A Romantic Beginning

“It’s really cool of you to invite me over,” I say, as we turn onto your street. We met at a bookstore, from where you invited me out for coffee after, and finally here.

“You’re really cool”, she said with a smile and a flirtatious dance in her voice. “And I want to see if you can back up your talk.”

She hauled the old “Rock em Sock em Robots” game out from the closet in her hall after we hung up our coats.

“I can’t believe you still have one of these,” I said with genuine admiration. “You’re going down.”

“All right, tough guy! Let’s go!” She sat down right in the hall and took it out of the box. We were soon gasping for breath, doubled over with laughter, fingers pointing and tears streaming from our eyes. We were laughing so hard, soon we were leaning on each other for support, and all at once our balance tipped and we sprawled onto the hardwood next to each other. Immediately after us both hitting the ground, we were overcome by another wave of breathtaking laughter at our ridiculousness. We laid on the floor, eyes scrunched, hands over our mouths, faces red, trying to surpress the giggles.

Eventually they died down, enabling us to take deep, satisfying breaths. Your red hair sprawled across the floor, and your light blue eyes shone through the film of your tears. The smile on your face was euphoric. One of peace, comfort, and contentment. Your pale skin and slender frame laid across the floor. The hall light shining down, turning your hair into different shades of orange and red stopped my breath. The shadows on your face with your head turned to the side facing me, and the smile you were gaving me, made me say the words I was thinking without me consciously deciding to say them.

I sobered up a little from how gorgeous you were in that moment- long enough for you to see it on my face and worry to flicker across yours. Immediately wanting to quench your fears, my hand flew across the short gap between our bodies to grab yours, and the words came.

“You are so beautiful.”

I said it as a statement of truth – evidence to what I was seeing – nothing more, and nothing less. My heart picked up in anticipation of your response, and in response to my own unchosen vulnerability. Adrenaline flew through my veins in an instant, a defense mechanism irrational for this situation that made me shiver nonetheless.

My bodily response happened in a fraction of a second after the words left my mouth, and while feeling that, I watched you process them. Your eyes widened slightly, and your breath caught. You were still as a statue for a few seconds before you blinked and your chest rose again. You sat up and leaned on the hand you still had free and looked around, as if buying time to decide something. A few heartbeats later, your eyes found mine again.


“Do you want to go for a swim with me?”

My heart picked up more than it already was. I nodded after a few seconds, because I didn’t trust my voice enough to speak.

We got up off the floor together, and only then did her hand side away from mine.

“You’re lucky, I have a set of my brothers trunks he left here.” I followed her to her bathroom, and they were soon in my hands. A smile flickered across her face. Her hands came up and she playfully pushed at my chest. “Out. I have to change. Pick a room and I’ll meet you out there.” I saw the smile come back as she turned and closed the door.

I opened the first door I came to, which looked like a spare bedroom. Alone, my thoughts kicked into overdrive. She was amazing, and stunning, and I was about to go on a moonlight swim with her. Heart hammering, I found the back porch sliding glass door and made my way out.

A white floodlight lit up her fenced backyard and in-ground pool. She wore a white and black striped two piece, and she was facing away from me, looking up at the Moon. The way her skin shone in the light, in contrast with her orange hair was breathtaking. I approached and she turned, going into the water and down the steps backwards.

“Water’s warm.” She kicked off the steps as I stepped in, immersing herself. I began to descend the steps as she dunked her head under the water.

When she came up, her hair was transformed- no longer orange-red. It was a sleak, glimmering liquid bronze fire. A shining dark copper that took my breath- again.

She began to move towards me and reached the step below where I was standing. She paused for a heartbeat.


And her arms were around me, pulling me off balance. A laugh escaped her, and I managed a “Hey!” before we hit the water.

The mock outrage like fuel in my veins, I sprung up, grabbing her around the waist. Because we were still in fairly shallow water, I planted my feet, used my knees like a spring, and threw her upwards into deeper water. Her shriek just before she hit the water made me laugh.

I moved deeper, swimming freely now as she surfaced. She put on a mock angry face and splashed water at me, which I splashed back, and we both smiled.

As we locked eyes, the atmosphere between us shifted from playfulness back into that serene moment we’d shared on her hardwood floor. This night felt *right*, she felt right, and I knew she thought the same about me.

We moved towards each other under the water, my arms going around her waist, her arms going around my neck, and she used me to keep herself afloat. I was taller than her by half a foot, and able to stand where we were.

We held each other for a few moments, not needing to say anything. The smell of her hair, and her skin against mine were mesmerizing. My heart picked up again, and I held her tighter. Then, she pulled back enough to look up at me, I looked down at her, and we slowly brought our lips together.

The first few kisses were tender, innocent, and beautiful. We drew them out, feeling how each other’s lips felt, under a feather light brush, then under pressure. Soon, we were holding each other tighter, and moving more. Her legs came around my hips, giving her a little more height.

I felt myself begin to get hard, and my cock brushed her perfectly in between her legs, making her gasp. We were kissing harder now, our tongues in each other’s mouths.

My hands moved to her hair, shoulders, back, hips- and hers explored me just as freely. Soon we were both panting, and then she grabbed the hair at the back of my head in a fistful and pulled her head in front of mine to look me in the eyes. Her face and eyes were hungry with desire.

After a heartbeat, she said “I want you to fuck me. Right here, in this pool. Right now.” And she pulled the string of her bikini, letting it slide across the top of her to reveal her bare chest.

Her breasts were small, beautiful A cups. With night around us, and drops of water running down her chest, they were perfect.

A fire lept inside of me, like fuel dumped over a campfire. “Yes,” I said in response. My hand finished undoing her top around her back, and I threw it away as my lips found hers again. Her hard nipples against my chest made me shiver. I pulled down the trunks, and she pulled aside hers. I held her above me for a moment as we looked at each other, and then let her lower herself onto me.

We both moaned as I felt her tightness envelop me, the water around us making each other feel warmer. As she settled onto me, a look passed over her face I didn’t know how to decipher. She looked around like she was trying to decide something again.

“Hey, what is it? What’s wrong?” I asked.

When she turned to look at me, there were tears in her eyes.

“You’re beautiful, too,” she whispered, as she moved in and kissed me.

It was a response I wasn’t expecting that left me with tears in my own eyes. As she shifted to kiss me, our bodies moved, and we both felt pleasure shoot up our bodies.

“Thank you,” I said, in between kisses.

“Thank *you*,” she said, in response.

The water around us began splashing as we started moving faster, her lifting herself with her arms around my neck and me lifting her with my arms around her back, both of us doing the work. We whimpered, gasped, moaned, and grasped at each other. The intensity of her desire was fire in her eyes when our eyes met, and the shining golden red fire of her hair swung around my face and shoulders.

Our eyes burned into each other as our pace increased. She was so beautiful.




We both gasped together, startled from the sound. As the seconds ticked by, we froze as we let our senses discern the sound. We both noticed another change all at once, and we burst out laughing.

The spotlight illuminating her backyard had blown out. There was a full moon, and enough light from it to see clearly. The mood had changed though- from an intense, hot white light, to a cool, gentle white light that created more darkness and shadows. We both looked at each other at the same time as we took in the change. And then I leaned in and kissed her, and we started again where we left off, but slower.

The mood shift was startling and amazing. There was more gentleness now, more caressing, more nuzzling, softer sighs, and a slower rythum. We were still both doing the work, but it was more full of care than lust.

And in that way – kissing, caressing, holding, sighing, gasping, nudging, nudging, nudging – we pushed each other over the edge, back and forth until we went to pieces together. We both cried out and moaned – grabbing at each other and shaking from the force of our mutual orgasms.

As our breathing started to calm down, she laid her head on my shoulder as I held her. I turned my head to press my lips to her hair pressed against her head and closed my eyes. I let myself breathe in her scent, trying to etch every moment of tonight into the walls of my conciousness so I’d never forget it – trying to be completely present in one of the most amazing moments of my life.

After a few strings of heartbeats, I lifted her into my arms and began to go inside. She was near sleep, but still aware. Her head rolled into my shoulder.

“That was wonderful,” she sighed.

“It was,” I agreed.

I found her bedroom with an attached bathroom, found a towel, and laid her down to dry us both off. When she was dry, I started on myself, but when she didn’t feel me anymore, she lifted her hand and her eyes cracked open in search of me.


My breath caught in my throat – once again – as I got the confirmation I was waiting for.

“Of course.” I said, a gentle reassurance.

I laid down next to her and we folded against each other, a tangle of legs and arms.



A heartbeat passed.


“Goodnight, Alice.”

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/douczt/a_romantic_beginning