Don’t Masque the Pain [FM] [cheating] [fiction]

They were arguing again, the couple next door. In their mid-twenties, the wife was a gorgeous brunette, the husband a handsome blonde. They were perfect, except for whatever it was that had them quarreling constantly. They weren’t as bad as some other couples I had seen, but it was annoying to know I had moved from the city in an attempt to escape the rowdy urban environment to this small, quiet town, and yet somehow I had managed to set myself up as a neighbor to the only couple in town with marriage issues they chose to play out in stereo.

My suffering didn’t last long. It had been six days after that tenth or eleventh argument when I realized that I had not seen the husband. I assumed they had separated. A couple of neighbors made a point of stopping by that house to tell the wife that her grass was getting an inch too high. Trying to be nice, I elected one afternoon to mow her lawn. She was out and I was glad it turned out that way. Didn’t want to risk upsetting her by doing something stupid as I was prone to do when in the presence of a beautiful woman.

I got a thank you note the next day, handwritten and placed in an envelope slipped under my front door.

*Hey there, neighbor. Thank you for mowing the lawn. I was getting around to that but procrastination and other things got in my way. Got sick of the neighbors squawking at me about cutting the grass. I fantasize sometimes about beaming them up Star Trek style and down deep into a South American jungle. Try cutting your way through that grass, yuppies – ha! Anyway, Paul (my other half) and I are taking a break from each other and he usually does the lawnmowing. I’ll have to get used to doing that for as long as he’s away, unless you swoop in to save the day again. Thanks!*

*- Gina*

True to my pervy nature, I kept the note with the envelope so I could read it while masturbating every night before going to sleep. Every time I read it, I would imagine Gina saying the words to me while she was naked in some sexual or sensuous position. Terrible person I am.

The following week, I received a special invitation to a gala for Redditors sponsoring the green wall of Africa. A month ago, I had sent a considerable amount of money via Reddit’s own cryptocurrency to help support the planting of trees to stop the Sahara Desert from spreading further across the African continent. I wouldn’t call myself a nature guy, but deserts have frightened me since childhood. It was a movie I had seen when I was less than ten years of age; the main character was stranded in the desert and had to fight off thirst, the heat, and dangerous creatures to survive. He survived but just seeing what he went through scarred my little mind then and made a lasting impression: if ever there was a chance to stop a desert from spreading, I would be a part of the effort.

When I got to the gala, dressed all in black, I handed the receptionist my invitation and in exchange received a silver mask he said contained an embedded electronic identifying tag that linked my identity to the mask and the mask to my Reddit account. I was told to keep my mask on at all times while in the building where the gala was held and to never give my mask to anyone.

The gala didn’t disappoint. Everyone wore a mask. Reddit pulled out all the stops and the organizing committee had done a splendid job. Speeches by important guests were made, there was a comedian, the Reddit alien mascot carrying a baby tree, a large and diverse food bar, drinks, etc.. I mingled around and had a great time. Then I met Gina, who was wearing a black mask with goldleaf designs. We literally bumped into each other by accident. I apologized and she recognized me first.

“You’re the guy who – my lawn – you live right next door.”

She was a bit drunk, not too drunk.

I smiled politely. “That’s me. Are you a Redditor?”

“Who isn’t? I’ve been meeting all sorts of people here, faces I know and faces I don’t know, but now I do and it’s all simply fabulous!” She leaned into me for support as she laughed.

“It’s amazing, the people you meet at functions like this.”

She nodded. We both looked around awkwardly for a moment before she perked up suddenly. “Oh, there’s this place upstairs. It’s a lot more social. I was up there, but didn’t know anyone so came down here. Wanna go up?”

We went up a wide staircase. It was definitely more social here as Gina said. There also seemed to be more corners for people, mostly couples, to separate from the general crowd occupying the central hall. Gina made small talk with other masked folk before taking me to the corner of a balcony where we could feel the cool night air. She talked about her marriage problems and frustrations, then asked me if I had anyone. I told her I didn’t.

Her hand played over my collar and down my shirt. “I never really thanked you… you know, properly?”

I looked straight into her eyes and said, “Your thank you note was pretty good. I keep it in my drawer.”

“Oh yeah?” She giggled, fingers softly clawing my abs. “Why?”

“So I can remember.”

She asked me in a softer voice, closing the inches between us, “Remember what?”

“That sometimes you need someone to save the day.”

Her mask remained on and yet it seemed like it had come off because at that moment the smile on her face lit up the little world we had created on that balcony in just a few minutes.

We kissed and I held her, feeling up her body. Yes, she was perfect. In a sexy voice she told me she wanted to suck my cock. We maintained eye contact until she was on her knees. Then she turned her attention fully to unzipping me, pulling out my cock and kissing it, making it harder with her lips and wonderful fingers. I was rock hard when she took me into her mouth.

She had taken me two-thirds of the way to reaching my climax when her husband, Paul, wearing a gold mask, stepped onto the balcony. He looked at me only briefly before lowering his gaze to his wife on her knees sucking me off.

“Gina, could we talk, please?”

She didn’t stop abruptly on hearing his voice, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. Her lips slipped away from my cock as sweetly as she had initially taken my length into her mouth. Very classy. What a woman.

With her hand still on my member, still on her knees facing me, she said, “I’ll be with you in a minute, Paul.”

Paul nodded and left the balcony.

Gina rose to her feet, I zipped up. We faced each other.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

“You have to go,” I finished for her.


She kissed me on the cheek and left me standing alone on the balcony.

We lived awkwardly with no communication as neighbors for two more weeks before Gina and Paul moved to the city from where I had come. I understood why. To be honest, I was happy for them and relieved for myself, if slightly sad.

She left me a package in my mailbox that morning when they drove out of the street for the last time. I opened it to find her black mask with goldleaf designs and another handwritten note, this time with a kiss in lipstick on the bottom.

*Hey neighbor. Thank you for saving me again at the gala. Nothing can take that moment away from you and me. Hoping the mask will help you to remember.*

*- Gina*


1 comment

  1. Wow. What a moment!! “I’ll be with you in a moment, Paul.” Yowch. I really like Gina – a woman who could keep her head while giving head…

    Thank you for a great story!

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