An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 8-9 [MF][MFF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 7 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story. Link to other chapters in comments.



Sigrid was sitting in her tower room in the mansion planning on how to get to her mark when something caught her attention. It may have been a scent on the wind, she was not sure. But she was certain that something was wrong. She had learned long ago to trust those feelings when they came. She stood up and climbed out on the roof. She needed both hands when climbing, so the daggers stayed where they were. She stayed close to the wall. Moving silently with quick steps.

It was just before two bells and most of the East Side was quiet. A soothing wind alleviated some of the heat, but not enough. Sweat still trickled down Sigrid’s brow. As she passed over from the tower to the roof of the west wing, she saw it. She pushed herself close to the tower wall. A figure was perched on the edge of the west wing roof, in towards the garden. It sat perfectly still. Unnaturally still. Sigrid drew a long silent breath and focused on her movement. She made it halfway across the roof before the figure turned towards her. She saw two glowing yellow eyes looking at her. She sprinted. Ten quick steps and she would be there. After eight steps the figure blinked. And disappeared. Sigrid had already initiated the leap towards the figure and now was targeting empty air. She twisted trying to get her feet down on the roof first. And stepped on nothing. She thrust her arms out and caught the edge of the gutter and stopped herself from plummeting to the flagstones below. Breathing hard she heaved herself up on the roof. She pulled her longknife and held it out in front of her. Turning around in a circle. Looking. But not finding. Her heart beat hard in her chest. She climbed up to the ridge. As the towers started ringing for second bell, she caught a glimpse of something dropping at the other side of the roof. She ran over. The echoes of the tower bells beat with her heart. The figure jumped off the edge of the roof. And was gone.

It had been a week since she last had a day off. Ever since the incident with the figure on the mansion roof a month ago Sigrid had been on her toes. She did not let Jarl get out of her sight. Even when he was with the princess she was there. Hiding. Watching. Listening. She spent the first two weeks after the incident searching for the figure. But there were no traces. It was like. Magic. She had considered asking Jarl but did not want to. Mirja was out of the question. Ever since she had rejected the woman, she had seemed to be avoiding both her and Jarl. She hadn’t seen the woman at all in two weeks. Like she had been swallowed by the earth. She didn’t know any other magicians. The College was back from the summer break and tonight Jarl was with the Mistresses and she had almost ten hours to herself.

The Idiot was where he usually was on Sacreday evening. Under the large oak between the dormitories with his little gang of friends. Sigrid climbed up to the second floor of Jarl’s dormitory and got a good view from one of the hallway windows. She could not hear what they were saying but it looked like they had … fun. She caught a word here and there from reading their lips, but it did not give enough context. Sigrid frowned. How long were they going to be there?

When the towers struck eleven bells the little gathering started dissolving.


She ran up on the roof and followed the Idiot over to one of the dormitories on the west side, close to the bookshop district. He entered the door to the dormitory. She could see him walking up the stairs to the third floor. The corridors of all College buildings were lit during the dark hours and his shadow moved back and forth as he passed the little shining spheres that sat in small alcoves. He entered one of the side corridors. She had a one in two chance that his room was facing her direction. She waited. And there. A light shone up and she could see him through his window. Third floor, fourth from the left.

She made her way to his building using the roofs. One of the leaps challenged even her, but she landed quietly and continued.

*Good thing people seldom look up.*

She slid down over the edge of the roof and got her footing between the stones. The College buildings were almost too easy to climb. She quickly made her way down to the Idiot’s window and peeked in. He was already in bed. The window was slightly open, as every window in the entire city. The summer was coming to its end, thank the gods, but it was still as hot as in a bullfighter’s codpiece. She waited until she could hear him snoring before silently climbing in. She pulled out her longdagger and put it to his throat. She sat down on his bed. His eyes fluttered open and then went wide as he saw her. And felt the dagger.

“I swear, we meant no harm,” he wheezed.

The dagger cut slightly into his skin as he talked. She glared at him. She had no idea what he was talking about.

“It was Haleigh’s idea.”

Sigrid let off the pressure slightly.

“Keep talking. Give me every detail.”

The Idiot swallowed.

“She’s the one that suggested starting the rumor.”

He hesitated.

“Go on,” she said pushing harder on the dagger drawing another sliver of blood.

“The rumor that you are one of the Sisters of Infinite Mercy and that Jarl has you bound up in his room all night doing whatever he wants with you.”

Sigrid blinked. *Well, you got half of it right.*

“What’s your name.”


“Aelric what?”

The boy looked at her trying to comprehend the question. Then his mouth opened slightly and closed again before answering.

“We don’t have last names.”

*Not so stupid after all.*

“Who are we?”

Aelric studied her for a blink before a slight push with the dagger made him answer.

“The Pureborn.”

Sigrid looked at the boy. The fear was retreating in his features. He was still afraid of her, but at least he thought that he had a chance of surviving the night. She had seen it so many times before.

“Tell me about the Pureborn,” she said easing the dagger off his throat.

Aelric took a deep breath and looked at her for a long time.

“You won’t kill me?”

“Depends. Not right now at least.”

He looked at her apparently trying to find out if she was serious. She was serious. He swallowed again.

“The Pureborn are the result when two trained magicians agree and act on a magic enhanced union. The goal is to create the offspring with the highest probability for significant magic potential. The offspring is then raised in the creche and taught according to rote starting at eighteen months.”

He paused. It sounded like he was reciting from a book. He likely was. Sigrid frowned and fear returned to the Idiot’s features.

“So, you’re an orphan.”

She said this without a hint of a question. The Idiot, no Aelric, she corrected herself, blinked twice.

“Don’t make me poke you again,” she said holding up the dagger in front of him.

He nodded.

“Yes. Yes. We are all orphans. Or. At least our parents are not officially known to us.”

She raised an eyebrow.

“You know who your parents are?”

Aelric looked at the dagger. He seemed to be considering something. He was not good at keeping his emotions off his face. He nodded. He did not elaborate. She briefly thought of forcing the answer out of him, but she was simply not that interested.

“Why are you here? In my room?”

The question came as somewhat of a surprise. She shouldn’t have been surprised. It was the obvious question.

“I have a proposal for you.”

The question was visible in his eyes.


She put the tip of the dagger at his throat again.

“The proposal is as follows. I do what I want with you and in return you do not tell a living soul, or I cut your fingers off. One by one.”

He opened his mouth and seemed about to start talking several times. She looked at him. That was not fear on his face. No. He was curious.

“And if I say no?”

She shrugged.

“I might let you go. Or not. Haven’t decided yet.”

She was telling the truth. She hadn’t decided. She hadn’t even planned for what would happen if he said no. She could let him go. Or drop him out the window. The fall from the third floor should break his neck. It couldn’t be too uncommon with suicides, not given the living conditions and the stress from the Masters and Mistresses.


Sigrid hesitated for a moment. She studied him. He was definitely curious now.

“You understand about the fingers? One. By. One.”

“I understand,” he said nodding.

“And by not a living soul, I mean that. And I have ways to find out.”

He nodded again. Sigrid put her dagger away and stood up. She looked down at him. Was he naked under the thin blanket? She thought she could see the contours of his legs. He kept very still. She sat down on the bed again and slid her hand under the blanket. Her fingers were met with naked skin. Aelric gasped as her hand traveled up along his thigh and her fingers brushed his flaccid member. She bit her lower lip and then she took it in her hand. She looked him in the eyes as his cock started growing in her hand. Breathing harder she slowly started stroking it. The feel of his flesh in her hand was … fabulous. She could feel herself getting wet as he got harder. She continued jerking him under the blanket, his mouth had fallen open, he was truly handsome now that she took her time to look at him. High cheekbones and a sharp nose. And deep dark eyes. Even that silly hair didn’t look too bad.

*Remember what Irese said. Don’t fall in love. Just use him.*

She nodded to herself and pulled the blanket away. She drew a breath as she saw his naked body. He was gorgeous. She let go of his member and it continued to point straight up as one of the standing stones of Fellish. She quickly got up, undid her belt and dropped her pants. Before he could react, she had impaled herself on him. A shiver went through her entire body. By the gods! How she had missed this. She started moving up and down using his cock to get herself off. It didn’t take more than two drops until she came in a quake of an orgasm. She sat panting on top of him with his hard cock still inside her.

“Was it good?” he asked.

“Shut up. Don’t say a word. And don’t move,” she said and started riding him again.

Not five drops later she came a second time. It felt like her entire skin was electric. Shivers leapt from limb to limb and she let out a scream that probably woke the entire dorm. Still shivering she sat on top of him. It took her a drop to realize he was still hard. She looked down at him. He still obeyed and was completely still. She thought about riding him to another climax but instead she got off and took him into her mouth. As she felt his flesh against her tongue, she remembered how much she loved to take a man in her mouth. She sucked hard and jerked his shaft with her hand. He started making small noises, she didn’t tell him to stop and after a few drops more she felt how he started pulsing and soon he shot his seed into her mouth letting out a small moan. She swallowed eagerly. By the gods, how she had missed this. She continued sucking him making sure that nothing was left inside him. Then she slowly licked his shrinking member. He shivered from every touch of her tongue. She looked up at him.

“Remember. Not a word or those long fingers will be history.”

He nodded.

It took another week until Jarl was at the Mistresses again and Sigrid could go visit Aelric. They had bumped into each other a number of times over the course of the week, but Sigrid had completely ignored him, even throwing in some good glares when he and Jarl had one of their shouting matches. It was the second week after summer break and Jarl had started two new classes that Sigrid immediately forgot the name of.

She slipped into his room while he was still sitting outside with his friends. She got undressed and got into his bed. She had planned to hide somewhere in the room, but the room was basically just a bed, a small table and a cupboard. You could fall down anywhere in the room and still have a good chance of falling into bed.

As he entered, she looked up at him. He didn’t see her. He started pulling his shirt over his head.

“Stay perfectly still or I run my dagger through you,” she said in a hiss.

Aelric froze the shirt covering his head and shoulders, his hands pointing straight up. Sigrid sat up on the bed and reached for his pants. She undid his belt and let his pants drop. With one hand she coaxed his member out of his underpants. She stroked it once before putting it in her mouth. Oh, by the gods, it had only been a week and she was craving his flesh in her mouth. She couldn’t stop herself. She devoured his flesh and sucked and licked until he came, his face still covered by the shirt. Sigrid almost came herself as his seed ran down her throat. She licked him completely clean before she allowed him to take his clothes off.

“Can you get ready again soon?” she said as he was laying naked beside.

She slowly ran one finger down his sternum. He nodded.

“Just give me a little while,” he said panting.


She rested her hand on his chest seeing it rise and fall. She looked up at him. A thought struck her.

“Is there some kind of magic that can turn a person invisible?” she said looking him straight in the eye.

Aelric looked at her for a few moments before nodding.

“Of course. However, it requires a high tiered phantasmancer to make someone invisible in broad daylight.”

Sigrid considered this.

“Is it easier at night?”

Aelric nodded.

“The harder it is to see someone due to normal circumstances. Darkness. Fog. Clothing that melts in with the background. The easier it is to use Phantasmancy to become invisible. Even I may be able to do it during the best of circumstances, even though I haven’t even passed the first-tier tests yet.”

She looked at him. He was looking up at the ceiling. He had such a perfect face it was unfair.

*No. Don’t you start to like him now*, she told herself.

“Phantasmancy has a great weakness though. It cannot affect the Id.”

Sigrid looked at him. She hated the fact that she only understood half of what he was saying. She did not like being in the dark.

*But. I don’t have to care. Because he will not tell anyone. If he wants all his parts attached to the rest of his body that is.*

“What’s that?”

Aelric turned towards her. She just kept looking at him until he started talking.

“The Id is … like your subconscious. The part of your mind that you do not control yourself. Instincts. Phantasmancy only affects the Ego and the Superego. That’s why it’s useless against simple animals. They only have an Id. And if you can learn to use your own Id you can penetrate the Phantasmancy.”

“How do you know all this?”

He smiled at her.

“I’m majoring in Phantasmancy,” he said with a smile.

She looked at him for a long while. He squirmed under her scrutiny.

“So how would I accomplish it in practice. Penetrating the invisibility, I mean.”

Aelric sat up a little more in the narrow bed pushing against her.

“Well. We train ourselves in using our peripheral vision. It is not controlled by the Ego.”

Sigrid considered this for a moment.

“So, you’re saying that by not looking directly at whatever is invisible I can see it?”

He nodded.

“It may sound simple. But it’s not. The Ego is strong. It takes years of practice to conquer your own Ego. But, the further out in the periphery the easier it is to detect it. Only problem is that the further out the less detail you get.”

Suddenly he went completely pale.

“Please. Please, don’t tell the Masters that I told you this. This is forbidden knowledge for anyone not of the craft.”

Sigrid raised an eyebrow. *He* was worried that *she* would tell? It was clear that he didn’t know her. And not surprising either.

“I won’t tell if you keep your end of the bargain.”

He exhaled and visibly relaxed. They both looked up at the ceiling for a while. It was a truly boring ceiling. Flat boards without any defects. Too perfect to be interesting. Invisibility. She had thought she had been hallucinating that night on the roof but now it all made sense. Whoever it had been must have been a mage.

“Why are you so interested?” Aelric asked after a long silence.

Sigrid shrugged.

“Just curious.”

Aelric studied her. She moved her hand down to his crotch.

“Looks like you’re ready for another go,” she said starting to move her hand.

## Nine

Sigrid sat looking out over the city. At her back sat the huge imperial palace its massive walls sunk deeply into the foundation of Palace Hill. It dominated the skyline if she looked to the west. She had heard that the palace had ninety-four towers, one for each duchy in the Empire. She would not be surprised if that was the truth. There were only about twenty-five visible from her perch atop the western tower of the mansion. To the north and south the city sprawled away. Thousands of streets, squares, gardens were in an impossible maze that needed a genius or a very detailed map to navigate. Beyond them were a few more hills that she didn’t know the name of. To the east lay Merchant Hill. The sparkling lights of the West End mansions of Merchant Hill looked like the stars in the night sky itself.

Autumn was here and with it a welcome cooling evening breeze. If Sigrid closed her eyes, she could almost imagine that she was sitting atop a pile of garbage outside Citadel of Daggers on a warm summer day. She breathed in deeply. And froze. There it was again. The scent. She recognized it. Her heart started pounding. She calmed herself with a quick trance. Got up off the floor and headed out the window. As quietly as she could she scaled the roof up to the ridge, just letting her eyes peek over the top. She scanned from right to left. There. On the eastern wing this time. A dark figure. She headed around the west tower and jumped the gap over to the east tower to save time. Around the outside. She pressed herself to the rough stone and then quickly glanced around the corner. The figure was still there. Why wasn’t it making itself invisible already? She could see its dark cloak fluttering in the wind. She drew two throwing daggers and moved quietly along the small ledge on the outside of the east tower. Twenty paces. Fifteen. The figure jerked and looked straight at her.


Sigrid threw both daggers. Before they were halfway towards their target the figure disappeared. She turned her gaze to the right and defocused her eyes. Everything went blurry. But there it was. She could see the figure moving along the edge of the roof. Not fast. It seemed to be walking. Sigrid stood still. She drew two more daggers and threw them at the ghost at the edge of her vision. There was a hiss from the figure as one of the daggers found home. The figure started running. Sigrid tried to follow with her eyes but got dizzy as she had to move her head. She blinked. And the figure was gone.

*But I got you*, she thought smiling widely.

She could feel Tora at the edge of her consciousness. The dagger had been part of her since her initiation into the Sisters of Infinite Mercy, and she could feel its presence within several miles. It was heading east. And it was stuck in a bone. Perfect.

The streets of Merchant Hill were dimly lit this early in the morning. As soon as she had collected the three errant daggers she set out after the mysterious figure. There was no high way on Merchant Hill. The West End was all large mansions and the top of the hill held all the guild squares, as they continued east the houses got even bigger, the highest ones were six or seven stories, but there lived hundreds of merchant families in each house.

Sigrid used the same way as she usually did when going to the College. The dagger was still showing the way clearly east. She was running, leather clad feet feeling every crack in the cobblestones. Closing in on the mysterious figure. Tora was getting closer. Her other daggers felt it too. She hesitated a moment as she passed from Merchant to College. The dagger was still indicating east. Straight for the College. She hurried on. She was close now.

The College was completely empty this time of night. The towers had struck three bells a few drops before she had smelled the scent. It must be close to four bells now. Not a living soul shared the paths with her. Sigrid quickly stepped on. Closing her eyes to focus on where the dagger was, when she found it, she froze. Opening her eyes, she looked up at Jarl’s dormitory. There were no lights in any of the windows. She closed her eyes again and reached out for the dagger. It was moving up now. To the left. And then … and then it was gone. As if someone had reached into Sigrid’s chest and taken a piece of her heart. She gasped, clutching at her throat. It … it couldn’t be. It couldn’t be gone. She sprinted forward, in through the large oaken door that led to the hallway. Up the stairs. It was all dark. There was no-one there. She closed her eyes again and reached out. Nothing. Wait. There was something. Very faint. Eyes shut tight she slowly walked forward. And ran her head right into a door. She opened her eyes. A huge ebony door was right before her. Dark as night. She felt its smooth surface for a handle. There was none. She could feel Tora. She was on the other side.


“So, you’re telling me that a strange figure was climbing around on the mansion roof and then ran back to the dormitory after you had hit it with a dagger and disappeared into one of the suites on the floor above us?” Jarl said turning around and studying her intently.

Sigrid kept a steady gaze leveled at him. Then she nodded.

“You must agree that it does sound a bit … farfetched. As far as I have heard there is no-one living in this house except for me. All the other rooms are also intended for royalty from the outer kingdoms. And they only come once every three generations or so. There is a reason why the building is called The Lost Princes you know?”

Jarl threw himself down onto one of the sofas he so liked. Sigrid despised laying around doing nothing. It was an affront to the gods. Wasting the time that they had given you on this earth.

“Now. Let’s talk about my problems instead.”

Sigrid sighed. As Jarl’s mouth started moving, she put herself into a trance. She needed her strength this night if the wraith, as she had decided on calling it, came back. Now she just needed to find a way to get past the ebony door. She had tried breaking it down last night, but it had been impossible. She still wore the bruises on her shoulders as a reminder. She was yanked out of her trance by a knock at the door. She blinked. Jarl waved at her to go open it. Sigrid’s mind slowly returned to the here and now and as she opened the door it was almost back. She blinked.

“Hi there,” said Mirja and smiled at her. “May I come in?”

Sigrid nodded and stepped aside. The dark-haired woman slid past her and went over to place a kiss on Jarl’s cheek. The young prince stood up and threw his arms around Mirja.

“Oh, by the gods, how I have missed you,” he said lifting her up.

It almost looked like she was flying. Focus. Sigrid blinked again and everything went back to normal. Mirja turned her head towards Sigrid and smiled. Sigrid just stared back.

“Where have you been?” Jarl said putting Mirja down.

Mirja shrugged.

“It’s been six weeks. You’ve got to do better than a shrug,” Jarl said leaning his head to one side.

“A lady never kisses and tells,” Mirja said smiling.

Then she walked towards Sigrid and to Sigrid’s big surprise Mirja threw her arms around her and hugged her tight. Sigrid just stood there paralyzed.

“I’ve missed you,” Mirja said giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

Sigrid looked at Mirja carefully as she went back to studying with Jarl. It was like the last month and a half hadn’t happened. And most importantly, that the moment that had passed between her and Mirja hadn’t happened.

“How did you learn all this?” Mirja said leaning in towards Jarl.

“Master Cerdic has been giving me private lessons. Every day since after the break.”

Mirja sat up and stared at Jarl for a moment. Sigrid moved a bit closer and sat down on the windowsill.

“You are kidding me. A Master tutoring a first-year student?”

Jarl nodded. Mirja replied with a shake of her head.

“That … that simply does not happen.”

“How do you know? You’re a first-year as well as I.”

Mirja huffed. Sigrid could see her point. Mirja had basically had the run-down of the entire College after two weeks. Now that four months had passed Sigrid would assume that she knew the intricate secrets of everyone within a five-mile radius.

“It is not done,” Mirja said leaning her head forward. “He must do it for a reason.”

“Maybe I’m just that brilliant,” Jarl said putting one of those horribly lecherous smiles on. “Lorelee and Varja certainly seems to think so.”

Mirja huffed again. Sigrid smiled. She had forgotten how much she liked the woman. As the two went back to studying again Sigrid revisited last night’s events. She needed to get better at seeing the invisible. She needed a way to train. Her eyes landed on Mirja. It was either her or Aelric. She hadn’t been with Aelric for over a week and she wasn’t sure he was a good candidate. Mirja would be better.

“I am bored now,” Jarl said standing up. “Now, let’s see that body of yours. Sigrid. You know what to do.”

Sigrid hesitated for a moment. Mirja looked at her and gave her a minute nod and a smile. Sigrid moved towards her and slowly unbuttoned her dress looking her straight in the eyes. She helped Mirja out of all of her clothes and when the dark-haired Kelivese woman stood stark naked in front of her she grabbed her arms and twisted them around her back and forced her to her knees.

“Well, well,” Jarl said raising an eyebrow at Sigrid. “Someone clearly has some things she needs to work out.”

Sigrid ignored him and got to her knees behind Mirja pushing herself up against the woman’s naked back twisting her arm up further until she squirmed, but Mirja still did not make a sound. Jarl stepped up to Mirja and as Mirja’s arms were behind her back he undid his own pants and put his growing member against Mirja’s lips. She parted them for him and let him into her mouth. Sigrid put her mouth close to Mirja’s ear.

“Is this how you like it,” she whispered and twisted Mirja’s wrist a little further.

She could feel the woman’s skin resist her grip, but she was far from doing any permanent damage. If there was one thing that Sigrid knew well it was how to hurt someone. She thought Mirja gave a small nod as Jarl forced his growing flesh further down her throat. Sigrid let go of one of Mirja’s arms and instead grabbed the woman’s hair in a firm grip and started moving her head back and forth on Jarl’s stiff member.

“Yes,” Jarl panted. “Just like that.”

Sigrid used Mirja’s head moving it forcefully back and forth. The Kelivese woman did not resist and after using her mouth for a while Jarl started grunting and soon he came. Sigrid pushed Mirja down on Jarl’s cock as he came. Mirja squirmed a little but nothing more.

“By the gods!” Jarl exclaimed smiling widely. “That was amazing,” he said stumbling backwards and falling on top of one of the sofas.

Sigrid let go of Mirja. A shiver went through the dark-haired woman’s body as she was let go. She turned her face towards Sigrid and before Sigrid could react, she had planted a kiss on her lips. Sigrid did not know why but she parted her lips slightly to let Mirja’s tongue in. Her lips tasted salty from Jarl’s seed and Sigrid could not help but feel her body tingle. She quickly broke off the kiss, stood up and took a step back. She looked over at Jarl. He did not seem to have noticed. Mirja stood up in front of her.

“Thank you,” she whispered and let one finger trace down the side of Sigrid’s face.

Sigrid had to control her entire body not to react to the woman’s touch.


Mirja and Jarl spent another hour studying before Jarl’s next class. As Jarl left the room Sigrid stayed behind shortly and stepped over to Mirja.

“Can you meet me here at five bells. While Jarl is with the Mistresses,” she said in a low voice.

The Kelivese woman looked up at her with a curious expression on her face. Then she nodded. Sigrid nodded back and hurried after Jarl.

The class was a two bell Geomancy class. As they neared the auditorium, Sigrid noticed Aelric. He was heading up towards the Elemancy building with his whole entourage in tow. They were all wearing a new hairstyle. The sides of their heads were completely shaven and the hair on top was cropped down to about two inches and was standing almost straight up.

“By the seventh, how can those idiots come up with something even worse than they had previously?” Jarl groaned as he saw where Sigrid was looking. “That guy’s face is just soo punchable.”

Jarl was grinding his fist into his palm and shaking his head. Sigrid opened her mouth. Instinctively she wanted to defend Aelric. She forced her mouth shut again. No. He was just a piece of meat that she was using. No feelings.

“What do you think would happen if I actually went up and punched him right now?”

Sigrid looked at Jarl. He couldn’t be that stupid, could he? He probably could, she decided.

“You will likely get censured, possibly expelled.”

Jarl looked at her and then nodded.

“Right. Not worth it then.”

Sigrid shook her head and followed Jarl inside.

The class passed in a blink as Sigrid put herself into a trance. She was almost proud of herself that she had been able to force the image of Mirja’s lips around Jarl’s hard member out of her mind and enter her tranquil place. She felt truly restored as the students started moving out of the auditorium. She dropped Jarl off at the Mistresses and then headed back to the quarters. She looked up at the building her eyes locking on the three windows that she had deduced led into the rooms where she could still feel Tora. She had climbed up the wall last night, but the curtains were drawn, and the windows sealed. In a weak moment she had considered breaking one to get in but that would draw the attention of the Masters and Mistresses and that was not something that she desired. And Tora was still there. She could wait.

She headed up to Jarl’s quarters and found Mirja with her head over one of Jarl’s books. She quietly walked up to stand right behind the Kelivese woman. She stood there for a few seconds watching her read.

“Find anything interesting?” Sigrid said as Mirja was about to turn the page.

The dark-haired woman jerked upright and if Sigrid had not been there to catch her, she would have fallen backwards on her chair.

“Careful. A fall like that could kill you,” Sigrid said pushing the chair back.

Mirja got out of the chair, her dark eyes shooting daggers at Sigrid. Interesting. Sigrid had not seen that side of Mirja before. There was a lethal soul in there somewhere.

“I’m sorry,” Sigrid said before Mirja could open her mouth.

The angry look disappeared from Mirja’s face and was replaced by a curious look.

“You’re very silent.”

Sigrid managed not to smile. She had practiced every day for ten years until she had finally managed to sneak up on one of the Elders. For that she had received her eighth dagger.

“I’m intrigued,” Mirja said and walked over to the window. “What is it that you can’t ask me in front of Jarl.”

She turned around again and looked straight at Sigrid. Sigrid took a slow breath. This could go very wrong. She knew that. But what choice did she have?

“I need your help.”

“With what?” Mirja answered a little too quickly.

*She is even smarter than she lets on this one. Tread carefully.*

“I lost one of my daggers. And I need help getting it back.”

Over the next ten drops Sigrid explained her meeting with the mysterious wraith and the disappearance of it and her dagger into the apartment on the floor above them. At the end of her tale Mirja sat silent for a long while. Sigrid was not used to talking for so long and she felt the urge to sit down but managed to resist it.

“Very. Very interesting,” Mirja said nodding slowly.

Sigrid said nothing just waiting for the other woman to continue.

“I’ll help you. For a price,” Mirja said after a long silence.

Sigrid raised an eyebrow and put her hands on her hips. She had never been good at negotiating and in her experience the best thing for her to do was usually to stay silent. Or possibly put a dagger to the opponent’s throat. Not an option in this case.

“I want you. More specifically a night with you.”

Sigrid stared at the dark-haired woman. She had to be joking.

“Why do you want me?” Sigrid said and couldn’t help the slight blush that appeared on her cheeks. “You cannot draw any power from me.”

“So, you have been paying attention in class after all,” Mirja said walking towards her.

With one finger she traced a line along Sigrid’s cheek, down the side of her throat and then let the finger rest at the top of her chest.

“I don’t want this for power,” Mirja said looking her in the eye. “I have other reasons,” she said with a curious smile.

Sigrid swallowed. She remembered Mirja’s lips on her own and felt her entire body tingle as Mirja’s finger continued its way down towards her stomach.


Mirja smiled.

“Why not now? Jarl will not be back until morning as you well know,” Mirja said closing the last inches between them.

She was a hand shorter than her, so Mirja’s face was turned up towards Sigrid. She could feel Mirja’s breath on her lips and she did not draw back when Mirja’s lips touched hers. Mirja kissed her lightly for a long while before she drew back.

“Undress for me.”

Sigrid startled at the Kelivese woman’s words. She hesitated.

“Do you want my help or not?”

Sigrid stood completely still for a few breaths more. If she undressed there would be no doubt how aroused she was. She would have nowhere to hide. She would be uncovered. Exposed. She swallowed and slowly started untying her leather armor. Mirja sat down in one of the chairs and watched Sigrid as she discarded piece after piece until she stood completely naked in the middle of the room. She could feel Mirja’s eyes roam her body. Sigrid instinctively covered up her small breasts but Mirja shook her head and she let her arms fall to her sides.

“Come here.”

Sigrid obeyed and did not stop until she stood right in front of Mirja. The Kelivese woman leaned forward and Sigrid gasped as Mirja lightly kissed her stomach. Mirja’s lips roamed all over her stomach and then finally made their way down to her womanhood. Sigrid felt a tear trickle down her cheek as Mirja’s tongue started exploring her wetness. She had to put her hands on Mirja’s shoulders as the Kelivese woman’s tongue explored every inch of her and not five drops later she shuddered uncontrollably and came all over the dark-haired woman’s face.

“I’m sorry,” she said instinctively.

Mirja looked up at her with a wide smile.

“You have nothing to be sorry for.”


This was chapter 8-9 of our book An Ode to Uncertainty.

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  1. Chapter 1


    Chapter 2


    Chapter 3


    Chapter 4


    Chapter 5


    Chapter 6-7


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