Double Teaming Tesla and Twain – a Jessica the Time Travelling Slut™ Story

By J.K. Jones

Nikolai Tesla’s Laboratory, 33 South Fifth Ave., West Broadway.
March 4, 1894 4:15 p.m.

With a deep bassy throb, the portal opened for exactly 3.14 seconds, and a beautiful woman stepped through it, and into the room.

Jessica straightened up and stretched her lithe, long-legged, overly busty body, which was packed into a dark brown leather bodysuit. She pushed her long auburn hair out of her beautiful blue eyes; she then reached down and pulled a leather string out of her pocket, and tied back her hair, letting it cascade down between her slender, muscular shoulders.

The two men in the room watched with shock and surprise on their faces. One of them was tall, dark haired and mustachioed, with a Eastern European cast to his narrow features. He was in a white laboratory coat, with the sleeves rolled up. The other man was shorter, wider, dressed in a fine suit with a white shirt and bow tie. He had a wider face, pointed nose and big, American eyebrows and mustaches. His hair was salt and pepper, and his hands were wrapped around a beer mug.

“Gentlemen,” said Jessica in a calm, dusky voice. “I am so glad to have found you.”

Jessica was a Scientist/Observer with the National Agency of Time Travel, where she specialized in short duration time hops, visiting far off climes and times, memorizing details, and bringing them back to her superiors, where she was thoroughly debriefed and the information she gleaned added to the objective/subjective database at NATT. Her job was to usually to observe, to memorize details of flora and fauna, weather patterns, biological and geological details, something that she did very well, with her photographic eidactic memory. She was also tasked with observing people of the particular era she visited, with emphasis on sociological and cultural patterns.

This was somewhat of a special trip. Instead of a general time and place, with the idea of looking around to see what she might see, she had hopped back in time to a particular moment in a particular building, seeking out two particular people. The rules were very simple: nothing metal or synthetic could pass through the portal, and nothing organic such as food or supplies. She couldn’t bring cameras or instruments or knives or guns. She could wear leather, which was the only fabric that would survive a two-way trip into the past.

In about 40 minutes the portal would open back up, and she would be sucked back into it to return home. She would try to soak in as much information, make as many observations, and obtain as much data as possible, and then she was going to be headed back to her own century. This was her job.

She again felt a familiar ache in her tits, as the leather tunic rubbed against her braless nipples, and she realized that, as usual, the trip back through time had made her super horny. She could feel the sweet juices from her aroused pussy starting to slowly drip out of her tight pink hole and into her crotch.

“I beg your pardon, Ma’am,” said the tall Serbian-looking man, stepping forward. “Where did you appear from? Was that a portal that you just stepped out of?”

Earlier this morning, before the time hop, she had stepped into a Linguist Module and had short-term fluency in colloquial 19th and 20th Century English implanted into her brain. She knew, based on the Mission Parameter Template, that a large amount of theoretical physics and quantum theory had also been osmotically implanted in her active knowledge, as well as the poetry and literature of the time.

“It was indeed,” said Jessica. She stepped forward, looking around. She was in a well-lit laboratory in a big brick building, surrounded by benches and table containing a vast array of scientific equipment. It all looked very much steampunk.

“I am not here to harm either of you,” Jessica said. “I am here to speak with you two gentlemen.”

“Holy fucking hell you startled the shit out of me,” said the second man. “Did you just materialize here?”

The taller man, appearing very much like the eccentric scientific genius that he was, stepped closer, looking at Jessica with a curious look on his face. “You are a very beautiful woman. You appear to be thirty years old, and your face, your hair, your manner do not appear to be like the women here.” He noted. “My name is…”

Jessica took a step to close the gap between them, and put a finger on the man’s lips. Electricity sparked a little. “Shhhh,” she said. “You are Nikolai Tesla, innovative genius of early American science.” Jessica grinned at the surprised look on his face, and turned to look at the other man. “You, Sir, are Samuel Clemens, known to the world as the famous American author Mark Twain.”

“Yes,” said Tesla. “You have us at somewhat of a disadvantage.”

“My name is Jessica,” said Jessica. “As you can see, I emerged from a quantum vortex. The vortex will be opening again soon, and I will go back to my own place.”

“Quantum vortex?” said Tesla. “I do not know many people who understand what that is- although I do.”

“Of course you do,” said Jessica. “You will also understand that given the vast potentialities of both objective and subjective reality, that I am limited in what I can reveal to you about my ‘place’ because of concerns that untoward bleeding between dimensions might taint results.”

Tesla grinned and shrugged. “Also a theory of mine.”

“Well, I didn’t understand a fucking word of it,” said Twain. “I just know that I was having a beer with my friend Nikolai here and then there’s an explosion of light, and very attractive woman appears, shaking her tits at us and talking gobbly-gook with Nikolai.”

Jessica extended her hand. She looked up at Tesla, noting with approval his handsome features. She could feel her nipples hardening as he scanned her with dark, brooding, and suddenly very interested eyes. “Quite pleased to meet you, Sir,” she said, as Nikolai took her hand and kissed her hand. His tongue slyly flicked out and licked between her fingers, sending a bolt of passion to her already soaked pussy.

“Historical accounts indicate that the two of you are doing a photography session in about an hour.” said Jessica. “The parameters of my travel give me about 30 more minutes with you both.”

“And what is the purpose of your travel, my dear?” said Tesla. “I speculate that you are a time traveler.”

Jessica winked. “I can neither confirm nor deny that brilliant epiphany of yours.”

“Yes,” said Mark Twain, setting aside his beer mug, and walking over. “Why are you here?” He looked with raw confidence at Jessica’s fine curvy tits in her tunic, her sexy glinting blue eyes, and her auburn hair.

Jessica grinned lustfully. She boldly popped open a button on her tunic, letting her round tits burst out a little more. Then, as the two men stared with slacked jaws, she unbuttoned the last two thick leather buttons, and her shirt opened. Jessica’s large pendulous breasts leaped out, capped with hard dark nipples. She moved between the two men, and her slender hands went to the crotch of each, rubbing through their clothes. To her satisfaction she found both of them growing and hardening.

“I am here to explore your sexual mores,” Jessica said. “You are right that I am not like the women of your own era.” She leaned forward to kiss Mark Twain’s surprised mouth, running her lascivious tongue through his thick mustaches and into his beer-flavored lips. At the same time, she could feel Tesla leaning down and sucking powerfully on her right nipple.

After a moment of the group kiss and nipple suck, Jessica stepped back from the two. She moved lithely to shed the rest of her tunic, revealing the full majesty of her perfect 22nd Century body. “Unzip, or unsnap, or do whatever you need to do, to get those cocks out, boys,” she told them. “I am about to show you something I am very good at doing.”

Nikolai Tesla and Mark Twain each was working on his respective pants, unbuttoning their flies. Tesla ripped his laboratory coat off, revealing a white tank top and jeans. He pulled them open, and whipped out a large Serbian cock, already standing proud and erect. Mark Twain was only a moment behind, shimmying down his pants, and letting his thick American dick pop out. Jessica gasped with wonder at the two huge cocks in front of her, and dropped to her knees. With a hand stroking each cock, she began slathering on first one, and then the other cock, sucking, licking, nibbling with teeth, flickering her tongue back and forth. Both men stood before her, luxuriating in the advanced cocksucking skills that she was showing.

Jessica stopped for a second and looked up at the two famous men from another era. “Is this the first time you’ve sexed with one woman together?”

Mark Twain chuckled. “Nope, Honey. We get fans coming in here all the time, and some of them like to fuck.”

Jessica grinned, and went back to bobbing on his thick cock, all the while stroking Tesla’s dick. “Although,” Tesla said, “none previous have been as sexually ferocious as you.” Jessica moved over to his cock and licked and sucked it.

She then stood up, pressing her heaving tits against Tesla’s now bare chest, lightly scraping down his torso with her fingernails. “My pussy is soaking. I need some dick inside me.” she hissed at him through her lusty gaze.

Tesla knew what to do. He grabbed Jessica, and carried her to a low table. He swept his arm across, clearing the equipment off, ignoring its clatter and smashing as it hit the floor. Once the table was clear, he picked her up and laid her atop it, and pulled her slender legs apart. Tesla fingered her pussy quickly, testing the waters so to speak, and finding it juicy and wet, he pulled out the fingers, and slid his big thick Serbian cock into her shaven cunt. Jessica moaned with pleasure as the turgid rod of flesh filled up her tight hole.

Twain came over and stood beside her head, his cock sticking in her face. Like the slut she was, Jessica began licking and sucking on the head of the writer’s cock. He groaned in pleasure as this mysterious gorgeous slut who had just appeared in the room with them now lay on the table in front of him, bobbing her red haired face up and down on his dick while Tesla silently fucked her like an animal. Jessica sucked more, and then pushed the cock all the way down her throat, controlling her gag reflex as she had been trained to do during her previous schooling at the Regal Slut Academy. She ran a hand up and tickled Mark Twain’s hairy balls, which had also spilled out of his pants. That was too much for the writer, who clearly had never met a future slut who specialized in slutty fellatio, and with a loud howl, he began blasting cum down Jessica’s throat. Jessica pulled back and held his spurting cock inches from her face, forming an “O” with her mouth, and letting Mark Twain shoot streams of jism into her mouth, all the while looking up at him with wide, sexy, loving eyes.

As he finished his cum, Jessica licked him, eventually cleaning up all the goo, and swallowing it, and then gazing up at him, all the while being pounded by Tesla. “That was nice,” she told him. “Thank you so much for that.”

Tesla pulled back off of her. “I’m cramping in my legs. Obviously not enough potassium today. Could I lie back, and you ride me with that perfect cunt of yours?”

“My pleasure,” Jessica purred, and took Tesla’s hand, allowing him to pull her off the table to her feet. Jessica’s pussy was flowing with juice now, and she was finding herself hornier than she had been in weeks. Tesla walked over to a nice Persian carpet on the floor, and lay down on it, his large cock jutting at the ceiling.

Jessica straddled the randy scientist, putting a slender muscular leg on each side of his lithe hips, and then simply squatted down slowly, reaching in front of her to grab his turgid member, and then sliding it into her soaking wet hole. She moaned with pleasure as the wet walls of her tight cunt clasped at his hard fleshy rod, and she dropped on top of him completely, her clit grinding against his thick Serbian pubes. Jessica placed her hands on Tesla’s chest, and scratched as he thrust up into her. She rode up with his thrust and then came back down, his cock sinking back into her juicy hole. She could feel his big balls against her ass cheeks as she grinded on him more, fucking him as he lay on the Persian carpet. Tesla reached up with both hands and grasped handfuls of soft heaving titflesh, bouncing them around, and then squeezing. “Pinch my nipples, good Sir,” breathed Jessica, and the eccentric inventor complied, moving his finger tips to her turgid dark nippleflesh, and cruelly pinching them. This small act of dominance sent a hot shiver down Jessica’s spine, and sure enough that morphed into an overarching feeling of wet, gushing joy, and an orgasm ripped through her body. She fell forward on Tesla, her tits pressed against his hairy chest, and her cunt still gripping his Serbian dick. Tesla kept thrusting, and it only took another minute before he felt himself cumming. He blasted a generous helping of sperm into Jessica’s spasming cunt, as she came again, a little more subdued, but definitely nice, as she felt his jism splash on her cervix.

The two lay entwined until Tesla’s cock softened enough to pop out of her sopping cunt. As cum and her juices leaked out, she rolled over and off of him. She looked over at Mark Twain, who was sitting on a stool, butt naked, hairy and soft-dicked now. He had lit up a cigar and was smoking it with one hand. His other hand held his beer mug.

“You are one fucking fine slut,” said Twain. “And I haven’t been sucked off like since I was a kid back on the Mississippi.”

Naked, Tesla looked over at Jessica. “You don’t have much more time, do you?”

Jessica shook her pretty head. “The retrieval portal is automatic. I’ll simply disappear.”

“What can you tell me about the future?” asked Tesla. “Is wireless electricity a thing?”

Jessica shook her head. “I’m sorry. You know I cannot reveal anything specific. Both of you gentlemen are famous, celebrities from your time and place. We knew you were both here because of an old historical photograph- one you’ll take in about an hour. I was sent here to meet you and…”

“To collect sperm samples,” said Tesla. “Of course.”

Jessica grinned. “It is a project of great importance. You will have descendants in times and places you cannot even imagine, all bearing your genetic imprint, your capacity for imaginative creativity, and in your case, my dear Nikolai, your unique scientific vision.”

“This is somewhat unsettling,” Twain said. “Did you just steal a sample of my sperm?”

“No stealing,” Jessica said. “You were happy to cum in my mouth.”

“Well,” grumbled Mark, “I suppose that’s true. How much time do you have left?”

“About six minutes, I think,” said Jessica, looking up at him, feeling her horny pussy still slightly throb.

“Well, I suppose you better get over here and suck me hard. I want to fuck you a little before you go. Tesla shouldn’t be the only one to experience a future slut’s pussy.”

With a tiny cry of elation and excitement, Jessica hopped to her feet and ran over to Mark Twain, while Tesla got up to look for a cigarette.


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