And yet, I Reach. [straight]

And yet, I reach.

She tell me to grip harder; but it’s your hair I’m pulling, not hers. Your lips I’m tasting, your cunt I’m feeling.

It’s not healthy for me: this obsession over you. This uncontrollable feeling I have when I see the scars you left, scratches down my back. It’s a rune you’ve carved into me; a curse you’ve bestowed upon me. I’m unapologetically yours.

Oh and I’m trying hard to get you out of my mind. It’s not like it’s difficult for me to get dates; and I have dated. I’ve bought her drinks, I’ve even had stimulating conversations with her. She probably thinks we’re compatible too.

When the night is late, I’ll even lean in for the kiss. I’ll tell her how much fun I’ve had. I’ll invite her back to my place.

When we end up at my place, I’ll entertain. I’ll play her songs I wrote for you, about you. She usually just tells me they’re sad, or sexy, or both. She’ll probably ask for another drink, or sometimes we’re sparking up a J on my porch.

We usually end up in my room, we usually end up on my bed. I kiss her body and caress her curves; but, I’m reminded of the way your skin tastes. I squeeze her breasts, but I remember your piercings when I tease her nipples with my tongue. I run my fingers up your body, but it’s hers; yet, when I wet my fingers on her cunt its like you’re immediately here. It isn’t faking it with her anymore, it’s real and raw with you.

I’ll tug your hair the way I do when I’m deep inside and I hear you begging me to go harder/faster while banging against your ass. I feel your lips wrapping gently around my cock; the gentle stroking, flicking of you’re tongue.

The only thing that breaks my illusion, the only thing that nearly kills it for me; that unique way Your cunt grabs me when you cum and the sound of you in ecstasy are missing. In its place I feel her legs shake and I hear her song, but it lacks the part of you I long to hear and feel again.

She knows how to take a load, truthfully. They all look gorgeous when I shoot across the back of their ass, or with a hot drip across their chin; however, filling your warm pussy with a hot load made me want to rev up the engines and start again. Every. Fucking. Time.

She doesn’t scratch like you do, none of them do. They almost always apologize for leaving marks, like you never did. You knew I loved it. You knew exactly my limit.

When the morning rises and she awakens next to me with a tattered up hairdo, I await her to call me a pain in the ass; but I usually get a good morning kiss instead before getting dressed. I’ll make coffee, we’ll talk a little bit more about our lives and what we plan on doing with the rest of our day.

My day? It starts when I go to the shower, look in the mirror and see the scars you left on my shoulders.

I reach because every fuck feels like an homage. I reach because I’m hopeless in my desire for what is unattainable. I want your wrath, your anger, your sex that breathes fire. I want to suck your kiss to the filter and breathe you in deep until all I know is smoke & ash.

You’re irresistible, irresponsible, you wreck me irreparably; and yet, I reach.



  1. Beautifully written. Heartache and passion. ” I want to suck your kiss to the filter and breathe you in deep until all I know is smoke & ash.” – That is the sentence that made me hold my breath a moment. Then I read it again. Beautiful.

  2. I relate to this on such a personal level it breaks my heart and turns me on at the same time

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