Selina and her Luscious Curves Part I/V [FF] [Long] [Cheating]

Disclaimer: this is a long story that I will post in multiple parts. There is extensive character and story building. If you are looking for a quick read, I suggest you don’t start this one. But if you like back story and character development then proceed. Please feel free to tell me what you thought after you are done reading. I love feedback.

We have been married for 7 years. When we first met I was 20, he was 19. We were in the same women’s lit class in college. I was getting my teaching degree. He was studying to be a doctor. He was only in women’s lit because he heard it was an easy A. We flirted, we clicked, we dated and 3 years later, we got married in a small wedding ceremony. At that time, I was working as a substitute teacher and he was half way done with medical school.

Two years later, he graduated and he got a job in Connecticut and we had to move. I started looking for jobs and eventually found a full time job near his work. Moving from NYC to Connecticut was hard. Everyone said they would come and visit but they only came once and that’s it. Everyone got caught up in their own lives and obligations and I felt forgotten. And Tom was working hard, he barely had time for me. He would leave for work at 5 am and come back at 7 or 8 pm. When he worked the night shift he would leave 5 pm and come back at 7 am and I wouldn’t even see him for weeks on end. I was lonely.

Within the weeks of living in Connecticut I got really depressed. I was crying all the time and started seeing a therapist. I started taking an antidepressant that had a lot of side effects. One of which was to kill my sex drive (not that it mattered much, with his work hours we weren’t having much sex). Tom and I were more like roommates than husband and wife. We didn’t fight much, but that’s because we never saw each other. I would get home, cook and clean and go to sleep without him coming home. A part of me appreciate his dedication and love for his field. But the other part of me hated him. He was successful but he invested too much. It wasn’t enough that he was a doctor, he did extra work and stay longer hours. I was jealous of his job.

I felt that our relationship was falling apart and we needed a jolt. To his credit he said yes and we went to couples therapy twice. It went well enough but his work schedule made it tough to schedule a third appointment and that was all she wrote. We also talked about going on vacation but he could only get 4 days off so we did a weekend trip instead of going to Paris or Italy. The whole time he was talking to co-workers and had to stop on the way a few times to look something up on his laptop.

Out of desperation I asked him to have a kid. I was lonely. He said a kid wasn’t a good solution and that he was in a part of his career that made having a kid not a great idea. I cried, we did one more session of couple’s therapy and that was that.

Unlike his job, my job was boring. I worked in a small suburban middle school and didn’t really get along with anyone at work. This is why when Tom cam to me and told me that he was applying for jobs elsewhere and hoping to climb the ladder, I said “sure”

He got a job in upstate NY. This time it really didn’t matter to me. I had no life in Connecticut and I knew I wouldn’t have a life in upstate either. I applied for a few jobs and then eventually got one that way an hour and 15 mins from my husband’s hospital. With his work hours and call schedule we had to live close to the hospital so my daily commute was about an hour everyday. Listless I agreed. What difference would it make?

I showed up to first day of my new school with the enthusiasm of any of the students after their summer break has ended. I was happy to get out of the house I guess, the summer had been long and I stayed all day alone in the new apartment until Tom came home late and had dinner and went to sleep. A whole 20 minutes of human contact. I tried to sink as much time into decorating the apartment and making myself at home but my depression had prevented me from enjoying any of it.

After an hour and a half commute (traffic added an extra half an hour), and another 20 minutes looking for my classroom, I walked in to meet Selina. She was the teacher I was sharing the room with. She had 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 9th and I had 2nd, 6th, 7th and 8th. 5th period was our prep, followed by a lunch break.

It was my first time meeting her. She was a little older than me, maybe 35 or so, average high, brown long hair, and a welcoming warm smiling face. She was wearing jeans that day (there were no students so you could dress casually). And a blue shirt that hugged her figure.

She walked over and shook my hand and welcomed me to the room. Said that she was excited to have a new teacher in her room. The guy before me was pretentious and annoying. She asked me about myself, I didn’t have much to say, “I live in (town), my husband got a job in (hospital). He is a doctor. He used to work in (old hospital) but they offered him a better job here so we moved.”

“(Town) that’s far, must have taken your 2 hours to get here this morning”

“Hour and half. His work hours are much worse so he needed to be close to the hospital. He sometimes has to go in in the middle of the night”

“I see…” She paused. “Where were you working before?”

We talked a little bit more but we didn’t have much time. We had a school wide meeting with all the faculty for the rest of the day. But we did exchange phone numbers.

“Welcome to (City) High School. We are happy to have you. And I am happy to have you in my room. (Smiley face emoji)” She texted me at the end of the day.

“Thank you” I replied.

When I got home that day, I waited up for Tom to tell him about my first day of school and about Selina. He returned at 9:30. Having already had dinner, he listened to me as he fell asleep.

Over the next few days, work started and I was fitting in ok. It wasn’t a bad school system to work in. It kept me busy I guess. And the longer commute meant I spent less time alone a home. That made me feel a little better. I went to bed most nights without seeing Tom. I didn’t really care anymore. Things stayed like this for a few months. I woke up at 4:30, got to work by 7:00. Left work at 2:30, got home by 4:00, in bed by 8:00, Tom got home at 9:00 or later. Sometimes he would sleep in the living room as to not wake me up. On the weekends he would wake up at noon (I need to make up for lost times, he would say) lunch, work out, work from home, dinner while watching TV, more work, sleep, repeat on Sunday.

I wanted to break out of my depression. I had moved to a new town and I wanted to re-invent myself. I started working out. The endorphins helped somewhat. I got a new therapist in my area. I tried a new hobby: crochet, sewing, cooking, making jam, volunteering in a soup kitchen, reading thriller novels, learning Spanish, arguing with people online, online gambling… every time I tried something new I felt a new rush. I realized I was free to do what I want. I had no marital obligations and I had money. By Christmas I had learned a pretty decent amount of Spanish and made myself an ugly Christmas sweater for the Christmas party thrown by our department head.

“No way” Selina said at the party when I told her that I made the sweater I was wearing. “It’s pretty elaborate”

“I know. I am not gonna lie it took me a few weeks. And some parts I had to do over a few times but I am pretty proud of myself”

“You should be” she said. We had gotten a little friendly since the beginning of the year. I learned more about her. She was 34 (close to my guess). Her mom was Colombian (to whom she credits her “luscious curves” as she put it) and her dad Austrian. They met in queens, where she was born and went to school. She met her husband in a bar, he was quite a bit older. She married, he moved her upstate, and then things didn’t work out and they got a divorce 3 years prior. She said he divorced him “cuz his tiny dick didn’t work”. That’s the way Selina was, very outspoken about everything. She wasn’t shy and had a fiery personality. “That’s the Colombian in me” she would say, “and if you want, we can go out and I can get some Colombian in you.”

She was easy to get along with. This is why 2 weeks after meeting her I opened up to her about everything. We spoke about my husband, my marriage-less marriage, my depression, my therapy.

“Do you still love him?” She asked outright. She didn’t parcel her words.

I shrugged. “I don’t feel like I know him anymore. We don’t really talk.”

She looked back at me with kind eyes as if to say “so why are you still with him?” But without actually saying it. I broke down crying. She held me.

After I cried for a few minutes. I asked her, “i don’t know if I can do this?”

“Do what?” She asked.


“Wait a few years.” She said jokingly, “until he starts to bring in the big bucks, then divorce his ass” she paused. “And don’t worry, I see what you are packing, you got plenty of mileage left on that ass” and she smacked my butt. Luckily no kids were around to see that.

We got a lot closer after that. We went out to dinner almost every week. I slept over her house when it was raining badly and I couldn’t (or rather didn’t want to) drive home. I even kept a little weekend bag at her place.

Sleeping over her house was fun. It was a big house. She had gotten it in the divorce. Four bedroom, big wine cellar, indoor gym with a couple work out machines. “In memory of my late husband” she would say.

“I thought you got a divorce”

“Yeah, he is dead to me” I could never get a straight story out of her.

Now it was the ugly sweater Christmas party and we had shown up there together. I parked my car at her place and we drove over together. I planed to sleep over, because I planned to drink… teacher parties can get a little crazy. I texted Tom telling him, but he didn’t respond for a few hours.

“Well you looking gorgeous in it” she said about the ugly sweater after I told her I made it. “Ugly sweaters are supposed to make you look worse, not drop dead fucking gorgeous.” She smacked my ass. “I got half a mind to take you home tonight.” She winked.

The rest of the party was a lot of fun. Christmas carols, more alcohol. An awkward game of spin the bottle, more alcohol, a less awkward game of spin the bottle, one of the teachers had a bong, more alcohol, one guy passed out, beer pong and that’s all I could remember. Next day I woke up cuddling with Selina on her living room couch in our ugly sweaters. We couldn’t find her car in the driveway so we guessed we Ubered back.

She showered while I made breakfast and then we sat and ate. “I still can’t believe you made that” pointing to my sweater.

“Yeah. I picked up a lot of hobbies lately.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. It’s fun, helps get my mind off things, keeps me occupied and busy.”

“That’s awesome” she said mid-bite.

“Yeah, I actually stopped taking my antidepressant a couple of weeks ago”

Her eyes widened, “how is that going?”

“Ok so far. I use things like this to keep me busy and it’s been ok. And it had terrible side effects.”

“Like what?”

“Dry mouth, sometimes a little nausea. And it killed my sex drive.”

“That’s worse than the fucking depression.” She protested.

“Well it’s not like I am having loads of sex anyway. But whenever Tom was in the mood, I really did just lie there and take it. Made me really dry down there too.”

“Fuck that” she said as she got up and placed her plate in the sink. “So when was the last time you actually enjoyed sex.”

We were close enough for her to ask that question but I was embarrassed about the answer. “Honestly.. years”

She looked at me with pity. “Well I know what I am getting you for Christmas”

I knew what she meant. I guess I blushed.

“Wait a minute. Look at me. You masturbate, right? Tell me you know how to rub one out.”

“I KNOW how to” I said. “I just.. with the sex drive thing.. you know… haven’t been in the mood.”

“No wonder you were depressed.” I didn’t like her reductive tone. “What about now? You are off that shit. Right?”



“And nothing.” I put my plate in the sink. “Are we going to get your car from the party?” I was changing topics, and she surprisingly went with it.

The following Wednesday at school (last day before break) she came up to me and said “I got you your Christmas present.”

“Thank you. I have yours right here too.”

“Yours is at my house. Can you come by after work?”


When I got to her house. She took me to my room (I slept over often enough to have a designated room). On the bed, there was 3 boxes wrapped in red wrapping paper.

“Three” I said with surprise and affection.

“Yes. Honey you are a saint. You deserve it.” She kissed me on the cheek. I hugged her. “Go on, open them.”

I love getting gifts and Tom hadn’t bought me anything since the wedding ring. On my birthday and Christmas he would just buy me a “shopping spree” “Go out and buy anything you want.” He would say. So Selina getting me these Christmas presents was, to say the least, heartwarming. It made me love her more. I teared up at the gesture.

I grabbed the first box and opened it ravenously. It contained a long 8 oz bottle of lube. I chuckled. “Oh Selina.” I said embarrassed. In all honestly I guessed this would be some kind of “naughty” present. Her comment last week at breakfast all but told me what she would be getting me. I looked back at her almost fondly and said “thank you”

“Open the rest”

I had a few guessed as to what the other boxes would be, but I was too eager to let my mind wonder. I opened the second box. It was a small egg shaped electric vibrator and the third box was a 7” very realistic looking dildo, complete with veins and a suction cup base.

“If you ever need someone to show you how to use them.” She winked at me.

At that moment I felt a weird twinge. I can’t really describe it but it felt like the warmth that comes over you when you take the first gulp of a hot soup on a cold December night. I hadn’t been sexually aroused in years. The medication had left me dead in that way. Even when Tom has his dick inside me and was dripping sweat on my forehead I never felt aroused. But now standing in “my” room in Selina’s house. I felt that twinge back. I was excited at the prospect of being aroused and playing with her joke gift.

But a yank back to reality snapped my neck, “I can’t take this home. If Tom finds this he would divorce me.” I didn’t actually know this, but I assumed he wouldn’t like it. But I felt he wouldn’t like the idea of me enjoying myself too much without him.

“So?” She protested loudly.

“He hasn’t stared making the big bucks yet.” I joked.

“Well, if you want you can keep them here. I promise to take care of them like they were my own.” She said sarcastically.

“Oh god. I can’t even begin to imagine what you do with ‘your own’”.

I threw the sex toys and the lube in my weekend bag and forgot about them. Christmas break came and went and then the new year started remarkably. For February break Selina and I had a teaching conference in Las Vegas. We were going to get separate rooms but the school, which was supposed to give us a stipend for the trip, said they can’t do that anymore due to budget issues. We were going to cancel our reservations but we were excited for Vegas so we decided to skimp a little bit. We registered for fewer days of the conference and shared a room. When we got to the hotel we realized there was only a queen bed. “Sure” Selina said without even asking me.

As soon as we got into the room, Selina threw her luggage on the bed and said “Let’s party our ass off, girl. Are you excited?”

“Honestly, I am.”

As I answered, Selina started to strip. She took off the yoga pants and shirt that she wore for the plane ride and then she took off her bra and panties and threw them on the ground. I didn’t think much of it… Girls do that sort of thing but what I didn’t realize was that I was watching her. She had an amazing body. Her long black hair fell to her shoulders and made her red lipstick pop. The bounce of her natural curly hair gave way to her collar bone toned shoulder and arms and her supple breasts, her slightly tanned skin contrasting her dark nipples. Her curves were luscious, she was right about that. Yet something about her hips and the way they swayed from side to side as she walked that made them… approachable, attainable… walking, her hips said “smack me”. As she passed me she winked. I smiled. I went for it. I smacked her naked butt. She jumped up with a cute giggle. I watched her walk away and turn into the bathroom.

After she disappeared, she peaked her head back out the bathroom door and said “feel free to join in.” I giggled. She didn’t.

After the shower, it was my turn. I got undressed, but kept my underwear on and walked to the bathroom. “Nuh-uh”, she said abruptly, “if you get watch me a waltz naked around the room then I get to watch you too.

She walked over and started unclamping my bra. I had never been insecure of my body but I also knew it wasn’t really all that attractive. I am long and lean. Straight blonde hair, long arms and small boobs. My nipples were pink and small too. I had no butt. Her body was so much more “luscious” than mine. I felt cold as she undressed me.

“Damn guurl.” She said as I got naked. “And now I get a smack” and she paid me back.

“Yeah except there isn’t nearly as much bounce as that sexy budunkadunk you haulin’”I felt weird saying budunkadunk. I was suddenly aware of how we are both naked and smacking each other’s butts.

I was about to rush into the bathroom.

“Kelly”, I looked back. She walked closer to me. Selina then brushed my hair back over my shoulders. “You are beautiful.” I smiled. “I know that jackass husband of yours doesn’t say it enough but you are one of the most beautiful people I have ever gotten to know, inside and out.”

I felt my eyes welling up. Naked, we hugged. She smelled good. I went and took a shower.



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