An evening with friends [FFM, FM, polyamory]

Sylvia’s husband was such a diva about getting ready for a date. She could never decide if she loved it or hated it, but she wouldn’t complain this time. Tonight was their first double date with a couple they’d just met a few weeks ago, and she wanted the evening to be perfect, and that included Joel’s appearance.

The night had been in the works ever since they’d met Kristy and David at a swinger’s meetup. They had hit it off immediately, and Sylvia hadn’t been on a double date since college. After meeting up for drinks a few times, Joel and Syl knew exactly what they were hoping for tonight. All the flirting that they’d done with each other’s partners was coming to a head, and Sylvia just couldn’t wait. She sneaked into the bathroom behind Joel and wrapped her arms around him in a hug.

“Hi there,” he said, sliding a straight razor across his jaw.

“You’re so cute when you’re making an effort to be pretty for me,” she said, her fingers lightly tickling his bare skin. She kissed his back as she let her hands roam, feeling him up and pressing herself tight against his muscular back. As she walked her fingers down his abs, she added, “I hope Kristy likes it, too.” She couldn’t help but smile as she reached his cock, wrapping her fingers around his shaft and feeling him grow in her hand. “I hope she likes it all night long.”

She stroked him slowly, listening to him try to control his breathing as he carefully shaved the skin of his neck. “I bet she’ll enjoy this as much as I do.” She squeezed him a little tighter as he grew hard in her hand. “Are you looking forward to tonight, sweetie?”

He moaned out loud in response, trying to keep his hand steady as his razor glided over the sensitive skin of his neck.

Sylvia stepped around in front of him and got down on her knees. She teased the tip of his cock with her tongue as she smiled up at him. “I bet you can’t wait to feel her tongue on you. And you know what she told me?” she asked, swirling her tongue around the head of his cock.

“What?” Joel answered, his voice shaky.

“That she’s always wanted to learn how to deep throat,” Sylvia answered, taking him in her mouth.

Joel couldn’t hold back another moan. She sucked him slowly, making him feel every little movement she made, before lifting her mouth from his cock and stroking him again.

“You know what else she said?” she asked, giving him a look that could make a pornstar blush.

“Fuck, tell me!”

“Dave doesn’t like it when she gags, so she’s getting desperate.” She punctuated her answer by taking him as deep as she could, gagging just a bit for him as he hit the back of her throat.

Joel put down his razor, and pulled Sylvia up to her feet. “Fuck it, I can’t wait,” he said, turning her around. She slipped away before he could bend her over the sink.

“Sorry, sweetie, I need to go redo my makeup now. You can take out your frustration on Kristy later!” She giggled like a devil as she dashed out of the bathroom.

The teasing didn’t end there, and she tormented him for the next hour as they got the last few things ready. Sneaking little touches and whispering dirty thoughts in his ear, then walking away before he could do anything about it. Joel was finishing dinner in the kitchen while Sylvia got some drinks ready, when they heard the knock on the door. Sylvia smiled as she looked Joel up and down one more time, the sleeves on his button-down shirt showing off his forearms and his khakis showing off his firm ass.

“I’ll get it, sweetie!” she said, knowing Joel was at a critical moment with the meal. She made sure to check herself out, too, just a quick moment to make sure her close-fitting dress hadn’t ridden up too high, and that her necklace still drew a sight-line straight to her cleavage. Her confidence affirmed, she opened the door.

“Hi!” There was a flurry of greetings, and Sylvia greeted them both with a hug, making sure to let her hands go a little too low on Daryl’s back. “Come on in, guys! Joel’s finishing dinner, would you like a drink?”

“Sure!” Kristy said. “How have you guys been? It feels like ages since we saw you.”

“Busy as hell, really,” Sylvia answered. She swayed her hips as she walked over to the liquor cabinet. “Tonight will be the first fun we’ve had in a long time.” Sylvia poured a glass of red wine for Kristy and made a Tom Collins for Dave, knowing it was what they usually ordered. Bringing the drinks back to them, she smiled and said, “Don’t be shy, there’s plenty more where these came from. I hope you like fish, because Joel has been going on non-stop about this new recipe of his.” She led them away from the entrance hall toward the dining room.

“Hi guys!” Joel said as the party made their way around the corner. Dave and Kristy gave him a quick hug each before letting him get back to dinner, and Sylvia smiled when she saw Kristy’s hand sneak a feel of Joel’s ass. Who could blame her? It looked fantastic in those khakis.

Not that their guests didn’t look good themselves. Dave was wearing a blazer and fitted jeans, and Kristy had a skirt and bare-shouldered blouse that would make a queen jealous.

Sylvia brought her mind back to the present and indulged her friends in some small talk. By the time Joel was serving dinner, the girls had finished the first bottle of wine. Dave had switched to drinking tonic, since he was driving. “Well, guys, let’s sit down! Joel sure spent long enough preparing this,” Sylvia teased, “so we shouldn’t waste any more time waiting for it to get cold.” She sat down next to Dave, sharing a knowing look with Kristy as she sat next to Joel. Neither of them was coy about sitting close to the other’s husband.

As they ate and drank, Sylvia sneaked a hand into Dave’s lap discreetly, softly teasing the inside of his thigh. She was pretty sure that Kristy had done the same with Joel, even as their conversation had turned to something seemingly innocuous.

“Really, Dave? You think I’m too into Magic? Please, tell us all about the board games you *don’t* buy!” Kristy teased her husband.

“Okay, but my board games only take up a quarter of our bookshelf.”

“Oh, please, I don’t have a massive collection of RPG dice, *and* a collection of limited-edition weird dice for the board games.”

“We actually started getting into board games since you guys talked us into it,” Joel chimed in.

“Yeah, we’ve even gotten into some of the games with weird dice!” Sylvia joked.

“Really, like what?” Kristy asked.

Sylvia saw the chance to turn the conversation in the direction she wanted. “Well, we actually just got a new dice-driven game. It’s called Roll in the Hay. We haven’t opened it yet, wanna try it out?”

Kristy and Dave’s eyes lit up. “Sure!” Dave said, taking a sip of his drink. “How does it work?” he asked as Sylvia went to get the dice from where they’d left them for the evening.

“Well, it’s basically a dirty dice game. It’s got an action die and two location dice, but that’s all I remember from the package.”

Sylvia returned with the plastic package, sitting down again. “One of the location dice is a little more tame, and the other one is more intimate. Basically, when it’s your turn, you choose someone, and roll the action die, then they roll one of the location dice.” She opened the package and pulled the dice out, a white action die, a pink tame die, and a scarlet intimate die.

“Why don’t you start, Sylvia?” Dave suggested.

“Okay…” Sylvia answered with a smile. “Dave, I choose you.” She rolled the action die, which came up as “rub.” Kristy smiled, but almost looked disappointed as he rolled the tame die. It came up with “hands,” and so Sylvia pulled her hand out of his lap to give him a hand massage above the table. As she massaged his fingers, Sylvia nodded across the table to Joel.

“Your turn!”

“Okay,” he answered. “I choose Kristy.” He rolled the action die, and it landed on “stroke.” He reached for the tame location die, and rolled. Sylvia saw Kristy’s face turn to disappointment when he passed over the intimate die, and back to delight when the tame one landed on “thigh.”

Dave reached over and took the dice as Joel’s hand slipped between her thighs. “Alright, Kristy, I’ll choose you, too.” He rolled, and got “kiss neck.” Sylvia was loving how well the game was progressing as her guest walked around the table and leaned down to suck on his wife’s neck while her own husband teased the girl with his fingers.

Kristy and Sylvia locked eyes for a moment, sharing a knowing look of anticipation. Sylvia’s chance to enjoy the attentions of both men would come soon enough, but she wouldn’t give up the sight in front of her to get there any sooner. Kristy let out a soft moan as she smiled over at Joel.

After a moment of enjoying the attention, Kristy grabbed the dice and said, “Let’s keep playing! I choose Sylvia!” As the guys moved away from Kristy, Sylvia gave Joel a smile. It was partly excitement at Kristy picking her, and partly seeing that his hand hadn’t left their guest’s lap. Kristy rolled the dice, and got “kiss lips.”

She stood up, came around the table and threw a leg over Syvlia’s lap, taking her friend’s face in her hands as she laid a deep kiss on her soft lips. Sylvia could feel her warm breath, and hear a soft little moan as Kristy’s arms wrapped around her. Sylvia’s own hands strayed across Kristy’s back, teasing at the hem of her blouse.

Before her fingers could get into any real trouble, Sylvia broke the kiss. There was a smirk on each of the guy’s faces, as Sylvia reached for the dice and said, “I choose Dave again.”

Kristy, staying on Sylvia’s lap, watched her host reach for the dice. As she tried to grab the tame die again, Kristy flicked it off the table with a quick finger. “Oops,” she said with a dirty grin, handing her friend the intimate die.

Sylvia smiled back, rolling the dice she was given, as Kristy got up and went to sit on Joel’s lap instead. Sylvia rolled the dice for Dave, and got “stroke privates.” Turning to her guest, she pulled him into a kiss as her hand went straight for the bulge in his jeans. She wasn’t shy as she groped him, feeling his desire as she explored his length with her fingers.

Kristy was slowly grinding her hips against Joel as they watched their spouses share their passions. She put an arm around his shoulders as she felt his cock grow against her ass. His hands made their way up her body toward her bare shoulders as he watched his wife stroke his friend’s cock through his pants.

It was at that moment that a device went off. Dave broke off his kiss with Sylvia, and the others jumped a little in their seats at the sudden noise. Dave reached into his pocket and pulled out a pager.

“They need me at the hospital. I was on call tonight, sorry guys,” he said.

“Oh, it’s fine,” Sylvia said. “It’s a shame you guys have to go so soon, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun another time,” she added, rubbing the bulge in his pants one last time.

“We’ll look forward to it,” he answered with a smile. Kristy was as disappointed as him, her ass still grinding gently against the firm erection in Joel’s khakis.

The group stood up as Dave went to put his blazer back on. “I’m really sorry about all this, guys. I was one of the last in line to be called in, they must be having an emergency.”

“It’s alright, I’m sure there are people at the hospital that need you more than we do,” Joel said. His fingers were still teasing Kristy’s shoulder as she grabbed her shoes.

Dave spoke up, “Kristy, why don’t you stick around and enjoy the rest of the evening? There’s no reason it all has to end on my account.”

“Are you sure sweetie?” she asked, as Joel and Sylvia shared an excited glance.

“Yeah, stick around, have a little fun. You’d have to take a cab home anyway, I don’t have time to drop you off at home,” he answered, standing up to leave.

“Okay,” she said, pulling him into a deep kiss. As she pulled him down to her lips, her fingers went for his crotch, eagerly showing her appreciation. He moaned softly, slipping his hand up her skirt to give her ass a loving squeeze before he left.

“Thanks for having us around, guys,” he said, stepping out the door. “I hope we can get together soon!”

“We certainly must!” Joel answered, as the three of them waived goodbye.

As they watched Dave drive away, Sylvia closed the door. “Why don’t you guys move to the living room for a few more drinks? I’ll clear the table.”

“Sure,” Kristy answered, “but why don’t we help you with the dishes first?”

“You’re so sweet,” Sylvia said, “Let’s get it done!”

The three of them went to clear the dishes away, and as Joel and Kristy walked back to the kitchen with their hands full, Sylvia saw Kristy’s phone light up. She must have left it there, and hadn’t yet seen Dave’s text:

“Hey, love, I don’t want to be a stick in the mud, but don’t go any farther than we already have without me, okay? I love you! xoxox”

Sylvia’s heart raced. Kristy was clearly still hoping to have a little more play time with them, but her tune would change when she saw her husband’s text. She could hear her making out with Joel in the kitchen, and she didn’t want to stop the passion between them. Thinking quickly, she reached over and held down the power key. With the phone turned off, there would be no chance of Kristy seeing the text by accident. Was it unethical? Probably, but Kristy’s soft moan from the kitchen put her at ease. A little hiccup in communication with Dave felt like a small price to pay for their partners to have a good time together. Besides, she was sure she’d be able to smooth over any hard feelings with Dave.

She took the empty glasses from the table, leaving the phone in place. She walked quietly to the kitchen, sneaking up to get a peek at what they were up to. As she peered around the corner, She saw Kristy in Joel’s arms, with his hand up her skirt. She was moaning softly as he teased her pussy, her arms wrapped around him. Sylvia watched the woman with her husband, enjoying the sight as they lost themselves in their passion.

After a few moments, she stepped into the kitchen and set the glasses down. Kristy broke away from Joel and turned toward Sylvia, a little embarrassed at being caught in the act. “Oh, sorry, Syl. We got a little distracted.”

“That’s okay, I got a nice little show before I came in,” Sylvia answered, pushing the girl back against her husband. As Joel wrapped his arms around her, Sylvia laid another kiss on her lips. Sylvia and her husband held the girl between them, Sylvia pressing her soft lips against hers and Joel sucking on the bare skin of her shoulders.

Sylvia could feel Joel’s hand sliding in between them, heading back to its place under Kristy’s skirt. She pulled away just a bit, enough to let Joel finish his journey, before pressing herself back against Kristy’s alluring curves. As Joel’s fingers found their mark, Kristy moaned again.

Sylvia broke their kiss, still holding her partners close. As Kristy’s moaning filled the kitchen, she whispered in her ear, “I want to see more, Kristy. I want to watch you have your way with my husband, can we make that happen?”

Kristy could only answer with soft moans, and a squeeze of Slyvia’s ass.

Sylvia smiled as she pulled away from the pair, stopping to admire the sight of her husband sucking on Kristy’s neck from behind with his hand up her skirt. She took each of them by the hand, forcing them to let each other go, and asked, “So, do you still want to learn how to deep throat?”

Kristy smiled with a look up at Joel, “I sure do. I was hoping I might get to try tonight…”

Sylvia led her smitten lovers to the living room, sitting them down on the couch with Joel between the girls. Kristy didn’t hesitate to unzip his pants as Sylvia kissed him. He moaned into her kiss as Kristy’s fingers found their way to his cock.

“Oh… wow,” Kristy said with a giggle.

“He might be a little challenging for your first time, but you know the saying: go big or go home,” Sylvia said with a smile. She held Joel close, feeling almost proud of the effect he had on his friend’s wife.

“I’m definitely about to go big,” Kristy answered, smiling at the pair. Her fingers stroked him steadily, making him squirm in his wife’s arms. “Can I try?”

“Why don’t you show my husband what you know? You can try taking him deep whenever you’re ready,” Sylvia answered, her fingers teasing the freshly shaved skin of Joel’s neck.

“Okay,” Kristy replied, flashing them one more smile before leaning down to Joel’s cock, and wrapping her lips around him.

Joel moaned out loud as Sylvia watched their friend pleasure him. She began unbuttoning his shirt, her fingers slipping over his muscular chest to tease his nipples. He moaned louder, writhing with pleasure under the girls’ attention.

“Do you like that, sweetie? Does Kristy’s mouth feel good on your cock?” Syliva cooed, teasing her husband.

He just nodded in reply, grimacing as Kristy pleasured him.

“She’s so pretty, isn’t she? With her adorable green eyes, and those soft, sweet lips…”

Kristy smiled up at them, not stopping as she listened to Sylvia’s compliments.

“Don’t you just love the way her strawberry hair looks, bouncing up and down on your shaft?” Sylvia smiled down at her friend, and continued, “Are you excited to help her learn to deep throat?”

Joel only grunted affirmatively as he strained to control himself.

“What was that, honey? I didn’t hear you.”

He sighed with frustration as Kristy giggled. “Yes, I’m excited,” he answered, knowing better than to try and fight back against Sylvia’s teasing.

“Do you want to feel her take you deep?”


“Do you want to feel her throat?”


Sylvia gave a loving look to the woman sucking her husband’s cock, and Kristy did her best to take him deeper.

Joel’s hips bucked as his cock pressed against the back of her throat. She gagged just a bit, and pulled her head off. “Sorry,” she said, “I’ll try not to gag again.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Joel replied. “It feels good.”

“You don’t mind the sound?” she asked. He shook his head.

“I like it,” Sylvia chimed in. She leaned down, and pulled Kristy into a wet kiss. As her tongue slipped into her mouth, she could taste her husband’s precum. Breaking it off, she asked, “Will you gag on my husband’s cock some more?”

Kristy just smiled and kissed her back, giving Joel a quick show before she went back to his cock, gagging softly as she tried to get deeper. Sylvia reached around Kristy and gathered her strawberry hair in her hand, holding it out of the way and giving Joel a clear view of his cock slipping into the woman’s mouth.

“I’ve thought you were so pretty since we first met, Kristy,” Sylvia said, guiding her friend’s movements. “I had no idea how gorgeous you’d be with Joel’s cock in your mouth.”

As Kristy tried to take Joel into her throat, she gagged harder, and pulled off of his cock as his hips bucked. Wiping her chin, she replied, “It’s a blessing, really,” before going back to Joel.

“You two keep having fun,” Sylvia said, “I’ll be right back.” She got up and walked back to the kitchen. She grabbed the bottle of wine and a fresh glass, listening to Kristy gag louder as Joel moaned. As she poured the wine, she heard some rustling from the living room, and a pause in the sounds of lovemaking. She smiled wide as she came back out, seeing that Joel’s pants had been fully removed, and Kristy’s blouse had been pulled down to expose her breasts.

Sylvia noticed Kristy’s phone as she passed the dining table, briefly recalling the text that was waiting for the next time it was turned on. There was a pang of guilt, but as she saw her husband writhing under Kristy’s tongue, she had no trouble setting it aside. She grabbed a condom out of her purse, then sat down across the living room from Joel and Kristy, setting down the bottle of wine and sipping at her glass. The wine’s color nearly matched her dress, and she smiled warmly as she watched her lovers.

Kristy stopped, seeing that Sylvia wasn’t rejoining them. “Are you alright, Syl?”

“Oh, I’m just fine. I just want to watch for a bit.”

“Okay,” Kristy said with a smile.

“Why don’t you guys take off the rest of your clothes?” Sylvia suggested.

Kristy and Joel both smiled and paused to strip. Sylvia was delighted to discover that Kristy hadn’t worn panties under her skirt. When the pair were fully naked, she held up the condom she’d brought out with her.

“You know, I love the way you look with Joel’s cock in your mouth, can I see what it looks like in your pussy?”

Kristy grabbed the condom from her with a wicked smile. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Sylvia watched as the woman opened the condom, eyes glued to her husband. She watched Kristy place the piece of latex between her lips, then bend over one more time to unroll it over his cock using her mouth. Sylvia could see Joel’s eyes light up; it was a move she didn’t use.

With a few quick hand movements, Kristy’s delicate fingers had unrolled whatever her lips couldn’t, and she straddled Joel eagerly. As he reached between their legs to guide himself to her entrance, she said aloud, “I’ve been wanting this since we first met.”

Sylvia smiled as her husband tried to respond. He was cut short, his voice breaking into a moan as Kristy lowered herself onto his cock. Her own voice matched his, letting her lust be heard as she began sliding up and down on him. Sylvia simply sipped at her drink as her friend rode her husband on the other side of the living room.

“You feel so good,” Joel moaned.

“God, you’re so deep!” Kristy sank her hips lower, taking his full length inside her.

“Fuck, don’t stop!” he said, as she began rocking her hips back and forth.

“God, you’re hitting the perfect spot!” She leaned back, spreading her legs a little wider to feel him penetrate as deep as he could. Grinding against him, she let out a deep moan as the head of his cock rubbed over the sensitive spot near her cervix.

Sylvia took a deep breath as Joel was pulled into another kiss. Kristy’s fingers played in his hair as she worked his shaft with her hips, while Sylvia watched her body move up and down on his shaft.

As Kristy quickened her pace, lifting her hips higher, Sylvia drank in the sight of her lover’s member penetrating her pussy. Her heart raced as Joel’s condom began to slip off. When his shaft slipped out of her pussy, she reached down to slip him back in, only to discover that the prophylactic had come off entirely.

She pulled the spent condom out of the way, and looked around the room. Her face was flushed, with a thin sheen of sweat, as she asked, “Do you guys have another condom? It slipped off.”

Sylvia thought about the box of condoms they had in the bedroom, but considered the scene before answering. Kristy was straddling Joel closely, one of her hands stroking his cock as his fingers teased her pussy, her other arm still around his shoulders. Sylvia could see the burning desire in her eyes, the heaving of her firm breasts with each breath. She began to give an equivocating answer before she was interrupted. “Well, I think we might-”

“Fuck, I’m sorry, I need it!” Kristy sighed, as she slipped Joel’s bare cock back inside herself. As it sank into her, she buried her face into Joel’s shoulder.

Sylvia grinned wide as her husband fucked their friend bareback, the girl’s voice descending into nothing more than nonsensical sounds of lust.

“Fuck, Joel, you feel even better bare!”

Joel pulled his head up as Kristy sucked on his neck, looking over at Sylvia. Despite the strains of pleasure, he did his best to give his wife a concerned look. It was hard not to giggle as he tried to control the contortions of his face. She could see his struggle to keep looking concerned with every movement of Kristy’s hips. She knew what he meant, though.

She simply mouthed the words, “Take her,” and he knew not only that she was enjoying their display of lust, but what she wanted.

With his wife’s blessing to forget the protection, he leaped into action. Kristy squealed as he picked her up in his arms and tossed her onto her back. Without missing a beat, he was on top of her, with his cock inside her, the two of them loud enough to wake the neighbors.

“You like that, Kristy?”

“Yes, fuck, yes!”

“You like taking me bare?”

“God, I do! Give it to me! Fill me up with that beautiful cock!”

Sylvia felt the ache between her legs as she continued sipping on her wine, watching her husband’s firm ass thrusting as he fucked Kristy. The girl’s hands were roaming over his muscular back, exploring him before coming to rest on his ass, urging him onward and pulling him into her. Sylvia’s nipples were visible through her dress as Kristy lifted her legs just a little higher, desperate to give as much of herself to Joel as she could.

Sylvia took a long sip of her nearly empty glass as the pair lost themselves in each other. Kristy looked tiny, her body dwarfed by Joel’s larger frame as his toned arms held her close, keeping her in a tight embrace as he pushed his cock into her. Sylvia gasped softly as he grabbed a handful of her hair pulled her head to the side. As he went for the strawberry blonde’s exposed neck, Sylvia knew he was losing control. She bit her lip as Kristy’s heartbeat of protest made way for her lust.

“Aaah, fuck, Joel! Take me, make me yours!” she moaned, his bare cock stretching her pussy as his teeth marked the soft skin of her neck with a set of dark hickeys. Each of them knew they’d regret the visible marks soon enough, but it was a problem for later. Sylvia only smiled more as she thought of what it might take to make it up to Dave.

As Joel’s lips made their way down her collar bone and back up, Kristy’s moaning began to reach a crescendo as he began to suck on the other side of her neck. Sylvia could see the set of lovebites her husband had left as the woman moaned even louder.

“Don’t stop! Don’t stop! Just like that, give it to me!” she cried, as her body began to buck under him. “Fuck, fucking take me, take me like a dirty whore!”

Sylvia was fixated as her friend approached a climax under her husband.

“I need it, I need to feel it! I need to feel you cum!” Kristy moaned.

Sylvia couldn’t even blink as she watched her husband let go, holding nothing back as his firm ass flexed with each thrust, his hips slapping against Kristy’s thighs. The girl’s moans almost turned into screams as she reached her orgasm.

“Yes, yyes cum for me! Cum inside me! Fill me up and let me feel your beautiful cock cum!” Kristy cried out as she went over the edge. Her body thrashed in his embrace, her climax washing over her in waves as Joel thrusted relentlessly.

Sylvia watched as her husband bit down on Kristy’s shoulder, a loud grunt signalling his own orgasm. The muscles of his thighs spasmed as his cock exploded inside of her, filling her with his seed as he moaned into her shoulder.

“Fuck, fuck, fffuuuck! That’s it, cum inside me, cum in my pussy! Yes…” Her voice trailed off as her orgasm faded, Joel calming down, too, as he finished cumming.

Joel slowly came back to his senses after the intense climax. He kissed Kristy, almost sweetly, as they laid together in the afterglow.

Sylvia watched for a moment, having finished her wine as her lovers came together. “That was incredible,” she finally said, breaking the pair out of their reverie.

“Yeah, it was amazing,” Kristy said with a broad smile. “I think Dave might be a little mad about the hickeys, though, we should get some ice.”

“Oh, sorry about that,” Joel said with an awkward laugh. “I got a little carried away.”

“Don’t be sorry, I’m not,” she answered, still smiling.

Sylvia stood up. “You two keep enjoying the afterglow, I’ll bring you some ice for the hickeys.”

“Thanks, Syl,” Kristy said, “Sorry I didn’t wait for a condom.”

Sylvia smiled slyly, saying simply, “Don’t be sorry, I’m not.”
