The Succubus

Sleep paralysis sucks! You are literally paralysed from head to toe. What happens is while you are dreaming your brain tries to protect you. Instead of moving around and falling down a flight of stairs while you dream of wandering through a forest, your body is pumped with certain chemicals that keep you safe. The whole time you are completely unaware that you can’t move. This wears off before you wake up. Unless you are one of the few who tend to become conscious during the dreaming part of the sleep cycle. You are simultaneously aware that you can’t move or talk or scream, as well as still in a slight dream state. This adds to the fear by throwing hallucinations into the mix. Sometimes voices, sometimes shadowy figures move about. One guy I know always felt like someone was just watching him. I go through this whole description in my head to calm myself down. Right now I can’t move and I hear a voice calling my name. It’s not real and it has happened so many times that I have it down to a science on how to wake up. Not that it is easy mind you. My girlfriend just lies next to me completely unaware that I’m freaking out and putting all my concentration on just moving a finger. It moves so slow at first and it takes sooo much effort. Once you get it moving then everything snaps back. That’s what I’m waiting for now. Here it comes!

“What the fuck!” My girlfriend screams as my whole body jerks forward. I’m sitting up panting as I finally get to move. It’s only a few minutes but you feel so helpless that every minute might as well be a century.

“It happened again I’m sorry babe” I tell her as I climb out of bed. If I don’t move around then most likely I’ll just fall right back to where I was. “Go back to sleep I’m just going to walk around a bit.” She is used to this and had no trouble falling back asleep. I have to wake up a bit before going back to sleep so I don’t just end up paralysed again. I’m so tired but I have to move. I’m going to be exhausted tomorrow. 

This happens about 3 or 4 times a month. Some people it only happens if they have caffeine too close to bed. I cut out all caffeine and still suffer. Pretty much of someone said something triggered them I cut it out completely and see if it helps. For me it never does. 

I make it through the day and I’m so exhausted that I collapse in bed. I shouldn’t take a nap, every time I just nap it happens but I’m just too tired and my girlfriend won’t be home from work for an hour so I pull the curtains closed and I set an alarm extremely loud for 30 minutes. I’m out like a light.

Just like I said it happens again. I’m awake and can’t move. I look down and I see two glowing red slits floating in the air. Looks like a visual hallucination today. From the slits pure dark, like a void, starts to spread outward. It flows forming a silhouette in the air. The floating shadow begins to take shape and I can see it form a head and shoulders the slits were the eyes should be. They were like a cat’s pupils bit faintly glowing a dark red. I don’t know how it can glow dark but it is the only way to describe this. The head started to rise and the rest of the outline of a woman can be seen. Once the shadow was fully formed it began to protrude. No longer a flat 2 dimensional shadow, a nose was forming and sticking out. It was like she was inflating and taking shape. Her arms appeared and she placed them in either side of my feet. As the rest of her formed she started to crawl up me in a feline manor. Her cat like moves mad no sound as she moved up my body. She was wearing a fishnet body stocking and nothing else. When her face was up to mine I could see her eyes change from cats eyes to emerald green human eyes but a faint glow was still hidden behind them. This was so vivid I could feel her weight on me, her breath on my neck as she purred in my ear. The low rumble sent shivers through me. She smiled and I could see two of her teeth were slightly elongated and pointy. Not as long as vampire fangs but definitely not normal canines either. She just sort of licked and pawed at my face like a cat would then she moved back down my body. When she reached my pants she pulled out my cock and looked at it in amazement. She brought her mouth right next to it and …


My alarm woke me and the sudden adrenaline kicked me out of paralysis. The sexy cat lady had vanished but my fly was down and my still hard cock was sticking straight out. I told myself I must have forgotten to zip up and no one at work noticed or bothered to tell me. Thank God I set the alarm or my girlfriend might have seen that and thought I was pleasuring myself. I shook off the feeling and took a shower to calm down and wake up a bit.

My girlfriend came home and I told her about the zipper being down and I didn’t know how long. We had a laugh then did our usual routine of dinner TV and bed. I was still very tired and needed sleep. Once again the same figure appeared as before. I couldn’t believe this. Three episodes in a row two were the same. This was unprecedented. Her feline prowl up the bed was so sexy I could feel my cock bulge in my PJs. She made sure to rub her body against it. I have never felt a waking dream before but then again the shadows that moved around never touched me. She sniffed around my face and purred pleasantly in my ear again. The went back to where she had left off during the nap. She slipped my cock out of my PJs and I felt the cool air blow on it. She delicately licked the sides of the shaft and kissed the tip. She slowly, excruciatingly slowly, lowered her mouth down my cock. Her tongue wiggled all over as she drew me in. It felt better than any blowjob my girlfriend ever gave and my body felt on fire. Her mouth never left my cock but I heard her sweet sultry voice. “Does this feel good” her voice echoed in my head. Just as I was starting to believe this might be real, hearing voices in my head snapped me back to believing it’s more hallucination. Nevertheless I tried to respond. I’m still paralysed and no sound came out. “Don’t speak just think and I’ll know my darling.” Her words flowed into my mind.

“It’s amazing” is all I could manage to think to her. 

“I’m glad you like it but this is all you can get for now. You are not quite ready for more.” She stopped, put my cock back in my PJs, and faded away. I shot up now able to move and scared my girlfriend again. 

“Jesus Christ you scared the shit out of me again! Two nights in a row,? That’s never happened before. I hope it’s not a new pattern.” She said to me she seemed wide awake now. 

“Sorry, it was a very vivid dream along with it too,” I replied. I had a wave of guilt wash over me as I recalled the dream. I said it was amazing instead of saying to get off me. It’s just a dream, so it’s not like I cheated or anything. It’s like that time my girlfriend dreamt I had actually cheated and just couldn’t speak to me all day. She knew it wasn’t real but the feelings at the time were very real to her. I rolled over to kiss her good night and she noticed my hard cock propping up my PJs.

“Whoa that must have been some dream. You can’t go back to sleep now anyway and I’m wide awake, how about…” She trailed off and gave me her sexy bedroom eyes. I was definitely in need of release after my imaginary cat lady revved my engine. I’m not even a cat person so I have no clue where in my mind she came from. We had sex but I felt like I was having trouble finishing. My girlfriend finished twice before I came and when I did it was on the weaker side. It must have been all the lack of sleep. My girlfriend was satisfied and passed right back out. I rolled over and tried to sleep.

The rest of the week went by normally. No new visits from sexy cat girl. Friday came and that night I just wanted to get to bed but my girlfriend had other plans. She jumped on top of me and was trying to get me in the mood. I normally love when she is playful like this but I was just too tired. I pulled myself together and we did the deed. Again things just were not feeling the same as they used to. My girlfriend was liking how long I was lasting and didn’t notice too much that I wasn’t into it this go around.

Saturday night was a totally different story. I got another visit from my sexy cat girl. I was yet again paralysed as she nibbled my ear. I definitely felt in the mood now as she nibbled and purred. It rumbled all down my body and  I was eager to feel her expert mouth on my cock. She ran her hand down towards my cock as she kissed and licked my neck. She didn’t suck my cock this time. She stroked me getting me right on the edge. It was torture! I was trying to buck into her hand but I couldn’t move. I just wanted to cum but it was like my cock was paralysed too. I heard her voice in my head again. “I think you are ready tonight my pet. Do you want me to take your cum from you?” Her voice rang pleasantly in my mind.

“Yes! Please yes make me cum!” I thought to her.

“There is a price of course, nothing much and you would hardly miss it” she replied in my head.

“Just tell me and I’ll pay it” I didn’t have any guilt at all. Just like her other visit, in the moment I felt only the pleasure she was providing me and couldn’t think of anything else.

“So eager my darling aren’t you” she moved down and began to suck my cock. “But you must know the price before you can say ‘yes'” she was moving her head faster but I just couldn’t cum. It was like she could suppress that last part of what my body needs to finish. My cock was throbbing in pain from lack of release. “All I require is a small piece of your soul. Not the whole soul just a thread and you will have the best orgasm of your life.”

It may just be a dream but I still didn’t feel right giving up my any bit of my soul. I hesitated a bit before telling her I couldn’t make that deal.

“So be it if you change you mind I’ll know.” I thought she was going to stop and disappear but she just kept going. It was maddening.

“Please if I can’t cum please stop!” I pleaded to her in my mind.

“That’s not how this works my pet. Your soul is yours to give or keep but your body is mine to take as I please. I love listening to your racing thoughts. ‘Oh it feels so good! Oh why can’t I cum! No I can’t give away my soul!’ It makes this more fun for me” she mocked me as she relentlessly sucked my cock. I plead and begged bit she stopped responding and just kept at it. I tried to move my finger to wake up but her voice would boom in my head. “NONE OF THAT NOW MY PET” and I would lose all concentration. All night she sucked and lapped up my precum. My alarm went off and she vanished as jumped out of bed.

“FINALLY IT’S OVER!” I exclaimed as my girlfriend was yet again startled.

“What’s over? What’s wrong?”

“Oh sorry baby I was just stuck and couldn’t get out of it this time. I was paralysed all night.”

“Oh god that must have been terrible! You couldn’t do your finger thing to get moving?”

“She wouldn’t let me”

“What? She who?”

“Oh nothing it was just a nightmare” I got up to get dressed and my cock was out of my PJs and hard as a pole. I was embarrassed but my girlfriend didn’t notice. How the hell did it get out? I told myself that the erection must have just pushed its way out somehow. I got up and got ready for work but I was so tired it felt like I hadn’t slept at all. 

That night it happened again. I couldn’t move and the cat girl appeared. No talking this time she just went to work. If I could I would have cried. No amount of begging would away her. Half way through the night she finally spoke to my mind “You know how to stop this and then you never have to see me again if you don’t want to. Just a small part of your soul and I will o my come to you if you call to me.” 

Many thoughts rushed through my mind and she could hear them all. I simultaneously called her things I would never in a million years call a woman as well as begged her to stop, and also thought about just saying yes and giving in. I didn’t give her a yes but it was hard to say no. She did horribly wonderful things to my cock with her tongue. She gently licked and sucked on my balls as I cursed at her. She just laughed it off and teased me more. My alarm didn’t come soon enough. 

I needed to sleep but the next night I stayed up. My girlfriend was concerned but I told her the dreams were just too scary and I needed a break from them. I told her it was just one night and I’ll get some sleep the next day.  This went on for two weeks. I would try and stay awake but eventually I would just pass out and there she would be ready to torture me. I called out one day and passed out on the couch. I didn’t set an alarm and the cat girl had me for 3 hours. She pressed her clit up to my lips  saying “I bet you wish you could move so you can lick this all up” her pussy was dripping into my mouth and it tasted so good. As great as it felt it was still torture. My girlfriend came home and the door shutting woke me up. My cock was out so I ran to the bathroom before she could see it. I could still smell and taste the sweet wetness on my lips. I really couldn’t deny it anymore. This was real. Some feline succubus was after my soul and would not stop until she had it. Night after night I was either tortured or forced myself to stay awake. This went on for weeks. Who could I go to for help? Who would even believe me?

I planned to finally give in. That night after weeks of torment I was going to give up a piece of my soul so I could finally be free of the cat girl. I went to bed nervous about what I am about to agree too but I was still able to pass out the moment my eyes shut. Without skipping a beat, I froze and she appeared.

“Wait! Before you torture me again I have to ask you, If I give you a piece of my soul will you truly never bother me unless I call for you?”

She didn’t wait she began sucking my cock into her mouth and sent her voice into my mind. “If you give me a piece of your soul I’ll only come to you if you call my name.”

“Ok take a piece of my soul and leave me alone” 

“As you wish my pet” she replied as she moved up and straddled me. She lifted my hand, separated my index finger, then pierced the tip with her sharp tooth. A drop of blood formed and she guided my finger in her mouth. She suckled the blood from it and I felt a tingle all down my arm. She lowered herself into my cock and I felt her pussy swallow me. It was unnatural the way the walls of her vagina pulsed like they were pulling me in and milking my cock. It was like nothing I had ever felt before. She rocked her hips and sucked on my finger. Wave after wave of pleasure surged through me. She looked like she was getting drunk from my blood. She was moving faster and faster, purring and moaning. I started to cum! Finally I would get some release. She let go of my finger and her pussy kept milking me. I was still cumming. It was one long orgasm. She was twitching in ecstasy. Her moans were only in my head but they sounded like they were coming from all directions. I felt my cock pulse the cum in a steady stream as her pussy drank it up. She was absorbing it and it was making her feel more pleasure than she was giving me. She didn’t stop and kept draining me until the morning. My alarm went off and just before she vanished I heard her voice “Ardat Lili” and she was gone. That must have been her name.

The next day I felt like I was drugged. I was just sort of spacing out, nothing seemed to taste right, I didn’t really feel like doing anything. I made it through work and took a nap when I went home. No visit from cat girl, no dreams at all, just rest. When my girlfriend came home she woke me up.

“No problems this time babe? Did you sleep well?” She asked as I got up.

“No I slept good this time. Just out like a light.” I sat up straight on the couch. She came over and sat on my lap facing me. She kissed me and said “Good now that you got some rest it’s time you got some lovin'” she smiled as she undid my shirt. She kissed my chest and my neck. I felt nothing. My heart should be racing, my skin should be warming up, and most of all she should have started feeling a poke by now! She moved down and unzipped my pants. I could see the look of disappointment on her face but she pulled out my soft cock and tried to massage and lick and suck it to life. Nothing at all. She looked so upset.

“The doctor put me on a new medication to help with sleep. He said this might be a side effect” I loved to her. I didn’t even feel bad about it. I was worried more about not feeling bad about lying than the lie itself. “But that doesn’t mean my tongue doesn’t work” I told her as is swept her up and put her on the couch. I know she likes it when I toss her around. She is much smaller than me so it doesn’t take much effort. I kissed her and undressed her now. I moved my lips down to her neck and could feel her pulse quicken. Her chest heaved as she drew breath and I licked and gently bite her nipples. I was starting to enjoy this a little but still not as much as I normally would. I removed her skirt and her panties. She was already so wet she started to soak through them. I tasted her and she squeezed her thighs around my head. I lapped at her clit and slowly slide a finger inside her. She moaned but it was muffled by her thighs. It was nice to hear moaning that wasn’t in my head. As she got close I slowed down. This was the only thing I had all day that made me even slightly happy and I wanted it to last. She begged me to let her cum but I took my time.

“Oh god please! Please let me cum!” She screamed. And I sped up. She bucked and moaned and panted. She was too sensitive and begged me to stop. I kept going just a little more then relented. Out of breath she said “Oh WOW! I … ah .. ” she couldn’t get the words out. I just told her to catch her breath and I’ll get dinner started. After a few minutes she pulled herself together and took a shower. I had dinner ready by the time she was done and we ate, again I felt it tasted off but she said it was delicious. I slept through the night and the next day I felt rested but still just kind of zoned out. I felt like there was this emptiness in me and nothing could fill it. Every day I searched for something that made me not just zone out but nothing even sparked a hint of pleasure except for going down on my girlfriend. I felt hornier than ever bit the plumbing still wasn’t working. I found every excuse to could to go down on her. She was living it but was still upset she couldn’t do anything for me. I tried medications, creams, even some sketchy Chinese herbs. Nothing. This went on for about two months and I felt like I just need some release.

My girlfriend was passed out after I gave her another massive orgasm. I pulled the covers off of me and whispered “Adrat Lili” she appeared. Again she just started in the same manner and purred into my ear. I was hard again! She kissed my neck and moved her way down to my cock and began to tease me again. I didn’t ask anything yet as I just enjoyed feeling something at all in my cock. After a few minutes her voice pleasantly rang in my mind “Am I here to just tease you once again or am I getting another piece of your sweet soul my pet?” 

I told her in my mind “I want both, I need to feel something and the torture feels better than the emptiness I was left with. Tease me as long as you like then take a piece of my soul and make me cum like only you can!”

She looked very surprised by my answer. She started sucking harder and faster. She slid a finger into my ass and pressed up forcing more precum out of my cock as she lapped up every drop. I wanted to cum but I didn’t want it to end. She was eager to take another chunk of my soul and climbed on top of me. Again she pricked my finger with her tooth and delicately drew it into her mouth. My cock was pulled into her and I felt the walls of her pussy massage me. I wanted to just stay like this forever. It was better than I remembered and I already felt my cock pulsing cum into her. She was euphoric as she sucked my cum into her pussy and as she sucked my blood into her mouth. The tingle in my arm was like lightning shooting through me. It was not humanly possible to maintain a steady stream of cum. We were both experiencing one continuous orgasm that would not end until my alarm went off. I never felt more joy and happiness than when she was sucking my soul out of me. When she disappeared I was left feeling even emptier and severely depressed. 

Things had gotten worse. Not even a shred of joy could be had from pleasuring my girlfriend. I had to make myself eat because everything was awful. Music all sounded like dragging shards of glass across a chalkboard. I was miserable. Days just blurred together and only two weeks went by before I summoned Adrat Lili. When she was close to me I felt whole again. I didn’t care what it was costing me or that when she was gone everything would be worse than before. I begged her to take another piece of my soul. Every day I could only think of giving more of myself to her and every week I have it to her. I hadn’t even noticed my girlfriend stopped coming home. Her stuff was all gone, I stopped going to work, bills kept piling up. I have no clue how many times I gave away parts of me. 50, 100, I don’t know. Everything is a jumbled up mess except for her. I summoned her again. She came up to my ear to purr and sniff as she had done countless times but stopped. I heard her in my mind. “You have nothing left to give my pet. You have squandered it all. I must go you will never see me again.”

“NO! WAIT! PLEASE! There must be something I can do or give you. Anything you want please just take it!”

“The only thing a mortal has to give a being such as myself is his soul my pet. You didn’t give yourself enough time to regenerate before asking me to rip another piece off.” She replied.

“A soul can grow back! I would have eventually gotten better if I had just waited longer the first time?” I asked.

“Well of course my pet. People give away a part of their soul all the time. Granted much smaller parts than what I took but they recover. When a person falls in love they give a piece away and it is replaced by a piece of the one who loves them back. Sometimes it’s only one way but that person can still regenerate the lost bit of soul with time. When a man and a woman have a baby each mixes a part of themselves and a new soul is created and grows. The mother and father regrow what is lost and no harm comes of it.”

“Will my soul regrow?”

“A soul can only grow in its vessel. I have consumed and absorbed all but the last piece of you soul. This piece cannot grow outside of you. Your soul has a rare and unique, shall we say, flavor to it. What was your soul is now a part of me which is why you crave to be with me. The part you had wanted to be with the parts that are now in me. This last piece I am saving for a special occasion.”

“What can I do to get this last part back? I will do anything”

“Very well my pet. Once again you are willing to make deals despite the consequences. Are you willing to give up your mortality? You will live forever as a slave to me. You will obey me. Not just choose to do what I say mind you, bit if I give a command you will carry it out no matter how hard you try not to. You will be bound to me. In return I will give you the last piece of your soul. You will be allowed to regrow enough for me to harvest it. You will be drained of this portion and never made whole again.”

I didn’t even think of saying no. No soul makes you not give a damn about the consequences. I just needed something to fill this void. “Yes I agree to it all!”

She pricked her finger and smeared the blood on her pussy. She straddled my face and I was able to move again. I grabbed her hips and pulled her up to my mouth. I licked her blood and her sweet juices. I could feel a rush flow into my mouth. She turned around and moved so she could suck my cock. She made me cum over and over. Not the constant stream of one continuous orgasm but just one orgasm after the other. Her juices filled my up and I could feel the warmth of that last little piece of my soul come back into me. As it did I realized what I was agreeing to. It was too late. When she was done we were somewhere else. It looked like a medieval bedchamber. The walls were stone and it was cold. Thoughts rushed through my head. There is no escape. The only pleasure I will ever know is having my soul eaten over and over again until the end of time.

“Now my pet go make yourself useful and feed my other pets” she commanded. I just started to go. I tried to speak but nothing came out. I tried to stop moving but I was not in control. It was almost like being paralysed but the opposite end of the spectrum. “When your done I have several other tasks for you to do” her voice was no longer in my head, she spoke out loud. What have I done…


1 comment

  1. Searingly hot supernatural tale! Loved it. The succubus and narrator are solid characters and really drive this story forward in a steamy fashion. Thanks for a high quality erotic reading. ?

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