glass, the look on his face was proof that he was new to all this.
His eyes were trying to take in everything at once, a look of astonishment was locked on his face.
On top of that his cock was as hard as marble and wonderfully proportioned.
His pubes were was shaved smooth, highlighting his body.
I walked over to June and asked her about her sub.   

June introduced him as John however when in service he took the name “Lad”.
He was indeed only eighteen and this was his first time to any such event, and had only been a sub for just a month.
He had come to June’s attention when she was shopping.
On that day she had been feeling frisky and had went out dressed in a black skin tight leather cat-suite.
As she was walking down the aisles she spotted John following her at a distance trying not to look to obvious and doing a poor job of it as most of the time his jaw was on the floor.
Rounding a corner she waited for him to catch up, not knowing she was waiting, let him “run into” her.
When he rounded the corner he actually bumped into her.

She knew what he wanted, the same thing that any young man wants, sex!
After establishing his age she invited him to her home the previous evening where he got a taste of what she was offering, in doing so sealing his fate.

 “Mistress June, would you allow my sub “Sub” and “Lad” to create a show together for the enjoyment of the Masters present?
After just a moments thought June looked down at “Lad” and nodded.
“Yes, I think that is a wonderful idea!” She exclaimed.

Motioning to “Sub” I had him join us.
“Sub, this is “Lad” please take him into the center of the room and make him happy.”
“Lad” turned towards his Dom with an uncertain look.
June asked him what was wrong, why the face?
“Mistress it’s just that I have never… with another boy.
With that “Sub” reached out and very gently cupped “Lad’s” cheek and stroked his face as he looked deeply into his eyes.
You could see “Lad” visibly melt at the first touch from “Sub”. 

As “Sub” led “Lad” towards the center of the room a crowd began to gather in a circle around the two, yet leaving a wide space in which they may play.
Someone had also brought over a small open backed sofa and placed it in the center of the room.




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