An Awakening of Desire [Mf] [Mdom] [Fsub]

It’s a Saturday morning and Emily sits at the kitchen counter, sipping her coffee and idly scrolling through her feeds. Tom, her fiancĂ©, is working again today, as he has been for the past several Saturdays. She hadn’t minded the first few times, and understands the deadline his team is up against. But she has started to miss their lazy weekends; nothing to do but lounge, read, snuggle and eat. He promised her it wouldn’t be much longer, and Emily hopes that that’s true.

When the bell rings her first thought is that Tom is home early, but unless he forgot his keys he has no reason to ring the doorbell. She opens the door and in front of her stands a man she has never seen. He is a bit older, late forties, early fifties maybe, with some hints of grey in the dark curly hair on his head and in his smartly trimmed beard. He smiles at her, his entire face lighting up because of it, brown eyes twinkling.
“H- Hello?” Something about him makes her feel flustered. Despite his warm smile, she senses something hard and commanding in him.
He holds out his hand.
“Hi, I’m your new neighbor. We just moved into the house next to yours and I thought I’d introduce myself. The name’s Eric.”
“I’m Emily”, she says, almost reflexively, and shakes his hand.
As his hand touches hers, she is acutely aware of his touch, firm yet soft and warm. It sends tingles up her arm. Her eyes travel from their hands upwards. He is wearing a long-sleeved t-shirt and she can see that, while he is not in any way ripped, he is definitely fit, with a flat stomach and a broad chest and arms.
‘Sexy.’ The thought flits through her brain just as she looks up and finds herself caught in his gaze. Emily blushes furiously. She did nothing more than glance at his body, but he looks at her as if her knows what she was thinking. She pulls, almost yanks her hand back and without thinking asks “Would you like to come in?”
Eric grins. “That would be lovely.”

She offers him coffee, which he accepts, black, no sugar. Eric leans against the counter, looking around the kitchen.
“This is a lovely home you have. Do you live here long?”
“Three years,” she says, “since after college.”
“Seems like a great neighborhood. That’s part of the reason we moved here.”
She hands him a cup and as his fingers lightly touch hers, his warmth seems to spread from her hand through her entire body. He brings the coffee to his mouth and looks out the kitchen window. Emily is watching him, his lips as he takes a sip, watches his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows. Eric continues to talk, about where they’re from and why they moved, but Emily finds herself unable to listen, unable to focus. She nods and hums in agreement, without really hearing anything. She is feeling flustered and hot, even though she is wearing nothing but a light sundress. No, not just the dress. Looking at the man in front of her, talking and smiling and being sexier than he has any right to be, she becomes acutely aware of her bra and panties on her skin, rubbing her with every slight movement she makes. Emily know the feeling, of course. She is not a prude. But as she starts shifting in her seat, getting more and more turned on, she cannot recall ever being this horny this quickly. What is this man doing to her? She bites her lip and closes her eyes as the sensations spread from between her legs.
“Emily?” Eric is looking at her, a frown on his face. “Are you alright?”
She releases a breath she hadn’t realized she had been holding. It comes out as an almost inaudible moan.
“Ye- Yes, sorry. I’m just …” She trails off, unable to think of a convincing excuse, of any excuse.
Eric’s frown softens. Emily can’t quite place the look in his eyes, thoughtful, but with traces of a hunger. He takes her in, seemingly for the first time. She gets flustered, looks down and wants to say something, anything to break that moment.
“Emily.” He takes a step closer and she imagines he can feel the heat emanating from her.
Still looking at his shoes – sturdy, leather, black – she is surprised when his fingers touch her chin and he gently tilts her head upwards. Their eyes lock and Emily feels the anxiety draining from her. The other feelings, however, remain.
“I apologize if I am too forward,” Eric says, “or if I am wrong – especially if I am wrong. But I believe there is something you want from me.” He reaches out and cups her face with one hand. “Ask me.”
She doesn’t immediately respond, breathing steadily, her mouth slightly agape. His final words, a command that sent shivers down her spine, have her mind whirling. How can he know when she barely comprehends herself?
“Ask me and you will get what you need.”
Emily isn’t sure what he means, what he intends. But she is sure that she wants it. She leans into his hand and closes her eyes.
“Take me.” Barely a whisper.
He moves his hand and takes hold of the back of her head, forcing her to look at him.
“Like you mean it.”
His gaze, calm and confident, makes her stomach flutter and her breath hitch.
“Take me, please.”
He smiles, releases her head and hold out his hand to her. “Good. Stand up.”
Emily takes his hand and jumps from the bar stool, giddy, almost manic with anticipation.
“You will do what I say to the best of your abilities, and only what I tell you to.” He takes the stool and moves it to the side. “If anything makes you uncomfortable, feel free to say so. But we’re just getting to know each other today.”
A thought passes through her mind. ‘Today? What does he mean?’ It vanishes when he say “Lose the dress.”
To her own surprise, Emily barely hesitates. She unbuttons the front of the dress and, with a slight shake, lets it pool around her bare feet. Her underwear, though matching, isn’t sexy; plain, cotton, lilac. The realization makes her suddenly shy and aware of herself. She starts to raise her hands, to cover herself, maybe, but his voice stops her.
“You’re beautiful.”
Those simple words, spoken with unshakeable certainty, wash away her shyness and she stands tall, meeting his gaze with a bashful smile. She wants this. She needs this.
“Take off your bra.”
In moments she is only wearing her panties, which are getting wetter by the minute. Eric reaches out and grabs one of her breasts, small and firm and topped with rock hard nipples. He kneads it and she sighs. That sigh flows into a moan when he takes a nipple between thumb and forefinger and squeezes. Her moan deepens as his grip tightens and her knees begin to buckle. He continues to press and pull, studying her face as he does so. Right at the edge of pain and pleasure, her nipple feeling as if it is about to burst, he lets go. She gasps, the sensations spreading out from her nipple.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun, you and I. Stand in front of the counter and bend over, feet apart.”
His voice is stern, commanding. She complies, pressing her cheek and her bare breasts against the cool tiles. She can’t see him now, but feels his eyes on her, inching along her legs to the wet spot on her panties. It will not be a surprise to him. Her breathing is quick and shallow. She tries to slow it down, but to little avail.
“Put your hands on your back and take hold of your wrists.”
Eric takes a step closer to her, she can almost sense him between her legs.
“I am not going to bind them now, but I want you to act as if they are.”
Emily nods, a grunt of agreement escaping her lips. She likes the idea. No, she loves it. God, what has he done to her? Why does she agree so readily? For the briefest of moments, she thinks of her fiancĂ©, how he makes love to her, tender and careful. But at that instant, Eric grips her calves and all thoughts of Tom are wiped from her mind. His hands move upwards, slowly, with a firm grip that belies the softness of his hands. She shivers as he moves past her knees, his thumbs digging into her thighs, ever higher, until they are lying on either side of her pussy. Emily sighs audibly when he takes hold of her butt cheeks, kneading them, pulling them apart and pushing them together. His fingers hook into her panties and start peeling them off of her. She doesn’t move, unsure of whether she should help him. He leaves them stretched out just below her knees.
“Good girl.” The praise sends a flutter through her stomach.
Eric takes a few steps back, leaving her there, exposed and positively dripping. Emily bites her lip; she hasn’t shaved in a while and it probably looks unkempt, messy. Before the embarrassment can completely drown out her arousal, however, his hands are on her ass again. He bends forward, leans over her, his weight pushing her into the counter.
“My God,” he whispers in her ear, “you are unbelievably sexy. Do you know that?”
Emily bites her lip again. She wants to say yes, wants him to continue, but she can’t get the stubble she knows is there out of her mind. Suddenly, she is blinking back tears and apologizing.
“I’m sorry, I’m a mess, I hadn’t known, if I’d known I would’ve prepared and shaved and put on better underwear and …”
Eric places a finger against her lips.
“Such a good girl”, he whispers. His other hand shifts to her pussy, cupping it and rubbing it gently. A finger slides in between her lips just a little way, before slowly moving towards her clit, spreading her wetness along the way. Emily moans despite herself.
“But you’re right,” he says, his finger circling her clit, “you haven’t prepared for something you could in no way foresee.” She can hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll punish you, so you can atone for your oversight. And afterwards, you will forgive yourself. Does that sound good?”
His question is accompanied by his finger running the length of her pussy once more. The mention of punishment sent shivers down her spine. Why does this sound so appealing? Something inside of her screams, rages that this is demeaning, that she is not to be treated this way. Then she nods, grateful.
“Say it.”
“Yes, that sounds good.” Emily is surprised by how much she wants to please him.
His hand leaves her pussy, but not before his wet finger trails from her clit to her entrance and beyond, grazing past her asshole to her tailbone. Another moan escapes her lip. She can’t remember ever being this aroused.
“Leg together”, he says, and starts pulling her panties all the way down. She steps out of them and he places her feet apart again. His hands go up her legs once more and caress her buttocks. Emily notices she’s holding her head up, not looking around, but alert, almost tense. She places her head back on the tiles, grateful for the support of the counter, and closes her eyes. He is kneading her again, and draining her anxiety.
“I am going to spank you. Ten slaps, five on each cheek. You are going to thank me after each one. Would you like that?”
Emily nods, then remembers and says “Yes, very much.”
She has never been spanked before and doesn’t know if she likes it, but right now it sounds amazing. She is his and she needs to be punished. The first slap, on her right cheek, comes suddenly and she groans in surprise. The stinging sensation quickly transforms into a delicious warmth. She smiles. She likes it.
Eric clears his throat.
“Thanks”, she says sheepishly.
The next slap is expected.
“Thank you.”
“Thank you.”
He continues in a steady rhythm, and the warmth spreads from her ass to her pussy and her stomach. Emily’s mind starts to blank, all she feels is his hand coming down on her cheeks, again and again, and her throbbing pussy that must be positively dripping.
“Thank you”, she says.
There is no next slap. Eric starts stroking her buttocks again and in the accompanying silence, Emily lets out a long, contented sigh.
“You look like you enjoyed that.”
He slips a finger between her lips and it slips all the way inside with ease.
“You feel like you enjoyed that as well.”
He takes his finger out, replaces it with his thumb and presses down, right on her sensitive spot. Emily’s fingers dig into her wrists and she starts to moan and writhe, her hips thrusting upwards as she rises up on the tips of her toes. The feeling nearly overwhelms her. Suddenly she is empty again. Her heels fall back onto the floor and she takes a deep, shuddering breath. Two fingers now probe her, softly and slowly. They fill her up, retract, and then penetrate her again. His movement is steady, measured, and she finds her breath syncing up to his rhythm.
“That’s it,” his mouth next to her ear again, “let me guide you.”
Emily doesn’t answer but moves her hips counter to his motions. When his thumb, still slick with her juices, touches her asshole, she gasps softly. It circles around her rosebud, pushing gently. In an instant the feeling connects with the fingers inside of her and every breath she takes becomes a soft moan.
“Good girl.”
A pressure has been building inside Emily ever since she first touched Eric’s hand. Imperceptible at first, it is now all she knows, all she can think about. Another finger, his pinky, maybe, touches her clit and Emily feels as if she is about to burst. She squirms and grunts, driving herself into his hand.
“That’s it,” he says, no longer whispering, “come for me.”
She is close, so close. His thumb, still rubbing around her asshole, stops and presses down, slipping inside, just a bit. Oh, how does it feel so good?
“Come for me!”
Emily lets out a deep, guttural groan; her hips buck and shake as the dam bursts and the orgasm washes over her. Waves from deep within her roll to every nerve ending, crashing into pleasure. Her groan holds while all her muscles tense and her eyes roll back. It lasts, seconds, minutes, ages, she can’t tell, but it lasts longer than she has ever experienced. Finally, all tension has left her and she slumps back onto the counter, Eric’s hands holding her hips. There is a small puddle of drool where her mouth touches the tiles. Her legs are wet and sticky.
“Good girl.”
He is stroking her ass and her back while she tries to catch her breath, slowly coming back from the brink. Her hands are still clasped behind her back, gripping her wrists. She makes no move to let go.
“Stand up”, he says after a while, “Did you like that?”
She nods, swaying on her feet.
“You can release your wrists now.”
Eric is looking down at her, smiling, proud, and alongside her ebbing arousal she feels another warmth, a happiness that she is unaccustomed to. He takes her in his arms and hugs her, stroking her back and her neck. Emily snuggles against his chest.
“That was amazing”, she says.
“Glad you enjoyed it. Thank you for letting me.”
She gazes up at him, but his smile is gone, replaced by a look of concern.
“What’s wrong?”
He seems to consider her for a moment, his face softening.
“I would like to do this again.”
Emily nods with fervor. “Me too!”
“Shh, let me finish.” He takes a step back, holding her by the shoulders. “I would like to do this again, but very soon you will have second thoughts. I want you to confront those, to think long and hard on whether you truly want this.”
“I do!” Frustration in her voice.
“That’s good. But I want you to take at least the rest of the day to think about it.”
Emily pouts a little, but nods. Her pussy, still exposed, feels slick. She has to resist the urge to touch it, something she hasn’t ever had before, not like this. Eric kisses her on the forehead.
“If you want this to continue, just send me a message. I’ll leave you my number. The message should be a single word.”
She looks up at him expectantly. “Which word?”
“How you want to call me?”
“Eri- Oh … Ok.” She nods. It all makes sense to her, as if she is remembering, rather than learning.
Eric pulls her in for a hug.
“I should go now. Let you go about your day.”
With a gentle kiss on her lips, he releases her. At the kitchen door he turns and looks at her, swaying slightly, hair a bit disheveled and oblivious to the fact that she is standing naked in her kitchen.
“If you want to continue, I do have one request.”
“You can only make yourself come once, until we see each other again. Alright?”
She bites her lip and shrugs. “Sure.”

The moment the front door closes, Emily drops to her knees and places her head on the wooden floor. It is not a conscious decision, but an inescapable urge. She closes her eyes and her hand reaches between her legs, searching the slick pleasure she knows is there. She brings her other hand back, moving on impulse, placing it on top of her ass. While her lower hand starts rubbing her clit, she dips a finger of the other hand inside her still soaking pussy. Slowly she brings it out and up, until it rests on her puckered rosebud. The two fingers, one on her clit, the other on her asshole, move in unison, stroking and pushing, bringing Emily right back to the edge. Within moments she is panting and moaning, on her knees in the kitchen, naked and with her ass in the air. Her fingers move faster and faster. The pressure is rising within her. Two fingers slip into her pussy while she continues to rub her clit with the palm of her hand. Emily screams wordlessly and the world goes blank for a moment, her orgasm overtaking her. Her scream sputters and becomes a long, drawn out moan. Her hands fall limply to the ground and she smiles, her craving finally sated.



  1. Oh my. This story had me breathless, so well done. I look forward to going through your profile.

  2. An awakening of desire for Emily and a reawakening for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

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