Contagious feeding (Thanksgiving) [BHM, BBW, WG]

First part here: [](

Gary and Sarah decided to spend Thanksgiving in Alabama with her family. Gary was a bit nervous, but Sarah reassured them that they already loved him. He was the man that brought Sarah back to her senses, and let her eat what she wanted.

In the car, Sarah told Gary more details about her family. Sarah’s family had owned a large farm for generations in Northern Alabama. They worked hard and always were big eaters. However, the hard manual labor kept the family in the overweight to moderately obese category. When Sarah was 10 and her older sister Rachel was 15, a big agricultural company offered a big buyout for them. Their farm had the best yields in the southeast, and the company wanted to understand why. They needed the entire track of land to perform proper experiments, so they offered $10 million, an absurdly high price for the land, and agreed to let them keep 2 acres to continue to farm or build an estate.

Suddenly, they were millionaires, and didn’t have to work anymore. They got the best broker in the southeast who invested the money wisely. The fortune grew to $20 million in 15 years, and there was about $1 million a year to spend on the family without any work. This allowed them to expand the house into a beautiful estate with three houses. One for the parents, one for Rachel, her husband and two kids, and one for Sarah whenever she was in town. There was a beautiful yard and pool, and they maintained a staff of a gardner, a cook, and a maid, to take care of anything.

When her parents stopped farming, her father weighed 250 lbs and her mother weighed 200 lbs. On her dad’s 6 foot frame it was fat but not obese and her mother was the same height as Sarah. Without the farm they settled into a sedentary lifestyle. Her dad got into gaming. The house is outfitted with 10 large monitors and 10 high speed computers that he spends his entire time playing when he is not eating. His mom writes blogs on crafts and recipes along with tips with living a fat life. They have ballooned to 500 lbs and 400 lbs. doubling their weight.

Her sister really ballooned. She helped out a lot on the farm and was a strong farmhand. An inch taller than Sarah, she was already 160 lbs when they sold the farm, but with a healthy appetite. She kept herself a bit in control in high school and was only 180 lbs at high school graduation. Then she met her husband Frank freshman year in college who was a feeder. She became pregnant and had Candice (yes, Candy) by sophomore year. Frank was older and graduated and got a job as a broker. This allowed Rachel to drop out and raise Candy. Between the pregnancy and constant eating, she had ballooned to 250 lbs within a year of getting married. Frank can work mostly from home, so both of them stay around the house snacking and working. Frank went from 240 lbs when they met to 400 lbs. today. Rachel continued to balloon, having a second child, Simon two years later and is now 350 lbs.

Simon and Candy have never known their stomachs not full. Keeping in the family tradition, they eat what they want, when they want it. The only exercise they get is swimming in the pool in the summer. Otherwise it’s school homework, video games and eating. Candy is 11 and nearly the same height as Sarah, and already 200 lbs. and Simon is 9, weighing 150 and barely 4’6”.

Sarah warned Gary that they would do nothing but eat over the next few days. Everything in the family social revolved around copious amounts of food, and the chef was very good. He learned that the family loves heavy food laden with butter, lard, and cream. Thanksgiving promised to be a gluttonous feast.

They arrived at Sarah’s parents around 7 pm the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. As much as Sarah tried to prepare Gary, he still was a bit taken aback when he arrived. Sarah’s mom greeted them at the door with a half-eaten brownie in her hand and her mouth full of the rest. Not even trying to swallow, she exclaimed with her mouth full of food, “Oh so you are Gary, Welcome!!!!”, and enveloped him in a warm hug nearly smothering him with her fat. She then hugged Sarah just as hard, and then downed the rest of her brownie.

One by one, the family waddled up and greeted them. They had already had dinner, but quickly offered Gary and Sarah dinner. Gary walked into the house and saw that it had been renovated into a glutton’s paradise. The kitchen was almost 2000 sq. ft. equipped with top of the line appliances that would put any restaurant to shame. A buffet was in the middle complete with a steam table to keep food warm. The living room and dining room also had places to put food out. Every room had a refrigerator and a small pantry. The house was on one level, and as he toured the house, he saw that every bedroom had a small kitchenette with a refrigerator and microwave for midnight snacks.

The buffet in the kitchen was full of amazing fattening foods. The cook immediately fried up some fritters and beer battered fish in the deep fryers. This along with chafing dishes of macaroni and cheese, lasagna, and ribs. He could have guessed what was on the menu as he met her family as their overstretched sweatpants and sweatshirts were covered in stains from their earlier feast.

They were handed platters for plates. These would normally be used to put a full family size meal in the middle of the table, but they were expected to fill them for themselves. But they were hungry having not eaten on the ride there intentionally. As they filled their plates, the rest of the family could not resist but eat a second supper and accompany them at the dinner table.

Conversation flowed freely at times, but at other times, a pregnant pause would take over the room and one could only hear a din of chewing and swallowing. Gary had a bit of everything, piled up as he never imagined he could do. He had never eaten so much, not even in the feeding sessions with Sarah. He could feel his stomach swelling to the breaking point. After he finished his first giant platter, Sarah’s mom got up and put another giant spoonful of macaroni and cheese on his platter. “You are way too small, we need to fatten you up”.

Gary protested, “Sorry, I am too full, I will be sick.”

Just then Sarah’s mom asked Candy to help “Candy, you know what Gary needs right?”

“Yes ma’am”, and Candy waddled off the kitchen returning with 2 litres of club soda. “Drink this sir”

Gary obliged and after almost exploding he felt the food rearrange in his stomach. Before he knew it, the largest belch he ever had came out. “Oh My God! Excuse me”

“Nonsense,” said Rachel’s father. “Eating and gluttony are natural human states, burping and farting allow you to eat more, so do not fight it. In this house we celebrate these things”

The soda really did do the trick. Gary was able to finish the extra macaroni and cheese and even felt enough room for desert.

Sarah had eaten even more than Gary by that time, but she knew there would be more. “Here Gary, let’s take desert in the living room”

Sarah and Gary then went to the living room and sat in two oversized lounge chairs. The chef brought out a desert tray with cheesecake, brownies, and red velvet cupcakes. There were no forks. Gary asked whether it was okay to eat with your hands and everyone laughed. “Of course, you are supposed to sit and stuff your face with these delicious treats,” said Sarah’s dad.

Gary and Sarah couldn’t resist shoving their faces and already distended stomachs with the delicious deserts. Everyone else joined in. For 15 minutes there was only the noise of chewing and burping as everyone binged on the delicious sweets. By the end, most of the guys had taken their shirts off, and most of the gals had lifted up to expose their bellies. Their clothes could not contain their ever growing bodies.

For the rest of the evening, Sarah and her sister caught up and the two husbands got to know each other. Sarah’s dad and the children had retired to the gaming room and were playing games, and her mom curled up with a book. What was amazing is that they all still were casually snacking. It was as if eating was just a reflex, like breathing to them.

Finally, around midnight, everyone got up and helped Gary and Sarah settle into Sarah’s cottage. Sarah’s cottage was small but just as impressive as the main house. A full commercial kitchen already stocked with food and snacks. They settled in and fell asleep exhausted from the trip.

The next morning, heavenly smells woke Gary up from his sleep. The chef had come over and prepared a country breakfast. Stacks of pancakes, bacon, eggs, steak and hashbrowns were waiting for them. Gary couldn’t believe it, but he was hungry. Along with coffee, mimosas were served. The carbonation of the mimosas allowed them to put away nearly all the food. With stomachs distended, they went over to the main house to have a morning visit with the rest of the family.

When they got there, what they saw was nothing short of gluttony. Everyone was still eating and it looked like they had been going at it for over two hours. They had abandoned any pretense of using silverware, simply grabbing pancakes, dipping them in syrup and melted butter and shoving them whole in their mouths. The children were feeding each other pancakes and squirting whip cream into each other mouths. They invited Gary and Sarah to join, but they were still full. They did oblige by having a few more mimosas while everyone else filled themselves to the brim.

Around noon, Sarah’s dad announced that they would start serving appetizers for thanksgiving dinner around 2. Gary had no idea where he was going to put the food. Even his sweats were tight and his stomach was taught.

During the short break between meals, some folks left to play video games, while the rest sat in recliners and took a nap. Gary and Sarah were quite buzzed from the mimosas, so they went back to Sarah’s cottage.

Sarah massaged Gary’s stomach and Gary fell asleep immediately. When he woke up, Sarah had a small package for him. “Gary, you’re gonna need this for dinner”. Gary opened it and was puzzled to see a speedo bathing suit.

“Why this? First, I use swim trunks, and second, it’s too cold for the pool”

Sarah responded, “Normally when we have big meals in the family, the guys wear speedos and the women wear bikinis so that we are not constrained by our clothes. It’s no different than when we are at home having a stuffing day, we don’t wear clothes. Except, when we are in mixed company, we cover up with the most comfortable thing possible. Don’t worry, everyone will be wearing the same.”

“Well, you first,” Gary demanded, “I have been dying to see you in a bikini.”

“OK, your wish is my command”

Sarah then got out a lacy string bikini, and with Gary’s help managed to get it around her ample body. Her fat basically swallowed up the bottom, so it looked like she was naked. The top was clearly from last summer. It barely covered her nipples, and her ample breasts spilled out in all directions. It was more of a microkini on her.

Gary immediately became hard, which made putting the speedo on even more difficult. He struggled to get it over his larger butt, but finally he was able to get it on. His stomach poured over the top and as with Sarah, it was hard to even see the speedo. From most angles it looked like he was naked.

They threw flip flops on their feet and walked across the courtyard to the main house. There, as promised, everyone was in speedos and bikinis, but it actually looked like everyone was naked, other than the kids. They still had not grown enough fat rolls to hide their bathing suits (for this year anyway).

Before them, a spread that would have been a full meal for any other group was laid out on the table. Crabcakes, shrimp cocktail, scallops wrapped in bacon, pigs in a blanket, cheese and antipasto platters. The sheer quantity was astounding. Each appetizer had four giant platters’ worth of food. Basically, it was expected that everyone have half a platter of everything. As before, each person had a giant serving platter for a plate, and quickly everyone greedily shoved appetizers on their platters. Heaping giant portions on their plates. Everyone went back to the recliners which each had a snack table in front of. From there everyone began talking and eating. It was amazing to see everyone shove so much food down their throats.

Gary was amazed at himself. He really was getting into this. The speedo freed his stomach of constraint, and it simply expanded and rested on his thighs. He ate faster than he thought possible, alternating food with champagne. He even felt comfortable burping, even forcing himself to belch loudly when he felt full. At one point, he even farted, and no one paid attention. This was because everyone else was doing the same. Some folks were even moaning as they dropped more and more food down their throat. After about a half hour, Sarah’s mom and dad got up to begin getting the dinner on the dining room table. (The chef went on his two days off for the holiday right after he had put everything in the oven, so serving would be up to the family themselves). Sarah got up to help as well, bringing her plate with her so she could keep stuffing herself. Gary offered but Sarah said they didn’t need any more help. Gary was glad because he was in a stuffing zone and didn’t want to get out of it. Gary stuffed himself to the brim for the next hour.

Around 3, in the tradition of French cuisine, a sorbet was served along with some Calvados to cleanse the pallet and soothe the stomach before the real eating began. Of course, with this crowd, it was not like the traditional French way. Everyone had about a pint of sorbet, and most had a full tumbler of liquor. The kids each had a liter of orange soda.

This worked surprising well for Gary. He was actually turned on by his gluttony, and a little worried that people would see his erection through his speedo. He was in a zone he thought not possible. He felt he could eat all he wanted without getting full.

Just a little before 4, everyone was summoned to the dining room. There, a massive dining room table normally for 16 people was set with 8 places. Each place was set with three giant serving platters, so that large portions of all the food could fit in front of everyone. Each place setting had four large steaming hot rolls, a quarter pound of butter for putting on the rolls.

The table barely could contain all the food. 4 10 lb. stuffed Turkeys sat in the middle of the table. Plenty of extra stuffing was also placed on the table. Two giant tureens of gravy were placed on either side. Wedged into the spaces were all the typical Thanksgiving fixings, three heaping bowls of mashed potatoes, two bowls of cranberry sauce, two large dishes of candied yams, green beans sautéed with bacon, corn. But that wasn’t all. There were also two giant pans of lasagna with another tureen of marinara sauce with meatballs. Gary couldn’t believe his eyes. He had never seen so much food on a table. It could have served 20 people.

Sarah’s dad said grace. He thanked God for the bounty before them, and their health, and then began carving the turkey. Instead of carving slices, he simply cut half of the breast of each turkey and placed one on everyone’s plate. Everyone also got a turkey leg and wing. Gary had no idea how he could finish this but it seemed that was expected of everyone. He was able to fit stuffing on the plate with the turkey but needed to use the second plate for the rest. He looked around and most folks had already forced half of their rolls down their throats even before the food had been passed around.

On his second plate, Gary heaped mashed potatoes, and the rest of the fixings on the plate. Finally, he took a giant slice of lasagna and put it on the third plate and smothered it in marinara and four meatballs.

For the next two hours, the only sound was chewing and burping. Everyone pretty much started with the three plates like Gary did. Sarah’s mom, dad, sister, and brother-in-law finished their plates in an hour and had seconds. Gary and Sarah took the full two hours to finish their plates. Even the children finished their plates.

Gary now knew why everyone had to wear speedos and bikinis. Everyone’s stomachs had visibly expanded, and everyone was just moaning and massaging their bellies by the end of the meal. One by one, everyone went to the recliners and sat back letting their bellies hang over their thighs. Most everyone drifted off into a food coma nap for the next half hour.

When Gary woke around 7, he saw that Sarah, her mom, father, and sister had gotten up and begun cleaning. After 5 minutes of fighting to get sitting straight, Gary righted himself and went into the kitchen to help. Most of the dishes were washed and the table was cleared. They started putting the deserts out.

The desert table was almost impressive as the meal itself. The chef had baked an amazing assortment of pastries, pies and cakes. 2 of each pumpkin, apple, and pecan pies. A 7 layer chocolate cake, brownies, and 2 cheesecakes. One chocolate and the other strawberry. A giant tub of ice cream was set out.

Desert was a buffet. Everyone grabbed a giant plate and brought it back to the recliners because no one could stand to sit upright at the table. Normally at Thanksgiving, people have slivers of each thing to taste everything. Not in Sarah’s family. Everyone took ¼ of each pie, and then divided the cake and cheesecake. The huge platters were stacked with deserts and ice cream heaped on top. Everyone went back to their recliners and put their giant platters on their bellies and started eating mostly with their hands, shoving handfuls of treats in their mouths.

Gary couldn’t believe that he was also eating the same way. His stomach was bottomless. He shoved food in with reckless abandon. After about an hour of stuffing, Gary couldn’t take any more and settled into his chair rubbing his belly.

Around 9, everyone had pretty much stuffed themselves to the brim, and folks started retiring to bed or to play video games. Gary, Sarah, Rachel, and Frank stayed talking for a while. Finally, around 11 they waddled back to their cottages and went to bed.

Gary and Sarah were too full and sleepy to have sex that evening, but they cuddled and kissed until they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Around 3 am, Gary woke up famished. He saw Sarah was up at well. He wandered into the kitchen and found Sarah in the middle of eating a half-dozen red velvet cupcakes.

“So you’re hungry too! I can’t believe it after all that food that we’re both hungry”

Sarah just smiled and chuckled. “Ah Gary, welcome to the club! I am surprised this didn’t happen sooner, but you better get used to this.”

Gary was puzzled, “What do you mean”

Sarah laughed even harder. “I can’t believe you never noticed. I have to get up every night for a snack. Once your stomach gets so big, you can’t go more than 4 hours without eating. Expect this to happen from now on. That’s why I always have food in the bedroom. Most nights I just roll over and grab some cookies or something sweet. I just forgot to do that tonight. Here, have some of these cupcakes. That ought to do it for you”

Sarah went to the cupboard and got another half dozen red velvet cupcakes. Gary greedily ate the whole 6 and Sarah finished hers as well.

They went back to bed, now wide awake and had amazing sex for two hours before drifting off to sleep around 5 am.

Gary and Sarah woke up around 11 starving. They heaved their bodies out of the bed. They decided to stay in their casual clothes, Gary putting on his speedo and Sarah putting on a bikini and wandered into the main house searching for food. The chef had left muffins and pastries in the kitchen to tide them over until he came back to work on Saturday.

Rachel and Frank were there in the kitchen already through a plate full of sweets with their bellies hanging over their bathing suits when they arrived.

The four ate mindlessly for the next hour conversing. Frank was particularly curious about their story and how Gary started as a feeder, but became a feedee as well. Gary told Frank everything and then after the story Frank asked, “Is there any regrets or worries?”

Gary said, “Well, if you must know, just one. But it is a bit embarrassing to ask”

Frank assured Gary, “Ask me anything, I don’t offend easily”

“It’s just that I really enjoy our sex, and I am worried that it will become difficult if we gain much more. If you don’t mind me asking, has your weight affected your sex?”

“If you mean made it better, then yes! Look, you have to maneuver your fat around the bit, but it is such a turn on! I love taking her from behind. I just lift my belly apron and rest it on her giant ass and go to town! If she is on top of me, she does the same. Her belly and mine flopping together!”

“Wow, I guess I have a lot to look forward to!” Gary laughed.

“Well, would you like a test drive?” Frank said loudly enough for their wives to hear, at the same time groping his wife’s belly.

Sarah cried out, “Frank, stop, I haven’t told them anything about your lifestyle! Let’s not scare the poor boy off. He already thinks we are crazy!”

Gary interjected, “Sarah, I don’t think your family is crazy. I think you are free. I love how you satisfy your desires and never care what anyone thinks.”

Sarah said, “Well, I don’t think you would approve of this. Go ahead guys. Tell him!”

Rachel finally came clean, “We’re swingers”

Gary tread cautiously, “Ohhh, well that’s okay. Truth be known, I always was curious of that lifestyle. I never brought it up with Sarah though. Sarah, what is your opinion?”

Sarah blushed a bit, “Well, I have always been liberal about these things, and I might as well confess to you that Rachel and I shared Frank a few times when I lived here. But just to be clear, our lifestyle is no-strings-attached. We are careful to make sure it is just about sex.”

Perhaps it was the food that had opened a portal into satisfying whatever desire, but Gary stammered, “Well, if you are okay with that, it might be fun”

Sarah blushed and then asked, “Are you sure Gary? I can assure you I have no feelings for Frank, but I do love a good couple’s swap”

Gary affirmed, “Yes, lets try it!”

With that, the four of them went to Frank and Rachel’s cottage and got on the king bed together. Gary and Rachel started with Rachel mounting him. He was so turned on. It was just as Frank described. Her fat covered him up like a warm blanket. He could not see her hips gyrating, but he could feel them. He was surprised at her agility, but even more surprising was how the fat worked with her hips. It was like waves on an ocean sending out ripples and waves in her fat as she rode him.

Sarah mounted on Frank reverse cowboy style and set herself up so that she could lean forward and kiss Gary who was head-to-toe side by side on the bed with Frank. Gary didn’t know how he held back from cumming, but he managed to control himself for several minutes. He nearly passed out from ecstasy.

Rachel now wanted to kiss Frank, so she reversed herself into the reverse cowgirl position as well and started kissing Frank. Gary was now completely out of his mind. Now he had an amazing view of Rachel’s wide ass. Half of her cheeks spilled over the sides of Gary’s thighs. It was if Gary’s whole legs were swallowed up in Rachel’s ass. Then Gary realized he could not pull his legs together because Rachel had let her belly flop between his legs. As Rachel rode him, her the waves of pulsation in her belly fat now were felt on his balls like a giant blubber massage. After another 15 minutes the four of them climaxed together.

Rachel had had the presence of mind to bring the rest of the pastries in the room, and they spent the next two hours feeding each other pastries while naked on the bed until they fell asleep completely satisfied.

Around 3 pm, they awoke starving, got dressed, and went back to the main building. The chef had premade 2 foot long baguettes that Sarah’s mom had put into the oven, and were now warm and ready. She also cooked another full turkey and stuffing, and placed it out on the table. Everyone dug in making 2 ft long “bobbies” full of turkey stuffing and cranberry sauce.

Friday night ended with Pizza delivery where everyone indulged in their own large pizza and garlic knots before drifting back to sleep.

Much to Gary’s surprise, Saturday was even more decadent. Everyone else had planned to go Christmas shopping. Gary and Sarah were struggling to get out of bed under the weight of their new fatter bodies and were running late. In fact, they had not even had breakfast. Finally, Sarah’s mom said that they were going to leave, but then she had an idea.

Sarah’s mom knocked on the cottage door. “Are you guys decent, can I come in?”

Sarah answered the door, “Yes, Mom, don’t worry we are coming”

Sarah’s mom then made a suggestion. “Look you guys need a rest. The rest of us are used to servants and not doing anything. Also, you have much better options for shopping in Atlanta. Look Greg [their chef] and the rest of the help are here today, and since we will be out, they can dedicate themselves to you. Why don’t you guys just stay in bed and let Greg cook for you.”

Both of them loved the idea. They crawled back in bed. Sarah’s mom then sent Greg over to ask them what they wanted.

A few minutes later, Greg arrived, and asked them what they wanted for breakfast. They basically asked for the same thing they had thanksgiving morning.

After about a half hour later, Greg returned with plates and plates of pancakes, bacon, steak and eggs, and hash browns. “Here you go and here is my cell number. When you are done or need anything, call me, and I will be here in a Jiffy.”

Gary and Sarah feasted for 2 hours eating all the delicious food. Then it was an hour of sex followed by a nap. They then asked Gary to make lunch, 2 racks of BBQ ribs, steak, corn on the cob followed by two giant brownie sundaes. Again, another hour of sex, and 2 hours of sleep.

This went on for two more giant meals before they passed out asleep.

Sunday they had to drive home. They had one last giant breakfast with the whole family and then waddled off to the car to return home. Sarah’s mom packed tons of snacks for the 2 hour ride, and they spent the whole time eating on the way back.

Before they went to bed, they weighed themselves. Much to their shock and satisfaction, the four days had really made an impact. Gary had gained 15 lbs over the weekend and was up to 235 lbs. and Sarah had gained 10 lbs, and now was up to 250 lbs.

They smiled and kissed one another goodnight. Gary laughed and said, “I can’t wait to go back for Christmas!”

[To be continued]
