Selina and her Lucious Curves Part II/V [FF] [Long] [Cheating]

Disclaimer: this is a long story that I will post in multiple parts. There is extensive character and story building. If you are looking for a quick read, I suggest you don’t start this one. But if you like back story and character development then proceed. Please feel free to tell me what you thought after you are done reading. I love feedback.

The morning after I sat in the hotel bar trying to piece together what had happened the night before. I was hung over, hair tied in a bun and wearing yoga pants and a T shirt I brought to sleep in. I had dressed in a hurry and wasn’t really sure what I was putting on. I didn’t want to wake up Selina. I quietly snuck out. My head was ringing with a massive hangover. I don’t usually drink hard liquor and never at 9 am but when I walked down here I wasn’t really sure what time it was.

I must have looked disturbed because the bartender asked me if everything was ok. I nodded and pointed to my empty glass. He refilled it.

I tried to retrace my steps. After we had showered and gotten dressed, we went down to gamble. When I still had my wits about me I told Selina that I had 2 grand that I was gonna gamble with, win or lose that’s all I am using. She laughed and ordered our first tequila of the night. I remembered losing all $2000 basically within the first 2 hours. We took a break and grabbed dinner, some kind of weird seafood salad. Tasted nasty so I didn’t finish it. More tequila. I didn’t remember much after that. Not until that morning at least. I woke up naked in our hotel room with my head resting on Selina’s chest under and her arms wrapped around me. Her breasts provided a soft cushion for my aching head and her body warming me up against the coolness of the air from the AC. We were both totally naked except for a thin anklet that Selina put on before going out the night before. Our naked bodies had fit perfectly together with my arm resting on her stomach, her wide hips nestled over my stomach and my right leg straddling hers.

In the few seconds before I realized what was happening I felt warm and comfortable. It had been years since I slept this comfortably, cuddled with someone. I loved the feel of her skin against mine, and the way she smelled.

Shortly after these thoughts, reality started to sink in. I, a married straight woman, was cuddling naked with a female co-worker in a hotel room in Vegas. I tried to get up slowly but without waking her up. I slowly moved her right hand, which was resting on my left hip bone and keeping me warm. After that I pushed my body down and to the right without moving the bed too much and slipped out. When I got up she rolled to her left side and her luscious ass was in full view.

As I walked away from the bed slowly, I noticed an empty bottle of Smirnoff on the night stand.

Back down in the bar my phone lit up, “Morning sexy, where did you run off too?” Text from Selina.

Me: Conference. Tried to wake u up but u were out. In a lecture. TTYL.

Selina: OK. Find me when you get out.

I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. Did Selina and I had sex? Did she bring back a guy? Or was it just Selina and I? Did I just cheat on Tom? Many thoughts raced through my head. I had another drink. The hangover headache died down and with it the sinking feeling in my heart. The effect of the alcohol did a good job of mitigating the horror of what I could have possibly just done.

After I gathered enough liquid courage, I got up from the bar and went to the front desk and got a separate room and went up to think alone and clearly. But once I got up and sat in bed I felt sleepy again and woke up a few hours later at 3 PM. I looked at my phone but it had died because I didn’t charge it the night before. I figured that now would be a good time to sneak back into Selina’s room and grab my stuff. I figured she would be out of the room.

It made me sad that I was trying to avoid her. She had been a great friend to me in the last few months. She helped me get through my depression and introduced me to many things. All without expecting anything in return. She always answered when I called and texted and she made herself available even when I knew we was busy. Avoiding her didn’t feel good. But at the same time I needed to figure things out. For all I knew she also doesn’t remember what happened. Or she remembers it all and nothing happened. I knew I would need to talk to her eventually.

I walked into the room and grabbed my stuff quickly and went back to my room. I threw down my stuff, plugged in my phone and went to take a shower. The shower turned into a bath and I sat there and relaxed and tried to think. Surprisingly enough to me, I thought back to cuddling with Selina. It hadn’t been the first time. There was that one time at her house after the Christmas party when we woke up on her couch. We were fully clothed then however. I remembered her warmth. When we woke up on her couch I was also under her arm. What I remembered now was that I had my hand nestled under her shirt and on her stomach. It hadn’t meant much to me back then but I remembered how soft her skin was.

I got up from the bath, put on my robe and walked out. When I looked at my phone, now charged, I had 1 voicemail and 7 texts.

“Are you still in lecture?”

“I am over at the conference, where are you?”


“Hey, I know what happened last night was different. Let’s talk about it.”

“I am at the bar. Please come and let’s talk.”

“I see your stuff is gone from the room. I hope you didn’t head back home. But if you did then I was to say I am sorry about last night. I hope we can talk when I get back.”

“Please just tell me you are ok. I am starting to worry about you.”

I didn’t want to worry her anymore: “Hey, Selina, don’t worry I am fine. I didn’t leave. I am still in Vegas. I just got my own room. I think that’s for the best.”

After I hit send I felt like what I said was mean. Here she was worried about me and my text was very stand-offish: “TBH, I am not exactly sure what happened last night.” I added.

She responded: “It really wasn’t that bad. Can we meet and talk about it? I am in the room.”

I walked over to the room. When she opened the door her eyes were red. She had been crying. I felt bad. I wanted to hug her and apologize.

She invited me in and I walked in. She sat on the bed, and I sat in the chair. It was silent for a few minutes. I didn’t know how to start. I froze. She had always been the more verbal one. I waited for her to speak.

“Is our friendship ruined now?” She was direct.

“I don’t know, Selina, to be honest I am not sure exactly what happened last night.” I said with a sigh. I was glad she started talking.

“I think we just got a little carried away. It really wasn’t that bad. I promise you I won’t let it happen again.”

“No, I really don’t remember what happened last night. I think I drank too much and I blacked out.”

“Oh” she paused. “Oh my God, that makes me feel so much worse. You really didn’t look that drunk. I am so so sorry.”

She started to cry. I feared the worst. “What exactly happened Selina? Did we have sex?”

“No. No. Oh god no. I would never take advantage of you like that. I swear. I would never.”

“So what happened? I just want to know.”

“Well I guess we had had too much to drink. You lost all your money and I said I would pay for you to gamble a little more and you kept making jokes about how you would have to “pay me back” and “make it worth my while”. After that we came up here and we started talking. We just got in bed and talked. You gave me a jokey clumsy lap dance and took off your clothes and said it was pay back.

“After that you started talking about Tom. At first you started talking about your sex life and then you started saying that you don’t love him. You said you want to leave him but that you were scared of being alone. You told that I had been your only friend and that you loved me…

She hesitated “then I said that I loved you too. Then you…you kissed me. A peck on the lips first but then… I was drunk too. I kissed you back. It was longer. We made out. Kelly I never meant for this to happen.”

I was tearing up without knowing why. I think it was because she was tearing up too. Something was happening I am not sure what. She was right… I was right… I don’t love Tom. I did want to leave him but I was too scared. I realized that in the last few months I had used Selina for the companionship that Tom never gave me. “What happened after?”

“Nothing.” She said eagerly. “I swear.”

“How did you get naked.”

She looked down and away, “you undressed me.”

“I did?” I was shocked.

“We were both very drunk. I don’t know what got into me either. I just felt very close to you. We just got carried away and let ourselves go.”

I stood up, “this can never happen again.” She wiped a tear. “It was a drunken mistake. I am married.”

She said nothing.

“I know I am not into women. I am not really sure what got into” For some reason I was yelling. Selina still crying. “I think I am gonna head back to my room.”

“Will I see you tomorrow?”


When I got back to my room, I couldn’t sleep. I had never been someone who struggled with my sexuality in the past. To be honest, sex and pleasure weren’t really a priority all my life. I didn’t have sex until sophomore year in college. I was 21 then and all the girls in my dorm talked about their boyfriends big dicks and how they ate their pussies. I, more or less, had sex just to get it over with. He was a 4th year philosophy major. His penis was small and I barely felt it. He never tried anything more adventurous. He asked me to suck his dick a couple of times but I wasn’t good at it. He didn’t ask again.

We dated for a year and half and broke up when he graduated and moved on to grad school. I met Tom the following semester.

As far as women are concerned, that had never been a thought that really entered my mind. I always found women pretty. We take care of ourselves. Women are cleaner, more aesthetically pleasing, because we try to be. I had certainly never thought of Selina that way. She was beautiful I must admit. Her body was in a word, perfect. The way her hair curled the right way effortlessly and fell to her shoulders. They way her curves moved from side to side as she walked down the hallways at school. She was definitely a favorite among the pubescent horny high school kids.

I was back to thinking about her and it made me scared and sad. Scared because I was still in awe and shock of what had happened. Sad because I knew that it changed our relationship in an unalterable way.

I barely slept that night. At 2 am I booked a ticket back home, checked out of the hotel and went home.



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