Your husband, the king, surrenders as you look on… [Mdom] [oral]

*This is just a little scene that’s been running through my head…curious as to what others might think of it…*


Your kingdom’s surrender is unconditional. You are both bowing down before me.

The war was over in a matter of weeks. My forces swarmed the coast and overwhelmed your kingdom’s armies; my superior technology besieged cities and peasants in the countryside begged for mercy. For centuries, you were a proud people; an independent regional power with strong soldiers and admired culture. Now, you will be a vassal state to a faraway empire that you had not even known existed mere months ago.

So you and your husband bow down to me, a position you had previously thought reserved for the idols of the Gods. You’ve traveled a great distance, across seas, to come to my vast palace and supplicate yourself before me in person.

As you bow down, I am seated in a sumptuous chair. Two women are kneeling, sucking my cock; two more are lounging on the arms of my chair, their bodes available to me, whispering in my ears. They are all members of my enormous harem. I am naked, as are the four of them.

“I will allow your armies to serve alongside the Sacred Order of Arms, if they take an oath of loyalty to me,” I say to your husband. I’m not even looking at him. My voice is low, enigmatic, commanding. It is is the voice of someone who takes it as a given that he will be obeyed.

“Thank you, your supremacy,” your husband says. Before agreeing to meet, I demanded that your husband must thank me for the terms of surrender.

“You will pay me tribute,” I add, still not looking at your husband. “It will consist of sixty million gold tracens per year, plus an equivalent amount in grain, silver, treasure, or labor.” I pause, and moan in pleasure. “You will accept the prerogatives of the Sacred Orders on your territory, and your people will worship me, as they should.” I pause again, and moan. “I will also take your crown jewels, the idols of the temple of Argonoc, and all output from the kingdom’s mines will be turned over to me.”

Your husband’s face turned white. This was more than tribute. This was robbery. “Thank you, your supremacy,” your husband says. “I humbly request permission to respond, your supremacy. Thank you, your supremacy.”

Battles were fought over this, literally. Your husband had first sued for peace and asked that we meet as equals, but I spurned his offer and decimated you even further. Nobody meets me as an equal.

“Granted,” I reply.

“Thank you, Your Supremacy,” your husband says. “You exist to dominate, and all else exists to submit. We may not have the funds in our treasury to cover that payment at the moment. I thought perhaps…” – your husband paused, and gulped – “…we might negotiate the terms somewhat. Not…um…not the amount. Just the terms. Thank you, your supremacy.”

I do not respond. For several minutes, I sit there being pleasured. You hear one of my women choke on my cock, but it does not seem to faze me, and she hardly moves. I run my hands across another’s breasts for a few moments.

More minutes pass, the only noise being the odd gag. Your husband looks panicked, unsure of what to do, ill with nerves. You can see his arms and hands shaking. Yet, you get the distinct impression that, for me, this not an unusual situation. I let time pass, calmly enjoying the feeling of my cock ensconced in a woman’s mouth and throat. I am paying neither you, nor your husband, any mind.

A few more minutes pass. One of the women perched on the arms of my chair speaks up. “Are you going to thank his supremacy for taking what is rightfully his?”

“Yes, of course, your worshipfulness,” your husband, the king, replies. “Thank you, your supremacy,” he says to me.

Your husband clearly feels no gratitude for this. For a brief moment a flash of anger crosses his face, although his arms are still shaking. You had been coached on how to interact with me, but that didn’t make it any easier. You’re sick with nerves, too.

Again, though, you get the sense that I am accustomed to this, that most who come before me are groveling messes. It’s hard not to be astounded by how relaxed I am about all of this, how I demand massive tribute from you as though I’m doing you a favor, how casually I moan in pleasure and caress my womens’ bodies for all to see. You hear a loud gag, and suddenly feel my eyes fixated on you. You look up, and it’s clear: I’m cumming. I’m cumming down my woman’s throat, in full public view, in front of your husband, staring at you.

You try to look away. You can’t.


1 comment

  1. Up vote for imagination, but I don’t know what the point was other than your getting this out of your head and onto the screen. Thanks for sharing.

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