Home Masseuse Part 4

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/deqql6/masseuses_home_visit/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dg6eov/home_masseuse_part_2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/diz93r/home_masseuse_part_3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Sara and Cheyanne pulled on each of the restraints making sure everything was secure. Sara grabbed the silk scarf and straddled Lee’s chest.

“Honey, lift up your head do I can put this on. I don’t want you peeking now. That would be cheating.” Sara said giving a wink.

Sara waved a hand in front of Lee’s blindfolded face and pleased there was no reaction. She got off Lee’s chest leaving a wet pussy print where she had been.

“Oh Sara. I think we have a problem here.” Cheyanne said to Sara with a mock pouty face.

“Poor Lee looks as though his cock is all worn out already.” Cheyanne said lying on her side next to Lee’s leg. Her head was propped up by one hand and the other pet the soft cock gently.

“Oh no whatever shall we do?” Sara replied in obviously mocking tone.

“I think it’s time we revealed our superpowers. Go team Cock Risers.” Cheyanne yelled punching a fist in the air and giggled.

Sara lay her self down, mirroring Cheyanne and started fondling Lee’s balls. “We’re only supposed to use these powers for good, but I wanna be so bad right now. What do you think Lee, should we use our powers?” Sara said smiling back at Cheyanne.

“Y-y-yes. God yes use your powers.” Lee all but screamed the last sentence.

Lee’s cock twitched in anticipation for what Sara and Cheyanne has in store for him. Sara and and Cheyanne made simultaneous oh’s with their lips and smiled at their reactions to Lee.

Cheyanne lifted Lee’s head up and pulled it up as high as she could and leaned in. Sara watched and did the same, tongue reaching out but eyes never leaving Cheyanne.

Their two tongues’ tips met each other at the base of Lee’s cock, right where it met his sack. Tongues pressed against each other, they slowly moved up Lee’s shaft. As soon as they reached Lee’s head they made their way back.

By the time Sara and Cheyanne got to the bottom again, Lee’s cock was standing on its own already, but still not fully erect. The two women leaned in further with lips parted and begun to kiss each side of his cock, synchronized as if this was a practiced move they had done this millions of times.

Tongues flicked out of both mouths, when they reached Lee’s head, swirling around like snakes doing a mating dance. Cheyanne and Sara stared at each other, so entranced in their work they hadn’t even noticed that Lee was already rock hard.

They both rose forgetting about their mission to rise Lee’s cock. Their open mouths met as tongues continued to twirl and dance. Sara’s hand moved through Cheyanne’s hair and grasped a handful. She pulled her hair back exposing Cheyanne’s neck and moved her lips down Cheyanne’s chin, then neck.

Sara scraped her teeth along Cheyanne’s throat, then back up to kiss the spots she went over but she moved further down to Cheyanne’s collarbone then to her breasts. A loud gasp came from Cheyanne as Sara but down hard on her nipple. Sara’s lips closed upon it and Sara sucked on them while running her tongue up and down the tip.

Lee felt them move off his cock, and felt the warmth of their legs pressed in the outside of his. Then He heard a gasp and his cock begged for them come back to him. But all he could hear were more soft moans as their legs rubbed against his.

Sara’s focus was only on Cheyanne’s pierced breasts, cupping both with her hands now. Back when they had been together she didn’t have them and now she just wanted to explore them.

Cheyanne looked down at Sara tasting her tits and glanced at Lee, remembering he was there too. She didn’t want Sara to stop just yet so she kept her mouth shut, but reached down grabbing hold of Lee’s cock and stroked him hard.

“Maybe if he cums again now, Sara will just play with me the rest of the night.” Cheyanne thought greedily.

But that had been her mistake. Sara noticed Cheyanne’s arm furiously pumping and pulled away to look down at Lee’s delicious cock. Sara put her hand down on Cheyanne’s to stop her and looked back up to Cheyanne’s face, full of disappointment. Sara only smiled back knowing what she had in mind.

“Looks like our superpowers work rather quickly.” Sara said with a smile and grasped Cheyanne’s hand to pull her off the bed with her.

Sara circled around Cheyanne, brushing her hair to the side to expose her slender neck, kissing and nibbling on her ear lobe. One hand slid down Cheyanne’s side until her fingers found a wet clit and added pressure to it and slid the other up to play with Cheyanne’s lovely pierced nipples.

Cheyanne let out a moan, grinding her hips into Sara, hoping Sara’s fingers wouldn’t stop.

“Mmm feels like your ready for the game to start. But I’m sorry I’m going to need you to sit this one out. I’ll be playing both parts. I’m pushing the odds in Lee’s favor. You don’t mind right? You more of this right?” Sara whispered into Cheyanne’s ear.

“Mmmhmmm” was all Cheyanne could say as she guided Sara’s fingers from her breasts into her mouth. Cheyanne started sucking slowly trying to delay the inevitable.

Sara spun Cheyanne around to face her. Two hands squeezed Cheyanne’s cheeks and pulled Cheyanne into her, pressing her lips into Cheyanne’s. Sara pressed for a second and pulled away slowly. “God, I’ve missed this. Let’s finish this game so I don’t have to miss you anymore.”

Cheyanne nodded knowing she was being used by Sara again, but couldn’t resist letting her. No one after Sara ever compared and she really missed this.

“Lee, honey, are you ready? Do you remember the feel of my pussy on that fat cock of yours?” Sara asked.

“Yes. I’m ready. I remember.” Lee said not knowing if he could tell the difference since he’s only been with Sara.

Sara smiled as she turned to walk away from Cheyanne and trailed a finger tip beneath her chin. Sara climbed on the bed and straddled Lee’s stomach still facing Cheyanne and grabbed Lee’s cock in her hand squeezing, loving the feel in her hand.

Lee felt the weight on his stomach and felt the butterflies in his stomach. He was scared that if he got it wrong, Sara would be hurt, not to mention the chance of sharing Cheyanne again would be gone. He remembered just this past afternoon she had been bending over the massage table and how he wished to know what it’d be like to put his full strength into his thrusts.

Just as soon as he had had that thought guilt washed over him, but luckily for him he didn’t have a lot of time to dwell on it, as either Cheyanne or Sara lifted herself up and guided her pussy onto his cock.

Sara bit her lip trying not to let out a sound as she lowered herself to take all of him. She had been thinking about this moment for the last two days. She loved the way his cock filled her to the brim, the tip of his cock hitting just the right.

Sara griping her hips into Lee, slowly loving the way his head rubbed inside of her. Sara closed her eyes, lips pursed holding back the loud moans threatening to burst from her. She bent over, gripping Lee’s thighs, she pushed her hips down.

Cheyanne’s hand reached between her legs to find her swollen clit, as she watched Sara’s face display levels of ecstasy that made Cheyanne wishing they could switch positions. She inched closer to the bed not wanting to be left out. Cheyanne reached out with her free hand laying her index finger upon her clit and the other three fingers cupping Lee’s balls. Cheyanne’s fingers deftly played as if she were playing a piano.

Sara gasped at Cheyanne’s touch. She reached up behind Cheyanne’s head and pulled her in roughly. Their open mouth met and Sara’s tongue furiously entwines with Cheyanne’s and her hips began to quicken.

Lee’s arms and legs pulled on his restraints, wishing he could grab hold of Sara. At least he was almost sure it was her. He remembered the times that she used to surprise him in the morning as a way of a wake up call. He couldn’t help groaning loving the way she felt riding him.

The sounds of Lee behind Sara reminded her that there was more to the game left to be played and slowed her motions until they came to a stop. But she stayed there, lips still locked with Cheyanne’s and pushed her way up, crawling off the bed.

Sara sat herself at the foot of the bed, legs dangling and spread. Two hands circled around Cheyanne, gripping Cheyanne’s firm cheeks pulling her in.

Cheyanne in turn wrapped her arms around Sara pulling her in closer. Cheyanne’s knees flexed and straightened rubbing Sara’s clit on her pelvis. Sara returned the motion, digging nails into Cheyanne’s cheeks.

Sara’s head pulled away looking up to the ceiling, gasping for breath. Maybe she was being selfish for not allowing Cheyanne to feel how good Lee’s cock was. She was always so giving when they were together in college and that part of her didn’t seem like it changed. And was she denying Lee such a great treat too.

Sara leaned in to press her body against Cheyanne’s, hips still grinding, she bit on Cheyanne’s lobe. “I’ve changed,” inhale, “my mind. I want,” gasp, “you to fuck, oh, Lee as hard as you, mmm, can.”

Cheyanne surprised by the change of mind, she pulled back laying hands on her shoulders and looked into Sara’s eyes. “Really?” She whispered.

Sara only nodded then flicked her head, indicating for her to go. Sara pushed herself off the bed holding Cheyanne tight to her still and walking her the side of the bed. “Have fun.” She whispered and pushed her on top of the bed.

Cheyanne crawled her way on top of Lee. Her hand guided his still slick cock into her and gasped as she lay hands upon Lee’s chest.

Sara pushed on Cheyanne’s shoulders, pressing her all the way down. Cheyanne bit her lip hard holding back moans that threatened to let loose. Cheyanne tried to push her way up, but Sara held her there. Cheyanne looked at Sara, question on her face.

Sara shook her head slightly and twirled her finger telling Cheyanne to turn around. Cheyanne obeyed, lifting herself up and turned around letting her full weight come down onto Lee’s cock again. This time Sara’s hands pressed against her hips and pulled up.

Cheyanne followed Sara’s lead lifting her ass up, then Sara pushed down hard again and this time Cheyanne couldn’t control herself, a loud moan escaped her lips and immediately her hand covered her mouth not wanting to ruin Sara’s game but Sara climbed up on Lee behind her and pulled her arm down.

“I want him to know it’s you.” Sara said into Cheyanne’s ear. It was always Sara’s plan to have Lee win her little game.

Sara’s hands fell to Cheyanne’s hips again and pulled her up telling Cheyanne to start again. Sara pushed and pulled with all her might helping Cheyanne ride Lee hard. “Fuck yes!” Cheyanne screamed as Sara pushed her hips back in search of Lee’s mouth.

Lee felt a slick pussy running up his chest up to his mouth and opened wide, pulling his head up as much as he could, craving the taste of what must have been Sara’s pussy. The moans and screams he could hear, didn’t sound like Sara, but once his tongue tasted that sweet savory flavor, he knew it was Sara’s.

Sara ground her hips, feeling Lee’s tongue pressed against her ever moistening lips. Lee strained against the leather straps, wishing he could be more than just a toy for Sara and Cheyanne to use. Lee’s cock ached with desire to unleash his second load but knew it was Cheyanne thumping her ass onto his hips.

At least if he could get that stupid blind fold off so he could watch the beautiful women use him for their own pleasure.

Then Lee felt Cheyanne stop her bouncing, his legs and hips begin shaking with Cheyanne’s convulsions. “Oooooohh!” came screaming out from Cheyanne.

Cheyanne was hunched over digging nails into Lee’s thighs, as waves of pleasure shook through her. Her breath heavy, gulping in huge gasps of air.

Sara froze from the sound of Cheyanne cumming on Lee’s cock. She scooted back to Cheyanne and wrapped one arm around her hip and the other pulling on Cheyanne’s hair.

“Feels amazing doesn’t it?” Sara said as her fingers played with Cheyanne’s overly sensitive clit.

Cheyanne could manage a moan, squirming around at the touch of Sara’s deft fingers. “Oh god. This is too much. I-I-I…” Cheyanne’s words cut off by moans pouring out of her now as Sara increased the pace of her fingers on Cheyanne’s clit.

Cheyanne leaned her weight into Sara, her hands went behind her head to grip handfuls of hair and pulled into her. Her hips went to motion on their own and the feel of Lee’s head rubbing deep inside her coupled with Sara’s fingers on her clit set her back on edge. Her body on the brink of a second explosion.

Muffled moans echoed through the room, Cheyanne’s lips tight, her breath hard as she inhaled and exhaled through her nose, then she inhaled one last time and held her breath. Cheyanne’s body tensed, pulling Sara’s hair tighter to her, legs begun to quiver once more.

“Oh god. Oh god.” Cheyanne’s pussy felt as though it was a water balloon left on the tap with no one to watch it. Warm liquid spilled from her, legs clenched the sides of Lee hard.

Cheyanne didn’t have the strength left to hold herself upright and bore her full weight back, loving the feel of Sara’s soft breasts pressed against it.

“I haven’t,” gulp, “done that,” gulp, “in forever.” Cheyanne’s heavy breathing continued.

Sara just smiled and moved her hand down to play with Lee’s soaked balls. “Lee, I hope you haven’t unloaded anything yet.”

“Ungh uh.” Lee shook his head furiously, not wanting to talk lest he lose his hold.

Cheyanne still in a daze from her latest orgasm found her body heavy and took a bit of effort to remove herself from Lee. When she finally Magyars it she rolled over and lay her head on Lee’s restrained arm. Her eyes were still closed but a smiled lace her face in a high.

Sara followed suit, rolling to the other side of Lee. Her fingers playing with his soft chest hair, entwining them between her fingers. She looked down to see his cock coated in white cream, probably from Cheyanne but she needed to be sure.

“Are you sure you didn’t drain your balls just then, Lee honey?” Sara asked.

“Very sure.”

“Hmm it’s not that I don’t trust you, but it sure looks like you had. I’m going to need to check, just to be sure.” Sara said as she sat back up and kissed a trail down from his chest to his cock.

Sara’s tongue stick out all the way out of her mouth and licked up Lee’s cock. From the first taste she knew that he had been true, but still licked him clean of all of Cheyanne’s slick.

“Good boy Lee.” Sara said as she remounted Lee, and wedged her leg between Cheyanne’s and Lee’s.

Sara leaned over, breasts pressed into Lee’s chest and pulled up his blindfold. She kissed his neck, chin and ears, pushing hips back to run her lips along the top of Lee’s shaft.

“Do you know which pussy was which?” Knowing full well that she and Cheyanne had given away the answer but still wanted to keep up the rude of a game.

Lee nodded and opened his mouth to answer but Sara’s lips pressed into his and slipped her tongue in for a quick wrestle and pulled back. Lee’s bottom lip was between Sara’s teeth and Lee followed as much as he could before it slipped from her teeth.

She reached a hand back,running her fingers along the bottom of Lee’s cock and pushed it up. Sara pressed her hips back again and her pussyfooted swallowed Lee’s cock as if it was a Hoover vac.

“Now tell me was this pussy first or second.” As she lifted back up.

“Fir….” Lee started to say but Sara interrupted when she slammed her ass back down into his hips.

“What was that? I didn’t quite catch that.” Sara said as she lifted again.

This time Lee couldn’t get a sound out when he opened his mouth, as Sara slammed back down again.

“Tell me Lee. Tell me!” Sara screamed the last, bouncing hard now not waiting for his response.

Lee desperately tried to respond but only moans came out.

Sara propped herself up, hands on Lee’s chest, burying her nails into his chest. “Which one? Tell me. Tell me now.” She kept repeating losing her breath as she rode Lee hard.

“FIRST!” Lee yelled not able to hold out any longer. His body was tense and his hips bucked up pulling on his restraints once again.

“YES! YES!” Sara screamed in response. Then she fell onto Lee. Sara snuggled her face into Lee’s neck and kissed him softly.

Both bodies relaxed and Sara’s hand reached out in search of Cheyanne’s body.

“I’m so proud of you, Lee.” Sara said softly enjoying the warmth of Lee’s body under hers and the smooth soft touch of Cheyanne’s skin in her hand.

“From now on, we won’t need these restraints. That is unless you want to use them. And it doesn’t have to be just for you.”

Lee only nodded, feeling drowsy. Normally he wouldn’t sleep after but the combination of booze and him tensing his body for so long had him wiped out.

Sara inclined her head to see Lee when she heard his soft breathing. His eyes were closed and he looked fast asleep. Then she looked over to see Cheyanne spooned up next to him and an angelic sleeping face upon her.

She smiled and got up to unfasten all the restraints. Then laid back down on the other side of Lee.

“Good job you two. Sleep well.” She said and closed her eyes and wrapped Lee’s arm around her.

I want to thank my new friends u/daxandcheyanne for providing inspiration for this new story. If you have a chance, please check them out.

Also thanks to u/saraleetakesthecake for letting me incorporate her pics into the story. As always, check her out she is constantly posting new erotic pics.

Again please let me know any criticisms you may have, good or bad. Hopefully all good ?

I’ll be taking a short break from this story to start a new one, but I will be back for the final chapter as soon as it’s done.

Source: reddit.com/r/Erotica/comments/dm8o53/home_masseuse_part_4

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