The Camgirl Part XLII: Just have to be Patient [Plot] [Teasing] [Anal-Kind of]

**XLII: Liam and Blake**


Liam groaned as he flopped back onto his pillow, lofted bed shaking a bit with the movement. Finally lying flat seemed to alleviate some of the soreness and general fatigue that had kicked in earlier today.

“Marie fuckin’ you too hard, Liam?” Eli asked. He lay opposite Liam in his own lofted bed.

“Too much ass-fucking,” Swar said from the other side of their triple, “You gotta make sure she uses enough lube when she puts it in you, Liam. Especially if she’s gonna fuck you all day.”

Liam snorted, rolling his eyes. When his roommates got like this, it was usually better to just go along with it, upping the ridiculous with each successive comment, “I’ll remember that. I think she actually might be. By the way, in this scenario is Marie using a strapon or does she secretly have a dick?”

“Strapon,” they both said.

“That way she doesn’t have to stop,” Swar added.

“Of course,” Liam said, grinning, “Honestly, that might have been preferable to yesterday. That way just one part of me would be sore.”

“Dude,” Eli said, “You’re actually complaining about your girlfriend fucking you too much?”

“It’s–” Liam cut off as he realized what he was saying, “Fuck.”

The other two laughed.

“What did you do, anyway?” Swar asked, “Weren’t you complaining about her never really wanting to do anything after the first few times earlier this year?”

He had. He’d started dating Marie near the end of his freshman year. They’d slept together for the first few times before break and had texted and video-chatted a lot over the summer, but after the first week or two back this year, he’d been worried that Marie wasn’t interested, and things might fizzle out.

“Honestly,” Liam said, “I think it was Blake. After I met her and she said something to Marie, Marie just wanted to fuck all the time. I think it might have been jealousy or something at first, but now…”

Now, he didn’t entirely know what to think. What Sophie and Blake and Chloe had all said made him feel uncertain about Marie. That, combined with the way Marie had acted Friday night…What *had* Blake told Marie that first night, anyway?

“Blake must be a damn good wingwoman,” Eli said.

“Think you could get her to help us out?” Swar asked.

“I don’t know,” Liam said, “Got any girls you want her to make jealous?”

“Eh, maybe some of Krista’s friends,” Eli said, “Her roommate’s pretty cute, and half the girls on her floor that she’s introduced me to are gorgeous. Don’t know if I would want to actually date any of them, though. Can’t ever really find anything to talk about with them unless they’re at least a little buzzed, and even for freshmen the just seem a bit too…”

“Young and stupid?” Swar supplied.

Liam laughed.

“I was trying to find a nicer way to put it,” Eli said, “But pretty much. Not that we were any better last year.”

Liam grunted in agreement.

“Fair enough,” Swar said.

“You know I’m like you, though, Liam,” Eli continued, “Parties are fun and all, but I want that connection with someone, not just a fuckbuddy.”

Liam frowned at that, remembering what Sophie had said.

“What about you, Swar?” He asked, trying to distract himself.

Swar snorted, “Don’t you remember last year? I’d have no clue what to do with a girlfriend. I’m a programmer, Liam, we live in caves.”

Liam raised an eyebrow, “And how does that apply to me?”

“Your music stuff makes you have to be social—makes you leave the cave.”

Liam and Eli laughed.

“Fair enough,” he said, “What about a fuckbuddy?”

“Nah,” Swar said, “After the girl I met on Halloween mentioned hers, it kind of turned me off to the idea. With a fuckbuddy, you can’t always be sure that you’re the only one they’re fucking. I’m just not comfortable with that.”

*That* hit a bit too close to home as well.

Liam yawned as the conversation rambled on sporadically. He participated in the increasingly sleepy and ridiculous banter with his roommates, yet at the same time, his mind continued to dwell on what Blake and her friends had said, the way Marie had acted, and now what Eli had said about Krista’s friends.

He hadn’t really just hung out with Marie in a long time. They’d gone out on dates enough—whether just to the dining hall or out to dinner or the movies—but every time, Marie had always seemed distracted, quiet, or eager to be done with things and get back to the room. Even yesterday, when he’d spent most of the day with her partially just to keep himself from thinking about Blake, they’d had sex most of the day, and she’d seemed disappointed when he was finally too exhausted to go any longer.

Even when he tried, Liam couldn’t find the last time he’d actually had fun or been content when with Marie if he discounted times just before or after they’d had sex.

When Liam finally drifted off to sleep, despite thinking of Marie, sparkling blue eyes framed by a mane of deep blue hair occupied his dreams.



Blake grinned as she gave Liam a sidelong glance. He was concentrating just a bit too hard on the lecture today. Normally his fingers simply danced across the keyboard as he took notes—really good ones—or did whatever exercises the professor decided to review.

Blake shifted around in her seat, letting out a soft moan as the medium-sized plug in her ass pressed against the ring of muscles. She’d worn one today and every other time she’d been around Liam since making her decision.

Blake’s lips curled further as she caught Liam start and glance at her. There was no way he could know that she was wearing a plug, but she knew Liam well enough by now to know how fast and wild his mind ran. He’d be thinking about it, especially after what he’d seen Friday night.

That Liam had gone out with Marie last night—on an actual date by the way Marie had been dressed—had discouraged Blake a bit. Seeing Liam today had put her mind at ease, however.

He tried to pointedly avoid looking at her, but when he did, his gaze was intense to the point where he seemed to have trouble pulling his eyes away. Having him look at her like that sent a wave of goosebumps over Blake’s skin and made her heart pound.

She loved and feared that feeling at the same time. She wanted to be with someone that could affect her that way with a simple look, yet she and Liam weren’t together, so for now, she worried about that feeling.

As the programming lecture continued, Blake found different ways to tease her friend. She’d been a bit bolder in her choice of dress than usual. She’d put on a light, but effective amount of makeup around her eyes and cheeks—not enough to look dolled up, but enough to draw more attention to her face. She still wore her beanie, but she’d let a meticulously placed lock of blue hair—freshly dyed as of Sunday—hang out to fall down the left side of her face. She’d also worn one of her thinner shirts under her overcoat, and no bra underneath. She’d caught Liam’s gaze flashing to her nipples when he first saw her, and despite his admirable efforts to do so nonchalantly, she’d caught him sneaking a peek five more times. One of those had lingered for a bit before he’d caught himself, and Blake knew he’d seen her grin.

Unfortunately, not *all* of her little moans had drawn his gaze back to her chest, and her headlights had gained her a bit more attention than she usually cared for, but she ignored the extra eyes. Liam’s presence made it easier. Despite her trepidation about their relationship for the moment, Blake still felt safe when she was with him. Maybe even as safe as she felt when at home with her grandparents. Blake knew that this sense of security—as with the feeling that washed over her when she felt Liam’s gaze on her—wasn’t something inherently good. The desire for it to be good helped keep her from agonizing over every single bit of interaction she had with Liam or Marie.

Blake had *wanted* to wear a short, soft skirt that would ride up if she positioned her legs the right way, but November in New England was wayyyy too cold for that. Without leggings, at least, which would have defeated the purpose of the short skirt. Instead, she’d opted for a newer pair of yoga pants colored and cut in a manner meant to emphasize the curves of her ass and legs, which she was quite proud of. She’d lost a bit of definition in her tummy with the heftier diet, but as far as she was concerned, the extra thickness in her legs and booty more than made up for that.

When the lecture came to a close, Blake made sure to get up before Liam, stretching so that her sweater rode, then walked out of the room slightly ahead of him.

“You seemed more interested in the lecture than usual today,” she said, halting for a moment to throw on her overcoat and walk beside Liam as they exited the science building, “Any reason?”

Blake caught the red in Liam’s cheeks and couldn’t help but laugh.

“You know why,” he said, seeming a bit frustrated.

Blake hesitated for a moment, wondering if she’d gone too far, but decided to keep pushing, “What? I have to wear a bra just because you can’t keep your eyes to yourself?”

He reddened further, face going a bit stony. Before he could speed up, Blake caught his arm. He started, face reddening further, but met her gaze rather than looking away.

“You know I’m just teasing you, right?”

He frowned, then looked away, letting out a sigh, “Yeah.”

“And you know all you have to do to get me to stop is ask, right?”

Liam’s gaze flickered toward her, cheeks reddening further.

Blake grinned, “Though I don’t see why you would, considering I’ve teased you far worse in the past and you didn’t seem to have a problem with it.”

“How can you—” Liam began, then cut off. Blake could see him thinking.

“How can you be so…direct about this?” Liam finally asked, cheeks still red.

For a moment, as she met Liam’s eyes, Blake froze. Just a moment. She wanted to keep teasing Liam, but those eyes told her that now was not the time.

So, she shrugged, “I’m not willing to give up. I’ll stop though, if you ask me to. Or if you can honestly tell me you haven’t thought about—” she gestured back and forth between them, “that.”

Blake saw Liam’s jaw tighten, but he just sighed and gestured for her to follow, “Come on, we don’t want to be late for our next classes.”

Blake smiled. She had the brief impulse to kiss him on the cheek, but the fact that she was too short to do that easily or nonchalantly helped her quash that. For now, she just walked across campus with Liam, smiling.

*It’s going to work. I just have to be patient.*



  1. Hey Everyone, sorry I was a little late on this. I’ve got another second post coming up a little later today though–and that one is much dirtier than this one.

    Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](
    [Part XXXVI](

    [Part XXXVII](
    [Part XXXVIII](
    [Part XXXIX](
    [Part XL](
    [Part XLI](

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