Maybe Hubby Should’ve Used His Mouth For Something Else Part 2

[Part 1](

Friday morning:

Henry had attempted to persuade Maebe into giving up her silly little game first thing in the morning. Rolling over he saw Maebe on her side still sleeping and inched his way over, brushing her hair to the side, and began lightly kissing the back of her neck at the base. He ran his hand the length of her smooth toned legs, hearing a soft moan, Henry slid his boxers off and pushed his hard cock down to slide between her thighs as he nestled next to her.

Maebe was still groggy, enjoying the feel of Henry’s lips spreading tiny kisses on her neck. For just a slight moment she forgot about last night, and let her need control her. She reached a hand back once she felt Henry’s cock between her legs, feeling the soft skin of his sac.

Maebe’s eyes widened, figuring out that Henry was trying to take advantage of her semi-sleepy state. Her first reaction was to pull away and yell at him for being so devious but then an evil thought passed. She kept her hand right where it was, massaging his balls with her fingertips and slid her fingers along the bottom of his shaft.

Maebe looked up at the clock on her nightstand seeing one more minute before her alarm was due to set off. She teased the head of Henry’s cock, circling a thumb around its base then gripping his shaft ever so lightly, her fingers ran down it.

Henry feeling her caress his cock and balls like that, knew that this was when she broke and would be all over him. His hand reached under her shirt finding its way to the top of her panties and sent searching fingers down.

Just as he was about find her clit, Maebe’s alarmed blared and Maebe sat up to turn it off. Henry reached to pull her back down, but Maebe was already beginning to stand and pushed his grasping hand to the side.

“It’s late already. Shouldn’t you be almost ready for work? I didn’t even hear your alarm go off.” Maebe said then paused realization dawning on her.

“Don’t tell me you put your alarm on silent to try to take advantage of me while I was still sleeping. Especially after I told you last night, what you needed to do to earn it. Please tell me that’s not it, because if it was, it would just be too disappointing.” Maebe said giving her best pouty face.

Guilt welled up in Henry and was showing in his body language. His head slumped and he stuttered his response. “I, uh. No I-I wouldn’t do that. I just, um forgot about last night.”

Henry didn’t see the smile that flashed across Maebe’s face when he uttered his excuse. “Oh. Ok well I’ll make you a quick breakfast while you get ready for work.”

Maebe tried not to rush out the door, holding in her laughter as she left the bedroom. “I should do this more often.” She thought.

Maebe was just finishing up wrapping the egg sandwich she had made for Henry, when he walked into the kitchen. She handed it to him and gave him a peck on the cheek. “Have a good day at work.” She said as she walked by him to the bedroom to get ready for her work day.

Maebe stood just inside the door to the bedroom listening until she heard the front door close and peeked out the window to make sure Henry had left for work. She went to her secret hidey hole where she had stashed away her new pink and purple gem plugs. She had been meaning to bring it out as a surprise for Henry and she thought now would be a good a time as any.

She left the purple where it was, deciding to use it as a good luck charm on Sunday. Maebe shoved the pink plug in her mouth as she put everything back and stripped making her way to the bathroom.

[Placing her phone in position once more, Maebe lifted a leg on the counter and reached for her clit. Her hand shaking with excitement she played for a little while before sliding in the plug. It slid in with little resistance and Maebe let out a small moan when it was all the way in.](

Maebe stood there for awhile more sliding fingers through her wet lips loving the way it felt with her plug in, wishing Henry’s cock would replace her fingers. Her legs began to quiver as she moved her fingers in deeper and faster.

The next thing she knew she was on her knees, echoes of ecstasy ringing throughout the bathroom. Her mind raced back to Henry and how he’d react to seeing this on his phone at work. The anticipation of his desire for her set her on fire. Her legs closed on her hand right as she climaxed. Maebe was panting on the bathroom floor, recovering her breath, her clit tingling from her orgasm.

Maebe reaches up to her phone and set it on timer after looking back to see she was in frame. [She wanted Henry to see her glistening pussy, thinking this would be what would break him but she wouldn’t give in until she heard him cheering for the Vikings on Sunday.](

[Maebe inspected the picture she snapped, satisfied, she slipped her pink lace thong back on and picked out the matching bra and laid in the bed thinking she looked great in it. Still a little sad that she was putting on clothes instead of dressing Henry’s cock with her pussy.](

Maebe couldn’t wait to get to work and send the video and pictures she had taken to Henry and see his reactions. Maebe bit her lip, lost in thought, as she walked through the office door. She could feel lips beginning to moisten as she strode toward her desk, excitement buzzing throughout her body.

Maebe wondered if Henry would share these with his buddy, Alex, at work. She would always spy Alex trying to take a peek under her skirt or dress at parties, at first she was appalled but there was something inside her that thrilled her. It wasn’t just that someone other than her husband lusted after her.

No, she had endured creepy lecherous eyes when she was out with her girlfriends, those looks tended to dry her up faster than drop of water in the middle of a desert at high noon. It was having someone so close to Henry do it. Alex knew she was off limits but still he couldn’t help himself.

When she told Henry about it the first time, he just shrugged and said, “He can look if he wants but you’re mine.”

Though he sounded sure of himself, his actions said otherwise. Every time Alex would be in the vicinity, Henry would be around too, squeezing Maebe’s ass or rubbing her shoulders, making sure Alex was noticing. Then that night when they got home, Henry couldn’t even wait until the front door was closed before spinning her towards him and picking her up.

Maebe reminisced how her legs wrapped around Henry’s waist, mouths on each other, lips and tongues everywhere as though they were teenagers again. The force in which he pinned her to the front door, his hand pulling his zipper down and pulling out his cock. She felt his head rub against her pussy through her panties, then his hand roughly pulling them to the side.

In an instant he was in her, usually he started slow and easy, but this was not usual. He slammed his hips hard and fast. At that point all Maebe could do was hold him close to her and scream in delight. Henry never slowed until his last thrust, he let out a grunt. All that could be heard after was just Henry and Maebe panting hard, trying to catch their breaths.

Henry never let her down instead carrying Maebe back to their bedroom for a slower, longer sensuous session.

From then on, whenever they were at a function with Alex, Maebe made sure to wear something a bit more revealing than normal. She’d bend a little lower, crossed her legs a little slower, and a bunch of other smaller things to get Alex looking. It was now a game for the both of them.

“Mae. Hey Mae. Earth to Maebe.” It was Jessica trying to get her attention. She was trying to dish the daily office gossip.

“Oh hi, Jess. If you don’t mind I’m pretty busy today and I’m pretty tired, and really how much could’ve happened from yesterday afternoon.” Maebe said, feeling a little bad for brushing her off but her mind was on other things and really didn’t care to find out who the boss was harassing this time.

“Oh right. Yeah you were in some kind of trance. Took me awhile to get your attention. You’re not coming down with something, are you? Because if you are then…”

Maebe cut Jess off before she could gain anymore traction. “No I’m not sick, just tired. So if you don’t mind?”

“Yeah, yeah ok. I’ll talk to you later.” Jess walked off to find someone else to listen to her gossip.

Maebe watched as Jess walked away and pulled out her phone when she couldn’t see her anymore. She sent the video of her inserting the plug and the picture of her on all fours and wrote: “Be alone when you look at it. That is unless you want Alex to see.”

Maebe pressed send and stared at the phone waiting to see the three dots pop up. It only took a minute or so and Maebe watched as they would pop up then disappear. She knew Henry was flustered and couldn’t think of what to write, so she began her next message.

“Do you like my new toy? Do you want me in that position? Leave it in when you’re fucking me from behind?” She hit send then started on another.

“I can do all of that for you. In fact I want to but you need to follow my rules.”

“I promise. I’m going to take off early today. We have a lot to catch up on.” Henry replied.

“Promises, promises. I’m sorry but you’re going to need to wait until Sunday. I need to hear you cheering before I let you off the hook. It’s not that I don’t trust you, but…”

As Maebe knew would happen, her screen flashed up with a call from Henry. She ignored it and texted back, “Those are the rules and no amount of begging will change it. So don’t try it unless you want me to add more rules.”

It had been an hour since Maebe had sent that last text and nothing from Henry, not even a text message. Maebe was thrilled that Henry was beginning to concede to her. The feeling of being in control had filled her with excitement at the prospect of her plans coming to a head on Sunday. Thoughts of having Henry obeying her every whim sent shivers down to her pussy and thighs.

Maebe hands instinctively traced fingernails from her knees along her inner thigh, leaving thin red trails as her fingers traveled under her skirt. She felt the pink lace of her thong beginning to soak through. She pressed on her clit and rubbed the fabric against it. A devilish grin crossed her face and she hurried to find her phone.

[Maebe held her phone under her desk and spread her legs. She watched the screen as she pushed her wet thong to the side and slipped fingers between her slick lips. ](

Maebe’s lips were pressed tightly against each other holding back the moans she felt bubbling up her throat. She stopped the recording and played it back under her desk as she licked her fingers clean. Then she sent it Henry.

“My, my, my. She’s so hungry now. Can you see her drooling to be fed? Why did you have to be such a bad boy? You could’ve sated her appetite ten times over and she would’ve have been so grateful.” She texted after the video.

She watched her phone again seeing three dots constantly pop up then disappear. She knew he was beyond flustered now and she couldn’t help but smile ear to ear.

Then to send even more in a downward spiral, she sent the picture of her on the bed in just her matching bra and thong.

“Yes I am matching in case your wondering.”

The rest of day had gone slowly and mistakes were made a plenty. Maebe’s mind was constantly wandering what else she was going to do to drove Henry out of his mind. It was about an hour left before closing up shop and she had given up doing anymore work.

Maebe looked about to make sure Jessica wasn’t stopping by to dish whatever gossip had turned up today. When she saw heads all focused on their work she reached a hand under her skirt and began slipping off her thong. She rolled it down to her knees lifting a leg at a time to be free of them. She crumpled it up and shoved into her purse. She stood up, grabbed her phone and walked at brisk pace to the bathroom.

Once inside Maebe looked under the stalls. Satisfied no one was inside she turned the deadbolt. [She lifted up her skirt and stuck out her ass and spreading her legs a bit for her phone. Maebe ran her fingers between her lips again.](

Another text was shot out to Henry and read, “Oh no. I’ve seem to have lost my thong somewhere. I wonder where it could be.”

After hitting send she couldn’t help letting out an evil laugh, knowing Henry must be going out of his mind right now. Then unlocked the door and headed back to her desk to get ready to leave. She wasn’t going to get anymore work done, so she decided to call it a day.

Back at the house, the evening had been a quiet affair laced with a thick sexual tension. Maebe had stripped her blouse and skirt and replaced it with just an apron as she prepared dinner, which was just putting the take out Henry brought home on plates.

Henry knew this was just more of the same from today. He resolved himself to stay quiet and keep hands to himself. For most of the night he sat on the couch trying to tune her out with the television and hands under his legs, but temptation was getting the better of him and he was sneaking glances as Maebe walked around.

[He watched as Maebe’s perfectly plump ass]( was bouncing around as she walked about the house, dropping utensils with loud clangs and picking them up straight legged always giving him an unobstructed view of her glistening pussy. His cock was hard from the moment he had walked in the door and seen her in just the pink bra and apron. It was starting to ache and he didn’t know so much blood could be pumped into it.

Henry felt his cock pulsating begging him to relieve it but he held strong as his hands gripped his thighs as he sat on the couch. When Maebe called him to come join him at the table he couldn’t hide his cock screaming to be let out.

Maebe lowered her eyes and stared. She bit her lip as she smiled looking back into his eyes. She said nothing though and turned away walking to the table.

Henry stood there transfixed to the floor staring as her hips swayed and cheeks bounce. “Packers are not as enticing as this.” He said aloud in a whisper and made his way to the table.

There was no other conversations throughout the night before the went to bed. Henry had a very fitful night, his hard cock making it difficult for him to find a comfortable position. “Just one more day.” was the mantra Henry kept repeating in his head until he finally fell asleep.

With all that had happened in the last two days Henry had forgotten about going to a friend’s house to watch the big Badgers game until he got the text from Alex telling he’d be there in about 30 minutes to grab him. Maebe on the other hand had not. No she had planned for it and knew Alex was coming to get him.

She was already in the kitchen, mixing up some frosting for the cake in the oven. The feeling of her being ogled by Henry yesterday in her bra and apron had put her on edge and she decided she wanted more of it, but this time she didn’t bother with a bra. Maebe had tied the apron tight on her so that her breasts were pressed down so that they were flowing out the sides.

Maebe saw Henry scrambling to get his stuff ready before Alex came to pick him up. She sauntered into the room and reached her arms around his waist, sliding her fingers just inside of his pants to feel the smooth shaven skin above his cock.

Henry stiffened at her touch and attempted to turn toward her, but she held him tighter and moved with him and slid her hands farther down his pants.

“I’m so sorry about the last couple of days, Honey. It must’ve been torture for you. Let me make it up to you now.” Maebe whispered, and Henry shivered at the heat of her breath on his neck.

Maebe’s hands lowered and cupped his balls. She began fondling them with one hand and the other hand ran up his shaft slowly taking in all the curves of his veins of his stiff cock.

Henry said nothing, he tilted his head back and closed his eyes. It had only been a couple of days but feeling Maebe’s hands on him now only reminded him of how much he missed her touch.

Maebe pulled her hands out and began unbuttoning his pants, then slowly pulled down his zipper. Maebe hooked her thumbs into the waist of his pants and boxers and pulled them down, dropping them to the floor. She brought her hands up and grasped his cock and pulled on it turning him around.

Henry’s eyes flashed down at Maebe to see her in just an apron and licked his lips in anticipation. Maebe smiled back at him, loving his reaction. She turned away from him, cock still in hand and walked towards the kitchen.

Henry followed as best he could but he was hindered by his pants and boxers still around his ankles. His hands were shaking as his brain fought with his body. He wanted to reach out and feel Maebe’s swishing ass as she led him, but didn’t want to do anything that would make her stop her mission.

Once in the kitchen, she let go of his cock and put her hand on his chest to stop him where he was. She grabbed the frosting knife and scooped up a bit on it.

“I’ve started some cupcakes for you as way of an apology. It’s almost done and I just need to frost it. That is unless you rather frost me and have me as your cupcake?”

Maebe licked the knife slowly and deliberately. Then with the apron still tied around her waist, she pulled the top of the apron over her head to expose her breasts. [She put a bit of the frosting on her hard nipple and lowered her mouth down, tongue outstretched and licked it off. ](

Henry stood where he was, watching with hungry eyes, waiting for Maebe to say it was ok for him to come closer.

“Or do you want to be the cupcake?” Maebe said stepping forward and dropping to her knees, her face inches away from his cock. She spread a bit of frosting on the tip and dropped the knife with a clatter.

Maebe’s lips opened wide, her tongue outstretched again, she licked just the frosting making sure that only the tip of her tongue grazed his head.

“Is this what you want?” She said staring up at Henry.

Henry only nodded as he clenched his hands into fists to keep them from moving on their own.

Maebe’s mouth opened and she inched closer to Henry. And then the doorbell rang.

“I couldn’t have planned that better if I tried.” Maebe thought

“Shit. It’s Alex. Fuck he’s here to pick me up.” Henry cursed.

“Let him wait outside. Better yet tell him to go without you. I need this now.” Maebe pleaded with her best puppy dog eyes.

Maebe could see Henry’s face full of conflict. She knew he would go with Alex, after all this was planned well in advance and all their old college buddies had come into town just for this party. He couldn’t miss it.

“What if we just make this fast? And then finish up when I come home.” Alex said trying to be compromising.

“You’re fucking serious? You think you’re going to satisfy me in just a minute or two? You know what just go! And don’t go thinking it’ll be like this when you come back!” She almost yelled at him.

“C’mon. Don’t be like that.” Henry tried to protest but she already stood up and put the top half of apron back on and walked toward the front door.

Henry grunted in frustration and pulled up his pants quickly forgetting to wipe the rest of frosting off and hurried to get his stuff. He sulked back to the the front door to see Maebe about to open the door with just her apron on. “Is she really gonna answer the door like that?”

Sure enough Maebe opened the door and she just stood next to the door staring daggers into Alex.

Alex for his part was caught off guard. It took him a second or two to stop staring at Maebe in her apron and stuttered his greeting. “Oh, uh, um, is, mmm, Henry, uh, ready to go?”

Maebe held back her delight at Alex’s awkward demeanor now. She knew he wanted to look some more but he kept his eyes up at the ceiling waiting for a response.

“I’m right here.” Henry shouted as he all but sprinted out the door, then looked back as he crossed the threshold to give Maebe a look of apology. Maebe didn’t look up and just slammed the door behind him.

Henry just sighed and dropped his shoulders pulling Alex along with him.

“Am I interrupting anything? I can come back later if you need.” Alex said as they walked toward his car.

“What? You like what you saw huh?” Henry’s words rang out with anger.

“Woah guy. Why you mad at me for? I just came to pick you up?” Alex asked

“Never mind. Let’s just fucking go.” Henry said a little more quietly knowing he shouldn’t be taking his frustrations out on Alex. Alex wasn’t the one driving him crazy.

Maebe pressed into the front door as soon as she slammed it. Her hands moved up and down her body, thrilled with how much she teased Henry and then that dumbfounded look on Alex’s face when she answered the door. Her hand reached under the apron and her fingers slipped smoothly between her moistened lips.

A big part of her wanted Henry to just take her on the counter right then and there instead of saying anything. She knew she said one or two minutes weren’t going to satisfy her but it was a lie. If he had turned her and bent her over she would’ve let him have his way with her and be dripping down his leg in seconds.

“If only,” she thought, as she bit her lip when her fingers pressed hard on her clit and slid down, feeling the cold hard floor under her bare bottom. Her fingers circled faster at the thought of hips hitting hard into her ass as she held onto the counter, screaming in ecstasy, being even louder knowing Alex would be able to hear them.

“Maybe I’ve made a mistake. I’m teasing myself as much as I’m teasing him now.” She thought, her breath quickening.

“NO!” She screamed and pulled her hands away and clenched them. “I need to hold out too.”

She stood back up and headed to the kitchen to check on the cupcakes. Once they were finished she frosted them and set them on the counter. As she stared at them, an idea popped in her head.

After snapping a couple of pics she went through them and send the two she thought would have the most effect.

Henry felt his phone buzz in his pocket and saw Maebe had sent him a couple of texts. Seeing that they were pictures, he headed to the bathroom for some privacy.

The first was text read: “This could’ve been your cock if you stayed.” It was followed by a picture of [Maebe in her apron still a licking the top of a cupcake.](

The next one read: “And this is how you could’ve had me.”

The next picture [was of Maebe on her knees on the kitchen floor showing her perfectly sculpted ass and glistening pussy](

Henry put his arm over his mouth and muffled a short scream of frustration. “Fuck I’m so dumb.” He said to himself as he paced in the bathroom.

“Hey man, you ok in there? You better not be bombing in there.” Eric, his old college roommate yelled through the door, laughing at his own joke.

“Hurry up game’s about to start and we’re taking shots for good luck.”

“Yeah. Yeah. Gimme a minute.” Henry yelled in response and cursed himself. There was no way to go home now and he was sure this was to be the first of many more shots to come.

Special thanks to u/maybeishouldntpostit for providing such lovely material for which to gather inspiration from. If you haven’t checked her out yet I highly suggest you do.

Again any criticism, negative and positive is welcome. Hope you enjoyed

[Part 3](



  1. I enjoyed every moment of this! Great storytelling, and the photos complemented your words perfectly. ???

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