Confession (the first 3 chapters)

Dear reader, I apologize for the format, but this is how it ported over from Notes on my iPhone. Please enjoy and I would LOVE some feedback! Thanks in advance.


To whom it may concern,

Weird way to start a confession letter, I know, right? This is one thing I have to get off of my chest on the eve of my wedding night. I’m marrying a wonderful man but this “thing” is really getting to me. I mean, I didn’t even know David at the time, but even though I’m not ashamed of the events that took place, I’ve never had the nerve to tell him.

It was my sophomore year of college and I was barely 20 years old. Christmas break was fast approaching and my parents were in the midst of a pretty tempestuous divorce. I was adept at making excuses to avoid going home just to avoid the drama and I refused to take sides. This fact strained my relationships with my father and mother, but I was dead set on not doing it.
My friend Cassie told me about a website that catered to people looking for house sitters and she said they paid pretty well, so I jumped in with both feet looking for someplace to spend my Christmas. I was actually looking forward to it since school was getting to me and I didn’t feel comfortable going home. I applied to a few local homes and, for shits and giggles, I wrote a nice cover letter to a home in Miami Beach, Florida.
Much to my surprise it was only a few hours later that I received an email from a woman named Kitty, yes Kitty. Kitty wanted to talk on the phone so her and I set up a time later that day to talk. I emailed my cell number. I spent the day in a dazed way thinking about a nice relaxing three weeks in beautiful sunny Miami. I didn’t know much about Miami Beach so I did some research and found out it was a wealthy area and that bit of information made my head swim with the possibilities. I made it through the next few hours and the time came. I kept thinking about her name and decided that Kitty was a wealthy much older grandmother type who was flying with her husband to Paris or Rome or Monaco using the holiday as an excuse to jetset around the world.
My cellphone chirped and I saw the 786 area code. I took a deep breath and tapped the screen. “Hello.” I said with some trepidation. What I heard in the earpiece set my mind at ease instantly.
“Hi Amanda, it’s Kitty.” Her thick Australian accent floated toward my eardrum. The sweet sound of her voice portrayed a much younger version than I was expecting.
“Hello Kitty, it’s so nice to talk to you. You can call me Mandy.” I said in my best wholesome midwestern voice.
We spent the next hour talking, her sultry voice could sooth the anger of the most vicious animal. She pretty much hired me in the spot. She told me that her husband, Eric, would be on a business trip, he was a movie producer, and that she was heading to Australia to visit her family for the Christmas holiday. She informed me that a ticket would be ready at John Glenn airport and someone would be at Miami International to pick me up and drive me to their home. The last thing she said was, “ be sure to grab your bikini, the weather is a dream here.” Although she called it a cozzie, I had to google it.

Chapter 2
I stepped of the airplane in Miami and I thought I had landed in heaven. It was 78 degrees and suddenly my sweater and jeans seemed a bit much. I immediately made my way to the ladies room and peeled the heavy garment off and stuffed it in my carryon. The light tank top made much more sense and I was glad that I had thought ahead. I didn’t usually wear something this revealing, but I was in Miami and I didn’t want to stand out like a sore thumb. It’s odd, but just being in Miami made me feel sexier. I could feel my nipples getting hard and it made me feel a little self conscious. I checked my makeup in the mirror, fluffed my brown hair and and headed out the bathroom door on to my newest adventure.

As I exited I threw my bag strap over my shoulder and tried to exhibit an air of confidence. I rounded the corner and suddenly a man, not much older than me bumped into me forcing my bag to the ground and my hand to my chest. It didn’t hurt as much as it startled me. I rubbed my breast and couldn’t help but notice that my nipple was protruding way more than I expected.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry.” The man said as he kneeled down to pick up my bag. His eyes suddenly were on me. He gazed the length of me as he slowly stood up. My confidence waned. His eyes met mine and I saw something that I couldn’t totally grasp. “Wow.” He mumbled.
I had always considered myself a “plain Jane”, but the look in his eyes made me feel awkward but sexy at the same time. I was a size four, at five foot six. My B-cups always seemed larger on my slight frame, but I learned early to cover up in layers to keep my distance with boys. I was considered studious in high school, but was part of the in crowd. I dated, like most girls, but never had a super serious relationship.
“Excuse me?” I inquired.
“Figures.” He retorted.
“I’m sorry?” I said confused.
“Well, it figures I’d be leaving town when the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen is just coming into town.” He said, disgusted.
I blushed so hard my face burned hot.
“Aww, that’s sweet.” I said after a moment.
He reached out, grabbed my hand and raised it to his lips. He kissed the back of it ever so lightly.
“That’s just about my luck.”
He said as he let go of my hand and reached into his back pocket, pulled out his wallet and fumbled with something and handed it to me.
“If you’re still here in three days, call this number, I’d love to take you out.” He said very quickly. He gave me a wink, turned and ran away.
Well, that was weird. I thought to myself. He was relatively handsome and as he ran away I noticed he had a pretty nice ass. Maybe this trip wouldn’t be too bad.
I gathered my things and headed to baggage claim.

Chapter 3

I stepped out of the Lincoln Towncar limousine that picked me up. Yeah, I was surprised too. The driver, Luz, a short, squat Hispanic woman had opened my door and was now retrieving my bag from the trunk. She was sweet and she seemed to be very happy as she was smiling big the whole time. The house was a sight to behold. The architecture was amazing with many high peaks with obtuse angles and what seemed to be nine foot high glass windows all around. It was evening and many lights inside illuminated it.
Luz carries my bag to the front door and indicated for me to follow. The front door was tall and seemed heavy. Luz pushed a button on an intercom and spoke into it in a heavy accent. “Mees Keety, we are back froom the air-o-port. I have Mees Mandy.”
After a few seconds Kitty’s voice emanated from the wall. “Thank you Luz. Mandy, come on in, I’m up the stairs to the right, first room on the left. Come up here and see me.” The door buzzed and Luz opened the door for me. I grabbed my bag and stepped inside. Luz closed the door behind me, staying outside and heading back to the car.
The house was spectacular. A large staircase accentuated a large entrance room. The intricate handrail looked the stairs and the open hallway went left or right. I left my bag and headed up the stairs the long hallway was lined with artwork, artwork that I had never seen before, I’m sure by artists I had never heard of. As I made my way down the hall I noticed that a pair of French doors on the left were left slightly ajar. I tapped gently on the glass in the door. No answer. I rapped a little harder with the knuckles of my pointer and middle fingers. Still nothing. I gently opened the door and it was then that I heard the running water.
