Desire to eat my co-worker out? Pansexual female

So I recently realize that I identify as a straight female but can be attracted to anyone, I never really know where I fit on the spectrum… I’m currently in a relationship with a former trans woman and hearing their experiences really helped me to be more comfortable about my sexuality. Anyhoo. Now I have this intense desire to eat my co-worker out. She’s (55)F and I’m (24)F. Not sure but is this normal? I’ve been extremely horny lately and masturbating way to frequently, having too much rough sex, staying up till 3 in the morning to study, coming to terms that I may have a cum fetish (After my bf cums inside me I wait till he leaves and use it to masturbate). So I’m sort of worried my sex drive is getting in the way of my head space, I’m consumed with pleasure. Could it be my iud? I realize these thoughts developed after I got it inserted about 2 months ago.

Also this sounds like an erotica crude post but these are my thoughts and this may be the wrong sub but just wondering if I just have a insane sex drive? my pain threshold is pretty high, even when I’m in pain after too much sex I still can’t seem to stop. My bf doesn’t help either, we’re similar in that way I guess. He doesn’t hold me accountable and neither do I and it’s starting to get a little frustrating for me to be in a relationship where I feel like our sex life is overkill. I just end up feeling like a slut.


1 comment

  1. Maybe post in r/sluttyconfessions instead to get more relevant comments?

    Still very hot though, and you should definitely eat her out :) And there’s nothing wrong with being a slut.

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