Lucie: Deadly Pleasures: Part 3 and Part 4 [Str8] [Bi] [Gay] [Les] [bdsm] [inc] [sci-fi] [nc] [violence] [snuff] [bloodplay] [gore]


Turning someone into a vampire is not a simple matter of swapping blood. There has to be intent. There also has to be actual death involved. So in order to make a vampire, I have to drink the subject, I have to give him or her my blood, and I have to kill them, all while wanting the turning to happen. I can break their necks, or shoot them, or hang them – it doesn’t matter, really – but the simplest and neatest way to do this is to just drain them of their blood.

If you don’t kill the subject, but follow all the other steps – with intent – then there still will be a transformation, but what you will end up with is a ghoul, not a full vampire. Ghouls also need blood to survive, but they don’t get all the perks the vampires do. They don’t grow sharp retractable incisors, they don’t have our mesmerism or superstrength, and the aversion-to-sun cure doesn’t actually work on them. Their minds also cannot really handle the blood thirst, and they lose their sanity very rapidly. All in all, ghouls are an unnecessary mess. Very few vampires keep them around. We are allowed to create as many as we want as they usually die out within a few months, but we usually have no reason to. (This is unlike making new vampires, where we have to request permission from the vampire lords, and may not get one for several decades. And yes, we do have vampire lords – they are in charge of running our vampire utopia.)

One other thing – we don’t experience hunger like humans do. The area in our brain that tells us we’re hungry is the same area that tells humans they are horny. Our lust for blood is quite literal. This is why vampires have always been known to be hyper-sexual beings. Sex for us is as satisfying as a low-calorie snack for hungry people – if we don’t have access to blood, sex can keep us going for some time, but we will never feel full just by rubbing one out or fucking someone. The point is, a vampire, or a ghoul, who doesn’t know what he or she is, will not even know they need blood. They will have this great need, great void that they will try to satisfy with sex or masturbation, until they get their first taste of blood, after which things will make much more sense to them.

And this is exactly what I have done to Hannah’s mother, Constance.

Constance has been drugged last night. I drank of her, and I gave her some of my blood, intending to turn her, but I never killed her, and she is now a hungry oblivious ghoul. She has recently woken up from her drug-induced sleep. She is in the torture chamber, all alone, thinking she is very – unnaturally – horny. I am watching her through the one-way mirror. Hannah walks in, and the door closes behind her. Same as her mother, she is wearing a short grey nightie. Thanks to my staff treating her for the last couple hours, her wounds are now washed and closed up, with no traces of blood on her.

“Mom!” she exclaims when she sees Constance. She runs to her and the two women embrace.

“Mom, are you okay? Did they hurt you?”

“No, honey, I’m fine,” Constance says quietly. There is a strange look in her eyes. “I’m okay. Just…” she trails off.

“Mom, we have to get out of here! They did things to me and Eric, I don’t know where he is, I think they may have killed him.” Hannah starts looking around the room and pauses at the tool bench. “Mom, there are some tools here, maybe we can use them to escape. Mom! Mom?”

Constance has walked up behind her and is now hugging Hannah from behind. Her hands run over her daughter’s body, pausing for a while at her breasts.

“Mom, what are you… Help me find a way to escape!”

“Yeah, you’re right, honey. We need to escape…” She is now explicitly massaging Hannah’s tits. She breaks out of her embrace and turns to her.

“Stop it! What’s wrong with you, mom?”

Constance looks away. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m just so… I’m so horny. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Maybe you could…”

“We don’t have time for whatever this” – she shakes her hand at her mother – “is. We. Need. To. Go. Okay?”

Constance nods slowly. But then says, “Just… very quickly…. I can’t think straight with how horny I am, just let me…”

She puts her hand between her thighs and reaches to massage her clit. Her nightie pulls up, exposing a well-trimmed bush of dark pubic hair.”

“Mom, this is crazy.” Hannah tries to pull her mother’s hand away from her pussy. “Stop it, please,” she pleads.

“Hannah, honey, mommy needs to cum,” Constance says to her in a patient mom tone. “I will be quick. Quicker, if you help me, and then we can go, okay?”

“What the fuck is wrong with you,” Hannah spits angrily. Constance slaps her face.

“Don’t talk to your mother this way!”

Hannah begins to sob, and Constance pulls her into a hug. “I’m sorry, honey,” she mutters. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but if you help me get off, everything will be okay.”

Hannah tries to pull away, but Constance’s grip is strong – ghouls don’t have the vampire strength, but they are still stronger than humans. Constance starts pulling off Hannah’s nightie. Her daughter resists a little, but finally gives in. Tired and broken, she begins to understand there’s something terribly wrong here, and her will to fight diminishes.

She is now naked before her mother. Constance takes off her nightie as well, and the two women regard each other’s naked bodies. They are quite similar, though Constance’s tits are larger and a little saggier.

“Suck on my tits, honey,” Constance demands. Hannah meekly bends down to her mother’s nipples and takes one in her mouth. Constance smiles in pleasure.

“Yes, that’s it, baby girl – suck on mommy’s nipples like when you were a baby. That feels so good… Now put your finger in mommy’s pussy… Yes, right there, slide it in, honey, it’s okay. Finger me. Finger fuck your mommy. Oh, that’s a good girl, you’re fingering me just right…. Oh god…”

Suddenly Constance pushes Hannah away. “I want to taste your pussy,” she tells her breathily. She lies down, pulling Hannah on top of her and then pushing her around to get into sixty-nine position. She adjusts her daughter’s body to get her spread pussy right over her tongue. Her hands press Hannah’s head into her own soaking pussy.

“Eat your mommy,” Constance demands, and Hannah begins lapping her mother’s clit. Moaning, Constance presses her tongue into her daughter’s pussy, and proceeds to tongue-fuck it. Her movements are frantic and irregular, with her tongue sometimes slipping upwards into Hannah’s asshole. Initially reluctant, Hannah’s hips now move towards her mother’s tongue. She is moaning too, but her moans are muffled by Constance’s thighs.

I realize my timing has not been perfect. If Hannah were on her period now, Constance would get a taste of her blood, and I would be treated to a delicious scene of a mother eating her own daughter’s period. I myself am not much for period blood – the taste is not very good. But the hungry ghoul Constance getting a taste of her daughter’s blood right now would probably result in putting a literal spin on “eating pussy,” and that would be perfectly delightful. As it is, I’m expecting Constance to cum any time now, only to find out that her hunger has not been satiated at all.

But I was not entirely correct and it seems like there were, in fact, traces of blood in Hannah’s pussy. While she was away, she was cleaned, but not cleaned enough, and some of the blood from Eric’s castrated penis must have remained inside her. Constance can feel it. She buries her tongue deep inside her daughter’s vagina to get more of it. Her teeth sink into her daughter’s tender flesh, and Hannah screams loudly. She pounds on her mother’s thighs with her fists. She tries to get off, but Constance’s iron grip is too strong to break out of. Constance bites through Hannah’s pussy and laps up the leaking blood. She bites into her thigh, as deep as she can. She starts clawing her daughter’s firm ass, leaving bloody scratches. Her face distorted in a blood frenzy, she throws her daughter off her, then lunges at her, intending to bite through her neck.

I decide to intervene. As Constance’s maker, I have some hold of her, and so when I walk in and command her to stop, she obeys almost immediately. She stands up, growling softly. Alexes are here as well, and they help Hannah stand up. There is a trickle of blood running down her inner thigh, and Constance’s eyes are glued to it.

“What the hell did you do,” Hannah shrieks through her tears. “Is my mom a vamp like you now?”

“She’s nothing like me,” I explain. “She’s just a lowly ghoul, that’s all.”

Hannah doesn’t understand. She shakes her head, crying.

“Snap out of it,” I command.

She disregards me. “You took everything,” she sobs. “You killed my boyfriend, you killed my mom – what more do you want, you demon bitch?”

Alex 1 moves to punish her for her words, but I shake my head. It doesn’t matter. She does not have long to live.

“I want you to feed your mother,” I say.

She looks up at me. I smile cruelly. Constance’s gaze shifts towards me as well, expectantly.

“Constance, did you breast feed her?” I ask. Constance nods. “I did. She was a biter.”

“Oh?” I run a finger across Constance’s breasts. She shivers excitedly.

“I think it’s only fair if your daughter returns the favor, then.” I say. “Shackle her up,” I order the Alexes, and they chain her up to a wall

“Tighter,” I say regarding their work. “I want her completely immobilized.”

After Hannah is completely tied, I grab my scalpel, and I cut through her left nipple. Blood starts oozing out almost immediately, but not as much as I was hoping her, so I slash through it again, at an angle to the first incision. Now blood is flowing freely. Constance smells it where she stands. She looks at me pleadingly, awaiting my command, and I give it to her. Immediately, she takes her daughter’s bleeding nipple inside her mouth, and starts sucking it greedily. Hannah is still crying, horror and pain visible in her face.

“Play along, and you might live longer,” I snap. She collects herself, and I order Alex 1 to free her arms. She cups her hand around her bleeding breast, squeezing it lightly for her feeding mother. Constance sucks even harder.

“Doesn’t it feel good?” I say sarcastically. “Breastfeeding your own mother? You took from her, and now you’re giving back. Circle of life.”

She doesn’t respond. Alex 2 comes up to Constance from behind with a large dildo in his hand. The didlo has a few razorblades running through it. He looks at me questioningly, and I nod. He places the tip against Constance’s anus. She feels it, and pauses her sucking. She glances at me.

“Do you want it?” I ask.

She moves her ass toward the tip and says, “Please, Goddess.”

She resumes her sucking, and Alex 2 shoves the razored dildo all the way in. Constance shrieks and pulls back. She tries to grab Alex 2’s hand to pull the didlo away, but I intervene.

“Take it or you don’t get any more blood,” I say. She is still struggling, and I grab her hair and pull her away from Hannah’s tits.

“Take it,” I repeat. “Or no more blood.”

She gives me a hateful look, but stops struggling now. I let her back to Hannah’s breasts, still holding her by the hair. Alex 2 pulls the dildo out all the way. Constance’s asshole looks like a bleeding flower. He starts raping her ass with the dildo, slowly, turning it with every thrusts. Constance’s lips are still glued to Hannah’s tits, and she is moaning loudly. In pain, she bites into Hannah’s breast, nearly severing her nipple. Hannah gasps, letting go of her breast. She grabs her mother by the hair and tries pushing her head away.

I am getting really worked up by all of this. I can feel my own pussy moistening, my clit swelling, my nipples hardening and becoming so sensitive beneath the fabric of my robe. I need to get off now, and I decide to put an end to this. I order the Alexes to take Constance away. I could stake her, turning her into dust, but I need to drain her first.

I never told you what happens with my barely alive victims when I have them taken away. They are hung upside down above a large tub. My servants slit their throats and let their blood pour down into the tub. When the stream loses its potency, we slash through other big arteries and veins, until every last drop is collected.

Why do I need to collect so much blood? A while ago I wanted to do what the legendary countess Elizabeth Báthory allegedly tried to do and get a full blood bath going. Problem was that a human body has up to 1.5 gallons of blood, while a typical bathtub holds eighty gallons, which means that we need to drain around fifty people. While I certainly have the means to do this, I lack the patience. Besides, the blood from the first people to go ends up coagulating before we get to the last ones, and – well, it’s just a huge mess. Some of my vampire friends recommended to me a good anti-coagulating agent, which helped a lot, and I am now diluting blood with strong alcohol for better flow. I no longer bathe in blood either – I prefer to have a shower of blood run over me, hence the shower installed in the torture chamber.

After taking Constance away, my servants don’t return. I am alone with Hannah. They will have the honor of watching my orgasm later, at the conclusion of today’s festivities. Right now, I want to do this by myself. I slash my hand again and I let Hannah have a lick. She already knows what I taste like, and I suppose it’s the one good thing she has to look forward to throughout this ordeal. I take off my robe for her and I let her view my naked body. She stares in awe.

A little more of vampire lore for you: vampires are gorgeous. We are perceived as the most fucking amazing, awe-inspiring, sexually enticing things ever. This doesn’t really have to do much with our beauty – we are beautiful, but not all of us are complete knock-outs, and I have met many vampires who were rather plain-looking. Yet, every single vampire can completely entrance a human without even trying. This is all a part of our power of mesmerism, and it all taps into human sexual urges. So our blood will sexually arouse a human, the sight of our naked bodies will drive a person mad with lust. When we do a mental push onto someone, we basically make them horny enough to do anything for us, and then we specify what actually needs to be done.

I generally won’t use this push on my victims. Consciously willing victims are boring. Victims who are sexually aroused but are not pushed are much more fun – they know that they are tortured, or being made to torture someone else, but they are too horny to do anything about it. And this is the kind of torture I love to inflict most of all.

I am done torturing Hannah, however. I want her to be completely willing in what happens next because I don’t want to make an effort to constrain her. I give her only a slight push, and this with my blood and the sight of my body completely breaks her will. I untie her. She stands, looking at me, tits bleeding, face covered with tears. She is smiling. She has discovered a purpose, and she is going to fulfill it.

I throw her a strap-on. “Put it on,” I command. The strapon is fairly big. It has been specially made of me, molded from one of the best cocks I’ve had (the owner of that cock is no more, of course). It’s entirely transparent, and it looks great on Hannah.

I make her lie down. As she waits for me, I grab a pair of leather gloves from the tool bench. Every finger of that glove has a razor-sharp claw mounted on it. I put the gloves on. I survey Hannah one last time – this is the last time I will see her form, relatively unscathed.

I take in her beauty, her black hair, her blue eyes, her skin, now flushed with sexual arousal. I position myself over the strap on and put myself down. It feels good in me. Hannah helps me move with her hands on her hips. She smiles at me as a moan escapes my lips. I am bouncing on her and her tits sway with my rhythm.

I run my clawed index finger between her tits, leaving a gashing wound. Her face changes, she cries out, but her hands are still on my hips and her butt still moves up and down to plunge the strapon deeper into me. I slash at her with my entire array of claws. I slash over her face, deep. Her forehead starts running with blood, and her lip is now split. She begins to cry, tears mixing with blood.

“Please, Goddess,”

“Please what?” I ask.

“Take me… Take me whole…”

I smile at her. My hands are now running her entire body, scratching, slashing haphazardly into her. I feel like an artist, rapidly filling the canvas of her skin with long red strokes. It is no longer possible to tell where each individual cut is – her skin is minced by the criss-crossing network of slashes. I am fucking her faster now, and my slashes run deeper, as deep as the claws will allow. Right before I come, I stick both of my index fingers into her neck from the sides and push up, slitting her throat. She tries crying out, but there is only a rasping gurgling sound rising from her chest. I take off my gloves then and put my index fingers against her eyes. She is too much pain to understand what is to come, but I don’t care anymore. I shove my fingers into her eyes, feeling their springing sponginess at my fingertips. Then her eyes give in. Blood and soft delicate flesh of her eyes oozes out around my fingertips. I scoop out her eye matter and I rub it into my tits. I push myself all the way on the strapon and I come – hard. Waves over waves of pleasure run through me, and the room is filled with my scream. I collapse over Hannah, biting and licking whatever my mouth can find.

I come down and look at Hannah. She is not moving any longer. Her eye sockets are two pools of blood, giving her an ethereal look. Her mangled distorted face is calm and beautiful. Her chest is still and pale. She looks like a marble statue, cracked with age, blood slowly seeping through the cracks. I kiss her cold still lips.


The room is clean again. All the bodies have been drained, blood shower prepared, and a chair put under it. The chair is for me. It’s beautiful, something in-between a chair and a throne, made from black twisted iron. It is not comfortable, but I trade the discomfort for the feeling of regality. I am sitting in it, completely naked. I haven’t washed myself after murdering Hannah, and my body still has her blood over it. On both sides of my throne are my Alexes and Alexas, also nude and ready to go – Alexes with large erect cocks and Alexas, with moist, inviting pussies. Each of them is slowly masturbating, readying themselves for the orgy to come.

But first things first. Susie and Sarah stand before me, naked. Susie is gagged and handcuffed. Sarah is free. Her eyes are glued to me as she takes in the splendor of my nude form.

I clap my hands and the shower is turned on. The flow is weak for now, raindrops of blood lazily popping over me.

“Sarah,” I say sonorously. “You have been allowed to survive so far. You have done very well and I want to give you a choice. But first, tell me – do you love your sister?”

“Yes, Goddess,” she replied in a daze.

“Really? Even after she called you – I believe ‘disgusting pig whore’ was in the mix?”

“Yes, Goddess. She was under stress then, but she took care of me when parents would beat me. She was… mostly nice to me.”

I consider this. At last I say, “Would you beg for her life, then?”

“Yes, Goddess.” She gets down on her knees, but I shake my head.

“Get up. For her life, I require a sacrifice.”

In a louder voice, I shout, “Bring it in!” and my other servants walk in with a table saw. They place it right next to Sarah. One of them plugs it in, and the other one presses the button to start it. The blade whirs hungrily, its teeth glistening under the fluorescent lights. Sarah glances at the saw and shudders. She looks back at me.

“Your choice is simple, Sarah – if you cut off your own right arm, I will spare you and I will spare your sister. We will help with the wound so that you don’t die. You both will be set free, and I will help you settle somewhere… far away from here. You will be marked as never to be taken away. If you don’t, I will make you watch as I very slowly kill your sister, and I promise to make it as painful as possible. Flaying her skin comes to mind,” I add musingly. “You may have a few minutes to decide.”

I watch them. Sarah’s face is now pale, expression anguished, brow creased. Susie looks at her sister, pleading. At last, Susie says in a whimpering, tear-filled voice, “Sis, look at me. You have to do this. Please. Do it for me.”

Sarah looks back at her uneasily. She doesn’t say a word, nor does she move.

“Sarah,” Susie continues. “Please. I’m your sister. You can’t let me die. I know this is an awful thing to ask, but if you do it, I will stay with you forever. I will help you in any way I can, for the rest of our lives. Please… I know we’ve had our differences, but if you help me, you can do whatever you want. I will never say a word against you. We will go somewhere far away, I’ll do whatever makes you happy. Please… oh god, please, don’t let me die, just don’t let me die.”

Sarah is considering Susie. She watches her sister’s tearful pleading face. At last, she looks decided. She steps up to her, kisses her on the lips, which shuts her up, and quietly says, “I love you.” Then, suddenly and forcefully, she grabs her sister by the hair, and shoves her chest-first onto the whirring jigsaw. Susie only screams for a second before the blade minces her heart. Blood splatters everywhere. The blade is now visible from Susie’s back. Some of her flesh and shreds of dress is caught on the teeth, and there is a red mist around it.

Without looking at me, Sarah lifts her dead sister’s body off the saw. She holds on to it, while taking her right arm and dragging it across the saw, separating it from Susie’s body. She lets the body fall on the floor. Stepping over it, she approaches me with Susie’s right arm in her hands. She gets down on one knee, as if about to propose, but then bows her head and presents the arm.

“Goddess, I beg you to accept my sister’s arm instead of mine. Please accept it… together with my own life.”

I keep myself expressionless and regal. I grab the arm, look at it for a moment, and then pass it to Alexa 2, who gently puts it away. Sarah looks up at me. I hold her gaze for a moment and then smile. I spread my legs for her, allowing her to see my pussy. She stares at it. At last, she crawls closer to me and begins licking me. She eats me out feverishly, alternating tongue-fucking me and licking and sucking on my clit. I close my eyes in enjoyment. I clap my hands, and the shower starts running at full speed, covering our nude bodies with the blood of my victims. Sarah’s hair between my legs is now wet and sticky. I grab it and shove her face even closer to me.

Around me, Alexa 2 gets on her knees and starts sucking Alex 1’s cock. Alex 2 moves closer to them, and Alexa 2 shares the full cocks, masturbating one while licking the other. Alexa 2 is masturbating watching this, but then gets down beside Alexa 1, taking over Alex 2’s cock, and running her hand over to Alexa 1’s pussy. They go at it for a while. I am close to cumming on Sarah’s tongue. I pull her away and order Alex 1 to put away the throne. When he does this, I lay down right beneath the shower, and order Sarah to continue satisfying me. The shower is sputtering blood right into my open mouth.

Alex 1 bends down to me and begins sucking on my breast. Alexa 2 gets on all fours on my other side and joins him in sucking my other breast, and Alex 2 gets behind her and starts fucking her pussy. His thrusts are slow and controlled. Alexa 1 grabs hold of Alex 1’s cock and begins masturbating it. He pulls away from my breast and stands on his knees. Alexa 1 is close to making him cum, but he awaits my command.

“Cum on me,” I moan.

Alexa 1’s strokes intensify and within a few seconds, Alex 1 spurts a large load over my tits. His warm cum covers me, mixing with the blood over my body. Alexa 1 plunges onto me and licks it all up. Her tongue sends shivers through me, and I let myself go, cumming loudly on Sarah’s frenetic tongue. I squirt blood – my own blood – into Sarah’s mouth, and she laps it up. Immediately, she is joined by Alexa 2 and Alex 2, who both kiss her, and she shares the blood with them. She then gets on top of Alex 2 and begins fucking him, needily and desperately, while Alexa 2 gets behind them and tongue-fucks Sarah’s ass. Alexa 1 pulls away from licking my tits and moves under Alexa 2, her legs criss-crossed with Alex 2’s. She starts eating Alexa 2’s pussy. Alexa 1 alternates between eating Sarah’s ass and Alexa 2’s own pussy, but then settles on licking Sarah and fingering Alexa 2.

Sarah comes first. Her orgasm is almost quiet, but her body is shaking and her teeth are clenched. She collapses on top of Alex 1, who also comes in a few more thrusts. The Alexas now focus on eating each other, orgasming almost simultaneously. We all lay around for a few minutes, enjoying the last drizzles of the blood shower, the smell of blood, sweat, cum, and pussy juices. Sarah looks up at me. Her face is glowing, she is smiling at me with teary eyes.


I wake up the next morning in my sun-lit bedroom. Everything in my bedroom is completely white or grey. Not very vampire-like, but I like it this way. My bed is soft and huge – it can easily fit five people on it. The mattress is kept at body temperature at all times.

Alexa 3 is sleeping next to me. When she feels my stir, she wakes up as well, and cuddles up to me. We are both naked. Her head is completely bald, and I run my hand along it, sending shivers along her spine. She climbs on me to kiss me, piercings in her nipples brushing against my breasts. I let her kiss my mouth. When she pushes her tongue into my lips, I bite it – but my bite is gentle. When she pulls away, I study her face. She looks back at me, completely happy, ready to do anything I tell her to. I consider killing her right there, drenching myself and my bed with her blood, masturbating it into me… but I won’t. Not yet, anyway.
