Gender Swap (Short Story) [T]

Sarah had never been an early bird, but this was the third day in a row that her massive hard-on had brought her out of her deep slumber before sunrise.

“Ugh, not again,” she mumbled half-asleep, frustrated by the urge to pee and the inability to properly do so. In Sarah’s opinion, if there was anything harder than having a dick (and un-ironically, she knew for a fact there were a million harder things if you did not own one; but, hypothetically, if there was one), it was taking a leak with a hard one, and harder than that, was doing so with one that curved upwards.

She woke up to her husband’s lean and tanned back, their thick comforter covered his raised lower-half up to where the tan below his marked hip-dimples started to fade. He lay down with his face buried on the pillow, quivering.

“Morning…” she whispered on his ear.

“Fuck!” he pulled his hand off his crotch with a jerk. “I thought you were asleep!” his voice muffled.

“…Woood!” she yawned stretching her arms. “You’re going to get clit-lock if you keep doing it on that position every morning,” she said pulling her shaft over her teal brief-boxers waistband.

“Wait, you knew?” he asked annoyed rolling to his side. “I thought I wasn’t making a sound.”

“You weren’t,” she giggled, “but this little fella has been waking me up pretty early.” Its uncovered rouge-pink uncut head pressed against the soft and fair skin above her navel. “Plus, the position is quite obvious.”

“Why haven’t you said anything?” he asked holding his head up with his arm.

“‘Cause I thought it was cute,” she pecked him on the lips.

“You didn’t think it was cute when I used to jerked off on your sleep.”

“Because you’d wake me up in the middle of the night rocking the bed furiously,” she sat by the edge of the searching her fluffy pink slippers with her feet. “Now, if you excuse me, I’ll spend the next ten minutes standing with an awkward boner in front of the WC.”

“You know it’s easier if you wait it out,” he said snugging back under the comforter.

“But I have to *pee*!” she grunted scratching her ribs under her loose black tank top. “Don’t wait for me,” she said as she walked around the bed.

“I won’t! I was this close to my third-one before you startled me,” he said resuming his position.

She stood in front of the WC, with the seat up, her briefboxers half-way down her thighs, her legs wide apart and her dick pointing to the ceiling. Counterintuitively, she had learned better that rubbing it out; as morning erections, despite of being particularly strong, were surprisingly not that erogenous. She had no choice but to stand there and let it ran its course until it gave up before her urge to pee did, as she was not willing to do gymnastics trying to aim down to slowly trickle her bladder empty. She was, however, amused by how it would bounce up against her belly like a spring if she pulled it down. Sooner than later, her manhood finally decided to deflate, allowing her prostate to change gears and satisfactorily finish her business with a continuous and sonorous stream. Sarah, shook it twice, pulled her foreskin and briefs back up, washed her hands and returned to their bedroom.

She found her husband in the same position he was when she woke up, this time however, he was soundly asleep. She curled up next to him under the comforter. This time, with a cute love boner between her legs.



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