Dark Knights – Page 5/6

Jack turned back to Emma and enquired “Peter’s party in Hertfordshire, three months ago, where you there?” “Err yes I think I was, how on earth did you know that?” Emma seemed a little surprised and if she hadn’t been so cold and red faced Jack was certain she would have been blushing. Jack explained that he had been there too, but had left early before all the fun and games started.

“Ah OK, so are you not a regular at Pete’s parties then?” enquired Emma “No, never been before, wasn’t even sure what they were all about to be honest, so should I have stayed then?” “Well..” Emma replied “I’m sure if you had stayed you would have had a great time, and If you don’t mind me saying a good looking guy like you could probably have had the pick of the women there, I would have fucked you” Emma replied with a broad smile.

“Are you serious, really? But I’m just an average guy.” “Jack there was several women there who would have loved to have had fun with you, me included.” responded Emma. “I was sorry to see you leave, I was trying to work out a way to talk to you” Jack’s face was now one of total surprise; the revelation he had just heard amazed him, but also excited him beyond belief.

“Would you mind if I put those clothes on? I really am getting quite cold now” Emma enquired. Jack said of course and scooped up the clothes he had brought for her. Before she took them Emma peeled the towel from around her and it dropped to the floor. She now stood totally naked in front of him; Jack was rooted to the spot and unable to avert his gaze. Before him stood a totally naked woman, something he had not experienced since his wife left him two years ago. Time seemed to be standing still, Emma’s body was lean and well toned, her legs longer than average but well proportioned. His eyes flicked from her legs to her breasts, which were larger than he remembered his wife’s were, what was very noticeable was the size and hardness of Emma’s nipples. The nipples themselves were hard and erect and a very dark red, almost purple in colour. The areolae around them was not as dark as the nipples but were covered in tiny goose bumps. Emma followed Jack’s gaze and looked down at her breasts, “See I told you I was cold” she giggled. Jack’s gaze moved down her body and came to rest on the cleft between her legs. To Jack’s delight her pussy was shaved totally smooth, he had always wanted his wife to do that too but as with the underwear she wore she had deemed it unwomanly and unnatural.

Jack had always disagreed with her and now he saw why he loved this ‘look’ so much. Emma’s labia were on full display and Jack guessed perhaps a little swollen. Her clit was still just covered by the hood of skin and he was convinced that he could see a tiny droplet of her juices glistening in the firelight. Jack could not have made it more obvious as to what he was looking at, his jaw had literally dropped and his mouth was wide open as were his eyes.
In his pants he felt his cock stir slightly, something that it had not done that often in his almost celibate days since his wife left.
As if to save him any more embarrassment Emma quickly pulled on the jogging bottoms and slipped the t shirt over her head. Even though she was now fully covered her nipples made small peaks underneath the t shirt. Jack mused if it really was just the cold or more a combination of that and sexual excitement that was causing her nipples to stay hard, Jack hoped it was the latter.

“I was fucked by three guys that night.” Emma told him, “I was hoping you would have been one of them, didn’t you see me looking at you and giving you the come on?” Jack had to be honest and said that he was totally unaware of that, but had he known that he would certainly have hung around. “Well we could fix that now if you like Jack? I’m stuck here now and you don’t seem to me like the kind of guy to turn down an uncomplicated fuck” Emma said.

“Well no, it’s been like forever since I was even in bed with a woman Emma, never mind anything else.” Emma moved closer to him, too close. Jack stepped back but Emma just moved closer. Suddenly he felt her hand on the front of his jeans; he hadn’t realised that his cock had stirred even more now and was creating a reasonable bulge in his crotch. Her touch was light yet firm, she seemed to know exactly where to touch and how much pressure to apply, and it was almost as if she knew instinctively where his cock and balls were.

As Emma pressed up against him her other arm wrapped around his waist and pulled him closer to her, Jack was beginning to feel almost powerless to arrest her intentions. In one smooth movement she unzipped his flies and her hand snaked inside his jeans. She reached deeper and curled her fingers underneath his balls squeezing them firmly then cupping them as if to feel their weight. His cock was growing quickly leaving little room in his jeans; her hand slid out and moved up to his belt, she expertly unbuckled it and quickly flipped the metal button.

His jeans fell to the floor in a heap; Emma lowered herself down until she was almost squatting in front of him. Jack’s cock was now just about fully hard and straining against the material of his boxers. Emma slipped her thumbs into the waist band and pulled them down with some difficulty. As the waistband moved down it pushed his cock down and then it flipped up as she tugged at them. Emma looked up at him, then his cock and then up at him again, “Impressive” she said referring to the size of his cock.

Emma made a fist around the shaft and squeezed hard and upwards, a drop of clear pre cum oozed from the hole, Emma rubbed it into the head with her thumb, resisting the temptation to lick it off as she knew there would be more to come. Still with her fist around his cock she began to wank him, slowly and very deliberately. With each stroke his cock pumped more blood into the shaft, the head was now a deep purple colour. Emma pulled his foreskin all the way back and watched closely as the head dipped, once again she squeezed hard on the up stroke and pushed out a larger drop of pre cum.

This time she wasn’t going to do anything except lick the drop from the hole with her tongue. As soon as she had tasted his nectar she opened her mouth and engulfed the head of his cock. Her tongue swirled around the head and licked underneath the rim in rapid circles. Even at this early stage Jack was close to cumming, Emma sensed this and expertly controlled his cock arresting his urge to ejaculate.

She looked up at him once again and said “If only I had known you had this hidden away I would have made straight for you at that party” as she looked up at him she gripped his cock firmly and shook it like it was a weapon of some sort. Reluctantly she released the grip on his cock and stood up; she pulled the t shirt over her head and pulled down the baggy joggers. She made him step out of his jeans and boxers and quickly removed his shirt.

They now stood close, both totally naked in front of the crackling fire. Jack’s cock twitched and as she pressed close she raised one leg very slightly to allow his cock to slide between her thighs. Jack felt the wetness from her pussy on his cock and as they kissed passionately. She made tiny back and forward movements with her hips rubbing the length of his cock between her pussy lips.

Emma’s nipples hardened and rubbed against Jack’s chest as they kissed long and hard, their tongues frantically exploring each other’s mouths. Jack pulled away slightly and kissed Emma’s neck, he bent his knees and moved down her body kissing first between her breasts and then scooping her right breast in the palm of his hand. He wrapped his fingers around her boob and squeezed hard pulling the fistful of flesh to his mouth. Emma’s nipple was even harder now; Jack opened his mouth to receive it and then clamped his lips around her engorged nipple. Jack intended only to nibble but driven by passion he sunk his teeth into Emma’s nipple causing her to wince and then suck her breath in deeply as the sharp pain shot through her body. Emma pulled Jack’s head down hard onto her breast and begged him to bite harder, Jack needed no encouragement.

An orgasm exploded deep in Emma’s stomach, juices flowed from her pussy and began to dribble down the inside of her thighs. She threw her head back and moaned out load as Jack continued to bite down hard on her nipple. He released her nipple and moved quickly to her other one administering the same treatment. Emma‘s second orgasm was twice as strong as the first and Jack had to support her as her knees buckled. After releasing her left nipple Jack continued to kiss her beneath each breast and down the centre line of her stomach. Sinking to his knees he found himself staring straight at Emma’s pussy.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dxtl3v/dark_knights_page_56