Contagious feeding (The beginning) [BBW, BHM, WG]

Gary always loved fat girls. He loved watching them eat, and watching them grow. At parties, he would always find the fattest girl and start flirting with her. Sometimes this led to one night stands, but Gary actually wanted a long-term relationship. The problem was that most of the women he would date would be on diets, not wanting to be fat. They never believed he wanted them to get even fatter, especially since Gary was in good shape, 6’ and 180 lbs of toned muscle from daily working out in the gym. So most of his relationships ended in frustration.

That all changed with Sarah. He spotted her right away at a conference evening buffet from across the room. His perfect type. 5’ 6” and 200 lbs of beautiful curves. He noticed her eating from the buffet with gusto, not pretending to pick or be on a diet. Her plate heaped full in one hand and a beer in the other. He maneuvered to get in position to strike up a conversation, and after a few minutes was successful. He introduced himself to her and they had a good talk. What impressed him is that she finished her giant plate within 10 minutes. Even more exciting, was that once the food was gone, he noticed her glancing at the buffet table longingly. Taking the body language clue, Phil offered, “Hey, I’m having a great conversation, but I just can’t resist the wonderful smells from the buffet. Do you want to head over there with me and we can get some food?”

Sarah immediately said yes, and they were off to the buffet table. They both got some food, but Sarah filled her plate again to the brim. They went back to chatting, but amazingly, within another 10 minutes, she had finished everything off along with another beer.

“You must think I am a pig, but this food is just so good” Sarah said, making excuses for her gluttony.

“Actually, I am just excited to see a girl that doesn’t eat like a bird. I like a girl with an appetite”.

“Well, to be honest, this is me holding back. I am the thinnest in my family. When I moved here from Alabama I noticed that I would stick out a lot if I got so fat. Where I am from, everyone is fat, but my family is even fatter.” Sarah explained.

“Why is that, do you guys have slow metabolism” Gary was becoming quite curious.

Sara went on:

No, my family has a tradition of not denying yourself. This goes back generations. ‘If you are hungry, you should eat’. We believe humans are made to store fat. If we weren’t, we would be hungry and we wouldn’t crave the foods we crave. To not eat is to deny your humanity.

We were taught this from the time we were kids. All my friends would talk about getting an ice cream or a candy as a treat. When I came home from school, I could eat a whole tub of ice cream if I wanted. I didn’t eat more just because I liked playing with my friends more, and I knew I could have whatever I wanted when I wanted, so I didn’t get as fat as some of my other relatives. When I came to Atlanta, I had so many other things to do, I ate less.

“But admit it, you were a little self-conscious. You even admitted you were holding back”

“Yeah, a bit. I also like sex a lot, and here you can’t be too fat or you’ll never get laid. Back in Alabama, 250 lbs on a 5’6” girl is not too big, a bit big, but not too big. Here, you kind of stand out in a bad way”. Sarah immediately regretted letting that blurt out.

Gary was pleasantly surprised that she was so honest. This disarmed him a bit, and he started blurting out what came into his mind as well. “You aren’t 250 lbs, tops 200”

“No you are right, I was 240 lbs once, but I lost 40 lbs since coming here, but I was on my way to 250 in Alabama”

At this point, Gary was in heaven. Here was a girl that admitted she wanted to be fat, and best yet, admitted she wanted to have sex (and probably a lot). If it wasn’t for the drinks, he probably wouldn’t have been so forward, but he figured he would risk it by saying what he honestly thought.”

“So let me get this straight. You want to be eat whatever you want, but you want to get laid. You figure there’s some sort of cosmic trade off, so you think being 200 lbs gets you the best of both worlds.”

“Well, when you put it that way it sounds kind of stupid doesn’t it?”

Then Gary went even further. “I would love to prove you wrong”

Sarah immediately blushed. “What do you mean?” (of course Sarah new exactly what he meant).

Gary then completely revealed himself. “You know exactly what I mean, except you may not believe it. I love fat women, and the reason I love them, is because they don’t deny themselves. There is nothing that turns me on more than watching a women derive pleasure from overeating. A woman that is free and loves life and food.”

Sarah was overcome with ecstasy with these words. “I have never done this before, but do you want to get out of here?”

Gary felt similarly, but he was patient. “I’d love to, but I bet you would enjoy whatever we are going to do next a bit more on a full belly, and I bet that with all this dieting you have done since moving here, that poor belly has been empty for way too long”

Sarah felt herself getting wet. “Well, now that you mention it, there still is a lot of food on that buffet and I hate to see it all go to waste.”

Sarah then went back to the buffet and got another plateful even bigger than the others and Gary got a smaller plate just to accompany her. They settled down at a table out of the way of the mingling crowds. There was about an hour left on the main course buffet, and they spent it eating and grazing. Sarah had two more heaping plates, and Gary grazed on one more plate.

At the end of the hour, they brought out a desert buffet. Sarah filled another plate and Gary had a good plate as well. They munched on their sweets for the next hour while the speakers went through their tediously boring speeches. About half way through the speeches, Gary whispered to Sarah, “Are you full yet”

“Not yet, but if I eat anymore my shirt buttons will pop. I already unbuttoned my pants”

Gary nearly came thinking about this. “Then let’s go to my place and we can have second desert”

“No” Sarah said flatly.

Gary felt the excitement drain out him as his face went white. “How could I have misread this worse” he thought to himself.

Sarah then flashed a smile, “Let’s go to my place, if I got to your place and we eat more, I won’t be able to get home clothed. If we go to my place, I have my fat clothes there. Plus, I’ll bet you have nearly no food in your bachelor pad.”

Gary laughed a bit louder than he wanted to at her humor, but it was genuine. A dream gal with a sense of humor – even better!

Gary and Sarah couldn’t keep their hands off each other on the Uber ride to Sarah’s. They immediately started kissing. Shortly after, Sarah had unbuttoned her pants as well as the lower buttons of her blouse to expose her stomach to allow Gary to give her belly a massage between kisses.

Sarah felt better than she ever had since she had moved to Atlanta. She wasn’t even worried that she was probably going to sleep with him after just meeting because she felt she had known him forever. As he massaged her belly, she didn’t know what she was more excited for, having sex with Gary, or filling her stomach to the brim with the sweets she had in her house. Gary was right, that belly of hers had been denied way too long, and she was going to make up for lost time.

When the Uber dropped them off, they barely made it into Sarah’s apartment with their clothes on. They shut the door and Sarah’s pants came off immediately (mostly because they were already half off). Gary undid the remaining of the strained buttons on Sarah’s shirt. Sarah ripped Gary’s shirt off and pulled his pants down.

At this point, most other couples would go straight to the bedroom, but as if by telepathy, Gary and Sarah went to the kitchen. Sarah found a box of cupcakes and opened it as if she hadn’t eaten in years. Gary grabbed a cupcake and started feeding it to her as if on cue. She moaned in ecstasy as she greedily gobbled it up in two bites. He fed her another one, and then he put the rest of the box in front of her, and said. “I’m hungry too, but for something that only you can give. Can you finish the rest to satisfy your belly while I satisfy your other needs?”

She immediately lifted one leg onto a chair to expose her pussy to him. Gary got on his knees and started running his tongue on her already moist clit. Sarah continued to shove cupcakes in her mouth while Gary probed her pussy with his lips and his tongue until Sarah climaxed after eating the last cupcake.

Sarah then sat down still quivering, and asked Gary to make her some chocolate milk to wash down her feast. Gary was amazed and excited by the vast amount of food she had taken in that night, but wanted to see if he could push her a bit more. “I think you want something better than just chocolate milk”. He then went to the freezer and found a pint of Ben and Jerry’s chunky monkey ice cream. He found the blender on her counter and put another cup of milk with the ice cream and made a smooth frappe. He put it in a giant cup and challenged Sarah. “A good feeder always pushes his feedee, so drink up sweety”.

Sarah came again at hearing this. Was this real? Or just her fantasy. She obliged finishing all but a cup of the delicious frappe, and Gary drank the rest. Sarah could feel the weight of her full belly. She had forgotten how good it made her feel and how horny it made her as well. She grabbed Gary and brought him into her bedroom and they had amazing sex. Gary kissed her mounds of flesh endlessly, exploring every roll and ounce of soft goodness, imagining what it would be like if there was more. Sarah climaxed another 3 times and Gary came twice over a two hour period. Sarah insisted that Gary sleep over and they finally fell asleep at 3 am in each other’s arms.

Luckily the next morning was Saturday, so they didn’t have to rush out. Gary woke up first around 11 am and immediately went to the local Dunkin’ Donuts and got a dozen donuts and a couple of large coffees to surprise Sarah. He purposely got the most fattening cream filled varieties and got the coffees with cream and sugar. He assumed that she would like the most fattening coffee. Worst case, he would just make her some coffee in her coffee maker if he guessed wrong.

He snuck back into her bedroom and wafted the coffee under her nose. As she woke up he immediately offered the donuts and coffee. Almost by instinct, she started chewing on the donuts as she fed her one after the other, pausing only to sip her coffee once in a while. She inhaled 9 donuts and an extra large coffee in no time. Gary ate the other 3 and his coffee while massaging her belly afterward.

Gary had to go run some errands, but before he left, he asked her out for dinner at Fogo de Chao restaurant, and all you can eat Brazilian BBQ steak house. She agreed, and he reminded her not to wear anything too tight. Sarah blushed and gave Gary a sweet kiss goodbye.

Sarah didn’t want to seem ignorant when Gary asked her to Fogo de Chao, but she had never been to a Brazilian BBQ. She went on line and immediately became aroused. An all you can eat buffet where they come over with different cuts of meat and cut it at your table. This sounded amazing. She decided she wouldn’t eat for the rest of the day, so she could show off how much of a pig she could be to Gary.

She also took Gary’s advice on the clothes. She rummaged in the closet until she found the box of her “fat” clothes that she brought with her when she first moved to Atlanta. She found a nice skirt and blouse set that was her favorite from those days. It was a bit loose, but not too loose. She probably put 5 lbs from the evening before so she was now only 35 lbs thinner than when she came to Atlanta. Plus everything was tight on her at the time. She really hoped that things worked out with Gary. Maybe that dress would be tight on her again in time for her family visit on Thanksgiving next month. Her parents didn’t like that she lost weight, and they would be so happy to see her daughter back to her right size.

After Gary was finished with his errands, he swung by the gym for his daily workout. He did well on his weightlifting routine, but he noticed he was a bit labored on the elliptical. His time was one of his worst. He realized that he must have overindulged as well while feeding Sarah. He weighed himself and saw that he indeed had put on a couple of pounds. “I’d better watch myself if I get serious with Sarah” he thought to himself.

Gary picked Sarah up around 630. She was beautiful. The outfit she chose flowed over her curves flawlessly, and Gary couldn’t help but think how much better it would look when she fills it out and returns to her pre-Atlanta weight. He kissed her passionately. It was as if they were dating forever, but they had only met the day before.

They arrived at the restaurant in time for their 7 o’clock reservation, and Sarah could immediately tell she was going to like the place. The buffet itself was amazing. Salads, Sushi, Brazilian fried bar treats, Salmon, Fried yucca, and pretty much anything you can imagine. She could stuff herself silly just with this, even before the giant slabs of meat that they brought to your table.

Gary explained to Sarah how things worked. There was a card on the table that was red on one side with Nao (No) written on it, and a green side saying Sim (Yes). The card was on the red side to start to allow time to go up to the buffet before they started bringing you meat. Once you were ready for meat, you turned it to the green side and they would start bringing meat to the table.

They ordered drinks and immediately headed to the buffet. Sarah was in heaven. She heaped her plate with sushi, salmon covered in passion fruit sauce, and all the fried treats that are common in Brazilian bars – Fried Yucca, croquettes of beef and chicken, empanadas, and other greasy treats she had never seen. The plates were large, but even so, she needed two to carry all the food she wanted. Gary had a full plate himself, but was more looking forward to the meats that they would bring.

Sarah was famished from not eating all day, so she dug in eating rapidly in giant bites. She barely talked for a half hour, instead just moaning with pleasure as she felt the new tastes and the food descending into her belly. Gary was mesmerized.

A half hour later, the two plates were empty, and they were ready to turn the card over. Skewers of meat started coming cut at the table. Sarah accepted everything. Filet mignon cuts, steak with bacon, chicken with bacon, short ribs, and rump roast cuts, they just kept coming. Her plate was heaped high with meats and she kept eating faster. Gary couldn’t even think of keeping up, but he did manage to have a lot of food himself. After about 45 minutes, Gary turned his card back to the red side, but Sarah kept going. It was if there was no limit to her belly. Gary actually thought her loose dress was starting to get tight as her belly distended from the massive amounts of food. Again, Sarah barely talked, just moaned for most of the time. At one moment though she pulled him close and gave him a big kiss, and then whispered in his ear. “Thank you so much, my panties are soaked, I am going to ride you tonight!”

Gary nearly came at the thought. He was noticing that he was a bit uncomfortable though, and actually had to undo his button on his pants. He got even more thrilled when he thought of his gut spilling over his waist. “What’s happening here” he thought to himself.

After about an hour and half, even Sarah couldn’t take any more, she turned her card to red side, and they talked for a bit waiting for the food to digest. Sarah ordered a soda water to make her burp. She wanted to make enough room for the desert buffet. After a few minutes, Sarah let out a belch, and Gary laughed. Sarah turned red, and Gary confessed, “Don’t worry, it turns me on to see a fat girl burp on a full stomach”.

The restaurant provided smaller plates for the desert bar, but Sarah would have none of it. She grabbed one of the normal buffet server size platters and proceeded to fill it with all sorts of cakes and tortes, along with a giant bowl of cream de papaya topped with Casis liquor. Gary got a normal plate, but filled it quite to the brim. They lingered for another hour over their desert finishing every last decadent morsel. They looked around to see that they were one of the last couples remaining, and realized it was about time to leave.

Sarah’s loose dress was no longer so loose. Her belly had swollen to what looked like 3 times what it was before dinner. Gary tried to button his pants, but to no avail. He had to untuck his shirt to cover up his open pants.

Gary invited Sarah back to his place, and they another amazing evening of sex. Gary massaged her giant belly for what seemed like hours before going down on her, enjoying her fat pussy. He loved the soft flesh and pleasuring her. The sex went on until 5 am and they fell asleep naked in each other’s arms.

They spent all day Sunday in bed, eating and having sex. Gary made a double batch of pancakes, and fed them to her along with a pound of bacon. They made love for an hour, and then they napped for another hour. By that time it was lunch. Gary made grilled cheese sandwiches and fed 5 to Sarah before she washed them down with a chocolate frappe. They made love for an hour and then fell asleep for an hour. For dinner he ordered a large pizza and an order of breadsticks. She ate 6 pieces, Gary had two. They split the breadsticks. They made love for an hour, but finally Gary had to take Sarah home.

The next morning Gary had a problem. None of his pants fit. He really overdid over the weekend. He didn’t think he did, but as he reflected on it, it only looked like he controlled his eating because he was comparing himself to his new feedee, Sarah. He stepped on the scale and realized that was up to 185 lbs. A gain of 5 lbs over the weekend! He immediately called Sarah.

“Hi Sweetie, I had such a good time this weekend”

Sarah answered, “Oh Gary, so good to your voice. I had a wonderful time”

“You’re dangerous girl. I gained 5 lbs. this weekend! Can you believe it?”

“Well, yes, I gained 10 myself, but why am I dangerous?” Sarah teased.

“Well, I like chubby girls, but I never wanted to be chubby myself.”

“Hmmmm, but did it feel good eating over these past few days”

Gary confessed, “Well yes, but I am just not sure I want to have the consequences”

“What consequences? Because if you are worried what I think, I’d love to see those tight abs melt away into a pile of fat one day.”

Gary shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was “Oh, you like fat guys?”

Sarah clarified. “I like any body type, so long as the person wants it. Remember what I was taught. Don’t deny yourself. But I confess the idea of our fat bellies banging together really turns me on. But this is your choice babe”

Gary grabbed his gym clothes and threw them in the car, and drove to work. All day he thought about Sarah’s comments wondering “What do I want”.

As work ended, Gary got in the car and started driving to the gym. He had suffered all day from his pants digging into his waist, so when he got into the car, he undid his belt and button. His belly made a subtle move and rested on his thigh. Suddenly, Gary was turned on. He thought of having a gut so big that it would rest half way up his thighs. It was like a switch went off. Instead of turning left into the gym, he turned right into the KFC drive thru. He ordered a 16 piece family bucket of original recipe with mashed potatoes, gravy and mac and cheese and potato wedges. He then called Sarah who answered immediately.

“Sarah, what are you doing tonight?”

“Nothing” Sarah answered excitedly.

“Well, are you at home? Because I’d like to stop by”

“Oh I’d love that. Is there any reason, other than you miss me” Sarah said coyly.

“Yes, I do miss you. But also, I thought of what we talked about this morning, and I have an answer for you” Gary said.

“What do you mean” Sarah asked, puzzled. She really had forgotten her comment.

“I’ll show you when I get there”. Gary responded.

Gary was so excited by his decision that he ate three pieces of chicken in the car along with three biscuits in the 20 minute ride to Sarah’s.

Meanwhile, Sarah was in a panic. She had just gotten home from work and wasn’t ready for Gary to show up. She had ripped her pants on the way home from work and didn’t have time to dig through her old fat clothes when the doorbell rang. She struggled for about 5 minutes before deciding to just through on a robe.

When she opened the door, she was stunned. Gary had showed up with the meal, but when she didn’t immediately come to the door, he decided to dig into another piece of chicken. When she opened the door, she saw Gary with a chicken leg in his mouth, pants unbuttoned looking like a gluttonous fat slob. Without missing a beat, Gary said, “Well, here’s your answer, no more gym for me!”

Sarah grabbed him and dragged him on the couch, kissing him and rubbing his belly. She then wrestled herself on top of him and said, “Now I get to be your feeder for the night”.

She ripped off his clothes and took off her robe. His dick was already hard, so it was easy for her to mount on top of him. As she ground away riding his dick, she started feeding him. First another chicken breast, then fistfuls of mac and cheese. Then potato wedges. By the time he had climaxed he had eaten 8 pieces of chicken, half of the mac and cheese and all of the potato wedges.

Then it was Sarah’s turn. She laid back on the couch and started eating the rest of the meal while Gary sucked on her pussy draining his cum out and pleasuring her. She grabbed fistfuls of mashed potatoes and chicken along with biscuits. When mashed potatoes would fall on her breast, Gary would move his mouth up her belly and onto her breasts and eat the fallen potatoes and biscuit crumbs.

Gary spent the night with Sarah, alternating sex with grazing on ice cream, cookies and snacks. The next morning, Gary got up early to go to his house to change. On the way, he stopped at Dunkin Donuts for 6 donuts and a large coffee with cream and sugar. He ate two donuts on his way to his house. Changed, and ate another two donuts on the way to work. Before lunch he finished the half dozen donuts and canceled his gym membership. At lunch, he went to burger king and got two double whoppers with large fries and a shake and ate it all in the car. The whole gluttonous thing made him hard. He called Sarah and shared his eating diary with her. She was thrilled.

That evening, Gary didn’t go to Sarah’s because he had a lot of errands to run. He had to get new clothes, and he had to get candy for the trick-or-treaters for Halloween. Sarah called him while he was at the mall, and he told her what he was doing. She volunteered to help him pick out clothes. “You need a fattie to help you on your journey. I’ll show you all the gaining tricks.”

Sarah met him at the mall, and began giving him fashion advice. First, buy only one set of clothes the next size up to save money, then buy another two two sizes up and another three three sizes up. If you dress formal, use suspenders. You can keep your pants loose and grow into them. He took her advice and in no time he had a great wardrobe.

Then they stopped at WalMart to get Halloween candy. Both needed some, but they knew they had to buy extra because neither had any self-control. They each bought 6 lbs. of candy for each of their apartments. By then they were starving, so they decided to go to Golden Corral for dinner. On the way there, they shared one bag of Halloween candy, and were nearly full when they entered Golden Corral.

But that didn’t stop them from making complete pigs of themselves. 2 hours later, each of them had 5 empty plates in front of them, plus three desert servings. They waddled out of Golden Corral completely satisfied.

From then on, they were basically inseparable. Feedings and sex were almost nightly. On Halloween, they got together after giving out candy and were thrilled that there were almost 4 lbs of candy left over. They fed each other 2 lbs right then and there, and passed out from a sugar high by 10 pm.

By the first week of November, they decided to move in together in Sarah’s apartment. Gary’s lease was expiring at the end of December, so they would save a lot of money. Plus, they almost always were spending the night together anyway.

By the week of thanksgiving, they were visibly fatter. Gary had outgrown the clothes one size larger and the one’s two sizes larger were starting to get snug. Sarah’s old fat clothes now fit her perfectly and she suspected she was back to her pre-Atlanta weight. They decided to weigh themselves before the Thanksgiving binge. Sarah indeed had returned to her pre-Atlanta weight. 240 lbs. She had gained 30 lbs in one month with Gary. Gary had put on even more weight. He was now 220 lbs. 35 lbs. heavier than when they met.

Sarah now had a well-defined second belly roll, and her ass was visibly wider. Gary’s stomach now rested firmly on his thighs. A sexy set of man boobs were forming on Gary. Gary thought his life was completely revolving around food, but he was yet to see how much more it could. That would change on Thanksgiving.

[To be continued]
