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My name is Frank and I have a problem. (I think.)
I am a sophomore at a well known university.
For obvious reasons I can’t mention the schools name.
Well, here goes my story.

It all started a few months back.
If you have the time sit back and allow me to tell my story from the beginning.
I grew up on a farm in a small rural town in Wisconsin.
My family was typical Mid-Western conservatives.
We voted Republican in all the elections and went to church every Sunday.
Except when the harvest was due.
Come to think of it I would imagine that the pews were particularly empty during that season.

I had a normal childhood and was your typical corn fed mid-western boy.
I’ve had the same girlfriend since I was ten.
Susan had been by my side through thick and thin.
We never really talked about getting married, it was just assumed by everyone including the two of us that this was how it was to be.

In school I was a member of our track and field team.
In most of the events I was just so-so, however the two events I excelled in was the 10,000 meter and the marathon runs.
I was the one to beat, so far in my school no one has beaten my records.

In my senior year I was spotted by a recruiter from one of the more prestigious universitiesuniversity’s.
One day I was called into the counselors office and was introduced to the very same recruiter that spotted me at my last track meet.
As I sat there, Ithere I was stunned to find out that they were offering a full scholarship to this school if I were to become a member of their track and field team.
For the remainder of this meeting I sat in silence trying to absorb what I was hearing.
Due to the cost of going to an out of state university, I had resigned myself to attending the local community college.
Before I left the meeting the recruiter gave me a folder containing the schools offer and and the necessary paperwork to be filled out.

For the remainder of the day in school I was for the most part useless, my mind was spinning with the possibilities for my future.
When school let out, I skipped the bus and ran home, my feet never touching the ground as I ran.
Slowing down as I reached our house I decided to surprise my folks with the news.
So it was that I said nothing to my folks at first.
However while mom set the food upon the table I left the folder on the table next to her plate.

As we sat to eat my mom asked me what was in the folder.
“Gee mom, I don’t know.
The Dean gave me this to give to you.
I hope I’m not in trouble at school.”
With that statement my dad’s face took on a deep scowl, wondering what I had gotten myself into now.
As mom opened the folder and began reading her hands started shaking and tears began to flow.

“What does it say, what’s wrong honey.” My dad asked.
At this my mom dropped the folder and leaned over and gave me a spine breaking hug.
“Well, what’s going on!” My dad said.
With that mom handed dad the folder.
As he began to read he underwent the same emotions that my mom just displayed.
Now my dad has never been one to express his emotions.
This one time he made an exception.
With tears in his eyes he got up from his place at the table and walked over to me, took my hand and shook it until I needed a chiropractor, followed by an even more devastating hug.

The next day I went out with Susan and showed her the folder.
I was thrilled to share this moment with my best friend.
Yet I didn’t understand at first the look of concern on her face.
The tears she shed were not tears of joy, they were tears of loss.
“Susan, what’s wrong.
I thought you would be happy, this is momentous news.
I’ll be going to one of the best university’s in the country and everything is paid for.
I’ll finally get out of this tiny town and… then it dawned on me.
For the first time in our lives Susan and I would be separated by a thousand miles.
“Susan, I’ll be back for the holidays and you can come and visit me anytime you wish.”
“That’s not the point, you’ll go away and I’ll be left alone here.
Your going to be around a lot of girls who are more worldly than me and then you’ll fall in love and forget about me!” She said.
“Susan, I think you are worrying to much, you are the girl I love and the girl I plan to spend the rest of my life with.”

Jumping forward, the summer went quickly and while Susan and I had this same discussion many times the end results was always the same.
I was going to go away to school and Susan was going to have to learn to live with my decision.

So it was that on this beautiful fall day my folks and I arrived at the university.
After we checked in we were shown to the dorm room I would be living in for the next months to come.
As we entered I meet my new roommate Paul.
Paul was also a freshman and there on a scholarship on the swim team.
He was tall, lanky with a huge smile along with unkempt blond hair and enough luggage to stock a small store.
By comparison I only brought a couple of suitcases and a pair of backpacks.

After dumping my belongings on my bed we went to find the RA for our floor who gave us the rules of the dorm and showed us where the freshman orientation was held.
At the orientation I met my coach and some of my new teammates.
They were an interesting group from all over the US. and a couple from Kenya.
After the orientation the team went out to a meet and greet luncheon.
It was there that I met the coach.
Coach Reed as everyone called him was an imposing figure. Standing 6′ 5”, with salt and pepper hair.
A face that was as rugged as it was handsome.
For the first time in my life I looked at a guy and thought “this man hot!”
I don’t know what came over me but I was at a loss for words when he came up to introduce himself.
It was so bad I couldn’t look him in the eye for fear of making a fool of myself.
As he reached out to shake my hand he saw my distress and asked me, “Are you all right son, you look like you saw a ghost.”
“Um, yeah I mean yes I’m ok, I just had a moment of confusion.
You look like someone I knew a long time ago.” I lied.
Why did this man leave me speechless?

For the next couple of days I enrolled in my electives and attended my core classes.
On day three the track team met for it’s first official practice.
The coach had us run various style races trying to see each individuals strengths and weakness.
While doing the 100 yard dash I blasted past the favorite by one seconds flat.
The coach thought there had to be an error from the time keeper.
To resolve this he had us rerun the race after a few minutes rest.
Once again I smoked the coaches “Golden boy”.
Returning to the coach he slapped me on the back and told me how impressive my time was.
About an hour later and half a dozen races the coach ordered everyone to the showers and then to meet in the training room.
As I was walking away my calf began to stiffen up causing me to limp just a bit.
The coach noticed this and asked me if I was alright.
“Yes sir, I’m fine just a little cramp.” I told him.
Later after everyone was cleaned up we had the first team meeting.
Coach said he was quite impressed with all of us and he believed that this year we could go to the Nationals.
This caused a roar to erupt from the team members.

When we began to file out of the meeting room the coach pulled me aside and invited my to join him in his office.
Once there he said to have a seat.
“Frank I must tell you I was quite impressed with your performance today.
You ran that 100 yards like the devil was on your tail.
No wonder the recruiter grabbed hold of you before any other university could.
For that I plan to buy him the best bottle of Scotch I can afford.
Now what happened to your leg?”
“Nothing sir, when I was walking off the run I just developed a cramp in my left calf muscle.”
The coach had me follow him into the training room where he had me take off my shoes and put my legs into the whirlpool tub up to my upper calf’s.
The hot swirling water felt like heaven.
In just a few moments I was feeling a whole lot better.
After ten minutes he had me hop out and sit on a table.
“OK let’s see that leg, shall we.
Why don’t you lay back and I’ll see what I can do to fix it.”
Laying back the coach took some kind of liniment and rubbed it into the muscles of my calf.
As he did this, whatever this stuff was you could feel the heat it generated as it was worked into my leg.
In no time this stuff got really hot, not enough to hurt, just hot enough to tell you it was working.
As he was working, he began to move his hands higher-ups up my leg until he was just below my crotch.
He didn’t go any higher but my cock began to stir as he got higher up my leg.
As the coach looked over towards the clock I tried to adjust my cock so he wouldn’t see my arousal.
When he finally looked back I had my cock pushed down and under control.
I just hope he didn’t notice anything.

The next couple of weeks were grueling between my class load and practice I had very little time for myself.

Paul was a big help as far as my classes were concerned.
He was a math wiz who never had any problem in teaching me how to find the solution to a math problem.
On the odd evenings when we had some time to kill we hit the local hot spots.
I have been doing my best to stay faithful to Susan, however the volume of beautiful girls on campus was overwhelming.
It didn’t help that the girls loved those of us on any of the sports teams.
It didn’t matter if you were a football player or on the rowing team what mattered was you were on some kind of team.
Yeah that might be rather shallow of them but who cares.
They still tried to get into your pants.

When we returned to the dorm last night both of us were feeling no pain.
We had imbibed so much beer you could hit either of us with a shovel and we would never feel it.
Stumbling into our room Paul stripped of his clothes and crawled into the shower.
When he finished he walked back into the room with only the towel over his shoulders.
Now I’m not a prude and have seen a lot of naked guys in the locker room at school, this never bothered me and I never really gave it a second thought.
Tonight was different, when Paul walked out of the bathroom he was sporting a very large hard on.
As he dried himself I did my best to look the other way.
As it was I kept trying to sneak a peek.

After my shower I found Paul out cold on his bed, thank god I didn’t get a roommate that snored!
As I lay in bed I kept thinking about one of the girls from tonight who kept rubbing up on me as we talked.
If I hadn’t been thinking of Susan the whole time I would have been in bed with her right now.
My thoughts turned to how much I missed Susan and the nights we spent screwing.
This caused my cock to grow so I needed to take care of that before I could get to sleep.
Under the cover of my blankets I began to stroke myself.
In my mind I was seeing my Susan naked and on her knees as I pounded her hard and long.
As I was about to cum my mind went to the training room with the coach rubbing my leg near my crotch, it was at that moment I came.
What the fuck I thought, why did I think of that now?
And why did it make me cum so hard?
