[mf inc] Mark&Amy Chapter 7

*What can I say? I’ve felt inspired this week. Enjoy. Next chapter will have some more story, I promise.*

**Chapter 7**

The sun was warm on Amy’s face as she came back to awareness. It was a slow process of realizing she was in bed, remembering how to feel her limbs… she realized someone was holding her. Strong arms, warm. She snuggled back into the body there and tried to go back to sleep where she’d been enjoying a nice dream of something she already couldn’t quite remember.

“Morning, sis,” Mark said. He leaned in and pressed his forehead into her hair affectionately.

Amy froze perfectly still on the outside, but internally her heart started beating like a scared rabbit. Adrenalin poured through her, bringing her to complete consciousness in an eyeblink. Recollection came in a flood. Mark had upset her. She’d run away. Then she went to Greg. She felt horrible there, so she ran back, and…

“Oh my god,” Amy whispered.

Mark sighed. “I know. It’s a lot.”

“I… you…”


“And then I…”

“Yeah, you did.” The arms around her loosened. “If you changed your mind, I get it.”

Amy stared at the door across the room. She could get up and walk through it. That was in front of her. Behind her was her brother, who loved her and who was offering… what, exactly? Amy turned over slowly to face him.

“Hi,” Mark said, smiling. “Thanks for not bolting.”

“I still might.”

“I won’t stop you.” Mark shrugged. “But I’d prefer if you stayed. We can talk, or we can just be here.”

Amy chewed her lip pensively. “I think we need to talk,” she said.

“Alright,” Mark replied. “Let me keep you warm, at least.”

It was then, as Mark’s arms again pulled her close, that Amy remembered how naked she was. He wasn’t far off either, wearing only his boxers. As he squeezed, Amy felt her breasts press against his chest. She felt a bulge in his shorts, pressing against her thigh, but she also felt that Mark was trying not to press too hard.

“Sorry,” Mark said. “I thought about dressing you, but you were sleeping so deeply I thought it would be better to just let you rest.”

Amy shrugged, rallying her nerve. “It’s alright. You’ve seen it all anyway.”

“Doesn’t make it any less beautif-”

“Shoosh. Don’t be all sappy first thing in the morning.”

“Noted.” Mark kissed her forehead. It felt good.

“Okay… so last night. I, uh…”

Mark smirked. “Help you out?”


“You came back here. You were really upset. Something happened with Greg, and you didn’t like it. I sat with you, and you told me you thought I’d be a better boyfriend, which is true. You more or less agreed to give it a chance. Then you allowed me to perform oral sex on you, which I believe you enjoyed thoroughly, based on the damp towel I spent the night on top of.”

Amy wanted to be mortified by the facts as her brother listed them, but she couldn’t. She found herself laughing instead. “Oh my god. I can’t believe I did that! I’m sorry.”

Mark chuckled. “I took it as a compliment. And it wasn’t so bad.”


Mark locked eyes with her, cutting off the merriment. “Amy. I have to ask you. Do you still mean what you said? Will you still be my girlfriend?”

Amy wanted to pause. She wanted to think. But she couldn’t. Her mouth spoke and her body moved before she could doubt. From outside herself, she heard her voice say “Yes”. And she knew she meant it, too. Then she was kissing him. On purpose, she’d grabbed his head and pushed her mouth onto his. And it felt good.

She could feel Mark’s broad smile as she kissed him. His hands stroked her back, caressing the skin, coming downward but never far enough to cross into groping. He was holding back for her. She almost wished he wouldn’t.

Mark was the one who broke the kiss first. “Let’s take a shower,” he said. “I’m all sweaty.”

Amy chuckled. “Alright. No funny business.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”


Having a dorm room with an attached bathroom was a luxury. It did not, unfortunately, come with a really big shower. Mark turned on the water, checking the temperature and dropping his boxers before stepping in and reaching out toward Amy.

His sister stood nearby. She’d wrapped the sheet around herself, and it looked to Mark like an elegant evening down, trailing behind her. He thought about how he might convince her to wear such a thing. “Maybe this wasn’t a great idea,” she said, biting her lip in that way that made him want her so badly.

“Get in here,” Mark demanded. He kept his voice gentle, but it was definitely a command. “It’s fine.”

Amy came closer and let the sheet fall to the floor. She kept one hand down between her legs to hide herself, and wrapped the other arm across her chest to pretend she could hide herself. It didn’t really work.

The sight of her, though, willingly naked… last night, it had been a hurried thing, focused on making her feel good before she had second thoughts. But today, seeing her, he could really take it all in. The milky soft skin, the smooth curve of her legs, the waist she hated so much, which was lovely to hold, but if she felt that bad about it he could always get her in better shape. Her breasts… damn, even better than he imagined. Big as her head, firm enough not to look all saggy, and with those wide pink nipples that just screamed “play with me”. And hidden behind her hand and wrist, a tasteful little patch of hair and the most perfect pussy he’d ever seen.

Mark rolled his eyes and leaned out to grab Amy’s arm. She yelped as he pulled her into the glass stall and closed the door behind her. There was enough room for her to get inside, but not enough for her chest not to be touching his. “Much better.”

Amy was blushing. The water had already soaked her hair, and a little river was running down between her breasts and into Mark’s chest. She looked nervous, but not upset. There was still a bit of a smile hiding on her face; she clearly wanted to enjoy herself but was still having trouble adjusting.

“I told you there was room,” Mark said, sliding his hands down to her waist. He could already feel a hardon building, and willed it to wait for a minute.

“Yeah, room to stand,” Amy replied. “Not enough room to actually wash anything.”

“Bah. You’ve got no imagination.” Mark leaned down and kissed her, loving the new lack of resistance in her. He wondered how far that lack went. Reaching up behind her, he squirted some body wash into his palm. “Just hold still,” he said, rubbing his palms together and pressing them to her back once more.

Amy stayed where she was, not that she had much choice, and Mark started soaping up her back. He had to pull her closer so he could reach around, but she didn’t seem to mind that. He certainly didn’t. He started at her shoulders, rubbing in circles and moving downward. The soap mixed in with her skin and the water, and a mist of clean, pleasant scents rose around them.

This time, he didn’t stop at her waist. It was a thrill to slide his soapy hands down over her ass, a joy to see how she first looked surprised and then giggled. Grasping both cheeks, he pulled her tighter in and kissed her again.

Amy kissed back readily enough, but flinched a little when her hips pressed against him. Or more specifically, against the iron rod he’d grown between them. Mark held tight, though, and after a few seconds pressed against it and kissing him she calmed down again.

“Turn around,” Mark said. “Let me get your front.”

Amy frowned. “I dunno about-”

“Amy, I’m not going to take your virginity in a cramped shower stall. Unless you ask really nicely.”

Amy scoffed. “Damn right. I demand rose petals and wine and shit.”

“So you want to do it then?” Mark asked, turning her to face away. Her soapy skin slipped against him.

“Don’t start with me,” Amy warned, stopping at a half-turn to glare back at him. She was adorable angry. “I’m older than you.”

“By two minutes. Turn around.” Mark moved her the rest of the way, facing her toward the glass wall of the shower and letting her ass press up against him. “Good girl.”

The shiver that went up Amy’s spine was practically visible. Her sass dissolved, and she stayed still while Mark pressed tight against her back to reach for the soap again. His cock had ended up between her thighs, and as short as she was, the motion made it slide against her pussy, almost gently enough for her not to notice. Almost, but not quite.

“Hey, you wanna put that thing away?” Amy asked, shifting a little.

“Sorry,” Mark said, reaching down and grabbing his tool in one hand. He made sure to rub it more firmly against her once “accidentally” as he lifted it and nestled it on her ass, resting between the cheeks. “Better?”

“Not really, but it’s fine,” Amy replied. He could tell she was stiffening up, trying not to give him the wrong idea. Or the right one. It didn’t work anyway; every shift and movement made his shaft slip against the soap-slicked skin of her plump little butt, and the head kept brushing against the small of her back.

“Well, hold still,” Mark teased, bringing his hands down to her stomach. He took care to soap up every inch of her midriff, letting her grow accustomed to his touch. After a moment or two, she relaxed, and Mark got a little bolder, sliding his hands up and over her breasts.

Her nipples were stiff already, and the soap made them slip across his fingers in a way that was as satisfying to him as it was a tease to her. He could feel her wanting to object, to say something smart and break the mood, but a little movement to cup and squeeze shut that down easily enough. Mark leaned down to kiss the side of his sister’s neck as he began gently massaging her breasts.

“Have to get you extra clean,” he whispered in her ear. “And maybe later we can do something a little dirty.”

Amy snorted, choking on an unexpected laugh. It broke the tension, but not the mood. “We’ll talk,” she promised. “Mh… you’re kinda good at that.”

Mark didn’t have a lot of practice at handling the melon-breasts of a goddess, so it was great to know he’d guessed right how to treat her. Not that she’d probably ever had a properly gentle touch. The guys she’d dated were more the type to grab and grope. Mark felt angry at them for mistreating his sister, and angrier at himself for letting it happen.


Mark relaxed his grip. “Sorry. Too much?”

“Yeah, a little,” Amy replied, relaxing again. Her ass shifted, likely subconsciously, but it stroked Mark’s shaft in a way that made him have to swallow a moan.

“I’ll be more gentle,” he promised, kissing her neck again. His left hand held her heavy breast and teased the nipple a little, no longer pretending to be interested in washing anything. His right slid down along her side again, curving around her hips before resting between her legs. “I did things all wrong the first time. Let me make it up to you.”

Amy didn’t resist, and Mark started stroking her opening with his fingertips. There was a rubbery feel there, something not soap and not water that told him that she was once again more excited than she was letting on. Her breath quickened, and there was a little quiver in her hips.

“There, isn’t that better?” he asked, nipping at her earlobe and settling into a rhythm with both hands. All teasing for now, no need to push in. Every shift of his arm, every slow stroke, mage her hips move a little, teasing him in turn.

Amy’s shoulders dropped as she finally completely relaxed. I could take her right now, and she wouldn’t stop me, Mark mused to himself. But instead, he just kept stroking her, reaching over to give some attention to her other breast as well. Wrapping his arm around further pressed her ass even tighter around his eager cock, and he rewarded himself with a slow thrusting motion of his own.

“You feel so amazing,” Mark said. “I love touching you.”

“Mnnh…” Amy moaned softly. “You’re too- too good at this.”

Mark nuzzled his cheek against the side of her face. “You deserve it,” he said, adjusting his wrist and slipping a finger slowly inside her.

The reaction was instant. Amy gripped tight around his finger and moaned more loudly. Her ass pressed back against him, as her body’s instincts told her to mate. “Ohhh…”

“Cum for me, Amy,” Mark said, putting a little bit of command in his voice again. “Let it happen.”

Amy nodded, and her moans grew a little sharper. Mark stroked in and out with his finger, squeezing her breast possessively. His hips moved with hers now, slowly grinding on her while she drew closer and closer, then finally fell into a climax.

Mark kept moving, stroking, squeezing, not letting up as his sister squealed out her pleasure. Her body shook and shuddered with the aftershocks of orgasm, then relaxed. As soon as he felt the tension slide out of her, Mark shifted his hips and brought his shaft down again, between Amy’s legs, with the top of it pressing against her entrance.

“Mark!” Amy squirmed a little. “I said-”

“Shoosh,” he said, stroking her hair. “I said I wouldn’t and I meant it. Do you trust me?”

“Yeah, but-”

“Then trust me,” Mark said, cutting her off. “Just keep your legs together… yeah, just like that.” A shiver rolled over him as his sister’s bare thighs sandwiched his eager cock. “You don’t even have to move.”

Amy seemed to calm when she understood what he wanted. Mark’s hands went to her hips, and he held her there, starting to pump himself back and forth against her. Her soft, hot flesh squeezed around him. The water and soap cascading down them both kept her slippery, and slowly, gently, Mark started to fuck his sister’s thighs.

“Oh fuck,” he groaned. “You feel so good.”

Amy let out a soft moan as well. She leaned back at the shoulders, and Mark knew she was trying to get a look at his cock peeking out between her legs. He pushed a little harder against her, treating her to a better view of his glans peeking up at her, rubbing her entrance. Their difference in height meant he had to bend his knees just a bit, and the resulting angle put pressure up against her the same way his fingers had before. Soon, floating on pleasure, she began pushing back into his thrusts.

“Ohh, good, do that,” he whispered, breathing hot air on her earlobe. He started thrusting a little faster, pulling back just a little further each time. Not enough that he might slip inside by accident… but enough that he could, with just a little help from her. “Right there, don’t stop.”

Amy’s moans sharpened once more, and Mark slid his hands up to grope her breasts while they moved together. She was close, and so was he. So close. It took all of his willpower not to reach down and stuff himself inside her and have the biggest orgasm of his life.

Moaning with her, their voices now louder than the shower, Mark thrust harder against her. Harder, and faster. He found enough room to bring his hips back off of hers, and each new thrust was accompanied by a fleshy slap. His cock teased his sister’s slit, probing before slipping along it. Amy’s breath caught, and he knew she was cumming for him.

It only took a few more strokes. Holding her in his arms, hearing her cries of pleasure, feeling her lower lips throbbing and her thick, gorgeous thighs squeezing, it was all too much for him. He slammed forward, pushing his tool past her hips and shooting his load out onto the wall in front of her. His hips squirmed back and forth, desperate to keep up the sensation.

And then it was done. They stood, panting, with Amy in his brother’s arms. Mark held her breasts, unwilling to break contact as he began to soften between her legs. He pulled back a little and she turned her head, letting him lean over her to kiss her sweet lips once again.

“I… I thought… dirty came later,” Amy breathed.

“It still can,” Mark promised, kissing her again and holding her against his chest. “And it will, too.”

“Promises,” Amy quipped, reaching up to touch his face affectionately.

“Promises,” Mark agreed. And he meant it, too. For better or for worse, he aimed to be like this with her forever. She still didn’t know it, but she was his. Completely and totally his.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/e06ona/mf_inc_markamy_chapter_7


  1. Please write more. Whether it’s this story or another, erotica or otherwise, please, write more.

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