The Camgirl Part XXXVI: Probably for the Best [Plot]

**XXXVI: Blake and Liam**


Blake pursed her lips in the bathroom apartment, loud, screaming music playing in the background, then frowned for a moment in thought.

*Is it too red? Too dark?*

Matching lipsticks with her particular blend of blue hair could be a challenge. She’d gone through way too many in the past, but now she had her chosen few that she stuck to, rarely branching out unless she found something amazing.

Still, matching things with both her hair and dress…sometimes she missed her red hair.

*But Liam likes your blue mane.*

Blake growled at those thoughts, pushing them away. Yes, Liam did like her blue hair, but she didn’t care about Liam tonight. She was *specifically* not caring or thinking about him tonight.

Putting down the lipstick, Blake took a couple of steps back from the mirror and turned from side to side. She needed to look hot tonight.

*No, not just hot, fuckin’ sexy.*

Blake studied the way her white bodycon dress showed off her waist and hips, pushing up her boobs to make them look even perkier. Her ass was also coming along quite nicely. She didn’t have abs that her dress clung to anymore, as she’d been eating more to plump up her ass and she’d probably given herself a few more cheat days than she should have. Still, her stomach was flat and tight, and the dress showed that off at least.

Satisfied that she looked fuckin’ sexy enough for her desired purposes, Blake looked to the silvery buttplug she’d cleaned off, then put it in one of her toy bags she kept in the bathroom, deciding against it. She didn’t know how, but somehow having that in her ass would make her think of Liam, she just knew it. Plus, it would be a bit easier on her panties.

Blake turned off her music, tucking her phone into her little white bag she was bringing with her tonight, then walked back out into the hall.

The sight of Liam sitting on the couch, looking at something on his phone stopped her dead in her tracks.

Earlier, she had specifically not allowed herself to look at him like she usually did, but now Blake couldn’t stop herself.

*He’s just so wonderful.*

His hair looked slightly more done up than usual, if still a little goofy. His face had a nice, even growth of hair on it–not stubble, but not long enough to really be called a beard, either. His phone’s light made his blue eyes shine enough for Blake to see even at this distance. His chest and shoulders nicely filled out the long sleeve, half-buttoned shirt. And even though Blake couldn’t see it, she knew that ass of his was stretching the back of those poor jeans. Blake felt a smile creeping onto her face.

Then Liam looked up, eyes locking with hers, and Blake’s smile fled. Her heart started to pound. Her throat grew tight. Liam’s eyes were wide. Blake caught a flash of something in his gaze as he looked her up and down, but other than that, she couldn’t read anything in those eyes other than surprise.

“Hey,” he said.

“Hey,” Blake forced out.

Silence stretched for a bit.

“That was your music?” Liam asked, “I thought that must have been Sophie. I didn’t realize you were here.”

*Music. That, I can work with.*

Blake took a step forward, then tilted her hips, quirking an eyebrow at Liam, “You got a problem with my music?”

Liam’s eyes widened for a moment, then he scrubbed a hand through his hair, “Uh, no. It was just…unexpected. I’ve never listened to any of your music before.”

“You thought it would be some Rhianna or T-Swift?” Blake asked, daring him to say yes.

Liam shook his head, “God, no. It actually makes sense in a weird way.”

“Because I’m angsty and weird?” She challenged, trying to keep her tone from growing too aggressive.”

Liam shrugged, “I mean…”

Blake folded her arms across her chest, “Ass.”

She failed in keeping the smile out of her voice, however, and Liam grinned in return.

*That stupid, wonderful fucking smile.*

It made her want to melt and laugh at once.

Instead, silence returned. With it, a creeping awkwardness.

“What are you doing here, anyway?” Blake asked, trying to sound casual, though not nearly as much as she would have liked.

*Did I just use up the next year’s worth of confidence earlier today?*

It seemed like it, though Blake hoped it wasn’t so. She’d really be fucked if that happened.

Liam scrubbed a hand through his hair again, “Uh, Marie told me–”

Blake waved away his words and forced down her jealousy.

*Every time he mentions something about Marie, just tease him and push a little harder. I can do that, at least.*

“Got it, she’s summoned you to–” Blake grinned, feeling a bit of her confidence return, “Perform for her? She bringing another one of her sorority biddies again?”

Liam’s face went bright red and he dropped his eyes.

Somehow, Blake found herself laughing. It was a little funny, at least, “Liam, how is it that you can be embarrassed talking about a threesome, when you’ve already had at least two?”

He colored further, and Blake grinned at her small victory, “You need to work on that, dude.”

Liam didn’t answer, and for a moment, Blake thought she might have gone too far.

“You look nice,” he said suddenly, “You’re going out tonight?”

Blake nodded. She remembered the last part of getting ready to go out as someone not-yet twenty-one and walked over to the freezer. She pulled out a bottle of vodka, then grabbed a glass and poured herself a shot and a half’s worth, “I’d planned on going dancing with Chloe and a few of her friends, but that was before I knew you would be here.”

Blake pounded back the shot, keeping her face straight despite the taste and the burn down her throat. Normally she would need a chaser, but she was resolved not to in front of Liam. She knew he wouldn’t give her any shit for it, but she needed the power move right now.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“Well,” Blake said, putting the vodka back in the freezer before walking back into the kitchen and taking a seat on the arm of the couch. She saw Liam’s gaze flash downward and held back a smile. She knew *exactly* how short her dress was, “We haven’t hung out in a while, and Chloe and her friends will be fine without me, especially since they’re all twenty-one, so they can go bar hopping if they want. If you want me to I’ll stay and keep you company until Marie gets back from wherever. Sorority thing, right? We could watch Netflix or play some games, or just hang out and talk.” Another idea popped into her head, and Blake grinned, forcing it out, “We could play a drinking game if you want. I know a few that work for two people.”

Liam stared at her for a moment, then swallowed and glanced away, “I–I don’t know if that’s such a good idea right now, Blake.”

*Dammit.* Blake planned on thoroughly enjoying herself tonight with or without Liam, but she knew that whatever fun she had out with Chloe and her friends wouldn’t come close to a quiet evening hanging out with Liam. Still–she hadn’t planned on him being here in the first place, so it wasn’t like her nice was going to be worse than she had hoped just because of this.

“That’s alright,” Blake said, hopping off the couch. She almost started off toward the door, but hesitated.

*Would that be too far? Fuck it.*

Blake rounded the couch, heading in Liam’s direction. Before he could ask what she was doing, Blake bent down and kissed him on the forehead. She had to practically jerk herself back to keep from doing more than that, but she thought she played it off well.

“If you don’t think it’s a good idea, then that’s probably for the best.”

Blake headed for the door, then glanced back and allowed herself a smile when she saw Liam’s wide eyes following her across the room, “Have a good night, Liam.”



Liam sat staring after Blake s the door closed behind her. How did she always manage to look so beautiful? He tried to shake the thought from his head but couldn’t. It had only been a few hours since Blake had confronted him, yet Liam felt as though hours had passed, days even. He felt drained.

Since Blake had left his dorm room earlier, Liam hadn’t been able to push his blue-haired friend from his mind. She’d been so close to him. Her lips…he’d wanted to kiss them so much.

That made him feel guilty. Not just the impulse, but that he still wanted to do so. The way his blood rushed, pounding in his ears when she had grabbed him by his collar earlier, and every time he thought about it since.

He’d wanted to ask Blake to stay so he could hang out with his friend. Yet knowing that she wanted more…Liam didn’t trust himself. He missed her, but he wasn’t sure that he would be able control himself. That only made him feel even worse. Not only did he not trust himself not to be faithful to Marie, but Blake had told him she wouldn’t do anything while he was still with Marie. Even kissing her like he’d wanted to would have been inconsiderate toward Blake.

For so long, he’d been able to keep himself from thinking of Blake as anything other than a friend, but that dam broke when Blake told him how she felt.

He liked Blake. A lot. She was the best friend he’d made since coming to college even when compared with his roommates. It was a different kind of friendship than he had with Swar and Eli, but just as strong, though he’d known Blake for a shorter time. He *obviously* found her attractive, but…

Liam groaned, hanging his head in his hands.

*Can I be ‘just friends’ with Blake, knowing how she feels? Knowing that she—that she* needs *me?*

And what she had said about being better for him than Marie…

The creak of a door opening shook Liam from his thoughts, and he blinked in surprise at the girl that entered the apartment’s main room.

“Hey Sophie,” Liam said, giving her a warm smile, “Did you want to use the main room since both of them are gone? I can move into Marie’s if you like.”

The slightest hint of a smile tugged at Sophie’s lips as she shook her head, “You’re good. Just getting something to snack on.”

Liam hadn’t had much contact with Sophie despite the amount of time he’d spent over here. He’d made a bit of extra food for her once or twice, but that had been the extent of their interaction up to this point save for the occasional crossing of paths to and from the bathroom late at night when he slept over. Blake and Marie had both just assured him she wasn’t that social, which Liam understood. He could be social when he wanted to—it didn’t necessarily bother him—but going out of his way to be among large groups of people, or even small groups of those he didn’t know—just didn’t appeal to him.

So, Liam just leaned back into the couch as Sophie crossed to the kitchen, fingers rubbing at his forehead. Maybe if he took out some staff paper and ran through some chorale harmonization…

“Rough day?”

Liam started at the question, turning with eyebrow raised at Sophie as she walked toward him with a glass of water in one hand and a bag of buffalo kettle chips in the other.

Sophie was tiny—about as tall and petite as Blake, though with olive skin—with her mess of long, dark curls making her look even smaller. Her brown eyes were intense whenever Liam had met them, and even a small smile from her was infectious, though she normally wore a neutral expression. She was the type of girl some jackass would tell to smile, and who would glare the jackass into submission in response.

“You could say that,” Liam sighed.

Sophie gave him a sympathetic frown as she continued toward her room, then paused, turning back to stare at him with those piercing eyes. She considered him in silence for a while before speaking.

“I try to stay out of other people’s drama,” she said, “But for what it’s worth, you and Blake always seem more like a couple when you’re together. You and Marie just seem like fuck-buddies with pet names.”

Liam blinked, completely caught off guard. Blake and Marie had both told him how blunt their roommate was when she did speak. He just hadn’t experienced it until now.

“Whichever way you go,” Sophie continued, “I hope one of them keeps you around. Your cooking is awesome.”

Before Liam could even think of a way to respond to that, Sophie disappeared back into her room. It took a combination of harmonization exercises and several episodes of The Office to make him stop mulling over Sophie’s words. 



  1. Another plot chapter, but don’t worry–things heat up again after this!
    Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](
    [Part XXX](

    [Part XXXI](
    [Part XXXII](
    [Part XXXIII](
    [Part XXXIV](
    [Part XXXV](

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