Contagious feeding – The Holidays [WG, feederism, BHM, BBW]

parts 1 and 2 here:



Gary and Sarah had a hard time waking up the Monday after thanksgiving. They were used to sleeping in and lounging in bed in the morning, but they had to get up at 7 am. Also, they were used to grazing for an hour over breakfast, and they were not happy that they had to rush through their morning feeding. By the time they got dressed, they had only 10 minutes to eat before they left. Just enough time to inhale 2 muffins before leaving.

Both of them brought plenty of food to work though, and they managed to graze through the morning a bit, but not enough to satisfy. For lunch, they both went to a nearby fast food place where they each ordered two of the largest meals they had. Gary got two double whopper meals at Burger king and ate them in his car, and Sarah got a foot long sub from subway along with a couple of cookies and ate at her desk.

It was still not enough. Thanksgiving had expanded both their stomachs to the point that they were insatiable. Their stomachs growled endlessly at work, and they counted down the minutes until they could get home and fill their stomachs properly.

Eventually, they figured out how to accommodate work and eating. They stocked the house with lots of chips and sweets along with a lot of nacho dip, salsa, cheese, and sandwich meats so that if they got hungry they would have some handy snacks. They stocked the freezer with several pints of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream, and made sure all the fixings for sundaes were handy.

The days typically went like this: They would wake up famished. They would eat 2-3 muffins or pastries at home, and then go to work where they would graze on their snacks. Lunch was always supersized fast food meals. After work, one of them would pick up an order of take out or pizza. Usually, a meal fit for 4 or a couple of pizzas would do. The other would stop by the local grocery store and buy up all the breakfast pastries and muffins on the discount rack for breakfast.

When they got home they would strip naked to be free of the constraints of clothes and have a good feeding session. Sometimes the take-out would be enough but most often they would have to have to also feed each other the snacks and treats as well. After dinner they would normally make themselves sundaes. These were normally served in a large mixing bowl with over a pint of ice cream a piece. Some evenings they would make frappes and funnel feed them to each other.

They put a refrigerator in the bedroom and stored plenty of snacks in the bedroom as well because they now could not sleep through the night. Once or twice a night their stomachs would wake them, and they would have to fill them with whatever snack was in the room.

This still couldn’t compare with the amounts of food they ate over Thanksgiving. Work got in the way too much, and even with binging over the weekends, they settled into a smaller gain of about 1 lb per week between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Gary and Sarah couldn’t wait for Christmas so that they could return to visit her family and get back to eating constantly, and put their weight game back on track.

The last week before Christmas, Sarah asked Gary just to come home and not pick up any take-out or bakery items for breakfast. This confused Gary, but he went straight home. He became even more confused when he came home to see Sarah had bought a rather light set of groceries for the week. There was no junk food. Just lots of cabbage, rice, and beans.

“Sarah, did you decide to go on a diet.” Gary asked afraid of what Sarah would answer.

“No, we just need to prepare for the holidays with my family”

Gary was even more confused, “why would this help prepare”.

Sarah explained, “Well, you remember how we ate at Thanksgiving right?”


“Well, Christmas at our family is a whole other level. It is 10 days of constant eating, and only two days have a formal meal. The rest is full on stuffing at a very high level. Your stomach is not big enough to keep up with them, so we need to focus on expanding it. This week, you are going to eat nothing but these gassy foods and lots of them. They don’t fill you up, but they expand your stomach. By the time we get to my parents, you will be starving and you will have a huge distended stomach. You will be able to eat at a much higher rate and be able to eat much more without being full.”

Gary did not like this idea, but he figured Sarah knew better so he agreed.

The next week was hell. Gary was constantly eating, but never satisfied. It seemed he was either eating or farting. Always feeling full of gas, but always hungry. It was as if he had an empty balloon in him. Sarah also felt this but she had done it before and understood that it would be worth it.

Finally, the day came to travel to Alabama for the week. Sarah insisted that Gary not eat anything but the diet right up to the moment that they got to Sarah’s family house. Gary desperately pleaded to be given a snack on the ride, but Sarah just said, “Wait, you will understand when we get there”.

When they showed up at the house, they were greeted by the entire family, who seemed to be desperately waiting for them at the door. They were all in their feeding outfits of bikinis for the women and speedos for the men, but curiously, none of them were chewing and apparently had not eaten at all just like them. The only exception was Rachel, who was wearing a giant pink tee shirt over her bikini with a pig face saying “biggest piggie 2018”.

“Hurry up and get changed, we’re starving” Sarah’s mom said.

Sarah rushed Gary to the cottage and they changed as if it was a fire drill. They came back into the main house where everyone still wasn’t eating. They were just standing there in front of a scale which was placed in the middle of the kitchen. Gary was completely confused, and everyone started laughing.

Rachel said “Oh, so Sarah didn’t tell you about our Christmas tradition”

Gary responded, “Apparently not.”

Sarah finally broke her silence, “Well, Gary. Christmas in our family is a 10 day feast and a bit of a contest. The award is that pink shirt that Rachel won last year. The new one is here”. Rachel showed an identical shirt with 2019 printed on it. “Tonight, we weigh in, and after New Year ’s Day before we leave, we will weigh in again. Whoever gains the most, wins”

“So that’s why you starved me this week! I must have lost 5 lbs.” Gary now understood what was going on for the last week.

“Yup, and that’s why everyone was so desperate for us to get here. They have all been denying themselves to get their starting weight down.”

One by one, each of them got on the scale. It was quite a ceremony. Sarah’s mom recorded the weights:

Sarah’s dad: 525 lbs. Up from 500 lbs from a year ago.

Sarah’s mom: 430 lbs. Up from 400.

Rachel: 390 lbs. Up from 350. You could see why she won last year. Rachel immediately declared, “Here’s to 400 before New Year’s!”

Frank: 420 lbs. Up from 400.

Sarah: 260 lbs. She put on 60 lbs in one year (and actually basically in two months). She had managed to put on 10 lbs in December, despite last week’s “diet”

Gary: 240 lbs. He apparently had lost some weight during the “diet” but still kept 5 lbs.

Candy: 230 lbs. Up from 200 lbs. She has pretty much stopped growing, so this was quite a gain.

Simon: 190 lbs. Up from 150 lbs. He was now up to 4’ 7” but his ballooning weight was clearly outpacing his growth.

Sarah’s mom declared the weigh in complete and declared, “dinner is served!”

Gary turned to look at the kitchen and was shocked by the amount and variety of food he saw. Even by Sarah’s family’s standards, this was remarkable. It wasn’t even Christmas dinner, but there was everything. In the middle of the table was a 20 lb. roast beef all set for carving. In the chafing dishes were four giant pans of lasagna, 4 pans of Chicken cordon bleu, trays of lobster macaroni and cheese, and a few trays of mixed appetizers containing fried calamari, crab cakes, mushroom caps, and mini-pizzas. Several fresh steaming hot loaves of bread were also on the counter with an assortment of butter, honey butter, and cheese spreads. A keg of beer was opened to the side and several bottles of wine were out along with a punch bowl each of alcoholic and non-alcoholic egg nog.

This was meant to be a buffet where folks would get their plates and sit down in the recliners to eat, but everyone was so starved, they simply started eating directly from the trays. Each person taking turns to fill themselves at each dish. Sometimes they would use the serving spoon, but often they would just shove the food into their mouth directly with their hands.

The children attacked the mini pizzas and nearly ate all of them before anyone else had the chance. Gary found himself completely caught up in the moment and simply dug his hand into a tray of lasagna and shoved several pieces down his throat in a matter of minutes, wiping the excess on his pot belly. Most everyone else had food smeared all over them. Gary then went over the alcoholic egg nog and filled a 2 Liter pitcher full and drank it in what seemed like a single gulp.

Sarah started by grabbing the carving knife and cutting a 2 lb hunk off of the roast beef and started ripping hunks off of it with her teeth, and washing it down with a huge pint of beer she poured for herself. She then cupped her hands together and scooped a giant ball of mac and cheese into her hands and started eating it out of her hands. She was a mess of cheese and meat crumbs within 15 minutes.

Both Sarah and Gary noticed the benefits of the last week stomach expansion diet. They felt like they had no limits. Each delicious mouthful only served to make them feel hungrier and they actually ate faster as the evening went on.

Eventually, everyone’s stomachs started to catch up with them, and most took large plates back to their recliners where they could stretch out and burp and add more room. Gary and Sarah continued at the table though. When Gary felt full, he would grab a 22 oz. glass of beer and chug it, letting out a giant burp so that he could add room. Sarah did the same thing with Coca Cola.

After 2 hours of complete stuffing, the deserts were brought out. Several fattening pies, cupcakes, and brownies were laid out. Most everyone else had left a bit of room and brought back platefuls to their recliners and munched slowly.

Gary and Sarah had eaten double the amount of everyone else, but were not to be denied desert. Their stomachs were protesting. Gary said to Sarah, “How are we going to keep going?”

Sarah responded, “I read once that Dogs can overeat so much because they are on all fours and their stomachs are hanging. Maybe that will work”

Gary smiled, “Great idea”

At that moment, Sarah and Gary filled their plates and put them on the floor. Each got on all fours and started eating. Sarah was amazed, “This is really working”

They each ate four giant slices of pie and a half dozen red velvet cupcakes before rolling over and passing out on the floor in a food coma.

They awoke around 1 am. Everyone else had gone to bed, but they were still there on the floor with some of the leftover food around them. Their bellies amazingly had emptied, so they ate the rest of the food. Both horny, they had sex right there before returning to their cottage with some snacks.

For the next day, they settled into a routine of eating for an hour, having sex, sleeping for two hours and repeating. Day and night lost meaning. It was just eating, sleep, and sex. They were insatiable.

Finally, Christmas Eve arrived and they made an appearance in front of the family. Most everyone had gone their own ways for binge eating, and everyone looked a bit puffier. All of them had found it better to eat at their own pace than wait turns at a dining table, but Christmas Eve and Christmas were a good opportunity for them to catch up as a family. The fare was Italian with large trays of lasagna, veal parmesan, and assorted pastas.

It was a great conversation, as they all caught up between bites and burps. Before they knew it, the family had polished off two industrial trays of lasagna, about 10 lbs of veal parmesan along with several dozen cannoli.

Gary and Sarah finally got some time with Rachel and Frank to catch up. After dinner they reminisced about their playtime over Thanksgiving, and decided that they definitely wanted to get together during the week for some more fun. Frank then asked them if they wanted to delve further into swinging, and much to their own surprise Gary and Sarah quickly nodded their heads yes.

Frank then said, “Well, we actually have a group that gets together once in a while. Mostly plus-sized couples that are in to swinging. I can see how many are available this week while you are in town if you want.”

Gary and Sarah both eagerly responded yes. Frank then got on his cell phone and started posting to the local swingers group they had. Within 10 minutes, he had confirmed next Friday night at Frank and Rachel’s for a party. Gary and Sarah couldn’t believe how easy it was to do. Frank just laughed, “well, there’s not much to do in this town besides eat and have sex!”

Everyone went to bed around midnight, and at 5 am, the children woke everyone up with excited tales of gifts that Santa brought. (Candy knew who Santa was, but humored Simon).

There under the tree was a soft serve ice cream machine that Santa brought for the kids. They had already filled several large bowls with the ice cream and started distributing it to the adults. The adults enjoyed it almost as much as the kids, greedily eating pints and pints of the ice cream even before breakfast.

That set the tone for the rest of the day. A giant breakfast followed full of pancakes, waffles, bacon, hash browns, and omelets. The eating never stopped because any time anyone didn’t have food in their mouths, the kids would hand them an ice cream cone. Breakfast turned into a giant Christmas feast, then into desert, then back into dinner with leftovers. The only time folks weren’t eating they were sleeping.

As Christmas wound down, Rachel and Frank asked Sarah’s mom to take the kids for the evening and they invited Sarah and Gary for some warm up for the party on Friday. Sarah and Gary were thrilled. As they got into the bedroom it was obvious that the feedings had had their impact. Everyone had a few more rolls on them, and this just served to increase the sexual desire. They brought plenty of food as well, and got into their favorite position with the two swapped couples side by side. Gary on top of Rachel and Sarah on top of Frank. As each couple fucked the married couples would kiss each other between stuffing food down each other throats.

Next, the girls tagged team on Gary. He laid down on the bed and Rachel rode his dick while Sarah sat on his face. Frank then stood at the end of the bed while Rachel sucked his dick as he put endless food on it. Whip cream, donuts, eclairs. Rachel exploded in orgasm after orgasm.

After a few hours they all fell asleep in the bed for a couple of hours until they awoke hungry at 3 am for another feeding and sex session.

Finally Friday had arrived, and the four spent the day preparing the Rachel and Frank’s house for an all-out orgy. The chef prepared a giant feast and had it spread out on a low table like you would see in a Japanese restaurant. Vinyl mattresses were spread all around the room and candles were lit around the edges to create a sensual mood. About 5 wide screen 4k TVs were set up with porn videos streaming. A box of pink and blue wrist bands were placed at the doorway.

Gary asked Frank, “What are the wrist bands for?”

Frank explained, “It’s your availability. If you want to have sex with females, you put a pink wristband on, and if you want to have sex with males you put a blue wristband on. Some folks will wear both.”

“Well, that’s a great idea.”

Frank teased Gary, “So what’s it going to be for you?”

Gary paused, “Well, I guess I just figured pink, but have you ever experimented?”

Frank laughed, “All the time, both Rachel and I are bisexual.”

Gary got even more curious, “Is Sarah”

Frank backed off, “Well, that’s her story to tell”.

Gary turned to Sarah, “So what band are you wearing”

Sarah confessed, “Well, I have dabbled from time to time, so I was thinking of putting on a pink band. Gary, have you ever thought about it?”

Gary asked, “Would you mind if I did, Sarah?”

Sarah responded, “No, if that’s what you want.”

Gary then admitted, “Well, I’ve always been a bit curious, but I never felt safe.”

Frank then chimed in, “Well, we got a couple of hours, why don’t we let you try in a safe environment”

Gary became immediately hard at the thought. The four of them agreed, and stripped naked. Sarah began by giving Gary a sensual blow job. From behind, Rachel got out some coconut oil and started massaging Gary’s asshole, loosening it up.

Frank then laid his massive body on one of the mattresses and pleasured himself until he was rock hard. The girls then helped Gary on top of Frank’s massive body and Frank slid his dick inside of Gary. It went in much easier than Gary imagined. Gary was surprised when Frank hit Gary’s p-spot and Gary shot out a stream of cum. “Wow, what was that?”

Frank just laughed, “I’m a master at hitting the p-spot, you like?”

“Oh my God, yes!” Gary started grinding on top of Frank.

Sarah then started blowing Gary as he rode Frank and Rachel moved down and started licking Sarah’s clit. Rachel then swerved her luscious pussy over on top of Frank. They all went into a semi-orgasmic state, moaning loudly. Juices were flowing everywhere and the sweet-sour smells of sex pervaded the air. Finally, Frank came inside of Gary at the same time as Gary shot his load into Sarah. They all collapsed into a heap of flesh on the mattress about 45 minutes later.

They didn’t have much time, but they were famished, so they quickly got showered and dressed, and swung by the main house to split one of the pans of lasagna that were prepared for dinner for the rest of the family.

They all put on their pink and blue wristbands and prepared to receive the guests.

Around 7 pm, the guests started arriving. They were all shapes and sizes ranging from super fat like Frank and Rachel, to chubby, to skinny. They were all great friends, and were thrilled to meet Gary and Sarah.

The food was put out around 7:30, and everyone started pigging out immediately. Even the skinny ones loved eating. By 8 most everyone was naked and eating and kissing randomly. Some folks took to feeding each other sensually. By 8:30 the real fun began. Folks started force feeding each other, and then mounting each other randomly. Gary and Sarah were a novelty so they were the main attraction. Everyone was impressed at how much they ate, so folks took turns feeding them. They were also thrilled that they wore the pink and blue bands, so before long a crowd had gathered around them.

At one point, Gary was screwing a chubby girl doggy style while she ate out Sarah who was on top of Frank giving her anal sex. At the same time a skinny guy mounted Gary and was taking him from behind. Another couple was taking turns feeding Gary and Sarah cupcakes and cheesecake, while intermittently feeding them some of the husband’s dick and the wife’s pussy.

The whole room smelled of sex and food. Wine flowed freely. At one point, the floor was simply covered in flesh rolling in a sea of sperm and food rubbed into their flesh. Gary came 4 times that evening, and Sarah had countless orgasms.

Around 5 am, most folks had either gone or fallen asleep, but Gary and Sarah were drunk on booze and high on adrenaline. They spent the next hour having sex and feeding every last bit of leftovers that were on the table. They finally collapsed at 7 am.

The rest of the week was spend in constant binge eating interrupted by sleep and sex. The two couples spent a few more evenings together playing. The Friday evening orgy went so well, that a few of the couples agreed to come over for New Year’s eve, and they had a more intimate orgy to ring in the New Year. The other couples stayed for a New Year’s feast that was every bit as gluttonous as the Christmas feast.

The day after New Year’s it was time to go back to Atlanta. Sarah and Gary looked at their distended bellies satisfied that they had truly taken advantage of the 10 days. Gary could no longer see his toes or his dick when he stood up, and Sarah had formed one more belly roll and a second chin. The rest of the family had grown too, but when it came time for weigh in, Sarah was confident that either she or Gary would win.

Sarah’s mom got out the ceremonial scale and everyone was back in their bathing suits after the final meal, and recorded the weights:

Sarah’s dad: 530 lbs. 5 lb weight gain.

Sarah’s mom: 437 lbs, a 7 lb weight gain.

Rachel: 405, Rachel squealed in excitement 15 lbs, I did it! I am a true fatty now!”

Frank: 430 lbs. 10 lbs.

Sarah: 280 lbs. 20 lbs in 10 days. A nearly impossible task!

Gary: 257 lbs. 17 lbs, good for second place.

Candy: 245 lbs. Non-stop use of the ice cream machine helped.

Simon: 204 lbs. A 15 lb gain and above 200 lbs. He looked like a human butterball.

The pink pig t-shirt was bestowed upon Sarah for an amazing gain. “This is only the beginning guys. I’ll be bigger than Rachel in no time!”

The all laughed and cried as they said their goodbyes.

Sarah and Gary were now true pigs. They were constantly hungry. Even after all the stuffing over the holidays, they couldn’t even make it back to Atlanta without stopping for food. They stopped at a Golden Corral on the way back, and spent two hours gorging themselves before finishing the drive. Just as they pulled into Atlanta they saw the Krispy Kreme light illuminated, and finished off their holidays by polishing off two dozen donuts in bed before drifting off to sleep. The New Year couldn’t have started any better!
