Daddys Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 7]

# Daddys little princess chapter 7 (this will be the last chapter for a little while)

Slowly paddling down the hall I wrap my pink fluffy dressing gown tightly round myself, shivering I mumble to myself “i hate getting out of a warm bed” sighing as I stop in my stop and wriggle my toes in the carpet, smiling to myself. As I get closer to the kitchen I can hear banging and crashing “what in the world is that man doing” peeking round the door, a confused look spreading across my face as I watch you emptying every cupboard, draw and shelf in our kitchen, the work surfaces are covered with pots/pans/plates you have even pulled all my spices out of their rack. Shaking my head as I watch you, creeping slowly to the table I quietly pull out a chair and stare transfixed by what you are doing, so lost in what ever the task is that you are trying to achieve you dont even notice me speak to you, clearing my throat I speak a bit louder “Dadddyyyy??” without even looking up you snap “WHAT!!!” at me. Confused and hurt by your tone I nervously bite my lip “not..tthing daddy”. As I watch you I see your shoulders slump and can almost hear the sigh “im sorry princess, daddy didn’t mean to snap, good morning” still stinging from how you spoke to me I answer you slightly colder than normal “morning daddy” “I’m sorry princess, daddy didn’t mean to snap, good morning” still stinging from how you spoke to me I answer you slightly colder than normal “morning daddy”

well means I’m in deep shit, a smirk starts to spread across your face as you walk towards me with a coffee in your hand, my heart starting to race as you place the coffee down in front of me, your hand flies to the back of my head and pulls hard, causing me to look up at you standing over me. “you will drink that, then go to our room, I expect your collar on and you to be naked, stand in front of the shackles and wait for me, if you move or aren’t ready when I get in there your punishment will be worse, am I clear” you growl at me “yes daddy” I whimper, “daddy is going to punish you for making him worry like that about you, you will be being canned 15 times, and you will thank me after every one of them, understood” my face must have been a picture my jaw was wide open, almost as wide as my eyes “IF I HAVE TO REPEAT MYSELF IT WILL BE 20” you growl, quickly almost stumbling over my words in the hast to answer you “yyyy… daddy” the smirk returning, you know the affect this is having on me “good girl, you will learn you are mine and it is bad behaviour to make daddy worried about you” still looking up at you, not that I could move even if I wanted to your hand keeping me in the place you want me “yes daddy” I almost whisper.

“drink your coffee, you have 10 minutes” you growl as you release my hair, my eyes still not leaving you as I pick up my coffee, sipping it slowly as it piping hot, I watch you go back to your task, quickly I check the clock so I know how long I have left 9minutes, blowing my coffee hoping it cools off quicker ad I have a feeling I’m going to be needing this by the time you are done with me this morning. My eyes flicking between watching you and watching the clock as I drink my coffee, my 10 minutes are up I place my nearly empty cup on the table and silently stand, pushing my chair out I walk out of the kitchen and but up the hall without a word. Reaching our bedroom my heart is racing, shaking my head at myself “why the fuck did you run you fucking idiot” hurriedly I throw my dressing gown on the bed and climb out of my pj’s grabbing my collar I swap my day necklace for it and take up my position exactly as I have been ordered to. Shivering as a cool breeze comes through the open window, hitting my warm skin causing goosebumps to erupt over my body. I could hear you still banging about in the kitchen. “oh my god he is doing this on purpose, I really fucked him off, even more than I thought” I mutter to myself.

Feeling your presents as you enter the room, almost like you hand run a finger down my spine, I stiffen and freeze. My heart is racing, my breathing fast, i swear you can hear my heart beating its that loud, as I stand there waiting for you to say or do something. Almost jumping when you whisper in my ear “good girl princess” shivers spreading through my body from your breath on my ear and your hands light caressing my shoulder blades, gasping as you push in-between my shoulder blades making me lean forwards against the wall. Your strong hands applying more pressure as they work their way down my arms one by one until they reach my wrists when with nimble fingers your shackle my wrists quickly and easily. Still looking at the wall, almost afraid to look at you, not sure if I could handle seeing the anger or pain in your eyes again, my eyes closing as your hands gently start moving over my shoulders, down my back I hear you growl softly “such beautiful soft skin princess, this will be fun making you scream for me” gasping at the combination of your words and your hands slowly snaking their way down my legs, quickly spreading them and shackling each ankle as well. My eyes flying open as your finger curls under my chin and tilts my head to look at you, you must of known by the look in my eyes that I was scared yet so turned on at the same time, a small smirk plays over your lips, making me gasp as you kiss me deeply biting my lip gently as you pull your lips from mine. “remember princess, daddy loves you, this is your punishment for running, if you cant handle it you can tap out but daddy will just punish you another way” nodding at you not sure my words will work right now “i need to hear you say it princess” swallow quickly trying to find my voice “yes daddy, this is punishment for running but I can tap out if I need to daddy” smiling softly at me before you kiss me again, getting lost in the love I feel for you in our kiss, groaning as I want more but your lips are gone. As I open my eyes my soft Josh has gone, in his place is and angry, disappointed daddy. Shit I think to myself, I’m in trouble, this is going to hurt, your can do this Sasha this is your own fault this is your punishment, your daddy needs this to prove that you are his as much as you need this to show you how to behave, just remember tap out if you need to.

The moment the first strike from the cane hits all, causing me to gasp from the shock, my hands reach out to grasp the shackles that bind me, all thoughts leave my head apart from the searing pain coursing through my body from my lower back “thank you daddy” I whisper remembering I had to thank you after each strike. Fuck fuck fuck I don’t think I can take another 14 of them, yes you can Sasha you can do this, push yourself is all I keep repeating like a mantra in my head. As the pain slowly starts to abide it changes into a stinging feeling and my breathing slowly starts to return to normal. Moaning loudly as strike two hits me, causing me to pull against the chains trying to pull away from the pain, the strike hits slightly lower just across the top of my arse cheeks causing me to arch my back as I try and absorb the pain “thank you daddy”. My mind racing as how my back is looking I dread to think, pushing that thought out of my head I work on controlling my breathing and relaxing as daddy has told me if I’m tense it will hurt more. Strikes three, four and five all hit the soft fleshy area of my arse, making me moan loudly with each blow as the cane bites into my soft skin. Strike five made my head spin I almost forgetting to thank you after. “push your ass out” I hear you growl and without even thinking my body does as its told, as my back arches and my ass rises blows six, seven and eight come down, the first being right under my ass cheeks, causing me to scream. By blow eight my body is shaking I can feel the tears starting to run down my face, could taste the saltiness from the combination of my tears and sweat on my lips, shivering as a cool breeze brushes over my now hot sore and sweating body, not sure how much more I can take of this treatment, almost like you know the turmoil that rages in my mind, I feel you against my ear “that’s half way princess, you can do this, but there is no shame in tapping out if you need to remember that” mustering all the strength I can find I whisper “yes daddy” “good girl” and then the warmth of your body is gone. Strikes nine, ten, eleven and twelve rain down on my thighs making me scream with each blow, making sure to thank you after each one. “how many is that princess” “tw..ww..elve daddy” I stammer “good girl your doing so well we are almost done princess”. Almost like time stands still it seems to take forever for strike thirteen to come, hitting lower on my thighs I scream and slump forward “thank you daddy” my forehead resting against the wall, my face stained with the tears that are running down it. Fourteen unable to scream any more I simply groan as my body twitches and contorts like its trying to run from the pain “thank you daddy” I mumble. Fight or flight has long left my body all that is left is the pain from each strike and then the stinging as it slowly dies down, my mind unable to think of anything other than what strike we are on, with each one I realise more and more how badly I hurt you, how badly I made the man I love worry about me, scolding myself, I know damn well I will not be doing that again, fuck that this is not fun. Strike fifteen lands just above my knees, that one was the worst of all of them, I dont know if its because my body is hyper sensitive after the other fourteen or because of where it hit, maybe its a mixture of both, I make a mental note to ask you about that at some point. “thank you daddy” I manage to whisper.

My body crying out for some escape from the pain scorching through my body, each area where the cane contacted my skin screaming, im sure I dont want to see what my thighs, arse and back look like. “well done princess” you whisper in my ear making me jump, I hadnt heard you or felt you next to me so lost in my own thoughts. Unable to open my eyes I felt more than saw your hands slowly sliding down my legs and releasing my ankles from the shackles that had bound me, next you slowly snake your hands back up my leg, over my hips as you whisper again “daddy is so proud of his little princess” a weak smile appearing on my face “thank you daddy” I manage to whisper back between the short shallow breaths that I am taking. You slide slowly up my waist higher higher gently brushing the side of my breast as your hands pass by up towards my shoulders, up my arms until they reach my wrists “now I’m going to undo your right wrist, your going to be weak princess I need you to lean against me ok, daddy has you I wont let you fall” nodding as I trust you I know you have me “yes daddy”. As my right wrist is set free I feel my legs start to buckle under me, leaning back against you as best I can with my left wrist still shackles I wrap my right arm round your neck as you slide yourself in front of me “that’s it, I have you, good girl”. Your nimble fingers undo my left wrist and I sag completely against you, unable to hold my own weight up, but as I collapse I feel your strong arms wrapping round me and scooping me up into your arms, winching as you move me the stinging rearing its head again “its ok shh shhhh bath time princess” sighing as I feel you kiss my forehead as you gently place me on our bed as carefully as you can so as not to make me cry out in pain. “don’t move, I will be right back” gently I feel your fingers brush a straned of hair that had stuck to my face with the sweat back from my face, then your gone. In the distance I can hear running water, some where in my sleepy, sore haze I remember you saying bath time, I must of fallen asleep as next thing I know I’m in your arms again.

As I struggle to open my eyes to look up at you, I see the man I love cradling me against him, all the hurt and anger has left your face, in its place it love and tenderness even a bit of pride. The first thing that hits me as im carried into our bathroom is the steam, the warmth from the steam hitting my now cold from the sweat skin making me shiver “you ok princess” you whisper gripping me a little bit tighter, nod I smile “im good, just cold daddy” “well lets get you in the bath and warm you up then” the warm smile spreading across your face warms me from inside out. Its only then that I notice you are already naked as you step into the bath still cradling me “hold on to me princess, this might sting” wrapping my heavy arms round your neck as you slowly lower us into the bath, wincing but trying not to scream out in pain as the warm water hits my now red and very sore whelps appearing on my back ass and thighs. Slowly inch by inch I feel the soothing water flowing over my body until you are sitting comfortably in the bath with me in your lap, slowly you release me so I can turn, sitting between your legs as I lean back against your chest. Gently you press your lip to my temple as I turn my face to look up at you, “are you ok, is the water helping, im so proud of you you did so well princess” relaxing against you the water doing the job you hoped it would “yes im ok, im sorry I ran, im sorry I scared you, I didnt mean to scare you, I love you daddy” “i love you to princess”. Unsure how long we have laid in the bath, you have slowly taken the time to soap up your hands and gently wash me, tenderly running your hands over my body as if I was going to break if you wasnt careful, washing my hair, even when I go to protest “shh shhh let daddy look after you now princess” is all you said but just hearing those words made me smile and submit to you, knowing that you need to make sure im ok I just enough your attention.

The bath is starting to turn cold now, “sit forward princess” doing as im told gingerly, smiling as I feel you standing up behind me I go to grab the sides of the bath to stand up “ummm what do you think you are doing young lady” blinking at you confused, is that a trick question “th..e water is getting cold, s…o I was getting out daddy” chuckling to yourself at my expression and stammering no doubt “i know that little one, but I will get you out” in one fluid motion you have wrapped a towel around your waist and bent down and scoped me up out of the bath and back into your arms. “grab that towel please” grabbing the towel as you walk out of our bathroom, giggling and biting my lip as I am more awake now and after your tender attention in the bath a little bit turned on which is being made worse with each movement you make as I feel your body rubbing against mine “and what are you giggling at missy” “oh nothing, just enjoying being in your arms daddy” shaking your head at me as you smirk. You gently let my legs fall down so my feet are just resting against the floor “ok I need you to stand there so I can dry you, your legs will be weak, but hold on to me till you have found your balance, understand me princess” nodding “yes daddy” as I feel more of my weight pressing down through my feet into the carpet, I can feel how jelly like my legs feel, almost like they arent my legs and I cant control them, I do as im told and cling on to you until I have found the control and strength in my legs again to stand on my own. Slipping my arms from around your neck you quickly kiss my forehead before getting to work to dry me, taking great care to make sure I am totally dry, you are fast yet gentle, reaching the areas that the cane has marked me, I winch as you dry them, they are going to be angry tomorrow I think to myself as I sigh and try to block out the pain as you carry on drying me, flinching as you reach my thighs “you ok, I know its sore but I need you to be dry so I can apply the cream princess” nodding as I close my eyes “its ok daddy”. Once your satisfied im all dry your standing back in front of me, my eyes wandering down from your face, your neck, along your collar bone over your chest causing me to bite my lip as I watch a water droplet slowly snaking its own way down your body, my eyes following it as I imagine it is my tongue slowly working its way down over your stomach, a cough snaps me back to reality, looking up at you as I blush “lay down please I need to put the cream on, you pervy little lady* giggling as I lay on my stomach, moving is becoming more laboured and it takes me a bit long to do what you want me to, but laying there and feeling the cooling release of the cream on the screaming whelps I sigh, not sure if its the cream or your hands on me again that causes the goosebumps to dance across my skin, yawning again as the tiredness returns I hear you whisper “sleep princess, daddy will be here when you wake up” yawning again “y… daddy” as I slip into a dreamless sleep.


1 comment

  1. Dammit! I wish my broke ass had some gold to give you!!! I am totally hooked on this! As always, amazing story line and very well told! I hope you won’t make us wait too long for the next chapter, I’m over here like –> ?? every day looking to see if you’ve dropped the next one lol
    Don’t leave us hanging now! Hope your doing well!

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