Lucie: Deadly Pleasures: Part 1 [Str8] [Bi] [Gay] [Les] [bdsm] [inc] [sci-fi] [nc] [violence] [snuff] [bloodplay] [gore]


*This is my beautiful show*

*And everything is shot in slow motion*

*-*Marilyn Manson, “*Slo-mo-tion*”

My name is Lucie. I was nineteen years old when I died.

My maker’s name was Valentine – a cliche name, for sure, but vampires who began their un-life in the nineties and early two thousands tended to go for these. Vlad, Lestat, Spike, Kraven – pop-culture galore. I’m not judging; these names make more sense than using their given names. Vampire Bob? No way.

My maker shouldn’t really concern you though. He’s dead. I killed him while I was riding him, right at the moment when he came inside of me. He turned into a pile of ash, and I finished myself off with the handle of the stake I used to kill him. I rubbed his ash all over my body. It was fun.

What should concern you is this: in the mid-nineties, a cabal of more progressive vampires began researching something that would change the world forever – a cure to our aversion to sun. The cure involved some breeding programs, gene alteration, and magic. They would breed humans to birth genetically altered babies, and these babies would be turned when they reached an appropriate age. They thought that these progenies would take care of them. But we – for I was one of them – were an ungrateful bunch.

We kept some of them around. Some of them, especially the older and more powerful vampires, joined us. We slaughtered the vast majority of them just because we didn’t really need them. Our own progeny shared our tolerance of the sun. They made a hundred of us. We made a thousand. And so on.

Do you know what thousands of immortal sun-tolerating vampires can do? Change the world. We put our kind in the right places, slowly overtaking world governments. One of us was elected to be president somewhere in Europe, a couple of us were high-ranking generals. It was easy, really – if we couldn’t become them, we turned them. The vampires who worked in the press made sure these things went unnoticed. By the time the world realized what was going on, it was too late.

We came out on January 15th, 2052 – the year that would become our Year One. By then there was no military to stop us, no press to silence us, no governments to command us. We were on top, and we openly dictated our demands to the humans, shaping the world into our image. Making the world serve us.

We actually didn’t change too much. We didn’t want to end the world – we needed humans for food and entertainment, so we kept most institutions going. We didn’t want them to be entirely unhappy and turn against us: we could squash rebellions but we didn’t really want to. We wanted them to live, create, invent, reproduce – and worship us as living gods. We didn’t even kill them for food; we made blood donations mandatory for everyone so we always had access to fresh – or frozen – blood.

We didn’t kill them for food. We killed them for fun.

After we took over the world, we didn’t have a purpose anymore. We had everything we wanted. Except… nothing could really satisfy us. You see, what vampire craves the most is blood. It’s our thirst – permanent, hollow, mind-numbing need. But for the first time in history, we didn’t need to work to get blood. So what do you do when your primary and most consuming desire is satiated? Well, you find other means to entertain yourself.

As humans, we grew up oversaturated by sensations. We were glued to our phones and tablets, having access to all kinds of media – books, movies, TV, games, porn. We didn’t need each other. Or, rather, we used each other for entertainment – we would text when we were bored, play games together, send nudes to each other, but in the end, it was all solitary. There were vampire romance books where a lonely thousand year-old vampire needed to find a connection to the world and become attracted to some modern shy girl who would give him that connection, get him back in touch with his humanity. We didn’t need that at all – we didn’t need it when we were alive, we needed it even less when we died.

In *Buffy*, vampires portrayed as creatures without a soul. That is not true. We have a soul. I think. I mean, we don’t know if there is an actual physical or metaphysical soul, but I certainly didn’t lose anything when I was embraced. Maybe I never had one. That’s not the point – the point is I as a vampire is the same as I as a human, except I have no fear of retribution. Something without a soul wouldn’t feel anything when killing or hurting others. But I feel it. I enjoy it. It’s fun. It gives me pleasure.

My name is Lucie. I am writing this for you because I want you to see me for who I am. I love being seen. A lot of the things that happen on my gigantic estate are secret – they would be too shocking for general population. But I want you to know these things. To know me. To fear me. To desire me. To understand how – how fucking bored I am. If you read this and you like it, maybe I will turn you, and we can have some fun together. Or maybe I will kill you. Who knows.


I do this once a month. Maybe twice a month, when I’m feeling peckish. It’s a little different every time, but the amount of carnage is always more or less the same. I don’t do this to my servants as I don’t have many. The ones I do have willingly worship me. Out of my entourage, there are four who are my favorites: two female and two male, trained to be cruel, lustful, and blood-thirsty. I mean “blood-thirsty” in both figurative and literal sense – I feed them a little bit of my blood on a weekly basis which prolongs their lives and enhances their feelings. They say it’s the greatest reward they can receive, only next to having sex with me, for which they would die for. I’ve named them Alex 1, Alex 2, Alexa 1, and Alexa 2 – not very inventive, sure, but I have no desire to give proper names to these objects of my pleasure.

I also have a team of military-trained hunters. Every month, they deliver me playthings. They also These are all mostly young men and women. Their names I’ve taken the time to learn – there is Eric, eighteen year-old stud, his girlfriend Hannah, also eighteen. There is James, twenty year old. He has two younger twin sisters – Susie and Sarah. Hannah’s mother is named Constance, she is also here. Sarah has a boyfriend, Chris. I plan to kill them all.

My playroom – my torture chamber, actually – is spacious, and well lit with fluorescent lights running all along the ceiling. It is rectangular in shape. The floor slopes a little towards one of the long ends, and at the lowest point, there is a drain. Above the drain is a showerhead, connected to a pumping mechanism that pushes all that is drained into the shower.

The entrance to my playroom is at the opposite end. To the right and to the left of the entrance, there are eight poles installed, four on each side. On the ceiling, there are numerous rails installed. There are chains hanging from the ceiling in one of the corners, and these chains can slide along any of these rails and lock into any point. A control panel at the corner close to the entrance can be used to move these chains and adjust their length.

There are rows of anchors running along both of the long walls. In the middle of one of these walls is a one way mirror, through which I can observe anything transpiring in my torture chamber, unnoticed. Along the same wall is a tool bench, with an assortment of numerous shiny sharp objects, several sets of handcuffs, and various sex toys.

Two of the poles have occupants now – Eric and Hannah are each tied to a pole and gagged. The Alexes are lined up against the wall opposite of the one way mirror, awaiting my commands. Eric is wearing white shirt and black pants. Hannah is clad in a simple white dress. I From the tool bench, I grab a scalpel and approach Eric first. I pull down his pants. His cock is limp, framed by well-groomed blonde pubes. I put it in my hand and squeeze. It twitches. I slap his face hard. I order Alex 1 to fellate him and walk over to Hannah.

Hannah is a very cute brunette with blue eyes, wide in fear. I ungag her.

“Please let us go,” she whimpers.

“Be a good girl, and I will,” I promise. I have no intention to keep my promise.

I cut her chest with a scalpel. It’s a shallow little cut. She screams. At first, the cut is just a pinkish line on her pale skin, but it quickly begins filling up with blood. Blood trickles down to the line of her white dress, staining it. I run my tongue over her chest, tasting the blood. I feel myself getting turned on.

I cut Hannah again. I run my scalpel through the middle of her dress, cutting it apart. The scalpel reaches her skin, leaving another cut in the middle of her body. Alexa 2 comes up behind to help me remove her dress – she finishes the job by tearing it apart with scissors. Now Hannah is completely naked, with three lines of blood running down her body. She has small tits with puffy pink nipples. Flat tummy. Her pussy is clean-shaven. I make another cut on the bottom of her belly and when the blood reaches her pussy, I lick it off. I find her clit and begin tonguing it. I keep my mouth open to let the blood drip onto my tongue while I’m eating her out. She whimpers. I stand up, cut my hand, and let her have a lick – my blood has aphrodisiac qualities, and I want her to be aroused for this. Alexa 2 watches us hungrily, and I let her have a lick as well. She bows in response.

Alex 1 is still working on Eric’s cock. Eric’s background showed no inclination of him being even slightly bi-curious, but Alex 1 has amazing mouth skills (to which Alex 2 can attest), and despite everything, Eric is now sporting a hard-on. He is circumcised, and his naked, swollen cock head is dark and moist. His expression is a mix of horror and desire. I motion for Alex 1 to move away, and he obeys. I take off Eric’s gag.

“Looks like you’re turned on,” I murmur. “Would you like to get off?”

“Please just let us go,” he pleads. “I’ll do anything, just let us go.”

It’s still ‘us”, I notice. He still pleads for Hannah. I slap his cock hard and he cries out.

“I said, would you like to get off. Answer the question,” I say firmly.

“I… yes? No? What do you want me to say?” There is a little bit of hysteria in his voice and I wince. He seems to be much weaker than I thought.

“I want the truth,” I say.

“I want… please let us go, that’s all I want,” he pleads again.

I slap his cock again and walk over to Hannah. On the way, I change my mind, go back to him, and slash his thigh. He screams out.

I go back to Hannah. She looks beautiful with rivulets of blood still running down her body. Her pussy is now moist, and her eyes look glazed over. Alexa 2 is squatting behind her, kissing her leg.

“Untie her, but put handcuffs on her,” I order. Alexa 2 obeys, and Hannah doesn’t resist.

“Now. Hannah, would you like to get off?”

“Yes,” she whispers.

Alexa 2 cringes upon hearing this. She turns to me questioningly, and I nod my head. She slaps Hannah’s face and says, “You will address her as ‘Goddess’ or ‘Mistress’ understood?”

Hannah “Yes, I’m sorry, Goddess.”

“Good girl,” I say. “Alex, come here.”

The two Alexes look at each other questioningly. “Alex 1,” I clarify.

He walks over. Upon my direction, he takes off his clothes. He is completely shaven – I like to keep my servants hairless. His gigantic cock is already hard.

“Hannah, get on all fours and spread your ass cheeks. Alex, you’re going to fuck her ass.”

They get into position. I have Alexa 1 bring over a jar of petroleum jelly, and she lubes up Alex 1’s cock and Hannah’s asshole. Alex 1 enters her easily, but Hannah screams out in pain. I motion him to stop.

“Hannah, have you had anal sex before?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No, Goddess,”

I look up at Eric. His face is anguished. “Eric, you haven’t plowed Hannah’s asshole? I’m surprised, it looks so… inviting.”

“You fucking bitch, I’ll kill you,” he shouts hysterically. Alex 2 moves to him, but I shake my head, and he stops.

“Eric, I want you to listen very carefully,” I say calmly. “If you say anything like this again, I will kill Hannah here. Do you understand?”

His lips are shaking. I motion to Alex 2 and he punches Eric in the stomach.

“Do you understand?” I repeat. At last, he nods.

“Say it,” I demand.

“Yes…” he says angrily.

Alex 2 punches him again. Eric howls in pain, then looks at me and says, “Yes, mistress.”

I smile. “Now, I want you to watch your girlfriend having her first anal fucking. Alex, don’t hold back.”

Alex 1 starts raping Hannah’s asshole. She is screaming in pain. It doesn’t seem to feel very good for Alex either – too tight, I suppose – but his training, and some pills taken in advance, keep him hard.

While he fucks her, I motion for the Alexas to approach and instruct them to hold Hannah. She looks up at me questioningly, her face a mixture of pain and desire. I sit on my knees next to her. I take some time to admire Alex 1’s muscular sweaty body ravaging Hannah’s petite shape. “Don’t stop,” I tell Alex 1. With my scalpel, I make two swift and rather deep incisions in Hannah’s back. She screams loudly. Her arms collapse, but Alexas are still holding her in position to receive Alex’s cock. Her screams are joined by Eric, and Alex 2 punches him one more time to shut him up.

Alex 1 is a sadistic psychopath, like me, and Hannah’s pain brings him to the brink of an orgasm. Yet he has enough self-control to pause and ask me if he may cum. I shake my head. He looks a little discouraged, but he knows I won’t leave him without a reward. I tell him to pull out and I tell Alexas to turn Hannah over.

Her face is filled with tears, and I lick them off. They are warm and salty. I spit them back onto her face, and she flinches. I put my hand over her mouth and her nose, preventing her breathing. She struggles, but Alexa 1 is holding her handcuffed hands, and Alexa 2 is now holding down her legs, so she can’t really move. I cut her cheek from the corner of her mouth all the way to the ear. I don’t cut deep enough to completely tear her mouth apart – that may come later. She tries to scream, again, but the scream is muffled by my hand. I spit on her face again, then lean in and whisper to her ear, “Shut up or I will kill you right now.”

She stops screaming and I take my hand away. She gasps for breath. Now I put my hand over her throat and I push into her jaw and down – not hard enough to choke, but hard enough to hold her head in place. I bring my scalpel very close to her eye. She blinks rapidly and looks at me in utter horror.

“Don’t blink,” I command, but she can’t help it.

“Please…” she whimpers. “Please, Goddess…”

“Close your eyes,” I say. I put the scalpel on her closed eyelid, and I make a very small incision – just a scrape. She doesn’t scream this time, but there is some kind of a hoarse sound coming from her throat. I get up.

“Good girl,” I say. “You may rest for now, but I want you to watch.”

Alexa 2 grabs a short chain and clamps it onto Hannah’s handcuffs. She leads the sobbing broken girl to a wall, and clamps the other end of the chain to an anchor. The chain is long enough for Hannah to sit on the floor. She is looking dowd, helplessly, and Alexa 2 pulls her hair, jerking her head upwards, and hisses, “Watch.”

My servants chain a collar around Eric’s neck and free him from the pole he’s been tied to. They take off his shirt and make him go down on all fours. Alexa 1 lubes up his ass. He begins to protest, and I kick his ribs and make Alexa 1 put his gag back on. I ask Alex 1 if he would like to cum into Eric’s ass. “As you wish, Goddess,” he replies.

He begins to sodomize Eric. Eric screams through the gag, and I slap his ass hard. I grab his cock and begin stimulating it. He actually starts getting hard. I motion for Alex 2 and the Alexas to help me hold him down. Still stimulating his cock, I carve my name into his back with my scalpel. I lick his back to taste his blood. I look over at Hannah, my chin bloody, and I smile at her horrified expression. I turn back to Eric, and I sink my teeth into his back. His body trembles, and his blood pumps into my mouth. I feel every thrust from Alex 1, who is speeding up. I move away from Eric, and I kiss Alex 1, sharing Eric’s blood with him. I whisper, “Cum for me,” and in a few more thrusts, he does. He has the expression of utter bliss as he comes, his eyes locked with mine, his fingers clawing deep into Eric’s back.

I take off Eric’s gag. I make Hannah lie down, and I have Eric squat over her. He looks at me through the tears on his face. His blood is dripping down onto Hannah’s body.

“I want you to push Alex’s cum onto Hannah’s face,” I tell him. “Hannah, open your mouth – you have to swallow every drop.”

Eric struggles to get the cum out of his ass. Some of it drops down onto Hannah’s messy face. The servants move Eric closer to her mouth. He continues to push and now a sizeable load oozes out of his asshole right into Hannah’s open mouth. She swallows. I separate them.

“Okay, good,” I say. “You two deserve a treat. How about you fuck each other for a change?”

They glance over each other, confused. Hannah is still somewhat excited from the blood I gave her earlier, but Eric doesn’t seem to be in any condition to get a real erection.

I order Alexas to help him get in the mood. They take off their uniforms. My Alexas are gorgeous – both slim and fit, both in their late twenties. Alexa 1 is dark-skinned, with full lips and full hips, long shapely legs, and delicious bubbly ass. Her head is clean-shaven, and she is able to pull off the bald look. Alexa 2 looks a lot like me – a pale, green-eyed redhead (I let her keep her hair), though her tits are a little smaller. They are both the kind of girls that wouldn’t need to lift a finger to get some guys – or girls.

They push Eric to lie down and start to work their magic. Alexa 1 takes his cock all the way inside her mouth and starts running her pierced tongue all over it. Alexa 2 rubs her naked tits over Eric’s face. Eventually he is hard – and this seems to be a real, throbbing, erection rather than a physical reaction to stimulation. Hannah watches this with a kind of estranged interest. When Alexas move away from Eric, she starts getting on top of him, but I shake my head.

“I want you two to do it doggy style,” I command. “Alexa 1, why don’t you play with Hannah’s clit – I want her to come first.”

Alexa 1 and Hannah get into 69 with Hannah on top. Eric kneels down in front of Hannah’s spread legs, positions his cock over Hannah’s wet pussy and begins thrusting into her. Hannah squeals when Eric is all the way in. He fucks her the way he must have done it many times before – the way she must have taught him, the way she enjoys, not too fast, not too slow. They get a little lost in each other. With a smirk, Alexa 2 gets on top of Hannah, and begins rubbing her gorgeous shaven pussy right in front of his face. He is distracted by this, but not distracted enough to notice me getting a sharp sickle from the tool bench.

I approach them with the sickle behind my back. Alex 1 gets into position behind Eric. Hannah comes loudly, screaming out, and convulsing, her pent-up fear, pain, and rage sublimating into a long explosive orgasm. The throbbing of her body makes Eric stop thrusting, his cock still half-way inside her. I quickly grab what I can grab of his cock and balls, and I cut them off with the sickle. Blood gushes onto Hannah’s pussy, dripping into Alexa 1’s open mouth. Alex 1 immediately grabs Eric from behind, covering his mouth to stifle his burgeoning scream, and pulls him away. I stick the separated cock deeper into Hannah, who is still coming, completely unaware of what’s happening behind her.

Hannah’s orgasm subsides, and she turns her head to look at Eric. She is confused – her pussy still feels full, but Eric is thrashing behind her. Alex 1 moves his hand away from Eric’s mouth suddenly, and Eric vomits. I cringe in disgust. Hannah notices Eric’s bloody crotch, and with a horror realizes what is still inside her. She frantically tries to pull Eric’s cock out, but the blood made it too slippery, and she can’t get it out. Alexa 1 helps her. She gets up and shows me the bloody round thing in her hand. I take it from her and suck on the bloody end. I love the taste of cock blood – there is a faint taste of cum, and always a hint of fear in it. Alexa 1 leans to me, and I let her grab the tip of the head with her mouth. She sucks the blood out of it. We let the penis go, and swap the blood between our mouths.

In the meantime, Eric has fainted. The smell of his vomit fills up the room, and I command the servants to clean it up. Before this, they dress Eric’s wound – he is losing blood rapidly, and I need it for the final act of today’s festivities. They take Eric away. They also take away sobbing, hysterical Hannah. Eric will soon be killed and drained of his remaining blood, but I need Hannah rested and alive for later.

So… are you enjoying this story so far? If you’ve made it this far, chances are that you like it. Good. But maybe you’re asking why not go even further with this? Why don’t I dismember them, rip out their insides, fuck myself with their bones? Some of us do. One of my vampire friends has done a full re-enactment of several of Marquis De Sade’s books. Another one hosts cannibal parties, with the most popular course being human ikizukuri, where every guest can slice off and eat any part of living human bodies. Another one… well, think of your sickest, goriest, bloodiest fantasy, and you can bet all your money one of us has done it.

We push our pleasures to the extreme because we don’t have anything better to do. But that ‘extreme’ is ours to define. It doesn’t have to be extreme violence, either – I have a friend who marries a different girl every month, and just spends a whole month pretending to love her, shower her with gifts, give her his full attention, only to kick her out at the end of the month. As far as I know, he has never killed anyone on his own – only at the aforementioned cannibal parties.

Me, I hate excessive gore. I loathe human insides. Or any insides, really. I think the human form is beautiful. I like carving into it, cutting it up, painting it with red marks, enhancing it – but never destroying it, never severely mutilating it. I do occasionally like to tear off the limbs, and my playtime almost inevitably ends with murder, but I usually don’t get off on something substantially more serious than knife play. And don’t even get me started on blunt objects – the kind of damage a hammer does on a person is nothing to get excited about. Or – well, whatever floats your boat, I suppose.



  1. Did they take down part two? It must’ve been even more fucked up. Very good writing though.

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