The Camgirl Part XLVI: Am Not! [Oral] [Rimming] [Buttplug] [Fsolo] [Implied MF] [Very light BDSM]

**XLVI: Blake**

Blake walked out into the crisp winter air with a smile on her face. Not only did the cold help dull her pussy’s insistence that she run back into that basement and jump on Liam’s big hard cock, but she’d said what she needed to say, and Liam hadn’t rejected her. He hadn’t even given her any pushback once she’d explained her reasoning.

She was also glad to know that he had a more forward side in him—that would work out very nicely. As she walked, Blake wiggled her hips a bit. She could still feel his hand hitting her ass. That…Blake shivered. She wondered how long it would be before she felt comfortable telling Liam about the effect that had on her.

For some reason, that thought sent an icy spike of fear through Blake. A lump formed in her throat.

*What if he rejects me? What if after seeing what I do, he can’t get past it or deal with it the way he would need to for us to be together? Or what if he accepts that only to be unable to accept what I like in bed sometimes?*

Swallowing hard, Blake flipped to Chloe’s contact on her phone and dialed, securing her earbuds.

“Hey girl,” Chloe answered, “You gonna tell me what’s going on? From your earlier text I’m guessing either Liam broke up with Marie and it didn’t go well, or you just said, ‘fuck it’ and jumped him and Marie found out.”

“First one,” Blake said, Chloe’s humor making her feel a bit less panicky.

Chloe chuckled, “I knew it. Congrats, Blake.”

Blake frowned, unable to share in her friend’s excitement at the moment, “Chlo, did I do the right thing? I just talked to Liam and told him I want to wait before we do anything so he can make sure that he’s okay with me being a camgirl since I’m not just a friend anymore. He thought it was a good idea, but—but what if he ends up rejecting me?”

Chloe was silent for a moment over the phone, and Blake could picture her friend thinking.

“Okay,” Chloe said, Blake could hear the sigh in her voice, “First off, if he *does* reject you, then it’s a good thing that you did this now rather than later, and I’m pretty sure that you know that and that’s why you told him that. If that does happen, it’ll suck, but you’ll get over it. You’re a strong girl, and you have me to help you out. Second, Liam is not going to reject you. All I had to do was say your name to him last time I was over, and I could tell how much he cares about you. That boy is a fucking unicorn. If he thinks he’s going to have a hard time with you being a camgirl, he’ll figure out a way to deal with it. That’s the vibe I got from him, at least. Either way, I think you should make the most of your non-romantic time with him. If he can’t handle you being a camgirl, then at least you’ll have had some good memories with him. If he can, they you two will be disgustingly cute together. Though I doubt you two will actually be able to keep your hands off each other to make that happen. I could hear that desperate, sexual frustration in your voice.”

Blake narrowed her eyes. She could hear Chloe’s smirk over the phone.

“Ugh, first Liam, then you. What is up with you people, today?”

“Speaking of Liam,” Chloe said, sounding amused, “Did you tell him you want him? Or did you tell him how you really feel?”

Blake stumbled, barely catching herself, “What do you mean.”

Chloe laughed, “I mean, did you tell him that you’re head over heels in love with him.”

Blake felt her cheeks grow red.

“Am not,” she protested.

“Would you give up camming for him if he asked you to? If you didn’t need the money.”

Blake hesitated, “Of course, not. Not unless I actually wanted to.”

Chloe didn’t respond immediately.

“Shit,” she said finally, “I knew you were in love with the boy, but I didn’t know you had it that bad.”

“Am not, and I don’t,” Blake grated.

“Uh huh,” Chloe said, her sarcasm dripping out of the speaker, “You keep thinking that.”

Blake growled into the mic, but Chloe just laughed.

“I’m pretty sure everything is going to be fine, Blake,” Chloe said, “Just be patient, and be careful around Marie. Don’t know how you plan on managing that, but you know you’re welcome to crash at my place if you need to.”

Blake smiled, “Thanks, Chlo. And I’m–fuck, I don’t know what I’m gonna do long term, but I’m working on it.”

“Let me know if you need any help.”

“You’re the best.”

As the call ended, music starting up again in her earbuds, Blake quickened her step as her apartment building came in sight. The cold may have done a bit to quell her pussy’s insistent demands, but she was still wet and horny.

And it was fucking cold.


Blake shed all of her bulky winter clothing the moment she was back in her room, door locked. Her jacket and scarf fell to the floor, boots already kicked off by the door to the apartment. She tossed her beanie onto her bed and peeled off her leggings and panties, eyes widening at how wet she’d gotten. She was normally pretty wet by default—just the way her pussy worked—but Blake’s interactions had made a mess of her panties. Thinking about what had made her that wet just reminded Blake of how hungry her pussy was. She made to crawl into bed and go ham on her pussy, but hesitated.

*There’s nothing holding me back from Liam now. Nothing but my own rules, at least. So, I don’t have to feel bad about fantasizing about him anymore.*

Blake had thought about Liam pretty frequently when masturbating since telling him how she felt, but that wasn’t the same as fantasizing about him. She supposed most people wouldn’t see much a difference, but to her, there was.

Clad in just her cozy sweater and the warm, wool socks she’d worn under her boots, Blake walked over to plug in the string of lights she kept hung up in her room. Blake smiled at the dim, cool lighting they gave off. It made the room feel more intimate. Blake lit a few scented candles that went well together, then grabbed one of her good-sized dildos, some lube, and one of her smaller buttplugs before climbing onto her bed. She sucked on the metal plug to warm it up a bit, then lubed it up and brought it down between her legs, angling her hips up so that she wouldn’t be as likely to get any lube on the sheets.

Blake shivered as the slick metal brushed against the sensitive skin around her asshole. She didn’t go right in, instead drawing little circles around the ring of muscles with the plug’s tip, sliding the bulb up and down over her opening as it started to relax. When she did finally angle the plug with the tip toward her, a gentle nudge was all it took for the plug to slide in enough that Blake’s ass did the rest, pulling the plug inside and sealing around the thin shaft, base coming to rest against the outside.

Blake gasped at the sensation, lips curling in a satisfied smile. She loved having something inside her, but there was a different sense of…fullness that her ass gave her. Blake knew that she probably liked the sensation more than she should, but she’d stopped caring a while back. Despite what she often told herself—that she wore buttplugs so often to keep her asshole used to having something inside it and she would always be prepared for anal in her shows—Blake would have worn a plug just as often even if she didn’t cam. She just loved that feeling.

Blake tapped a finger against the plug’s base, shivers spreading out under her skin at the sensations, then placed her dildo within easy reach and gathered up all the covers around her for maximum coziness. Once she deemed herself sufficiently snuggled up, Blake slipped her earbuds back into place and grabbed her phone, opening up the forum of audio files she’d listened to what seemed like forever ago.

Blake hesitated before scrolling through the different posts. With how much her arousal affected her mind in addition to some…tendencies she had; this kind of thing had always resulted in some intense experiences. After the last one she’d had thinking about Liam and how different her life could have been, Blake had avoided listening to anything like that. She didn’t trust herself to do so without experiencing something that intense.

Now that she didn’t have any reason to feel…Blake sighed, *Well, probably better not to think about that.*

Blake scrolled through the posts, checking out a few different ones before settling on one that looked like it would be fun, but not too out there for her current mood. She turned on the audio and closed her eyes, clearing her mind. One hand wandered down between her legs and the other took hold of her dildo.


Blake peered around the corner into the main room, leaning against the doorframe. A smile tugged at her lips as her gaze settled on Liam as teased music from the keys of their piano. The soft, yet passionate melody was what had drawn her out of bed so early, waking her with a tingling sensation that seemed to spiderweb through her, just under her skin. The dreams it had caused just before she’d woken up…well, even without those, she’d be as wet as she was now. Liam’s playing had that effect on her.

Taking careful steps on silent feet, Blake crossed the carpeted floor to the corner of the room where the piano stood against the wall. She wore nothing save the blue silk thigh-high stockings she’d worn to bed. Once behind Liam, Blake took a moment to gaze at him. She drank in the short-cropped brown-blonde hair that changed shades with how often he went out in the sun, muscles of his back and arms, pussy growing even wetter as she remembered how wonderful it felt to be encircled by those strong arms. As Blake’s gaze traveled downward, she grinned. Even in the loose pajama pants he wore, his ass caught her attention, standing out even in competition with his bare torso.

No longer able to hold herself back, Blake reached out and touched Liam, feeling the warm hardness of his shoulders under her fingertips. She felt him shiver at her touch, which only added to the heat between her legs.

“Morning,” he said. Blake could hear the smile in his voice.

She returned it, even though he couldn’t see, and lowered her head to kiss his neck, “Good morning.”

He didn’t stop playing, but Blake caught the slightly longer pause as he transitioned from chord to chord. Looking over his shoulder, she saw that he did have music on the stand, though she couldn’t yet read music well enough to know if he was playing that or simply something he’d memorized. She paused for a moment to listen to the music, fingers running back and forth over his shoulders.

“Do I know this?” She asked, leaning in closer to him, “It sounds familiar.” She thought for a moment, “Whitacre?”

“You’re getting better,” he said.

Blake beamed at the pride in his voice.

“You know it with choir,” he continued, talking and playing at the same time, “It just doesn’t sound the same on the piano, but I love the harmonies he uses. I just need to figure out how he makes them work so I can do the same.”

The passion in Liam’s voice made Blake’s heart a bit faster, just as his playing did.

“I’m sorry if I woke you,” he said.

Blake snorted, “Oh, are you?”

She leaned closer, snaking her arms under his to grab at his chest.

“I think you know exactly what waking me up with your playing does,” she whispered, lips brushing against his ear. She breathed in deep filling her head with his scent before continuing, “I think you know *exactly* how wet I get when I hear you play. How fucking horny it makes me when it’s the first thing I hear in the morning,” she let her nails dig into his chest a bit, “How fucking crazy it makes me until I get your cum inside me.”

She kissed his earlobe, then traced up the side of his ear with her tongue, letting out a soft cackle at the way Liam shivered.

“I’ve already cum once this morning,” she said. Cumming while she listened to Liam’s playing—even just touching herself—always seemed to unlock something inside of her. Especially in the morning when her mind hadn’t fully woken up yet. Sometimes Blake thought she might be conditioning herself to respond to his playing. Other times she thought that she’d passed that point long ago.

“I tried to be good so that I didn’t interrupt your playing,” she continued between soft kisses to his neck and shoulders, but I’m still just so turned on. I can’t stop thinking about you and your cock.”

Liam’s playing faltered a bit, but he continued, trying to act nonchalant as he usually did when they played this game.

“I don’t think you have any idea what I want to do to you right now,” she whispered, voice growing breathy, “How wet you’ve made me.”

Blake traced a line down the center of Liam’s back from his hairline to his ass, grinning at the shivers she sent through him, “Or how badly I want you to fuck me. If you can stop playing long enough to come back to bed with me, however, I might be able to show you—mmph!”

Blake half-grunted, half-squealed in surprise as Liam spun around on the bench and pulled her to him, crushing his lips against her own. Blake’s body responded before she could even register what she was doing, lips mashing against his, tongue diving into his mouth. Her hands pawed at the hard muscles of his chest and abs as his strong arms held her against him, strong fingers digging into her back and tangling in her hair. Blake couldn’t help grinding her hips against him, even though the angle wasn’t ideal. Though Liam had stopped playing, Blake thought she could still hear that same music in her head, as though it was being played by something far off. Too far for her to pinpoint, yet just loud enough for her to hear.

The heat between her legs spread through Blake, consuming her as Liam’s touching, his lips on hers, fed that fire. She loved that she could be so forward with him. The only games they played with each other were to rile the other up to the point where they tore each other’s clothes off.

“Fuck,” Blake gasped between fevered kisses, shuddering as Liam’s hands roamed her body, squeezing and caressing, “I’m so turned on right now.”

She moaned as Liam palmed her ass in a single strong hand and squeezed, kneading the muscle. She felt the smirk on his lips.

“Smug asshole,” she managed, “You know it’s all because of you and your perfect cock and your wonderful music.”

Her words made just made his actions rougher, more desperate.

*Exactly* what she wanted.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about your cum all morning,” she gasped as Liam’s lips moved to her jawline and down her neck. His touch left a trail of fire on her skin, “How much I want it in my mouth and my pussy. How wonderful it feels inside—Ah!”

Blake yelped, pleasure flaring between her legs as Liam bit down where her neck and shoulder connected. The slight pain and knowledge that Blake would have a mark there—*his* mark—just made her even wetter.

Before she could retaliate and leave a mark of her own, however, Blake suddenly found herself lifted off the ground, legs wrapping around Liam’s wait by instinct as he carried her toward their bedroom. His lips were back against hers in an instant, tongue insistent, darting in and out of her mouth, licking her lips.

*Fuck, he’s amazing.*

She wiggled her hips against him in frustration, as she was too high up to feel his cock. She knew it must be rock hard. She wanted to feel it against her pussy. To feel how hard she made Liam, and to let him feel how wet he made her.

Blake unlocked her legs out of habit as Liam stopped. A moment later she yelped as he tossed her onto their bed. Blake felt his weight around her on the bed and looked up at Liam through heavy-lidded eyes. He was so big and strong. So wonderful. So fucking sexy.

He made her feel safe. *That* outweighed everything else.

Before Blake could reach out to touch him, Liam had lowered himself to his elbows, chest brushing against her nipples. She cried out and he captured her lips, silencing her in the best way. His lips fuzzed her brain even further than he and his music already had, but her pussy’s insistence pushed through the haze.

“Wait,” she gasped when they broke for air, pushing him back a bit, “Wait.”

He pulled back a bit, raising an eyebrow.

“I want—” Blake began. She paused swallowing. Fuck, those eyes of his. They almost made her forget what she wanted as she looked into them, “I want my mouth on—on your cock. And your mouth on my pussy. I want to ride your face while I suck on your cock.”

Blake could barely get the words out. She felt breathless, heart pounding, pussy like a raging fire between her legs.

“Please,” she gasped.

Grinning, Liam pushed her gently to the side. Blake rolled over as he climbed onto the bed, lying on his back. Blake grinned at the sight, though she hesitated before climbing onto him.

*Is that music?*

Just like before, it sounded like Liam playing, though it couldn’t be. Liam was here, in bed with her. The music seemed to float away when Blake tried to concentrate on it, yet once she stopped, it came back to tease at her ears. Either way, that teasing sent shivers down her body and spasms through her pussy.

Remembering herself, Blake climbed onto Liam, straddling his face. When she looked down at his body, she blinked. His cock stood erect between his legs, completely uncovered.

“When did you that?” She gasped.

“When I threw you on the bed.”

Blake gasped at the feel of his breath on her pussy. His mouth must be so close to her lips.

Settling her hands on Liam’s abdomen for support, Blake lowered her hips until she felt Liam’s tongue dart out to taste her. The touch made her flinch, yet instead of flinching away, Blake pressed her pussy more firmly into Liam’s mouth. She’d long since trained her body to always flinch *toward* touches like that.

Blake threw back her head in a wordless gasp as a chuckle from Liam vibrated through her. She dug her nails into his abs, squeezing at the muscle to keep herself from falling forward. Before leaning forward to claim her prize, Blake took one more opportunity to drink in her wonderful view. Liam was clean-shaven, as he knew she preferred things smooth down there for occasions just like this. His thighs had a light dusting of hair on them, as did his calves. Blake found herself enjoying the rare view. Liam’s legs were usually covered either by pants or sheets, or Blake wasn’t in a good position to really look at them.

Blake gasped as Liam’s tongue flicked at her lower lips again, hands grasping her ass cheeks. He followed it up by kissing her pussy, making out with it. Blake could feel the grin on his lips as he sent sparks throughout her body. She knew how much he loved eating pussy in general and *her* pussy seemed to be like his own special crack that he could never get enough of.

Blake’s head fell back as she enjoyed the sensations, eyes closing, heart fluttering in her chest. For a moment, she teetered on the edge of a cliff. If she fell, she knew she would wake up in Liam’s arms, pussy sore and her entire body tingling with pleasure and wonderfully spent, their lovemaking a hazy, wonderful memory.

That wasn’t what she wanted, though. Blake wanted Liam’s cock. She wanted to enjoy the feeling of it. In her mouth. In her pussy. She wanted to savor his cum as it covered her tongue, then slid down her throat.

Blake moaned again as Liam stuck his tongue deep inside her. She wanted to enjoy that, too.

Opening her eyes, Blake slid her hands down Liam’s torso, reveling in the bumps of his hard muscle under her fingers as she felt all the way down to his sculpted legs, squeezing at the hard, thick slabs of muscle there.

Then Blake’s prize was in front of he: Liam’s hard, erect, perfect fucking cock. Blake licked her lips as she gazed at it, mouth already watering. She leaned down, setting her hands on Liam’s pelvis, and stuck her tongue out. She fought through the haze in her head that Liam’s attentions on her pussy created, and gave the shaft a broad, firm lick with the flat of her tongue, running it from base to the underside of his cock’s purple helmet.

Liam’s gasp into her pussy made her shudder.

“Mmm, you like that?” Blake cooed, “You like it when I lick you big, hard cock?”

She licked it again, this time continuing on up to the very tip and flicking it with her tongue.

“You taste incredible,” Liam growled. Then he nipped at the inside of her thigh. Blake hissed at the mix of pain and pleasure.

“You know what I like?” she breathed, taking the head into her mouth long enough to swirl her tongue around the spongey flesh and suck on it for a bit before letting it pop back out of her mouth, “I like it when you shove my head down on your dick and it hits the back of my throat.”

Blake gave his cock another few licks, twisting so her tongue could reach the underside of his shaft–she cackled at the way she moaned–then took the head into her mouth again as Liam thrust his tongue deep into her folds.

“I love–” she began, then cut off with a moan as Liam squeezed her ass and sucked her clit between his lips. It was getting hard to think straight with him having fun back there.

“I love it when you hold my head down and thrust into my mouth so that your cock keeps hitting the back of my mouth,” she managed, breathless between both his efforts and Blake’s own enjoyment of Liam’s wonderful cock. She ground her pussy against his face, “I love it when you thrust your cock–mmph!”

Blake’s words cut short as Liam’s hands were suddenly on her head, pushing her face down onto his cock. She sucked in air through her nose as his hands threaded through her hair, pushing her down until her nose was pressed against his smooth balls.

*Oh, fuck, yes!*

Blake hadn’t just been egging Liam on for the hell of it. She *loved* having his cock all the way in her mouth, the tip pushing into her throat. She swallowed to avoid gagging or choking and let out a low chuckle as Liam hissed at the feeling of her throat tightening around his cockhead.

Then he started thrusting. Oh fuck, that was almost as incredible as what he was doing to her pussy.

Blake’s thoughts started to slip as the fog of desire further enveloped her. The pleasure from her pussy mixed with the overwhelming arousal she felt as Liam used her mouth as a cocksleve, holding her head down just as she had asked, ramming his cock all the way in, then pulling it out just long enough for her to breath before thrusting back in. Blake was moving only by instinct at this point, swallowing when Liam’s cock entered her throat, gripping at his thighs, moaning around his cock, and grinding her ass into his face as he continued to work wonders on her pussy. Liam knew very well that how easy it was for him to make her lose her mind just by fucking her face.

A thought managed to break through the fog, however, and Blake reached up to grab Liam’s wrists. He thrust his cock into her mouth as deep as it would go one last time, holding it there as Blake swallowed, constricting her muscles around the tip, then let her up just as Blake started to run out of air.

He didn’t stop eating her pussy, however.

Gasping in an effort to take hold of herself, Blake pulled herself off Liam’s face.

“Wait,” she gasped, “Wait.”

As Blake pushed herself up next to him, Liam just grinned at her, “I thought you said you love it when I fuck your face like that.”

She did. She loved it too much to glare at him for the smart-ass remark.

“I do,” she said, voice still breathy as she crawled toward him on the bed, climbing on top of him so that his hard cock pressed against her belly like a hot steel rod. Her lips were less than an inch from his.

“I want your cum in my mouth,” she said, gazing into his beautiful, intense blue eyes. Fuck, she could see exactly much he wanted to fuck her, “But I don’t want you to cum yet. I don’t want to cum on your face, either, as wonderful as that is.”

She moved her hips forward until both she and Liam gasped as her sopping wet pussy slid over his cock, its length pressing *hard* against her slick, sensitive folds. Fuck, she loved seeking pleasure flood through his features like that.

“Do you feel how wet you make me?” she moaned, keeping her gaze locked with his. She slid her pussy back and forth over his length as it strained against her, “I love that I make you this fucking hard.”

She put her hands on his chest, squeezing those strong muscles as she gazed down at him, “I want you–fuck!” she gasped as the head of his cock brushed against her clit, “I want you to tell me you want to slip your hard cock inside my tight pussy.”



  1. Hey everyone, this section ended up being *REALLY* long, so this post is Part 1 of either a 2 or 3 Part scene, kind of like the last one.

    Also, after the positive response I got last week, I ended up making a [Ko-Fi]( for anyone who wants to help support me. Instead of having tiered content like Patreon, you can either do a monthly-subscription type of support, just give me a tip to show your love. (And yes, I will be updating the page to make it look nicer if any of you choose to visit)

    I want to stress that this story is going to stay free and here on reddit, even when I finish enough of this to publish it in e-book format. I really appreciate how vocal everyone is in their enjoyment of this story, and I don’t want to make it any harder for you to continue reading it. When this story gets long enough, I might just create a subreddit for it so that everything is all nice and neat in one place.

    And don’t worry, there’s a lot more of this to come.


    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](
    [Part XLII](

    [Part XLIII](
    [Part XLIV](
    [Part XLV](

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/u_taylorstorms] [The Camgirl Part XLVI: Am Not! [Oral] [Rimming] [Buttplug] [Fsolo] [Implied MF] [Very light BDSM]](

     *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don’t vote in the other threads.) ^([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*

  3. Absolutely my favorite story on Reddit, even if you did feel the need to use Whitacre as an example of a good composer….

  4. Love the attention to some of the smallest details! Really makes you feel like you are in it! Can’t wait to see where you take it next!

  5. Damn, this is a red hot read! Loving all the details to the sexy action taking place. Probably the most epic love scene I’ve ever read. Thank you for continuing what is now most likely the longest and most consistently well written erotic series on Reddit. Two thumbs and one very hard lower appendage up!

  6. Another fabulous episode ! So much talent in your writing ! I think it deserves some coffee :)

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