Emotional Brunette – A MILF Seduction Fantasy [seduction, decision, no sex (yet)]

“Hi, do you mind if I sit down over here?” asked the pretty woman, and then, recognizing me, “Oh, hiya Jay. I didn’t realize it was you.”

“Hi, Ms. Rodgers,” I grinned. “Sure, it’s a free country.” She smiled at me, but I could see it was a thin veneer over a pain-ridden face. I was sitting on one end of a long park bench in one of the rose gardens surrounding the capital grounds in Salem, Oregon. A few trees sheltered the bench from busy traffic, and a small duck pond lay before us. I was reading “The Stranger” by Albert Camus in the warm spring sun. A bunch of guys were drinking early and raising hell at my fraternity (it was Friday afternoon) and I had sought out a quiet place to get my requisite chapters read.

Ms. Rodgers sat on the bench, a respectful distance from me. She seemed preoccupied. I knew her from the coffee shop where I worked part time as a barista. She was a coffee fanatic and over the course of many mornings, and seeing her credit card she paid with, I got her name, Cassandra Rodgers, and basic story: secretary in a government office, Oregon native, a couple of kids who lived with their father. She was always very nice, and tipped a perfect 15% each time, down to the cent. But that was really all I knew.

She was skinny and beautiful in a teal-colored dress that came down to just below her knees, showing slender, shapely calves over pretty heels. Although slender of body, it was difficult to hide her ample bust under the dress. Her breasts jutted out and jiggled in a thin bra as she settled onto the bench a few feet from me. She instinctively ran a hand through her long, curly brown hair, fixing it perfectly and pulling it back out of her face.

“Camus?” she asked, looking over. “You like it?”

I shrugged. “Not enough sex or violence for my taste,” I deadpanned. She flashed me a slight smile. “No, I imagine not, for a hot young man like you.”

Her phone buzzed and she reacted like it startled her. “Excuse me,” she said. I nodded, and went back to my book, pretending to studiously ignore her, but soaking in every word as she fielded the call. Right away I could hear her tone go from cool and neutral to upset and then angry, and based on the one side I could hear, she was arguing with a boyfriend or husband who had done something wrong, and who, instead of apologizing, was arguing back. Of course, I couldn’t tell for sure, but it wasn’t a happy conversation she was having, and after a minute, she closed her cellphone. “Fucking jerk,” she whispered angrily, not into the phone. She slipped the phone into her matching peach-colored leather bag, and reached for a pack of cigarettes.

“Do you mind if I smoke?” she asked, looking over at me. “I’ll move if it bothers you.”

“No, that’s fine. Especially if I can bum one from you.” I told her. She nodded joylessly, and fished out a cigarette and tossed me the pack. I caught it deftly, and pulled out a fag. She flicked her lighter and lit her own cigarette and then, instead of tossing it to me, moved across the bench, sitting closer to me, and lit my cigarette.

“Thanks, Ms. Rodgers” I said. “You okay? That didn’t sound fun.”

“Cassy,” she said. “My friends call me Cassy.”

“Cassy,” I repeated.

“I’m fine,” she said, taking a deep drag. “Just relationship bullshit. I’m seriously in the final throes with this guy- and its been like two months of stupid dragging out. I really think I need to just go home, pack my stuff, and leave.”

“Oh,” I nodded.

“I assume you go to college or law school here,” Cassy said, changing the subject. She nodded in the direction of campus. “You look like kind of a mix of a scholar and a terrific stud.”

I sputtered. “Holy shit, seriously?” She flashed a smile at me.

“I do go to college here. I’m a junior.” I told her.

Cassy nodded. “Well that means I’m about ten or twelve years older than you, not old enough to be your mother, but way too old to get a rock hard boy like you.”

I couldn’t really tell what she was talking about, or where this was going, but she was so fucking sexy that I didn’t care. I glanced covertly at her large breasts so close to me, the smooth fabric of her summer dress, her curly hair falling all about her shoulders, her pretty pixie-like nose and full lips, now wrapped around a dying cigarette. Her legs were crossed in that sexy way women do it- pressing one calve against her other knee, making it curve even more sensuously. She even had a tiny cat tattoo on her ankle.

“You are really sweet, Cassy,” I said. “But honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do with a woman like you. I really am just a boy.” It sounded kind of stupid, but it was how I felt, and one thing I had already learned about dealing with females was that it was always better just to lay your cards on the table.

Cassy flashed me a lovely smile, showing straight white teeth. I suddenly noticed that her eyes were deep blue. Brown hair and impossibly blue eyes- quite a lethal combination. “You have a girlfriend?”

I shook my head. “No one to speak of. I’ve been with a few ladies this semester, but nothing stuck.”

Cassy dropped the cigarette on the ground, and used one of her sexy high heeled feet to push it out. Then she turned to face me a little more. “I’m upset and I’m emotional right now, and I’m sorry for that. This is the end game of my thing with Brad. I’m leaving that bastard. I’m sorry you saw me in this tattered state, Jay. You seem like a sweet boy.”

She looked in such pain that without thinking I leaned forward, and pulled her into a strong bear hug. Suddenly I felt her breath on the side of my neck, and her body was shaking a little, and I heard her sob. I went to let her go, but she pulled me even more tightly to her body, her big soft breasts squished against my pecs, her hands on my back, her face buried into my neck. I just let her stay there, slowly rubbing her back with my hands, feeling a little awkward, but more turned on with every passing moment.

Cassy scooted closer to me, kept hugging me, but lifted her face out of my neck far enough to whisper. “I’m so sorry. You don’t even know me. But I just needed some human contact that was pleasant.”

“I don’t mind,” I told her. “You are such a beautiful and smart woman. You deserve to be treated with respect, and it didn’t sound like he was doing that on the phone.”

She sniffed, and her hair was in my face, and suddenly I felt her warm, soft lips pressed against my neck and she was lightly kissing my neck. My body flinched a bit in surprise, and she stopped.

“I’m sorry,” Cassy whispered, but noticeably kept hugging me. “I just love your skin, and you smell so good. Can you humor an old woman and just let me hug and kiss you a little? I promise I won’t tell anyone at the shop.”

I didn’t know how to respond, I was in such bliss, so I just tilted my head to the side, offering my neck like to a vampire, and with a squeal of joy, she began kissing it. I looked around, making sure there was no one close to watch us, and we seemed fine, alone in this warm, sunny park, on this bench, two souls.

Cassy’s lips played on my skin, kissing lightly, and then I felt her tongue flicker and began to lick me, and then to my horror, realized that my cock was completely hard, jutting in my pants, and pressed against her hip. Cassy must have noticed too, because she giggled a little, and one of her hands left my back, slipping down between us, and she ran a finger across the fabric of my jeans. “You must like me,” she whispered, as she kissed my neck. “That is definitely not a banana in your pants. Although it’s about the same size as one.”

I turned my head, and she did to, looking up at me with those clear sky-blue eyes, and our mouths met, our lips touching, then our teeth, and our tongues played with each other. Her eyes closed as she kissed, but mine didn’t, and I watched her face, seeing her clear skin, her shapely eyebrows, her makeup, her thick wild hair.

The two of us stopped kissing a moment later, and sat back.

“That was amazing,” I breathed.

Cassy looked over at me. “Do you have a place to go?”

I nodded. “One room studio apartment. Off campus.”

“Will you take me there?” she asked. “Do you mind?”

Without a word, I got to my feet, and held out my hand, which she took as she rose. The two of us strolled toward my apartment, a few blocks away. Her telephone rang from two calls on the way, and she ignored it in her bag.

As we walked up the stairs to my little room, hand in hand, I looked over at this gorgeous thirty year old creature, and felt swept away with a combination of lust, compassion and gratitude. I also had the distinct impression that I was in for something, although didn’t know exactly what.

And that was an understatement.

Coming soon:

Part II – Emotional Brunette – A MILF Seduction Fantasy-

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dzukvr/emotional_brunette_a_milf_seduction_fantasy

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