Innocent Jilling Caught On Camera Part 8

[Part 1](

[Part 2](

[Part 3](

[Part 4](

[Part 5](

[Part 6](

[Part 7](

Sara woke, still feeling the tingles in her lower half from night before. She couldn’t help herself, reaching a hand down rubbing her clit, circling it slowly. She opened her eyes, expecting the masked man and woman to be lying by her but sat up surprised finding she was the only one there.

Sara got up off the bed and looked around, seeing the room in neat order as if last night had never happened. She walked out the room, still completely nude, half hoping someone was there outside waiting to continue the activities of last night.

But to her great disappointment, no one was there and the only indication that last night was real was the coat hanging on the rack and a thin red strap held together by pearls. Was she supposed to go home in that outfit again. Sara smiled at the thought.

Alarms blared in the dark room and the Watcher awoke. Throwing a blanket off him, he walked to his monitor set up. He watched as Sara got off the bed and walked around.

He had set up the room with sensors to tell awake him when Sara was up and about. There was some instructions he needed to give before he had her head home in the morning.

He sat down in his comfy computer chair and waited until she was by the TV screen. Pushing a button the screen turned on showing a blurred vision of himself.

“Good morning Sara. How do you feel this morning? You passed out a little earlier than I had planned. I guess that much activity after such a long dry spell was a lot to take in.” He smiled to himself at the silly little joke.

“I-I’m ok. A little sore but a good kind of sore, you could say. And yes it was a little overwhelming but I enjoyed myself. I hope I was up to your standards, Master.” Sara said no hint of trying to cover herself.

The Watcher smiled, happy with the honest response and her easy openness now with her nude body. This was perfect for what he had planned today.

“Oh good, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. It was a reward, after all. However your two partners needed more to sate their appetites. Pity you only have two more days with me, they really want to have more time to play with you.” The Watcher grinned as he laid his lure out.

“Oh.” Was all she could manage, looking down at the carpet, shuffling her feet. She too wanted to play with them some more and knew there was so much to explore but she did want to be out from the Watcher thumb.

Or did she? School work and tutoring were being affected, there was no prior social life to mess up, and she wasn’t doing anything that was illegal. Plus she had never cum more or more intensely than she did that last few days. Oh and last night was mind altering bliss.

The Watcher could see her brain shifting into fifth gear, observing the expressions crossing her face. He knew what was going to come out of her mouth next.

Sara looked up at the TV and asked, “Do we need to stop after my week is up?”

And there it was. The exact same question that Bridgett had asked when her week of work was about to end. The Watcher grinned from ear to ear, not that Sara could see through the blurred image.

“Well I did say after one week I would return all videos I had of you in the library and I would delete my set. And I do like to keep to my word.”

“Yes I do want those returned and deleted but you could still do that and do meet ups with those two right?”

“Ah, I see what you want.” He said feigning naïveté.

“Again last night was a reward. To schedule another play date, I would need something from you that is worth rewarding.”

“Name it!” She blurted out without thinking. “I-I mean if it’s not going to intrude with my studies and tutoring obligations,” she quickly amended.

“Hmm. Let’s finish out this week before you go promising anything else, huh?”

Sara just nodded hoping for more than just a maybe.

“Good now why don’t you shower. Morning Mass is about to start and I want you there on time. There is an outfit in the bedroom closet for you to wear.”

“Mass?” Sara wondered to herself, she hadn’t ever been to mass. What did he want her there for she asked herself silently.

Groggily Bridgett got up and looked at her ringing phone. It was the Watcher. She sat up bolt straight answering. “Hello Watcher. Is it time, already?”

“Yes it is Bridge dear. Get dressed in your Sunday bests and head over. Be sure to stay out of sight. I will tell you when I need you.”

“Ok.” Was all she said as she got up and headed to the bathroom to get ready.

Sara walked back into the bedroom drying her hair not bothering to cover up, enjoying the freedom to walk about without her clothes. She opened the closet to see what the Watcher had picked out for her.

A single outfit hung in the closet. [It was a black, flowery sundress. Buttoned running all the way down the front.]( As she had suspected, it was the only article of clothes there.

In such a short amount of time she had grown accustomed to the lack of under garments. In fact it had given quite a high knowing she could be exposed at any minute. Her thoughts trailed to fantasies of being discovered and someone taking advantage of it.

She buttoned it up to mid-chest to show a generous amount of cleavage. “Would this be church appropriate?” She asked herself then shrugged. She wasn’t really religious and this wouldn’t be a reoccurring event.

As she was looking herself over in front of a full length mirror, she began twirling to see how fast she would need to move before the dress started flowing up and exposing her quickly moistening lips. The phone rang just then surprising her.

She picked up the ear piece slid it in and answered the call.

“I see you’re getting well accustomed to moving around in the dress. Mass should be winding down soon. I’ll text you the address. Make sure you leave the ear piece in and leave the line open at all times once you get there.” Then the Watcher hung up before Sara could give any response.

“Mass was ending? I thought he wanted me there for that.” She said aloud to herself.

She punched in the address into the maps app and followed the directions. She walked briskly, smiling every time someone passed by and she saw their eyes lower and stare down her cleavage. There had a also been a time or two when the wind threatened to lift up her dress before she caught it on pure instinct.

She thought of letting it go so she could flash a passerby but remembered that the Watcher did not tell it was ok to do. But then again he never implicitly said not to either. “Oh well,” she thought, she was nearly there and soon she would have her instructions.

She pulled up her phone to her face and dialed the number for the Watcher, already programmed in there, as she was about a block away from the church.

“Is everyone out of there already?” The Watcher answered the phone.

“No I don’t think so. There’s still people on the stairs loitering.”

“Stay by the entrance gate and wait until there are only a few stragglers left before going in. When you do there should be booths on the left side as you enter the church. Those are for confessionals but the priest probably won’t be there. He’ll most likely be in his office preparing for evening Mass. Just in case, check the booths first then head to his office.”

“Ok but where’s that?” Sara asked

“There should be someone around just ask them. Anyways once you get an audience with him tell him you need to speak to him urgently. Tell him that you have done something bad and you need his help. Got all that?”

Sara nodded, then answered, “Yes” when she remembered they were on a regular call.

Sara walked through the now empty church and did as she was instructed and found no one in or by the booths. She wondered about trying to find someone, when a nun called out to her, “Excuse me, Miss. Can I help you with something?”

“Oh, uh yes, is, um, ah, Father O’Connor around? I, uh really need to talk to him right now.”

The nun looked Sara up and down, evaluating her and one corner of her mouth lifted and said openly sarcastically, “I’m sure you do. Come this way?”

“What was that about?” Sara thought as she followed the nun a bit irritated at what seemed to be a judgmental reply.

They stopped at an office door and the nun knocked, “Father, there’s someone here to see you.”

“Come in. Come in.” Bellowed a raspy voice behind the door.

The nun pushed the door in and waved a hand ushering Sara into the office. Following behind her the nun said, “She says she has something urgent she needs to talk to you about.”

Father O’Connor looked up from the paperwork on his desk, glasses perched about his nose. He was a middle aged man, thinning brown neat cut hair.

“Sister, you can close the door on your at out please.” He said as he stood up and laid out a hand gesturing for Sara to take a seat in front of his desk.

Sara scooter in front and bent over at the waist, revealing a little more cleavage. She was sure Father O’Connor could see her breasts dangling freely below her dress. She looked up to see his eyes exactly where she thought they would be.

The Father not noticing that he had been caught, asked, “ What can I do for you? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before.”

“Oh yeah this is my first time here. I’m not really religious or anything but recently things have been getting out of control.” Sara parroted the Watcher’s words.

“How so?” The Father asked as he leaned forward on his elbows.

“Well you see I have these, um, urges and I don’t have the willpower to stop myself from acting upon them.” She said looking down, as though embarrassed to be saying this aloud.

“Go on,” he urged visibly getting more interested in where this was going.

“At first it was just innocent. Well as innocent as self pleasure can be. It’s safe and discreet but just this past week, I had met someone and he’s charming and he has this way of putting thoughts in my head and making me think it’s a good idea to act them out in real life. Before I would only touch myself in the privacy of my own home but just recently I had done it out in public. While people walked about. I tried to be discreet and I found it so exhilarating that I could be caught at any moment.”

The Father slipped a hand under his desk while Sara’s eyes were lowered in “shame” as she told her story. His cock had become hard and was in an uncomfortable position pushing against his pants.

“Oh even now, I’m having such a hard time just thinking about how good everything felt.” Sara’s legs flew open. One hand reached up to her neck pushing throw her hair and the other rubbing her inner thigh.

Then as soon as it happened, she caught herself. She snapped her legs shut and head bowed down, while she lay her hands clasped together in her lap. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know why…um, I’m sorry.”

Even though it had been brief, the Father had caught a glimpse of a strip of pubic hair and wet bare lips when her legs had spread open.

“No there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Is this what you are worried about or is there more?” The Father asked, hopeful there was more she wanted to confess to.

The Watcher heard the need in the Father’s voice and knew it would only take a little more to push him over the edge and get him right where he wanted.

“Just one more story, Sara and you’ll be almost done here.”

“Yes there’s more. Actually it happened last night and it’s the reason I’m here now.”

The Father inclined his head letting Sara know to go on.

“Well you know the man I just met, the one I mentioned earlier, he, uh asked me to come over to his place. At first it was just drinks. I’m not a big drinker so after the first one I was feeling good and we had been touching, flirting. Then all of a sudden he stood up. He forced me to my knees and he was standing there in front of me with his pants down. I didn’t want to but then he made me…oh god I didn’t want to. I can’t. I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok my child.” He got up and walked around the desk and knelt down by her and began rubbing her back as she buried her face in her hands, hunched over her lap.

“Sometimes its best to talk about it. To say what actually happened.”

Sara turned her head to look at the Father through a sheet of hair, seeing him lick his lips in desire to hear her story.

“I-I don’t think I can. I feel so dirty. I tried to stop myself but I couldn’t. I knew it was wrong but I did it anyways and I enjoyed. Oh Father I enjoyed so much.”

The Father stood up, putting a hand under Sara’s chin, he lifted it up so she was looking up at him. “If talking about it is too hard, why don’t you show me.” He said using his other hand to unbuckle his pants.

Sara nodded dropping out of the chair to her knees. She looked up to him giving a look of need to please him.

The Father’s pants fell to the floor, exposing a hard cock stretching the fabric of his boxers.

“No. I shouldn’t. This isn’t right.” Sara exclaimed but not stopping her hand from pulling on the elastic of his boxers.

“She’s in the office now. Be ready when I give you the signal.” The Watcher said through the phone to Bridgett.

“I’m outside and ready.” Bridgett replied.
Sara pulled the boxers to the Father’s knees and was just about to reach up when the door slammed open.

Both snapped their heads to the noise. “Bridgett!” Sara said in confusion.

“Father, I’m so sorry for barging…” Bridgett started to say but froze in her tracks shocked at what she saw in front of her. Tears streaming down her face she looked as though she were crying before she burst into the room.

“Oh my goodness. I’m sorry. I’ll, I’ll come back.”She flushed and ran from the room.

Sara quickly got up from her knees and rushed out the room as well, face red with embarrassment hoping that Bridgett didn’t recognize her. She put her head down and sped walked out of the church.

“Perfect timing. Did you get the video? Send it to me now.” The Watcher spoke into Bridgett’s ear.

“Yes, sir.” Bridgett responded.

“Good girl. Go back to your apartment and wait for my next instructions.”

“Oh god. Oh god. What do I do now?” Sara frantically asked into her phone.

The Watcher had her on mute while he inspected the video from Bridgett. Satisfied he switched back to Sara and said, “Don’t worry. Not exactly what I had planned but still nothing I can work around. Go get a coffee down the road. Find a table in the corner and wait there until I tell you otherwise.”

“Ok.” Sara replied her consent and the Watcher hung up.

The Watcher played back what he had recorded over the phone with Sara and edited to hear Sara’s and the Father’s conversation better. Saved the file and transferred it with the video Bridgett had gotten on a thumb drive and set it aside for later use.

Sara sat at her table facing the rest of the coffee shop. Her body shaking with shame and anxiety. She couldn’t stop thinking of Bridgett bursting into the room to see what she was about to do to the Father. Then she thought back to her tear streamed face. Was she in trouble? Shouldn’t she go back to comfort her. But what if she didn’t know it was her in that office, she would all but tell her that it was her if she called and asked if she was ok.

Twenty minutes passed and still no word. All Sara wanted to do was go back to apartment to check up on Bridgett. Then the phone buzzed on the table and she picked it up instantly.

“Hello. What’s next?” Sara answered

“Looks like you get a reprieve for the rest of the day. One of my plans have fallen through with that little surprise earlier. Go home and take a load off, but you are not to touch yourself. I want you fresh tomorrow for our finale.”

Finale? Was it the end of the week already? What happens then? Sara questions running through her head.

Then thoughts went to images of what the Finale could be. If it was anything like that night in the apartment room with the masked couple then she shivered reminiscing of that night. She stood up quickly, mind on what was to come and walked briskly back to her apartment.

Sara walked through her apartment door and was welcomed to Bridgett laying on the couch. She was pantsless, one leg hanging on the floor the other on the top of the couch and fingers moving fast and furious upon her clit. Bridgett must have been close to orgasm and so intent on what she was doing, she didn’t even notice the door open let alone Sara staring in awe and desire.

Bridgett’s head was inclined up and eyes closed, moaning in ecstasy. With a gasp, she held her breath then let out a loud moan when she exhaled.

At that last sound, Sara moved to the side and absently tried to close the door never taking her eyes off of Bridgett. The door shut with a slam and Bridgett’s eyes opened.

Bridgett lifted her head and stared at Sara wide eyed in surprise and embarrassment. “Oh my god. Oh shit.” She exclaimed and ran out of the living room into her own room.

Sara tried to call out, but before a sound could leave her mouth, Bridgett was gone. Then she closed her mouth, befuddled with what was going on.

Still standing next to the closed front door, Sara’s head was churning. “What in the hell is going on?” She whispered to herself, then thoughts drifted back to Bridgett on the couch playing with herself. Images began to blend from the night before and what had just happened.

Bridgett’s pussy looked it exactly as the masked woman’s from last night. Then she remembered the familiarity of the masked woman’s voice and knew in her gut that Bridgett was the masked woman.

A mix of emotion raced through her as she stalked to Bridgett’s room. She felt betrayed, irate, and most of all excited at what this all meant. She knocked on the door lightly, “Bridge, I need to talk to you. Please open the door. Please I need to ask you something.”

“I’m sorry Sara. I thought you wouldn’t be home. God this is so embarrassing. I don’t want to talk now. I’m so sorry.” Bridgett called back through the locked door

“That’s not what I need to talk to you about. I know it was you last night. I was with you last night. Please open up. I need answers.” Sara pleaded as she rattled the door knob.

“W-what?! No. No. I was here last night by myself. You weren’t here so we couldn’t have been together. You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Sara could tell by the bad acting that Bridgett was obviously lying. She pressed harder. “Does the Watcher control you too?”

“I don’t know any watcher or peeping toms. I don’t know what your talking about. Please leave me alone. I said I was sorry already.”

“Bravo.” Bridgett heard the Watcher say through the ear piece she was wearing. “Peeping toms! That’s a nice touch, but I’m sure she’s not going to let this go.”

“You know this was going to happen. Now what’s your plan?” Bridgett whispered softly so Sara wouldn’t be able to hear through the door.

The knocking got louder as Sara pounded once more. “Open up, Bridge. We really need to talk.”

“Plan? No I don’t have a plan. I want to see what you’re going to do to get yourself out of this situation. After all, if you can’t do this then you’re of no use to me any longer. I have pawns-a-plenty. What I want is someone to work with, be my second in command as it were. Now show me what you got.”

Bridgett took a big breath in and slowly let it out. Her brain rubbing through ideas. “Think, Bridge.”

Pounding sounded through the room again. “Come on Bridge talk to me.”

A thought came to Bridgett and she hoped it would work. She didn’t want the Watcher to be done with her. She wasn’t ready to go back to her plain life again. “Please, Sara. I can’t. It’s so embarrassing. Please leave me alone.” Bridgett pleaded.

“No you need to talk to me. I know it was you there last night. Why were you there at the church today. What does the Watcher have over you.” Sara shouted in response.

“I don’t know any Watcher, I told you. Oh God this is so embarrassing. If I tell you why I was at the church will you leave me alone.” Bridgett said through a faked sob.

“Yes. I just need answers.” Sara all but whispered.

“Fine then. If I tell you, you have to promise not to laugh.”

“Laugh? Why would I laugh?”

“Just promise me.” Bridgett shouted back.

“Ok. Ok I promise.” Sara said nodding even though Bridgett couldn’t see it.

“Ugh. Ok last night I wasn’t here. Well at least not for the whole night and I wasn’t alone. I had a date last night with a woman I had met at a bar the other week. Oh god. I can’t go on this is too much already.”

“Wait. What?” Sara stood there shocked. This isn’t what she had expected. “A date? That doesn’t make sense. I was with you last night.”

“I keep telling you. I wasn’t with you last night. I was with Amber at dinner. We hit it off and came back here afterwards. That’s all I wanna say already. Can we drop this please?”

Was Bridge telling the truth? Couldn’t be. That was her voice and her pussy looked the same as the masked woman last night. Now she was starting to doubt what she thought she knew.

It’s not like she had seen a lot of pussies or anything. She hadn’t watched any porn, hell she didn’t really take much notice to her own other than for grooming purposes. Was this a trick the Watcher had set up for her? Was she falling in a trap?

She brushed all those questions and doubts aside. She knew it was Bridge there. It had to be, right? She thought it over and realized that this story didn’t explain what she was doing at the church.

“That still doesn’t explain what you were doing at the church today.”

“But it is the reason.” Bridgett responded.

“I don’t understand how a date from last night got you to the church today.”

“Argh. I’m from a devout Catholic family, Sara. You know that.”

Sara did but she was still confused as to what she was getting at. “And so?”

“They’re against homosexuality. If they knew they’d disown me.”

“Oh.” Understanding dawning on Sara. “But if you just talked then that’s not doing anything wrong.”

“You still don’t get it. We came back here after dinner.”

“So?” Sara questioner again not heating the implications in Bridge’s answer.

“God Sara. You gonna make me say it aren’t you. Fine. We came back here and we were both a little tipsy from dinner and then I kissed her.”

“Oh, but come on it’s just a kiss.”

“Oh come on. Now you’re just messing with me.”

“Am not. Tell me everything so I understand.”

“God you’re getting off on this huh? Making me give you all these details. It’s already embarrassing enough I told you what I did already.”

“I promise I’m not getting off on this. Or messing around with you. I want to understand.”

“Dammit. I kissed Amber and it turned into more. Her lips were so soft and then when her hands were on me I couldn’t control myself. She reached her hand up my thigh then under my dress. She began tugging at my panties. I lifted my hips and they were off just like that. She pulled her face from mine asking for permission with her eyes. I couldn’t speak, I just nodded.”

Trying to sell the story more she put her back to the wall and slid down into a sitting position. Her hand moved back to where it was before Sara walked into the apartment.

“Amber lowered her head and kissed my inner thighs never taking her eyes from mine. Her lips felt so good and I wanted more of it. Then her tongue began licking me just around my pussy teasing me. I was so close to begging for more but then I felt her, warm and wet sliding up. God it felt so good.”

Sara flushed as Bridgett told her story. Part of her wanted to tell her to stop, that she didn’t need to hear this part. But a big part of her yearned to hear it. She too slid her back against the wall leaning her head back against it as she sat.

“Her tongue explored me in ways I’d never felt before. She was so giving, pushing all my buttons. It was so good. I was on the verge of tipping over, but guilt and shame came over me instead. I told her to stop as I pulled away from her and I freaked out. I yelled at her to get out and shoved her away. I locked the door and cried myself to sleep.”

Now she knew why Bridgett had been to church and why she’d look as though she was crying, but she needed confirmation from her.

“I woke up late this morning and was late for Mass, but I still needed to talk to Father O’Connor to confess and pray that he would say it was ok. That’s when I saw you with him. I’m sorry Sara I didn’t know you were with him. I came straight home waiting to talk to you about it. Then you didn’t show and seeing you like that kept replaying in my head. I couldn’t help myself, I get convincing myself that it was between a man and woman so it was ok. Well then you came home to see me.” Bridgett said the last words in a barely audible whisper.

Sara just sat there taking it all in. She was ashamed of herself for suspecting Bridgett and making her relive this. “Bridge. I’m so sorry. I thought.. I mean there’s nothing wrong with what you did.”

“Are you fucking happy now? Does this satisfy you, you sick bitch?” Bridgett yelled then began to audibly cry. “Just leave me alone already.”

Sara got up surprised at the sudden anger. Then she thought about her own situation and she wouldn’t be happy if she had been forced to tell Bridgett about what she had been through.

“I’m sorry.” Sara whispered and walked to her own room, ashamed of accusing her of something she didn’t do and making her relive a hard moment in her life when it was so fresh.

“What have I done?” Sara thought, head bowed down.

“My, my, my. Color me impressed. You almost made me want to find that Amber and comfort her.” He said laughing.

“I wonder what Sara will do when she finds out this was a big fat lie tomorrow.”

“What? You’re going to tell her?”

“Well I thought you wanted her to know it was you last night. I mean you unmasked yourself and if she hadn’t passed out she would have seen your face.”

“Yes I did but that’s before all of this. If she knew now, she’d hate me for lying to her like that.”

“Hmmm I guess you didn’t plan this all the way through then it seems. Maybe you’re not ready to be my second in command just yet.”

“You set me up, you bastard!” Bridgett whispered harshly, knowing she couldn’t be too loud lest Sara hear.

“What was that? Did you say bastard? That can’t be right can’t it? Not when you still owe me so much.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“This is going to cost you.” He cut her off before she could finish. “The apartment tonight. I hope you make this up or you’re going to miss tomorrow’s big finale.”

The phone clicked off and Sara sat there berating herself for losing her temper like that.

End of another chapter. Sorry it’s not what I usually do but I wanted to try something new. A little more teasing. Tell me what you think. Scrap it and go back to what I normally do. Again any criticisms are welcome good or bad. I always like to improve.

Shoutout to u/saraleetakesthecake for inspiration for the entire story. If you haven’t seen her around here, I highly suggest you do.



  1. I like it. While it’s different than your usual, it’s good to switch things up! Well done. ?

  2. I’m a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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