Just Cannot Help But be a Slut

Just after we had gotten settled and were able to fix up the apartment, we met Denny and Lois. Oh, my God, what a couple. I don’t think I’ll ever forget them. They were fun– that much is true – but they were weird.

   One afternoon, just after I had returned to the apartment after my last class, the doorbell rang. I opened the door and in the hall stood this girl. She had long blonde hair and a very pretty face, and she was wearing a gray pants suit outfit– which she shouldn’t have, because she had enormous hips.

   “Hi, listen, my husband started taking a shower a few minutes ago and he discovered we don’t have any soap and I don’t want to go out in the dust storm and he’ll kill me if I don’t get some soap ‘cause he’s a soap nut and I was wondering if you could lend me a bar of soap.” She was like a machine someone had dropped a dime into. She spurted it all out in one gulp and then shut up. I didn’t know what to make of her, and I almost began laughing.

   “Oh, sure, come in,” I said, opening the door farther so she could walk into the apartment. “You know what’s funny?”

   “No,” she answered.

   “My husband– I mean my boyfriend – is taking a shower right now also!” Greg was in the shower. I could hear him singing through the bathroom wall.

   “Really,” Lois said, sitting on the couch. “What a coincidence.”

   “Sure is,” I said, starting to the kitchen to find her a bar of soap.

   “You’re not married!” She almost screamed it, as if it had just hit her. I stopped and turned back to her and said, “No, but we live like we are. I’m Maggie. That’s Greg you hear singing.” Just then the singing stopped.

   I went into the kitchen, leaving her in an apparent state of shock in the living room, while I looked through our crowded cabinet under the sink for a bath size bar of soap. I found one, grabbed it and shut the doors of the cabinet. That’s when I heard her scream.

   I ran into the living room to find Greg standing absolutely bare naked in the middle of the room as Lois sat there, her eyes bulging out of her blushing face, staring at him. I guess Greg had not heard the bell ring while he was in the shower, so both of them were surprised as hell at such a meeting.

   Greg recovered from the incident faster than Lois and ran to the bathroom to fetch a towel. I tried to make light of the situation with the “shocked virgin” sitting on our couch.

   “Oh, Greg didn’t hear you come in. He always walks around naked. So do I. I like the freedom.”

   “Huh? Oh, yes,” she said, recovering. “Denny always wears his undershorts.”

   “In the shower,” I asked.

   “Oh no,” she replied quite seriously. “I mean in bed and around the house. I don’t go naked either. I’m very susceptible to colds.”

   “Oh,” I said, still holding back the laughter. The whole scene was something out of a movie.

   Greg came back into the room with a towel wrapped around his middle, which still left his cock quite visible in front of him. Lois couldn’t take her eyes off it, though she pretended not to notice.

   “Hey, I’m really sorry,” Greg said. “I didn’t know we had company.”

   “Greg this is Lois. Lois, meet Greg. Oh, you’ve already met, haven’t you!” I thought I was very funny.

   Lois crossed her skinny legs and smiled again. “I came to borrow soap for my husband.”

   “Oh, sure,” Greg replied, wondering who the hell she was and what was going on.

   I handed her the bar of soap and she jumped up, eager to return to her husband who by this time must have been near melting in his shower.

   “We’ll have to get together for coffee some time,” Lois said, still looking at Greg’s crotch.

   Greg sat where Lois had been sitting and spread his legs. We could see the tip of his cock under the wet towel. “Great,” Greg said.

   Without a word, she vanished down the hall.

   I shut the door and broke into hysterical laughter. “Can you believe her, her husband’s in the damn shower and she’s out borrowing soap and turning on to other guys who are taking showers.”

   “Where’d she come from?” Greg asked, pulling his towel from around his waist.

   “I don’t know, down the hall I guess.” I knelt in front of him and kissed the tip of his penis. It stirred.

   “Have a rough day?” he asked, watching me lick the tip of his penis.

   “No, it wasn’t bad. History was a drag.” I took it in my mouth and warmed it.

   “Want me to suck your pussy?”

   “Yup!” I said, falling back to the floor. I lifted my skirt and slid my panties down to my ankles. Greg pulled them off my feet and knelt over my body, in a sixty-nine position. Just as he buried his face in the warmth of my cunt– just as I put the head of his lengthening cock into my mouth – the door of the apartment opened and a voice said: “Oh, I forgot to say thanks for the…” She stopped dead and took a deep breath. I turned my eyes, with Greg’s cock still in my mouth, and he lifted his head from my pussy and looked at her.

   “…soap,” she mumbled and closed the door.

   I think her trip to our apartment was the fastest education she had had in her entire life. And it seemed that she wanted more.

   Two weeks later we received an invitation to dinner in their apartment. I didn’t want to accept, but Greg talked me into it. He thought it could prove to be fun. I was afraid the evening would be a terrific dud. I was wrong.

   We arrived right on time and Lois opened the door almost before we knocked. She greeted us with a huge plastic smile and a loud “HELLO!”

   Then we met Denny. He was shorter than she and he wasn’t at all bad-looking. I guess I would say he was timid-looking, but quite intelligent in a mechanical way. He was a nice guy. They seemed perfect for each other.

   The dinner was an experience. Lois first spilled wine all over herself and then on her husband. She forgot to tighten the plug on the bottom of the salt shaker so I suddenly had a dish of food covered with a pyramid of salt. Then she baked a lemon pie so much that we had to crack the meringue with an ice pick.

   After dinner, we all sat in their living room– maple and chintz – and sipped brandy and talked.

   “Have any hobbies?” Denny asked Greg.

   “Sex,” Greg replied immediately. Lois giggled.

   “I like going to the theatre, but there isn’t much of it here in Albuquerque,” Denny said.

   “I like live plays a lot,” I said.

   “Oh, me too,” Lois said proudly. “I used to be in the theatre, you know. I was a stage manager and a sound technician– until I accidentally erased the entire tape of background music for a show the day before opening – and I still love the theatre.”

   “You erased an entire tape?” Greg asked, wondering how in the hell she did such a thing.

   I pushed the wrong button she said. Then she slammed her glass down on the coffee table. “Oh hell,” she snapped, “the director was an ass anyway, served him right.”

   Denny looked at her crossly. “An ass, huh? His new show opens on Broadway next week.”

   Lois ignored him and poured herself another glass of brandy.

   Well, that’s an idea of what we talked about, until we all got roaring drunk. Then the mood changed. It reminded me– since we were thinking about plays – of Albee’s Virginia Woolf where the new couple come to visit George and Martha.

   Lois started telling us how she hated kids and didn’t want children and Denny kept saying he wanted them. Lois got louder and louder as they started arguing about it. Greg and I felt very uncomfortable.

   “Of course you don’t want kids! You don’t even know how to fuck!” Lois screamed. I collapsed– I couldn’t believe she had said it.

   “Oh, sure, blame it on me! You just like your banana better!” Denny shouted at her.

   “It’s a hell of a lot bigger!” she snapped.

   Banana? What were they talking about? Denny kindly explained as Lois pouted.

   “You see, it all goes back to her childhood. Some girlfriend of hers told her it was great fun sticking a banana up her twat and so she tried it and got hooked! She’s got a banana fetish! Everytime we fuck, she’s gotta do it with the banana first, to get warmed up.”

   “Oh, honey, come on…” Lois gurgled, slouching in the chair.

   I wanted to hear more. It was so perverse and crazy and interesting. Greg felt the same way.

   “She used to have a plush monkey. All the other kids had teddy bears, right? She has to have a monkey so she can identify with the damn bananas. You should see the trick she does with it!” Denny said with a glimmer in his eye.

   “Trick?” Greg asked. “With the monkey!”

   “No, with the banana!” Denny said. He looked at his wife for a moment and then grinned.

   “Oh no,” she said, curling up in the chair. “I’m not going to do any performances!”

   “Honey, come on!” “Please! Do the banana number for us!”

   Greg and I looked at each other. We couldn’t believe what we were hearing. Greg decided to use a little reverse psychology.

   “I’ll bet you can’t. Nobody can do anything with a banana.”

   “WHAT?” Lois screamed, sitting upright in the chair. “I’m the best banana buster in the world!”

   “Please show us,” I urged in a feminine tone.

   “Well,” she giggled, “it would take a few minutes to get ready. My costume and all.”

   “We’ll be glad to wait,” Greg said.

   “Yes,” I added, “the night is young!”

   “Okay,” she said, getting up. She had a little trouble getting out of the room– she walked smack into the wall – but finally made it to her bedroom and shut the door.

   While she was getting ready, a strange thing happened. There suddenly seemed to be nothing to say. Denny felt nervous and he got up to put a record on the stereo. Greg looked at me and I knew at once that we were both thinking the same thoughts. I reached up and put my hand on Denny’s leg.

   Denny froze. He stood there, record in his hands, looking down at me. I smiled. Then he looked at Greg, and he too smiled. Denny set the record down, gave a look to the bedroom where his wife had just disappeared, and knelt down on the floor in front of me.

   I moved to the floor and kicked my shoes off. Greg did the same. Then I quickly lifted my short skirt and slid my panties down my legs. Greg pulled them from my feet and my pussy was wide open in front of Denny’s gaze. He stared at it transfixed.

   I brought my finger down to rub against the lips, curling the hair as I did, petting myself as the guy stared with his mouth open. Then Greg moved his head to the floor and crawled between my legs and planted a good solid kiss on my cunt. Denny looked like he had never seen such a thing in his life.

   Then Greg and I turned to Denny. Without saying a word, Greg made him kneel upright, and held his hands behind his back. Then I quickly undid his pants and pulled them down to his knees. The shorts that Lois had said were always on her husband slid down easily and his cock jumped out.

   It was quite small, but nicely formed. His balls hung loose in their sac and the hair around his organ was blond, with light brown tufts. I touched it with my fingertips until it reached its full length. Then I kissed it.

   His whole body shivered. I realized at that moment that he probably had never had a blow job in his entire life– Greg said later that he doubted that they had gone past page four in the marriage manual – and I was determined to give him his first.

   Greg released his grip on Denny’s hands and brought his fingers down between Denny’s legs to rub his balls as I took his penis into my mouth. As I began to suck on the hard cock, Greg moved around and did various things to excite both of us. He played with my breasts, licked at my pussy and buttocks, and rubbed Denny’s balls when my saliva dribbled down them. Then Greg pulled his long cock out of his pants and started masturbating as he watched me suck Denny’s cock.

   I slid my lips over Denny’s hard penis till all of it was in my mouth. I reached for and clawed at the smooth, bronzed globes of his ass cheeks. He had almost no hair on his body, except for his head and his pubic area. His legs were smooth, his arms were smooth, and his ass was smooth, almost like a woman’s soft skin.

   He was soon slamming upward into my mouth as my head bobbed up and down his slick cock. It rubbed across the roof of my mouth and lightly scraped my upper teeth. His cock had an upward curve to it.

   Suddenly at that moment I thought of the boy I had sucked off in the wet bushes, that awful night some months before. There was something much the same about this situation, something much the same about this guy. In a matter of minutes, when they had least expected it, they had been given a blow job by a nice girl. Their cocks were even much the same size. And they were both virgins– at least I thought so – to fellatio.

   An abrupt movement forward caused his cock to reach my throat, and I felt the swollen head press deep into my mouth, pounding violently as if it had a heart of its own. I turned my eyes to see Greg beating his penis up and down, fascinated, watching closely, enjoying every moment.

   Some saliva ran down my chin and dribbled to Denny’s balls. Greg rubbed it with his free hand, moving the slippery liquid all over the guy’s balls, which were tightening now, filling with semen. Denny’s eyes were shut. He was lost in pleasure.

   My thirsty sucking mouth couldn’t seem to get enough of his cock, especially with Greg watching me, even when the pistoning stab slowed to a steady driving rhythm, sliding quite easily in and out.

   I dug my hands fiercely into his cheeks and fastened my mouth around the small fist of Denny’s cockhead. I sucked hard at the ridge, running my tongue along the glans, over the tip.

   My cunt twitched, convulsed and ground itself down against my kneeling leg. I wanted to milk him dry– especially with my audience – just as I had milked Greg so many times, and so many countless others before him. I wanted to taste him, to swallow him, to feel him in my body. I wanted to take from him what he had never given his wife that way. I slid my greedy lips up and down the length of his throbbing hard-on and I could then feel my clitoris beginning to get harder and stiffer.

   I sucked with all the power still left in my almost breathless lungs, nipping like a hungry pecking animal at his stiff penis. I always feel like an animal when sucking a cock, a beautiful animal– it must come from being raised on a farm. Sometimes I dream I am a beautiful bird pecking at wild bird seed, pecking at food, pecking at the thing that would give me life. A guy’s cock is life to me – semen is the food that makes me live. I’ve even heard it’s full of protein!

   Greg moved his hand back to Denny’s balls, seeing he was ready to shoot, and brought his other hand down to finger my clitoris. As soon as he touched the hard little nub, I felt myself coming, felt myself beginning to lose control, felt myself floating in a world of pleasure.

   Cum filled my mouth. He stopped moving his cock and I stopped moving my head. I felt it slide out, every bit of it, onto my tongue, against the back of my throat. I held it in my mouth as long as I could without swallowing and he groaned as the hot semen surrounded his cock in the confines of my mouth.

   Finally I had to swallow. I felt it move quickly down my throat, sliding along my neck and down past my breasts and into my belly below. It tasted bitter after I swallowed, as if the sweetness had now gone away. I wished I could have held it in my mouth for hours, to feel it go cold, to feel it thicken, to have some of it dry on my lips and my cheeks.

   Some of it did drip down my chin, and Greg caught it in his hand and rubbed it over Denny’s swollen balls. Denny didn’t say a word, didn’t make a sound. He just knelt there in astonishment and pleasure, not knowing, I’m sure, exactly what had hit him. I only know he loved it.

   I pulled my face away just in time. We heard the bedroom door open and a voice call out.

   “I’m almost ready.”

   “Christ!” Denny said, snapping back to reality. He pulled his pants up over his wet cock and quickly zipped them up. Greg stuffed his penis in his pants. I grabbed my panties from the floor and quickly slid them over my feet. Denny started the record player.

   “Here goes!” he called to his wife, and then turned the lights down. The room was a dim orange glow now and the silliest music I had ever heard– Carmen Miranda – started to screech from the stereo.

   And out she came. She was wearing a kind of bra with patches of fake fruit on each breast, a headdress made of huge plumes and ostrich feathers, and from her crotch, attached to a little bikini, hung a bunch of grapes! In her hand was a banana.

   We were in spasms of laughter, which we realized at once was not the reaction we were supposed to have, because Lois shot us a look of displeasure. We stopped laughing and pretended to be interested.

   She danced, flinging her grapes from side to side, jiggling her small boobs, dipping her feathers. At one point she came too close to the wall and knocked a painting to the floor. Finally her damn grapes became too heavy for the bikini and they fell to the floor, ripping the bikini apart, and in a second that too was on the floor. I don’t think she even noticed. She was so caught up in her little number that she didn’t realize her pussy was flapping in the wind before our eyes.

   Near the end of the song she began to get dirty. She licked the banana and slid it where the grapes should have been. She gave a startled look at her crotch, and then like a good artist (the show must go on!) just ignored it and continued– and rubbed the banana over her big ass.

   She dropped the bra to the floor and shook her nipples at us. Her breasts were small but they were all nipple– they were enormous. In fact, her whole body was a set of mismatched parts. Her hips were huge, her legs slender. Her tits were small, but the nipples were gigantic. Her pussy was little but she had more hair than any woman I had ever seen. The cheeks of her ass were rubbery, but she wasn’t at all fat. She had a small head with beady eyes, but her hair was beautiful and hung to her ass.

   Finally we got to the climax. Denny was sitting there watching her, evidently excited again, his hand rubbing his cock through his pants. Greg sat next to me and I could feel him laughing as his whole body shook. Denny and Lois, what a couple!

   This was it, the moment we had been waiting for. Denny sat at attention as Lois planted her feet on the ground– she had big ankles too, but small feet, I noticed then – and gave us a nice spread shot of her cunt. Then she slid the banana up it, slowly but surely, and as she did it her eyes seemed to roll around in her head. Finally almost the entire banana was up there, and I wondered where the hell she put it all! It was a long banana!

   The music reached a crescendo and stopped abruptly. Lois looked as if she were straining to take a good shit or to scream across a football field. She sweated and tightened her muscles and screamed, “OH… OH… GUACAMOLE!” The banana suddenly shot from her cunt like a torpedo from a submarine! PFFFT! And it landed halfway across the room.

   I was stunned. Greg mumbled that he couldn’t believe it. Denny was applauding like crazy and Lois was so damned happy I thought she was going to cry.

   “Honey, it really went far tonight. I should have set up the measuring stick,” he said to her, still clapping his hands.

   She stood there, holding on to the wall for dear life, catching her breath. She smiled and finally fell to the floor and lay in a slump near her husband. He started petting her breasts.

   One thing led to another and soon we were all naked. I thought Lois was going to have a heart attack when she saw the size of Greg’s cock. I guess she had never seen any other penis but her husband’s, and I felt sorry for the pleasures she had been missing.

   We all touched each other and played with each other for a few minutes, but we could tell that Lois felt embarrassed or afraid somehow, which was hard to understand after shooting a banana out of her pussy in front of total strangers. But we respected her feelings, and confined our petting to each other, and Denny and Lois did the same. Then they watched us as we made love. remaining on..[Cant help it since I am a slut](https://thebestsexstories101.blogspot.com/2019/10/maggies-moist-mouth-chapter-ten.html)

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/docpge/just_cannot_help_but_be_a_slut

1 comment

  1. You should try incorporating your belly button into the mix somehow. There’s so much potential with those things.

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