The Hotel Room {M/f}{light bondage}{wax}{orgasm control}{nipple play}

A woman goes to a black tie charity function and is surprised by her boyfriend when she gets back to her room. They get to spend an evening of fun together.

This story is written for pleasure so there are grammar errors and issues like that, I tried to get as much as possible but there will be some. Please enjoy!


Melissa stepped into the empty elevator on the 23rd floor. Light classical music drifted from the speakers creating an ambiance that was sure to carry throughout the evening. Melissa pressed the button for the lobby and stood back as the doors closed. She caught her reflexion and checked once again to see if everything was in place. Her auburn hair was shiny and curled then pinned back into a bun. If she had to give a guess she would say at least 25 bobby pins held it into place. Even though her makeup was lightly done and very natural it was still more than she was used to wearing. She wore a sage green chiffon dress that was fitted around her breasts and flared out just below and fell down to the floor in dramatic folds. Gold designs shimmered in the lights from the elevator and brought out the green in her eyes. She was already regretting the high heeled shoes she had picked out but really there was no other choice with a dress like this. Small pearl earrings and a matching pearl necklace completed the look.

Melissa opened up her clutch and pulled out a card. An invitation to a charity black tie event that supported children’s hospitals. Ordinarily she would have been more than happy to attend a charity event, but she had never been invited to one so fancy, where even her room was paid for. She knew as soon as she stepped out of the elevator; she would be walking amongst some of the richest and most influential people in the state. This was not her crowd, she preferred to be working with the people who benefited from these donations. Her eyes flickered towards the numbers as she descended and took deep breaths in and out, just like she had been taught. She couldn’t help but smile at that and a little tension fell away.

The elevator gave a pleasant ding as the doors opened. Melissa stepped out into an open lobby. A woman sat in a corner plucking at a harp and people dressed to the max milled around the room filling it with soft chatter and the occasional high pitched giggle. Waters offered glasses and hors d’oeuvres on large silvers platters. Melissa took a glass and sipped on the champagne as she made her way around the room, looking for a familiar face. Soon she spotted one of the department chairs she had worked closely with this past year, and chatted politely until the great doors were opened. They made their way into the room and found round tables and a stage in the very middle with a podium for speeches. She sighed, this was going to be a long night indeed.

Melissa politely talked with her table-mates and pretended to be interested during the speeches, clapping and smiling when appropriate. All she really wanted was to be back home, or rather at his home. If he were here with her she would genuinely be smiling and she wouldn’t have minded the dress because she would have been dressing up for him. She would have been more comfortable because he would take over some of the talking. She loved to hear the sound of his voice and could easily fall asleep with her head on his chest listening to the soft rumble as he spoke.

Clapping filled the room and broke Melissa from her revere. She looked around and realized everyone else was standing up, clapping, and heading towards yet another exit. Melissa knew the evening was almost over. All she had to do was have a drink or two, talk to a couple philanthropists and then she could call it a night.

She went directly to the bar and ordered another champagne. As she waited she surveyed the room. Her gaze drifted until her mind seemed to catch up with her eyes. A tall figure stood in the dark corner furthest from her, his back was towards her and he was talking to a shorter man. He was tall, with wide shoulders and a mess of unruly dark hair. The way he was standing was so familiar, but it couldn’t be.

“Miss, your drink.” Melissa gave a start and turned towards the bar tender and took her drink. By the time she turned back around towards the corner, both men were gone. She shook herself and took a sip from the glass. Her heart stung and she sighed, fighting the lump in her throat. She pushed herself away from the bar, put on a smile and walked around the room. By the time she was finishing her second glass of champagne, Melissa was ready to call it a night. Her feet hurt, and she didn’t know how much more vapid talk she could take. She was standing with a group of older women, listening, as they talked about how this years event outshone last years, when she felt a hand against her hip. It felt so much like his hand a moan escaped her lips before she could catch it. She looked around quickly and saw the tall figure again. Melissa’s breath caught and she grabbed at her dress, lifting it so she could run to catch up. Her eyes were on the figure that was just out of her view, she didn’t see the waiter until it was too late. Luckily for her he was able to steady the tray full of drinks before it toppled over. Melissa apologized profusely and backed out of the room. She turned into the lobby and there he was, his back still to her. She walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder.

“John, I thought…” The man turned around and smiled down at her.

Melissa let out a heavy sigh and her stomach dropped. “I’m sorry,” she stammered out to the stranger. “I thought you were somebody else. You look…” Melissa clasped her hands in front of herself. “Never mind.” She mumbled, completely dejected, and turned away.

She walked towards the elevators, ready to be out of the dress and curled up in bed in her hotel room maybe eating chocolate ice cream from room service. The ride up on the elevator seemed to take forever and by the time she got to her room and put the key in the door she was already taking her shoes off. She pushed the door open and a chill sent shivers down her arms.

Melissa stepped into the room slightly confused as to why it was so cold. Her bare feet sank into the thick carpet as she padded her way into the room and threw her shoes into a corner. The curtains to the balcony fluttered and the cold wind swept into the room again. Melissa frowned. Did she leave the balcony door open? She made her way towards the door but stopped in her tracks when she saw the bed. A hotel employee had folded some bath towels into the shape of an elephant, that was fine, they had done the same thing the night before. But tonight there was a set of soft leather cuffs placed proudly in front of the elephant. Melissa’s heart stopped and she spun around the room. A familiar duffle bag was sitting neatly on a stool by the bathroom. Her eyes darted to the balcony and she raced over to it pushing aside the curtains and throwing the doors open wider.

John had been outside only a moment before he had heard the door open. It took all his willpower not to tear into the room and scoop Melissa into his arms right away. The small touches he had stolen had to be enough for the moment. He smiled to himself as he remembered the sound of Melissa’s voice when he had told her he wouldn’t be able to make it. She had tried to be strong and not let him hear how hurt she was. She’d been positive about it though and made the best of the time away from home. It had been to much for John and he had driven through the night and found someone to cover his classes tomorrow just to be here. He had arrived just as Melissa was exiting the elevator. Instead of joining her then and there he had escaped up to her room after obtaining a key and quickly prepared the cuffs on the bed. It took less time than he had anticipated so he made his way to the lobby. The dinner was just finishing when he got there. He made his way around the rooms talking to friends, former students, and coworkers. He always made sure to keep Melissa in his view. She looked like she was getting tired but more importantly he was getting tired, getting tired of waiting for her to go back to the room. She was standing with a group of overdressed woman. He could tell her ability to be polite was coming to an end and smiled to himself. These people didn’t deserve her. He broke away from his hiding place and stalked towards her. He reached out and placed his hand on her hip, God it felt so good under his larger hands. He wanted to feel the bare skin under those fingers but he had to keep moving and lure her back to the room. He quickly made his way out of the room, making sure she had caught a glimpse of him. Now he watched her through the curtains and chuckled as he saw her throw the hated shoes into a corner. He turned to face the cityscape below him and let the cool air calm his nerves. He heard the doors slam against the walls as Melissa threw them open.

John turned around and smiled at her and Melissa threw herself into him sinking into the feeling of his arms around her. She took a deep breath in and relished in his familiar smell. He smelled clean, and crisp, a bit woodsy like hickory and sandalwood, and a bit of cinnamon. He rubbed her back and kissed her head, speaking soothing words to her the whole time until she calmed. Melissa leaned her head back and looked up at him still not willing to let him loosen his grip on her.

“How?” was all she could manage, although she had so many more questions, this was the simplest.

John smiled down at her. “I have my ways.” He leaned down and kissed her lips, gently at first, then more forcefully. Melissa indulged him with the kiss until she began to shiver from the cold. John pulled away from her and Melissa pouted her bottom lip out at him, not wanting to leave his warmth. He laughed at the look on her face and pulled her into the room, shutting the glass door behind them.

Melissa was suddenly very giddy and a small giggle escaped her lips. John stepped closer and placed his hands on her bare shoulders. Melissa’s breath caught in her throat again but she immediately started to breath slowly and rhythmically. His hands traveled down her arms with feather light touches until he held her hands in his own.

“This dress looks spectacular on you.” John’s voice was low and husky, his breath tickled her neck. He leaned down and began kissing her jawline, down to her neck, sucking and kissing at the flesh, sure to leave a bruise. Melissa’s eyes were half closed and she was still trying to take in that he was actually here. Her emotions were in turmoil and she was finding it hard to focus. Her gaze landed on the towel elephant on the bed and the cuffs. She broke away from Johns kisses and slipped past him to pick up the cuffs. Melissa got down on her knees in front of him and held them up in front of her.

“Please?” she begged him quietly. She didn’t look him in the eye, instead she looked at his hands.

He seemed to hesitate at first and his hands clenched then relaxed. “Is this what you need?”

Melissa just nodded her head up and down, afraid to talk from all the emotions boiling inside of her. She needed something to ground her in place, something solid and familiar. John stepped forward and took the cuffs. She held her arms up above her head and shuddered in pleasure as the cuffs closed around her wrists. John worked gently, taking his time. He tightened each cuff to his satisfaction and then tied them together. Melissa let her hands fall back into her lap and leaned forward, her head resting against his thigh. John placed a hand on her head and stroked her hair. Melissa instantly felt calmer and her focus narrowed down to the here and now, her breathing taking on its normal cadence. John watched as her bare shoulders began to rise and fall at a regular pace before helping her to stand up.

He stood her in front of him and looked at her contemplating what to do next. Her face was serene and if he didn’t know her better he would say she looked tired. He stepped behind her and unzipped the dress, helping her step out of it and hanging the expensive garment in the closet. He looked her over, admiring her choice in undergarments. An ivory strapless bra with matching lace panties, so simple yet so appealing. John unhooked the bra and let it fall, Melissa didn’t stop to grab it. Next he pulled the many hair pins out and let her hair cascade down her back. Melissa moaned when he ran his fingers through her hair, massaging her scalp from the hurtful pins.

“Get on the bed Melissa, with your back against the headboard.” John watched as Melissa made a show of removing all the extra pillows on the huge bed the best she could with her hands cuffed in front of her. She was on her knees on top of the mattress tossing the pillows to the floor. Her breasts swung under her and he clenched his hands, fighting the urge to take a nipple in his fingers. Pillows moved, Melissa was now sitting directly in the middle of the bed, her back straight against the headboard. Her legs were together and straight out in front of her and her cuffed hands folded in her lap. Her breasts were framed by her upper arms pushing them forward and enticing him. John raised an eyebrow at her, hiding a smile. “Are you done?”

Melissa grinned at him and eagerly shook her head up and down. “Uh hunh.” Her face and skin were glowing now and John had to turn around to hide his smile. He had already set up the ties on each corner of the bed but he knew how much Melissa liked to watch him take out and organize his supplies. He took each item out and lined them up on the dresser. When he was finished John turned back towards Melissa. She had a hand raised up, playing with her right nipple, when she noticed his gaze on her the hand quickly dropped back in to her lap. Melissa did her best to pretend she hadn’t just been caught, looking anywhere but at him.

John walked to the right side of the bed. He picked her hands up from her lap and unhooked the cuffs from each other and attached the right cuff to the harness on the right bedframe. He moved to the left side and did the same, testing the ties. He made his way to the bottom of the bed, pulling his suit jacket off as he went. Melissa took in every micro movement as John unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up to his elbows. She gulped.

John’s ams shot out and gripped Melissa’s ankles, pulling her down the bed until her arms were stretched out above her. Melissa let out a surprised squeal that turned into a laugh. John secured each of her ankles at the corners of the bed. Because the bed was so big she lay out spread eagle before him. He could see the wet spot on her panties as his eyes traveled up her body. Melissa was looking back at him, almost in a challenging way. John raised his eyebrow again and Melissa stuck her tongue out at him. John went back to the head of the bed and placed a pillow behind her head. He went back to the dresser and picked up a purple vibrator they had nicknamed ‘the captain’ and placed it on the bed between her open legs, inches from her pussy, before disappearing into the bathroom.

Melissa groaned and let her head sink into the pillow. After a moment she heard the shower turn on. “Really!” She called out loud enough for him to hear. She pulled on the restraints and groaned loudly. John grinned and chuckled to himself before stepping into the shower.

A little less than fifteen minutes later Melissa heard the shower shut off. She quickly glanced at the open bathroom door, grumbled and then closed her eyes determined to be mad. She wished she could cross her arms, that always helped with the pout she had perfected. She could hear John in the bathroom taking his time and she decided to pretend like she was asleep. While he was in the shower she had been given time to come to terms with him being there. She still felt elated and filled with joy but she had time to develop other feelings now. Annoyed and frustrated. She scrunched her eyes up hard them let them relax and let her mouth fall open slightly. She used her breathing lessons to create a plausible sleeping pattern.

John stood in the bathroom doorway and watched her, a white fluffy towel drying off his chest and hair. He watched as she controlled her breathing and scrunched up her nose and eyes. He shook his head and threw the towel into the sink before silently walking towards her.

“Melissa, wake up.” He leaned down and whispered into her ear. To her credit, she didn’t move. “Mia. I said wake up.” He was more forceful this time and used her nickname, still nothing. John placed a finger on her collarbone and used it to softly trace down her body, ending on the mound between her legs. She still didn’t move. “Is this what you are choosing?” John asked her but got no response. Melissa knew she was in too deep now, there would be punishment either way.

John walked over towards his bag and pulled out a deep red candle stick and a small lighter. This will make her ‘wake up’ he thought to himself. Melissa heard him walk back towards her and figured he was standing somewhere on her right. Her eyes were still shut and she didn’t dare peek. She heard an odd *shikk* sound and then nothing for about a minute. Then her eyes flew open when a hot glob of red wax fell in between her breasts.

John was standing above her with a red taper candle. Another drop of wax fell and caused her skin to redden. It wasn’t too painful, the wax dried quickly and it was more the initial shock of it on the skin and the heat. She didn’t know where John would let the next bit of hot wax fall. She let out a little whimper every time it did. Her arms strained on the cuffs to no avail. She had to calm down and think, she knew John was waiting on her to do something so he could stop.

“I’m awake.” she called out a bit hurried and loud. “I’m awake, I’m sorry, I was never asleep.” She looked up at him and he paused, tilting the candle up so no wax dripped.

John brought the candle close to her face. “Blow.” Melissa licked her lips and blew out the candle. John walked around the bed and back into the bathroom where he placed the still hot candle in the sink. He then wet a washcloth and brought it out to Melissa. He gently picked the dried wax from her skin and washed her off, kissing the pinked skin and licking at it causing Melissa to squirm again. “Did you have a good rest?” he asked her smiling around the nipple he had just taken into his mouth.

Melissa sighed. “You know I wasn’t asleep.” She wanted his lips on her and watched his mouth as her nipple disappeared into it. She could feel her pussy relax and grow wetter in anticipation. Her back arched and she groaned when he took her nipple in between his teeth and tugged. Johns hand snuck down and began to rub her inner thighs. Melissa’s hips moved on their own trying to get some sort of pleasure.

John got up from the bed and went back to his bag. He pulled a small pocket knife out. “I forgot to take your panties off, don’t worry I’ll buy you a new pair.” John cut the panties from her body and threw them onto the floor, the knife going back into his bag. He leaned on the bed between Melissa’s legs and looked up. The most perfect image in the world greeted him. Melissa’s thighs framed a slick wet pussy, the landscape of her plump stomach, then the two mountains of her breasts with their tiny pink peaks. Her face, desire written all over it was looking down at him, begging him with her eyes. John used both thumbs and middle fingers to open up her pussy. It glistened before him and he breathed in the undeniable aroma of arousal. He could see her juices gathered and couldn’t stop his tongue from lapping it up. Melissa groaned and pressed her hips down into the mattress.

“Tell me.” John demanded.

Melissa knew what he meant but it took her a moment to gather her thoughts. “Uhmm, good.”

John shook his head, “You can do better than that.”

Melissa giggled. “I feel tingly, and every nerve on my body is ready. My whole body wants to move and it’s very frustrating not being able to. I want to feel you inside of me and feel you holding me. I want to feel your mouth on my breasts and your tongue…”

John leaned between her legs and let her ramble on, a smile tugging at his lips. When she took a breath he interrupted her. “Are you done?” he asked for the second time that night.

Melissa furrowed her brows and stared down at him angrily. “I’m just trying to be thorough.”

“Very good.” John picked up the vibrator and turned it on. Melissa’s head fell back into the pillow and she let out a whimpered sigh as he barely pressed it into the flesh just above her clit. He watched as she contracted her muscles to get even more pleasure, a move he had taught her.

He watched for a time, using his fingers to massage the lips of her pussy, never touching her clit. He would lick and juices that leaked from her pussy down to her ass and made satisfying noises which made Melissa giggle. When he though that she was getting too close to an orgasm he would slap her inner thigh. Melissa moaned when the stinging slaps brought her away from the edge and tried to hide when her orgasm was nearing, but somehow John always knew.

When she started begging the words, “Please Sir.” over and over again John relented. He took the toy away and replaced it with his tongue and mouth. Melissa gripped the ropes holding her down and turned her head so that she cried out-loud into the pillow. Her hips rose from the bed but John pushed them back down and held her in place. Johns lips and tongue assaulted her clit and pussy and Melissa lost control. She thrashed around on the bed as a mind altering orgasm ripped through her body. All she knew was the pleasure John was giving her.

John gave her pussy one last lick before moving to the bottom of the bed and undoing her legs. He moved up to lay next to her and brushed her hair from her face, caressing her cheek and forehead. He kept reminding her to breathe, even breathing himself to help her catch the rhythm. John undid the knot on the cuff of her left arm and brought her hand down to his lips, kissing the back then her palm and wrist. Melissa looked up at him and smiled again, suddenly shy.

John laughed and moved Melissa so that she was lying on her stomach. He then leaned over her and attached both cuffs together and got off the bed.

Melissa’s arms were stretched out above her head, attached to the right corner of the bed. “Get on your knees and spread your legs.” Melissa eagerly pushed herself up using her elbows and got into the requested position. John stood there admiring her ass and reached out to caress one of her ass cheeks. He stopped mid way and instead took both hands and pulled her ass cheeks apart. He let out an appreciative moan and Melissa smiled to herself and wiggled her ass in a teasing manner. Johns hands slipped from her skin and he instantly reacted with a sharp slap with his hand on one of her ass cheeks. Shocked, Melissa rocked forward and squeaked, more out of surprise than from the sting. She looked back over her shoulder at John and glared at him. Her brows were furrowed and her lips pursed in a frown. John looked at her with hard eyes and a raised eyebrow. He didn’t say anything, just pointed to the nightstand beside the bed. Melissa hesitated then with one final frown slowly looked forward again. She focused on the bottom of the lamp beside the bed. She winced at the next slap and moved her hips again. John gave an exaggerated sigh and placed one hand on the small of her back and made it clear that Melissa was not to move. The next slap came and Melissa winced and took in a deep breath but did her best to stay still. She took three more slaps and stayed as still as she could. She hesitated when the next slap never came. She bit her lip as the silence filled the room. She hadn’t felt John move away so she assumed he was still there behind her waiting for her to move. She gave out a little huff of indignation but kept as still as possible. She was concentrating so much on not moving a muscle that when his hand settled on the stinging flesh of her ass cheeks she still didn’t move, only let out a small moan of pleasure.

John smiled to himself. “Good girl.” Melissa wanted to wiggle her ass at him again but that little bit of praise he had given her stopped her. She basked in it and did her best to please him letting little low moans escape her parted lips. John caressed her backside with light strokes before reaching down and using his thumbs to spread her pussy lips this time. He marveled at how slick and wet she was. His hands moved up to her hips and he pulled her backwards until her knees were at the end of the bed. John pressed his cock against Melissa’s pussy and rubbed it up and down her lips, moving his hips in slow thrusts. The head of his cock brushed against her clit and Melissa cried out, gripping hard on the bed sheets. Her moans were constant and her focus on not moving her hips was slipping. As Johns cock moved smoothly against her pussy lips her hips wanted nothing more than to move against it to get as much pleasure as possible.

“Breath Melissa.” Johns voice cut through the fog of her need and she took a deep breath held it and let it out. After several moments of this her focus returned and with it her mindset changed. As much as she wanted to seek her own desire she realized that letting John direct her always brought them both more pleasure. When her breathing had taken on an even rhythm John placed himself at the entrance of her opening and slid the head of his cock into her. His pace was agonizingly slow and Melissa groaned in frustration wondering how in the hell he was able to go so slow. John was doing his own breathing. He’d had to shut his eyes because looking down at Melissa in that position and with such pure ecstasy clearly written over every inch of her body was enough to undo him. He stayed fully inside of her and while she enjoyed it Melissa had had enough. She clenched her muscles around his cock without moving her hips. She would follow his rules and not move her butt, her muscles he couldn’t see where another matter. If he didn’t want her to use them, he shouldn’t have had her working on making them stronger. She flexed the muscles several more times before John let out a frustrated sigh. Melissa’s clit was aching to be touched and she went to move her hand down before remembering it was cuffed. It was pure torture for her at the moment, she wanted that stimulation and couldn’t get it.

John, his eyes now open, watched Melissa’s inner struggle. The tightening of her muscles was a smart way around not moving but something he would expect from her. To her credit though she stayed still and it was time he rewarded her with action. He relented and pulled out of her just as slowly as he had entered, at the same time she was clenching her muscles. The pleasure he felt along his shaft was unbelievable and sent shivers up his spine. He made a mental note to tell her about it later. Before he came fully out he pushed back in a bit faster than pulled out again. He created a strong rhythm, Melissa letting out little moans every time his hips met hers. She had abandoned her goal to stay still, instead now moving her hips to match Johns.

John snuck a hand down between them and ran his thumb over Melissa’s clit. He felt her pussy clench around him, this time involuntarily. He got his thumb as wet as possible and brought it back up to rest above his cock and on Melissa’s small asshole. He expected her to freeze up and go stiff, having never experienced anything similar, but she didn’t. Her reaction encouraged him and he began to massage his thumb over her asshole putting a little pressure on it but not enough to enter. Melissa’s knees almost gave way from the new sensation. She pressed her face into the mattress and called out his name in pleasure.

John worked himself in and out of her until he couldn’t keep holding back. He let out a grunt before pulling out and shooting his cum onto Melissa’s lower back and ass cheeks. It quickly began to run in droplets down her backside as John watched. His chest heaved up and down and John steadied himself with a hand on Melissa’s hip. His other hand still gripped his cock and he slowly pumped the last of his cum out, brushing the head against her skin to clean the tip. John finally stepped back and admired his work. He smirked to himself then walked over to the dresser and picked his phone up. Returning to Melissa he snapped a few pictures from his previous position before moving to kneel down beside her head.

She turned her head to the right to face him, resting her left cheek on her upper arm. John pushed a curl of her auburn hair out of her face and tucked it behind her ear. She was smiling and her breathing was calm and relaxed. John watched as she blinked slowly at him, her long eyelashes fluttering shut, her eyes barely focusing on him. He ran a thumb over her bottom lip then trailed it down her neck and then to her breast. He tweaked her nipple between his fingers and Melissa’s eye flew open and finally focused on him.

“What do you say I get you out of these cuffs and we get in the warm shower?” John waited for her to reply. Melissa nodded her head eagerly after trying to speak through her dry throat. John smoothed her hair before reaching for the cuffs and undoing the straps. He helped Melissa sit on the edge of the bed and stepped in so that both her legs were captured between his. He pulled her to him, and she wrapped her arms around his torso burying herself in the hair on his chest. She breathed in deep, comforting herself in the smell and recommitting it to memory. John kissed the top of her head and wrapped his arms around her, reveling in her soft flesh.

Melissa moaned and pouted when he finally pulled away, giving John an angry look. He just shook his head and reached into the mini fridge to retrieve a water. John opened it and handed it to Melissa. “Finish it all before we get into the shower.” She took it and he watched he take a gulp. With a nod of satisfaction he headed into the bathroom.

The shower was huge, big enough for four people. It had three shower heads, one of which detached and reached a long bench against the wall. He grabbed a towel and placed it on the bench to soften the cold hard tile then turned the shower on to warm up. He returned to the bedroom to find Melissa, with an empty bottle of water in hand, waiting patiently. John pulled her into the bathroom and shower, holding her close to him as the water from one of the shower heads cascaded down on them. He tilted her head up and kissed her lips and forehead, her cheeks and eyelids, every place he could think of. Steam filled the shower when he finally let go and moved her to the bench. He sat her down and massaged shampoo into her hair, rinsing it out, then working coconut oil conditioner through her curls.

Melissa felt her muscles and limbs relax and leaned into John as he worked. Soon the shower was shut off and he pulled her up and she stepped out onto a soft rug. John toweled her off and wrapped the towel around her, sitting her down on a vanity stool. He worked a comb through her hair and braided it for her then pulled her up. He led her to the bed and pulled the towel off before tucking her in, under the thick weighted comforter. Melissa sunk into the bed and watched John. He went around the room, picking up clothes and checking to make sure the hotel door was locked. She laughed when he put the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign on the outside door handle while he was still completely naked.

Melissa smiled and sunk further into the bed and pillows as content as she had ever been. John stopped by the fridge again, this time bringing two waters to the bed. He turned on some soft music and turned the lights down low before slipping under the covers himself.

He was barely onto the bed before Melissa wrapped her arms around him and tucked her head under his chin. She let out a huge sigh when his arm circled around her back and she was soon fast asleep.
