Story Time 1

(This is my first story on reddit. Its a short attempt to make something fun. I hope you enjoy.)

Tonight was suppose to be a special treat. She didn’t tell me what we were doing, just that it would be fun and it would be with her friend. I was wearing a simple dress when she knocked on my door. A brief kiss later, she was in my apartment, the door closed as she handed me a black shopping bag.

“You are to wear these all night.” I took the bag with a smile and went to look inside. “No. Don’t look until your current panties are off.”

My head dipped and eyes closed. “Yes, Mistress.” I set the bag on the end table and lifted my dress enough to slide off the lacy thong. I placed the light cloth into the open hand and reached into the bag. There was a simple butterfly with a lot of straps. I think my eyes went wide as I heard her laughter.

“Lift up your dress and let’s get it on.” The hem of my dress quickly is lifted over my waist as she places the butterfly right on my clit. Her finger slips inside for a moment but instead of teasing, she seem to be just aligning it perfectly. She tugs and shifts the straps until it clearly will not move. “Dress down. Take a few steps to make sure it’s going to stay put.”

I turn and walk towards my bedroom. As my left foot nears the floor, I almost fall over as the butterfly jumps to life and I feel its power through my entire body. I hold onto the wall as the vibrations increase more and more. Suddenly they stop and I look back at a big smile. “You know I will let you know when you can cum. Now, its time for dinner. Jody is waiting for us at the restaurant.”



  1. The walk to the restaurant was a excruciating. Five times she turned her new toy on. Each time, she showed me a new setting. Evidently she was hiding the remote well enough I couldn’t see it but she could choose what the stupid thing would do to me. When she tried the pulse setting I almost came. She shoved me against the wall around the corner from the door and kissed me. Oh god, that kiss. If her fingers had touched any of my flesh, I would have exploded. It couldn’t have been more than ten minutes with this torture and she already had me turned into a mess.

    “Now, you can’t let on to Jody what is going on. You have to act like usual through dinner and maybe you will earn a reward. Remember, no finishing until I say so.” She stepped back and bopped my nose. I am in so much trouble.

    I walked into the establishment a step behind Mistress. It felt like everyone was watching me. Everyone knows what Mistress has inside my dress. She holds my chair, just like normal and I sit politely and turn to the gorgeous red hair before me. “Good evening Jody. It’s been too long since we went out.”

    “Oh I know! We really need to get together more often. Sarah invited me to join you here and I jumped at the opportunity.”

    Mistress laughed but I felt what else she did. I don’t know how the whole restaurant didn’t turn and stare as the butterfly went nuts on the chair. My weight pushed it into the seat but I was sitting up and the vibrations were stronger than ever before. I saw Mistress speaking and Jody’s lips were moving but I couldn’t make it out. This is going to be a very long evening.

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