[MMM/F] Abducted, Tickled, and Enslaved… (BDSM, Fetish, noncon, long)

Gilly had spent too long goofing off on Reddit and daydreaming again. The irritated Starbucks staff had to boot her out of the café 5 minutes before closing time, but at least she could finally say that she’d finished her last high school paper. With her laptop stuffed in her backpack, she walked back to her car. She shivered a bit as a gust of wind blew over her. Even with summer right around the corner, the nights in northern California still remained fairly cool. She regretted not bringing a sweater or something. She had parked a couple of blocks away to avoid paying the parking fees, so she’d have to stomach the occasional cold gust.

Gilly always thought it was a bit creepy walking around alone at night, but her town was about as boring and crime-free as physically possible, and the police were overbearing because of it. She chuckled inwardly at herself when she made it to her car without incident. The car beeped as she keyed to fob to unlock it, and she opened the back door to chuck her backpack and laptop inside. She only heard a brief rustling from the bushes next to her car before she felt herself being grabbed violently, and a damp cloth being pushed over her mouth. Gilly tried to struggle and scream, to kick and thrash, but she was muted by her damp gag, and the fumes it gave off quickly weakened her. She passed out before she realized what was happening to her, crumpling to the ground in a helpless heap. Her two attackers quickly tossed her into the trunk of her own car, cuffing her hands behind her back and her ankles as well. From a small satchel, they produced a red ballgag and they jammed it firmly into her mouth before tightly fastening it. They then blindfolded the girl before finally tying her knees tightly together and closing the trunk on their captive.

The stuck her keys into the car’s ignition and casually pulled out of the spot, driving off into the night with their fresh catch. The two experienced kidnappers easily cracked her pathetically easy L-shape lock on her smartphone, and as one drove, the other combed her phone for contact information and potentially “entertaining” photographs and videos. He saved those to his laptop, which he plugged into the phone. Having reviewed her texts for useful information, he then sent a single text out to Gilly’s mom:

“Going to spend the weekend studying at a friend’s house. Love you!”

Studying…yeah. We’re definitely going to be doing some studying…

He chuckled to himself as he broke the girl’s phone in half in his hands, scattering the bits of electronics out the window in bits as they drove on. It’s going to be a fun time, he thought excitedly, his cock throbbing as he fantasized about the things they would do to the captive girl slipping in and out of consciousness in the trunk of their car…

Gilly drifted in and out of consciousness for what felt like an eternity to her. She couldn’t even really perceive anything when she was conscious thanks to the blindfold, and her mouth ached terribly from the ballgag jammed violently into it. She had been swallowed up into a dark void, and all she could make out was the soreness of her jaw, the chafing of the rope around her knees, and the sharp sting of the cuffs cutting into the flesh of her wrists and ankles when she struggled. She was drooling, though she tried not to, and a bit of it had already seeped out from around the gag and dribbled down her chin to form a puddle where she had been laying.

This can’t be happening! She thought, screaming both internally and through her gag. She struggled and thrashed blindly as much as she could, but the drugs kicked in again, and she was once again out like a light. She was out when the car finally reached its destination, and her two captors gingerly carried her out of the trunk into the place that would be her new home.
Gilly was still out when they brought her into a room and tied her laying on her back to a “massage” table, custom built for just such an occasion. It was really more of a hybrid massage table/gynecologist’s chair. The table portion of the device stopped just before her pelvic region, leaving the whole of her lower body unsupported with the exception of two pairs of stirrups which were tightly fashioned to and supported her upper thighs and ankles, respectively. It was a decidedly uncomfortable, brutal arrangement that while deeply unpleasant for Gilly, allowed free and easy access to nearly every inch of her with relatively few and easy adjustments.

Her hands were shackled together tightly above her head, with her elbows lashed down with synthetic ropes to prevent any arm movement at all, a setup which kept her armpits wonderfully vulnerable, as well as the rest of her upper body. Her legs were bowed out and made to lay flattened, fastened tightly as they were to a set of cruel looking stirrups with nylon cord and straps just above her knees. Her feet were brought together inwardly and fastened to the final pair of stirrups that brought her ankles together close enough to leave her sneaker’s heels touching. They could access her nether regions freely and easily, while at the same time they could enjoy both of her feet simultaneously. It was a deliciously arousing predicament.

At the foot of the table was a large metal trunk containing a wicked collection of various tools and implements: three dozen different dildoes of various size and design, a dozen clit and nipple pumps, vibrators of every size and shape, butt plugs and clamps as varied as everything else in the pile, a number of cattle-prods and even motorized hand tools with wickedly phallic working bits. The trunk lay open, a menacing promise of brutal sexual torment that would be kept faithfully. Beside her lay a table filled with a sadistic array of ticklish implements: various feathers ranging in size and shape, brushes from tooth brushes and hairbrushes, to large purpose built electrical brushes, a half dozen pinwheels, and finally a crate containing an exotic array of skin stimulating aphrodisiac oils, lotions, and syrups. On the wall above her an intimidating assortment of whips, chains, handcuffs, and ropes was hung neatly, practically begging to be used, while by her head was yet another tray holding an assortment of strange gags, some designed to force her mouth open, others functioned more like ball gags, with the balls being substituted for rubber bones, stiff and thick leather rods, full sized dildoes, and even functioning electrodes. On a tray by her thighs was a modest assortment of towels, and sponges, and in a pair of opened boxes below that tray were about two dozen clear, empty jars. Finally, on the ceiling above her was an enormous mirror, placed so that the captive below could see everything being done to them.

The two men drank in the scene and admired their handiwork, as well as their captive for the first time up close since her initial capture. Gilly was a fair skinned, curvy young 18-year old two weeks away from graduating high school. At 5’8’’ she was neither petite nor large, indeed she had an attractively full, athletic body that gave her plump, yet graceful curves that when paired with her deliciously smooth skin made for an irresistibly innocent “girl-next-door” physique. Her face was soft, with pretty, luscious lips, and slight cheekbones, and she had brilliant light green eyes. With the short, tomboyish haircuts she liked to wear around these features gave her an almost androgynous, yet still feminine look that was unique to her and that they found captivating.

Slade, the older of the two men, lovingly ran his fingers through her messy, tomboy hair and smiled. “She looks like she’s got spirit, doesn’t she?” He asked, while softly caressing Gilly’s cheek. “God I hope she’s got spirit! The strong ones always taste the best!” He added enthusiastically.

Sloan, the younger of the two, had already lost himself in the ecstasy of groping her legs and thighs, and nearly missed his partner’s question. “Her legs are so supple and firm. This girl works out! I’ll bet you a dollar she’s going to be a real fighter.” He said eagerly before sliding his wet, hungry tongue up her left calf, and thigh. Slade stopped him before he could go any further up than the middle of her thigh though.

“You know the Boss’s rules” He chided, wagging a finger disapprovingly, though his other hand still caressed Gilly’s cheek.

“We wait until he arrives. He’ll be miffed if we do anything to spoil his special “pleasure time” while he gets to know his new toys.” He gazed at the captive girl, his cock throbbing for the real “fun” to finally begin.

“Can we at least taste the rest of her? Feel her feet finally?” Sloan asked, frustrated.

“Of course! She’ll be awake any minute now, and I can’t wait to make her sing for us while we taste her toes!” Slade responded, enthusiastically. The two of them salivated at the thought of finally unwrapping and feasting on Gilly’s succulent, helpless feet.
Gilly awoke with a terrible start as the reality of her situation began to dawn on her. She struggled and thrashed in a wild panic, but excruciatingly tight bonds around her wrists, ankles, and knees held her solidly in place – her frightened wriggling accomplishing little more than forcing her already tight shackles to dig deeper into her soft, plump skin. She couldn’t move an inch, and a tight black blindfold around her eyes ensured that she couldn’t see a thing either. Neither could she really scream or call out for help thanks to the bright red ballgag still wedged firmly in her mouth, though she tried desperately anyway. She produced a desperate series of muffled and panicked screams through her gag as she suffered a panic attack in her bonds which grew fainter as she wore herself out, her terrified, gagged melody transforming into a series of pathetic, drooling whimpers. She lay there helplessly immobile, nervously tensed as her imagination ran wild, with each imagined scenario only growing more and more terrible owing to her complete lack of sensory perception. She was terrified, dreading what would come next.

She nearly jumped out of her skin when masculine voice softly whispered right into her ear:

“Good morning sweetheart.”
Gilly screamed into her gag, for help, for anyone, but barely anything came out. She was so desperately confused, so frightened, and couldn’t comprehend how any of this could be real. Her mind was a panicked mess, and she realized she was beginning to sweat, but from nervousness, but also from the exertion of her thrashing. She didn’t care though, she had to get out of here, no matter what.
She realized, thankfully, that though she was tightly bound, she was still fully clothed. She felt some small measure of comfort from the fact that she maintained her dignity, but mercy was by furthest thing from her captors’ minds. Rather, they viewed her trussed up on that table in her modest yet revealing clothing as a marvelously packaged candy simply begging to be unwrapped and eaten – full of sweet flavors to be tasted and savored. They would take my time unwrapping this little morsel, sampling and tasting her, relishing the feeling of their fingers running across her bare skin and into her innermost private areas, bringing forth tortured peals of laughter or defeated moans of pleasure.

“I told you she’d have spunk!” Sloan exclaimed happily, licking his lips as he stood by a tray filled with implements handpicked for their little “warm-up” session.
“Yeah, you called it right bud!” Slade agreed before leaning down to speak to Gilly. He leaned close enough that she could feel the warmth of his breath on her ear, and she squirmed to get away.
“I’m going to remove your gag and blindfold now. We want to have a conversation with you…” Slade calmly informed the bound girl. “We’re going to get to know you a little before the Boss gets here.” he added, caressing the girl’s trembling cheek as he spoke.

“By all means, sweetheart scream your guts out if you want to. There’s no-one that can or will help you for miles, so all you’d be doing is wearing yourself out. I really wouldn’t recommend that. You should save your strength, you know.” Slade continued, as he reached around to unlock the still ballgag around her mouth.

Gilly didn’t know what to do. She contemplated the possibility that maybe this man was lying to her, that maybe they were still in some suburban basement where neighbors or passersby might hear her desperate calls for help. But she also wondered what awful punishment they’d have in store for her if she actually did scream. She decided she’d wait until the blindfold came off and she got a better look at her surroundings before making her move. She moved her mouth in relief as the gag came off, finally relieving the tension that had been tormenting her for so long. Next, she felt the man undoing her blindfold. This was it, she thought. Time to see what I’m up against. The blindfold came off, and she blinked her eyes in the harsh light of the room to take in her surroundings and…

Her heart sank. The harsh metal and concrete walls and floors, the wicked toys and tools all around her, and the sight of her own heavy bondage gripped her mind and imagination like a vice. She didn’t realize that she had been screaming until her two captors began laughing about it. Their cruel laughter at her distress shut down her screaming fit. She gulped, breathing heavy as she locked eyes with her two captors that stared at her with amused, hungry looks. She flinched as she saw one – the older looking of the two – approach her with something in hand. When it appeared to a simple glass of ice-cold water, she allowed herself to relax a little.

The older man brought the glass to her lips, lifted her head, and allowed her to drink freely. The cool water was delightfully refreshing for her parched mouth and throat, and she gulped down the entire tall glass greedily. The man smiled as she drank, and ran his fingers through her messy hair. He chuckled to his companion as she gulped down the last of the water.

“Thirsty one, isn’t she? But she’s so rude! Don’t they teach kids these days to say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’ for things anymore?” The older man quipped to his partner, who had been idly tracing his fingers around the soles of Gilly’s worn pink sneakers. Sloan, shaken from his idle routine, agreed.

The younger man aggressively grabbed the captive girl’s calves, making her yelp slightly in surprise. She grunted as he began groping down their length to get her ankles, his hands kneading their supple flesh as they went.
“You should learn to say thank you to people when they act so generously towards you.” Sloan said menacingly, his hands tightly groping and caressing Gilly’s bound ankles. Gilly grunted defiantly at him, her eyes shooting him a fiery look of both hatred and disgust.
“Go to hell you fucking pig! Get your hands away from me!” She shouted back at him, trying her best to sound fierce and intimidating, while only barely suppressing the terror from showing in her voice. She thrashed in her bonds to try and shake the dirty man’s hands from her legs, but to no avail. She turned frantically to face her older captor when he spoke again.

“You’ve got so much fire in you sweetie! Why don’t you tell us your name – a little about yourself. My friend and I here have been dying to get to know you since we first saw you.” Slade said, though his words dripped with predatory intent. The older man had gone to a desk on the far side of the room, and was doing something that Gilly couldn’t quite make out.

Gilly gulped. She put up a silent, stoic façade though in truth she was terrified – the display of calm resistance more to bolster her own bravery than anything else. She hoped they wouldn’t notice her sweating. She wiggled her toes nervously, and winced at the discomfort of her body position.

“No? Don’t want to be friends, huh?” Slade asked again from the other side of the room. Sloan chuckled. “No, I don’t think she does partner.” The younger man added. Gilly remained silent, trying not to give them anything.

“That’s a real shame sweetie…” The older man said. “But I’m certain we’ll get to know each other well enough with enough time. Yes, we’ll be intimately acquainted inevitably. My partner and I are experts at breaking the ice, even with girls as…impolite as you my dear.”

Slade rose from the desk, yet another wicked tray in hand, though Gilly couldn’t quite make out what was on it. He picked up the simple stool and carried it along with the tray over to where his partner was fondling Gilly’s ankles. He set both on the ground, and took a seat on his stool. Sloan also fetched his own stool and sat by her feet as well.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?” The older man again asked gently, but with a noticeably wicked tone.

Gilly refused to budge, still hoping her resilience would be off-putting to her captors. She had no idea how much they both relished it – and the task of breaking her. She was sweating profusely.
“So stubborn…” Slade chided her. Gilly tensed her body in anticipation for whatever cruel torture they’d inflict on her for being so stubborn. To her surprise, she felt them tugging at the laces of her sneakers.

Her pink sneakers had definitely seen good use, much to Slade’s delight. He undid the laces of her left shoe, slowly and teasingly. Gilly remained tense and silent, unsure of what was about to happen. Gilly grimaced as she felt the strange older man slipping off her left shoe, and again when she felt his associate doing the same to her right shoe. She was so confused, so frightened – she had never before had men pay so much attention to her, especially her feet. She had no idea what to expect, not a concept of what these two were even thinking about doing.

With the laces of her left shoe undone all the way, Slade lifted gingerly on its heel and slowly began to slip it off. He was rewarded first with the sight of a pretty white and pinkish ankle, and secondly with a strong, but deliciously tangy aroma – with the foot sweat of a properly distressed girl. He salivated from the sensations. He pulled the shoe off completely and stuffed his face into it, sniffing greedily. When he finally disregarded the shoe, he was rewarded with the sight of some of the most beautiful and adorable feet he had ever seen. Her soles were soft, lightly wrinkled, and obviously well cared for, and she had a light, but noticeable arch that have her foot an elegant shape. Finally, her toes were perfectly proportioned – neither too long, nor short, and they were beautifully rounded. They were further elevated by the stylish silver nail polish that coated each of her well trimmed toenails. When Sloan had slipped off the right sneaker, thus finally revealing both feet, they marveled.

“God damn those are some tasty looking soles!” Slade exclaimed to his partner excitedly, his cock throbbing. “I knew she’d have some tasty looking feet! I can’t wait to get a taste of these tender little toes and soles!” He was practically drooling.
Gilly gulped, bewildered by the man’s outburst.

“Hey! You mean sole! I get the other one, bud!” Sloan replied, his mouth watering.
Slade barely paid him any mind. The still warm, deeply arousing scent of this helpless girl’s feet reached deep into his nostrils and sent him into a mouth-watered frenzy. He pressed his nose deep into the spot firmly in the middle of her vulnerable little arch and started to sniff deeply. His partner took the hint and did the same, burying his face in the meaty flesh of her right sole.

“HNNNNGGGG! MNNNGGGG! HNNNNNNG!!!!!AAAAAAAAGGGH!” She squealed and laughed and shrieked when Slade buried his nose into the sole of her foot, sniffing even more greedily than with the shoe. Her tangy sweat was like ambrosia to him, and he simply could not get enough. Gilly reeled and thrashed, her mind barely comprehending what was being done to her – the older men’s faces providing strange unwelcome sensations that were so hopelessly alien to her innocent, virgin soles. She couldn’t even imagine what would come next.

The two men drank in the funk of this girl’s feet. A long day out, coupled with the stresses of her capture and subsequent transportation to this palace of pleasure that would be her new home had led this poor teen girl to sweat like a pig, and her hot, stuffy shoes formed a perfect vessel to capture and encapsulate her aroma. They got high off it, their imaginations going wild.
“My dear girl, you have some incredible feet.” Slade said to the decidedly uncomfortable Gilly. “Where do you think I should start? The soft, tender, fleshy little toes? Maybe that buttery soft arch that just absolutely scrumptious? Or maybe the tender little ball of your foot?” He asked her, teasingly.
Gilly’s mind raced, and she grunted and groaned as she tried to maintain her composure in spite of the sensations. She was utterly horrified, though…were these psychopaths actually going to fucking eat her feet? She shivered with fear at the thought, and she never even considered giving the psychotic Slade an answer. Her mind went blank, and blind panic completely gripped her when she felt the moist warmth of a man’s mouth completely envelop her pinky toe. She squealed.
“NOOOOOOO! FUCK! PLEASE NOOOOOOO!!!” The bound brunette screamed and thrashed as she felt the man suck hard on her pinky toe, his moist, wormlike tongue dancing wicked circles around her poor suffering digit. The wetness, and the warmth being applied to that part of her body was so utterly foreign to her, that she recoiled both from it and the mortal fear that she would be consumed for dinner.
Sloan withdrew his face from her right foot and laughed, reaching for something on the tray that Slade had brought. “Look at that! Suck on one poor little toe and she’s already learning some basic table manners! She said ‘please’! Ha!” He exclaimed mockingly, revealing a brush lathered in some substance in his hand. “I bet if you eat the rest of her toes like that she’ll be a real nun!” He continued.
Slade chuckled with a mouthful of pinky toe, and in apparent agreement, smoothly slid is mouth over to suckle the next two adjacent toes. He savored the salty, tangy flavor of her helpless digits as they wiggled frantically in his mouth. He lavished them generously with love from his skilled tongue, and she howled and squealed as lickled, and suckled, and slurped up her tender little toes. Sloan followed suit, though he chose to suckle on Gilly’s long middle toe first. As the older men pushed themselves deeper into ecstasy tasting her toes, the young teen found herself in the midst of an awful panic attack.

“PLEASE! PLEASE! DON’T EAT MY FUCKING FEET!” She shouted desperately at the two men. To her surprise and relief, the two stopped for a moment, exchanged furtive glances, and burst out laughing. Gilly was confused

“We’re not going to eat your feet, dear!” Slade exclaimed, still reeling from the bout of laughter. “Well, we are…and we aren’t. More specifically, I should say we aren’t going to cannibalize your feet silly girl.”
Gilly sighed in relief, though still baffled.

“Do you know what an erogenous zone is, little girl?” Slade asked her, patronizingly. Gilly nodded her head yes, though in truth she barely did – having only heard the term a handful of times, and not exactly being the most sexually active High Schooler. In truth, her handful of sexual encounters were with arrogant young boys who simply wanted to use her for handjobs and blowjobs, never really showing interest in her body past what services her pretty little mouth could render.

“They’re special parts of your body that provide arousal and even pleasure when properly stimulated.” Slade continued. “They’re found all over the body, but the one you really need to concern yourself with right now is the one that covers the soles of your feet and toes. We are simply testing that little spot of yours, to gauge your reaction.”
Gilly was confused, how exactly was she supposed to be aroused by –
She lost her train of thought as Sloan began applying whatever was on his brush to the sole of her right foot. She tensed and wriggled, trying in vain to slip away. That damn brush tickled hard. The damp, stiff bristles drove shivers up her spine as they danced up and down her helpless sole, and she grunted and groaned in a desperate attempt to mask her ticklish laughter.

“Hnnnnnggggg!” She groaned through pursed lips. Slade walked up to stand over her face and smiled a wicked – knowing smile. He nodded at Sloan who, having finally coated the captive girl’s right sole and toes with the mysterious substance, launched into a full oral assault on the poor girl’s helpless foot. His tongue licked long, vicious swaths up her helpless little sole. He nibbled ravenously on the balls and pads of her feet with his teeth. He slurped and suckled on each of her delicate little toes, lavishing each one at a time thoroughly to suck the flavor from her very skin. Finally, the man devoured her toes all at once – shoving practically her whole foot in her mouth as he nibbled, licked, and sucked to his heart’s content.
Gilly’s face contorted and puckered as Sloan ravaged her right foot. She didn’t dare lock eyes with Slade, who scrutinized her every reaction. She tried to bottle it in, tried to mask her ticklish reactions from the crazed captor standing just inches away from her. She tried valiantly, but everything about her body was screaming ticklish in spite of her effort: Her strained, frantic gasps and breaths, the sweat noticeably beading up on her forehead, the way her body writhed and danced in sync with Sloan’s masterful stimulation of her helpless foot, and the tiny gasps and shrieks that escaped her lips when the man’s teeth nibbled on a particularly sensitive spot. She began to blush, and then the question that doomed her was finally asked.

“Are you ticklish?”
She looked up at Slade with wide, frightened eyes. The older man had a wicked grin.
“Thought so.” He said, producing a wicked looking feather. He bent down over the frightened teen, planted a soft kiss on her cheek, and returned to his stool with feather in hand. Firmly, he grasped her left foot. He relished the feeling of her supple little foot in his own rough hands. Gilly grunted and tried to resist, but he was easily able to hold her foot steady. He glanced at Sloan, still greedily slurping on Gilly’s big toe, while simultaneously re-applying yet more of his favorite butter to her already soaked and glistening sole. He noted how she clenched her toes tightly, perhaps as means of blocking Sloan’s tongue from entering the vulnerable crevices between them. He had a theory, but first he too had to enjoy his meal.
“*slurp* You want some of the Butter?” Sloan asked him, with a mouthful of Gilly’s poor toes. “It really *slurp* goes *slurp* great with this chick’s *slurp* funky little feet.” He added, suckling greedily on the fleshy digits.
“I think I’ll have them as is for now.” Slade responded. “I much prefer the natural flavor of a girl’s foot. And just look at them! Don’t go overboard now though. We’ll have to clean her up and put her shoes back on before the boss gets back so he won’t know that we’ve had ourselves a bit of a cheat meal.”
“I’m trying buddy! *slurp* But this chick’s feet are driving me wild *sluuuuurrrp*” Sloan responded, every slurp bringing forth a sharp gasp from the helpless teen who had never before experienced such sensation.
“Just be patient. We’ll have our special ‘pleasure time’ once the boss is done figuring out her quirks and gets us some clients!” Slade chided. He inhaled deeply, still relishing the scent of her sweaty foot before leaning forward to devour her helpless foot alongside his partner – his own assault enough to finally crack the poor girl’s veneer of control and she finally loosed a desperate, defeated laugh.
Slade paused his own feast and produced the feather. Skillfully, he slid it in between two of Gilly’s toes and began to saw it forward and backward. She squealed and thrashed in response, her toes clenching even tighter to try and grip the feather to no avail. Delighted – Slade applied a small globule of Sloan’s butter to the implement to act as lubricant, and continued to saw the feather between Gilly’s delicate toes. She squealed and howled – singing a wonderful song that serenaded both men as they feasted.
The sharp ding of a phone halted her torment briefly, as both men checked their messages and smirked. The pressed on with renewed vigor, apparently motivated by the mysterious text. They tickled her mercilessly and tasted every inch of her feet. They sucked her toes so hard, Gilly wondered if they’d strip the polish of her toenails. She was thrust into a merciless ocean of wet, strange, ticklish sensations.

Gilly was utterly powerless as these two wicked men continued to have their way with her feet. She lost all sense of time. She gasped and as she felt their tongues tracing long, malicious paths up and down her soles. She shuddered as one by one she felt her toes being sucked into their warm, moist, wicked mouths through soft, hungry lips. She shrieked when they dug their fingernails into her already tortured soles, and she kept shrieking as they continued to tickle her soles mercilessly with their rough, cruel hands while simultaneously worshipping her toes. She had never felt so helpless, but yet she still dreaded what was to come.
She glanced around the room when the tickling receded into a lull, and the two men contented themselves with tasting her feet – at the wicked toys and tools that surrounded her – yet to be used. She dreaded the arrival of this “Boss”, and the things these men would do to her when their beloved and much anticipated “pleasure time” finally started, and yet she found herself strangely aroused in spite of her own panic and fear. She was so deeply confused, all she wanted was to go home. Instead, she found herself trapped in this strange dungeon, staring upwards at the mirror image of herself having her feet worshipped and tickled by two strange older men. In spite of her own resistance, she found herself enthralled by the sensation of their practiced mouths making sweet love to her feet.

Masterfully, they massaged and sucked every inch of her feet, paying special attention to each anatomical component. Going from her ankles, to her heels, next to her soles just above her arch they slurped, suckled, and caressed. Hungrily, they lapped at the flesh of the length opposite the arch, and her mid and upper sole. The nibbled and tasted the balls of her feet, and each toe. They made love to the joints of each toe, and the slurped up their flashy pads. The warm, moist sensations crawled up through her skin, up her spine, and up to her mind. She felt a strange warmth building in her.

A soft moan escaped her lips.

Her eyes shot wide, and she clenched her mouth shut, her whole body tensing as she hoped against all hope that the two men had not noticed it.
When the sensations assaulting her feet abruptly stopped, her heart sank as she understood the implications. Both men had heard her moment of utter weakness. She gazed upwards, trying to discern their next intentions. She noticed the older man nod to his partner before standing up to walk up to her face, feather still in hand. He groped greedily up her legs as he walked, and Gilly squirmed in a futile attempt to evade his dastardly touch, but to no avail. Gilly felt the course skin of his hands kneading her calves, caressing up them lovingly yet menacingly, and she jumped when she felt them reach her inner thighs. She screamed as the older man played with the flesh of her thighs, out of some anger, but mainly as a means of suppressing the devilish laughter that threatened to reveal yet another spot of weakness.

Slade was captivated by this teen’s supple thigh flesh – at the silky smooth, yet firm texture of her skin, how it had such play, while still remaining toned, and most importantly how the simple act of kneading it could bring forth such intense reaction from her. She squirmed and screamed and thrashed so violently, just to escape his aggressive touches. You could play her like an instrument, he realized, and he decided he wanted to test her musical range. He nodded once more to Sloan.
Gilly was losing it. The “massaging” of her thighs was sending violent surges of ticklish sensation up and throughout her body. She found herself screaming uncontrollably as the man squeezed and pulled at her helpless flesh. When she felt the soaked bristles of the wicked butter brush scratching at her poor abused soles, she knew she was screwed. As the worship and tickle of her feet resumed, this time in conjunction with the terrible kneading and massaging of her thighs, Gilly found herself losing control of her body. She convulsed and spasmed as the alien sensations overwhelmed her, scattering her every thought. She glanced upwards at the mirror – at the sight of herself being defiled by the man who enthusiastically devoured every inch of her feet like a crazed fiend, and by the man driving her wild by groping one of her more intimate areas. She couldn’t possibly be more miserable, she thought to herself. When she caught sight of the feather in the older man’s hand ready to strike, she knew she was dead wrong.
Slade pushed her basketball shorts up as he had his way with her thighs, smiling as he continued his tickle assault on the helpless girl. She howled and jumped against her bonds as he raked the tips of his fingers from her pelvis down the length of her thighs, savoring the feeling of her skin the whole way, and stopping at her knees which were cruelly pinched and stroked and tickled as well. He dragged his fingers back up her thighs and once again sent her into a fit of wild struggling as he dug his fingers deep into the flesh of her pelvis, settling into a routine of alternating between dragging my fingers up and down her thighs, kneading the pliable flesh, or sometimes doing both simultaneously with the use of both hands. Lost in the moment, in the sheer pleasure of driving this poor girl wild, he lost track of time. All he could comprehend was her warm flesh, soft and smooth, tensing and releasing in response to his every move, and the loud squeals and muffled laughter that serenaded his ears like music and urged him on.

He employed his wicked feather then. He scrubbed and scoured with it deep into Gilly’s exposed groin and pelvis, and the poor girl body bucked against it as it threated to invade her innermost sanctum. Her desperate screams turned into undignified squeals and chortles as the sensation of the feather and fingers sent waves of ticklish sensation and violation throughout her bound body.
It felt like a scarce few minutes, the time he spent playing with Gilly’s thighs, but when he checked his watch he realized that he had gone overboard and spent nearly an hour on this one part of her alone – and she was still fully clothed! It would be a long night indeed, but they’d have to get her ready for when the Boss showed up and the real fun started. He nodded to Sloan, who had stopped his feast for now – instead electing to alternate between masterfully massaging and hand tickling the poor girl’s feet.
Gilly had slumped back, laying deflated and limp on the kinky device which held her firmly. A few hours worth of continued tickling and abuse had clearly had an effect on her, and she took deep, exhausted breaths. She had gotten terribly sweaty, and her skin was slick with salty moisture that absorbed into her white shirt, and that matted her short brown hair to her forehead. She could only tense and whimper as they licked that delicious, tangy moisture from her body and savored its taste. Her eyes were beginning to water. They would taste other parts of her soon enough – sweeter and saltier parts still – but now they elected to give their prize a small break.
Slade fixed her shorts and Sloan, with a fresh towel, began to thoroughly clean her feet. The initial wiping and scrubbing finished, he applied a handful of a strange oil-like substance to each foot, and then masterfully massaged it deep into her skin.
Gilly didn’t care anymore how good the massage felt on her feet, or how pleasant the strange warming effect of the oil was. She simply wanted all of this to end. She hated herself, hated her body for the pleasure it was experiencing from this sicko’s trained hands. Through watery eyes he watched her captor pamper and massage her tired feet, feeling ashamed at her own body for the pleasure she was feeling.
The man massaged deeply until no trace of the substance remained on her skin, then smiled. He gingerly replaced her two worn pink sneakers, then retied the laces the way they first found them. Gilly felt a warm tingle on her feet. Nodding to his partner, he stood up from his stool, and the two of them calmly left their wicked dungeon, turning off the lights as they went.
Gilly sobbed as she lay alone, trapped in bondage in near total darkness. She involuntarily whimpered imagining pleasure time and the horrible things that would no doubt be done to her. Dreading what would come next, she found herself unwillingly drifting into a troubled, miserable sleep.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/dpzryb/mmmf_abducted_tickled_and_enslaved_bdsm_fetish


  1. Up vote simply because this is different from the usual stories in that it is almost entirely focused on foot fetish. I’m not into feet nor am I big on non-consenting but I was able to appreciate the considerable effort put into this story.

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