Trans guy looking to see what other trans people are craving from erotica.

Hey there folx,

My name is Be-redacted-, cam name Bellamy, oof. I am a 20 year old trans guy in the US who just hit 8 weeks on testosterone today. I have been testing out writing some smut etc lately because well, gotta do something with all this new found libido and I was starting to hurt myself lmao.

Anyways, I was wondering what people are looking for with trans erotica, I’d particularly like to hear from other trans people, whether you be a trans dude like me, trans woman, NB, pre-HRT, non-HRT, pre-op, non-op, post-op, idrc. I am hoping to see what people want from their erotica. I tend to write more heavy handed stuff since I’m pretty kinky but I’ve been working on a fluff piece inspired by something that happened with a friend last night.

I’m also looking to see how people relate to their bodies with their partners if there are certain things that come to mind that I should know. I know as a pre-op trans guy how I like to be touched, how I won’t remove binders unless I am incredibly comfortable with the person I am with. I know how I personally don’t like certain things touched in certain ways. I don’t know much about other trans people’s stories though and if you would be willing to share something that stands out to you in your interactions I would like to hear so I can be as accurate in my stories as possible.

I really feel like it’s important to see a little more trans written erotica that just treats it as something normal. I’m getting a little tired of trans binary people being heavily fetishized for being trans and enbies being erased. I hope that through this I could fill some of the gaps.

Feel free to DM me or respond to this post. Thanks much and have a great day.



  1. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

    – [/r/amiasexyqueer] [Trans guy looking to see what other trans people are craving from erotica.](

    – [/r/ftmporn] [Trans guy looking to see what other trans people are craving from erotica.](

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  2. Heya, nonbinary transfem here.

    I had a brief revelation this morning about this, actually. I used to watch more porn than I was really comfortable with, and I stopped that consumption when I started college, but I thought about what appealed to me.

    There’s the concept of people going into more and more extreme pornography because of chasing a “higher high,” and getting desensitized to other content, and that certainly makes sense. But another part of me thinks I was drawn a bit to more extreme content because that’s what I would be related to.

    Like, more “typical” porn can be uninteresting at times? I’m absolutely not interested in heterosexual porn, watching a man fuck a woman, because I can’t identify with anyone in that. I don’t want to be the woman having sex with the man, and I definitely don’t want to be having sex with the woman as that man, either. Sure, there’s sapphic content, but not being a woman, it’s vaguely hard for me to identify. Also the fact that a *lot* of woman/woman content is… So typical. So male-gaze focused. Even some better content, they’re still very conforming women.

    Which leads me to my main point, that’s been a question asked a lot: where’s the queer porn? A lot of more queer porn I see seems to feature someone androgynous but that someone is always someone with a vagina (and while I’m attracted to them, I can’t rly identify with them), or a conventional trans woman. Non-binary representation seems to only be seen in porn with AMAB folks, and never my own (albeit, very niche) body. The closest I would see is, like, some twink in gay male porn (which, obv, I can’t identify with).

    I can’t relate to vaginal penetration focus, and when I do focus on it, it makes me incredibly dysphoric, knowing I can’t do that. So, I prefer anal content. But “anal” can feel typical, and without a star for me to identify with, it gets boring. So I need something to relate to. Cue in my more intense kinks.

    Then you get into the “however” of a lot of extreme kinks being put in rly hetero scope, and that’s a whole essay in-and-of-itself.

    I should spend a load of time writing down more articulated thoughts about this bc once you try to break the binary in terms of erotic content, you’re in arguably uncharted territory.

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