Not that kind of girl [MF] [Mdom]

So it’s my first time writing anything like this and I would really appreciate some feedback! What worked, what didn’t? Should I continue the story?

**Not that kind of girl**

Nervously I glance down at my phone, and check the time again. It’s only been a minute since I last checked. Dammit. Right, I won’t check the time again until I’ve finished my wine. Or he arrives.

I take another sip of the wine, hoping that it will calm my nerves, but I can’t stop myself from scanning the bar again, looking at the door for the hundredth time. I pick up my phone to check for messages, there are none, and unconsciously open Reddit and check my messages there too. Cause of course that’s why I’m here. Why I’m sitting in bar dressed more provocatively than I have ever dressed in my life. My dress is a little too low cut for a women with breasts the size of mine. And definitely a little too short, even if I do have the legs for it. Usually I dress to cover up my figure, but not tonight, because tonight I’m dressed for him.

I check my phone again, and start reading that last message from him again. The one where I promise I won’t touch myself all week. Fuck I’m so wound up…

I’m sat here waiting because he wrote that post on r/dirtypenpals about wanting to chat about spanking, but to someone who had never been spanked before. And despite lurking on that subreddit for months without ever replying, I responded. It was something in the way he wrote the post, it was just so commanding. So I replied, but I was so nervous, because I don’t do this, I’m not the kind of women that reads erotica, or watches porn. Or fantasises about being spanked while touching herself. Right.

So I replied to the post, so nervous that my hands were shaking, and let’s be honest here, so turned on already that my panties were getting damp.

And that’s how this started, me confessing that I wanted to be spanked, led to me confessing all my deepest desires. He got everything out of me, the good girl who never did anything crazy confessed all her dirty little secrets to a man she’d never met. I told him that I wanted a man to stand over me, rubbing the head of his cock on my tongue while he tells me exactly how to suck him. That I wanted a man to push me onto the bed pin my arms behind my back and just fuck me hard.

We talked for hours, and he always said the right thing to get me wet. Firm and dominant, without ever being degrading. Always pushing me to confess more, to do more. I touched myself the way he told me too, I begged the way he wanted me to. And then when I got desperate, when he got me really twisted up, I would call him sir and say anything he wanted me to. I begged for his cock, in my mouth, in my pussy…anywhere he wanted.

But none of that was real, it was just online, I would never actually do those things, never actually meet a man who would take control and make me beg for all these dirty things.

I look up from my phone with a start, and there he was, standing over me, looking at down at me with a smirk on his beautiful face.

“That’s flattering, I’ve just got here and you’re already wet for me.”

“I…I don’t, I’m not…”

He laughs, “you haven’t forgotten my rules about lying have you, no, I didn’t think so. Let me get a drink and then we can properly say hello.”

And with that he’s gone, off to the bar and I’m sat at the table just shaking. I can’t believe this is actually real. I didn’t really believe that he would turn up, or that I would. Suddenly the nerves hit me like a wall. What am I doing? How crazy this all is. What was I thinking!

I glance at the bar, and he’s leaning against it, watching me, oh god. He’s so…relaxed. I expected the confidence, that was clear the first time we spoke, but this relaxed composure was making me even more nervous.

I quickly look down, the eye contact is too much, I turn to look round the bar, find a distraction, but he is suddenly back at my side, drink in hand, guiding me out of my seat “let’s move to that table there, it’s a little more private, less chance of being heard”.

As we sit down at our new table I resolve to get my shit together, I’ve barely said two words so far and I’m sure I’m not coming across well. “So how was your jour…”

He smirks at me again, lean over and presses his lips to mine, and now there is no chance of me getting my shit together. His lips are soft against mine, his hand gently cupping the back of my head.

He moves slightly back, and grins again “loving this dress by the way.” And suddenly it’s a little easier to breathe, and the conversation just flows. We talk about our lives for a little, about work and just when I’m starting to actually relax he leans forward again “So now that we’ve properly said hello, let’s get back to earlier.”

“Earlier?” I reply, “ what do you mean earlier?”

He’s smirking again and looking at me with laughter in his eyes. “Earlier, when I arrived and you were squirming around in your seat. When you lied to me about being wet. Are you going to admit it now?”

“I…I wasn’t squirming around in my seat, I can’t believe…I wasn’t.” I’m babbling again but I can’t help it, I’m mortified. I’m sure my cheeks are turning bright red from embarrassment.

His hand is suddenly on my leg above the knee, squeezing gently, “now you’ve got two choices here. One, you can admit that you are wet because you can’t stop thinking about all the things I’m going to make you do. Or two, you can keep that pretty little mouth shut, for now, and I can find out for myself just how wet you are.”

I gasp at his words, I couldn’t believe he is asking me to talk that way here. Out in public, hell, even out loud in front of him.

“I’ll take that silence as your decision then” he is laughing again. Before I can react he pushes my legs open under the table, and runs his up my leg. Instinctively I grab it to stop him, but again he smirks at me, and pushes his hand higher.

I start desperately looking around, we are in a quiet corner of the bar, but it’s not like the place is empty, surely someone will notice, we can’t do this here.

But he has other ideas, and as his fingers reach my panties I gasp, and look up. “Well look at that, these panties are already wet. What have you been thinking about?” I look at him helplessly, not sure if I can even speak I’m so overwhelmed.

“Have you been thinking about my fingers in your pussy”, he asks as he slides them under my underwear and begins to part my pussy lips.

“Have you?” he asks, a little more forcefully. I try to look away, but he grabs my hair and pull my head back so that I have to look him in the eye.

He yanks my hair a little harder as his fingers start to slide up and down my pussy, just playing in the wetness leaking out of me. “Let’s see exactly how wet you are shall we?” he asks as he finally pushes into me.

I moan loudly, and he quickly covers my mouth with his to muffle the sound. And he don’t stop, he starts to pump his fingers in and out of my pussy, whispering in my ear, always with that smirk on his face. “God you are fucking soaking wet for me aren’t you. You are covering my fingers with your juices you dirty girl. Oh yes, squeeze that tight pussy around my fingers.” I’m horrified at his words, at what we are doing in this bar, but I’m also so turned on, how can I be so turned on by this?

“Such a fucking tight, hot, wet pussy. I can’t wait to fuck you properly. In fact, it’s time for somewhere a little more private”, he suddenly removes his fingers, leaving me empty and trying desperately to control my breathing.

He takes my hand and before I can catch my breath he is hailing a cab. Ans as the cab slows to stop in front of us he pulls me in tight against him and whispers “I haven’t forgotten that you lied to me earlier. And we both know how you’re going to be punished for that.”

To be continued…(maybe)


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