An Ode to Uncertainty – Chapter 5 [MF][MFF][Fantasy]

Please read chapters 1 – 4 first if you have not done so. This is not a stand-alone story.

Chapter 1


Chapter 2


Chapter 3


Chapter 4




The next few days passed without major incidents. Sigrid kicked him out of bed every morning and dragged him to class. He took both Introduction to Geomancy and Introduction to Pyromancy in parallel. Jarl had never liked studying and unfortunately the College was no different. There were some interesting moments when the Masters demonstrated magic, but most of it was just theory and safety precautions. Apparently, it was quite common that acolytes accidentally burned off non-insignificant parts of their or their fellow student’s bodies or made buildings collapse in on themselves, to the chagrin of everyone around them, most of all the finance department. Furthermore, Mirja spent more and more time with her new friends and only came to visit quickly every evening to replenish the bond. After he confronted her, she had confessed that she had been drawing power from him ever since the first time they coupled. She claimed that she was almost at the second tier of Coitumancy and first tier of Procreamancy, but she was not allowed to pass any tests until she had mastered the theory. And he did not have to worry about siring any children with her, at least not until she wanted to. Jarl had done a second take at that, but she just laughed and told him not to worry. She had made it up to him several times that night. But, as Sacreday evening approached Jarl was getting bored.

“I am going to go find Irese,” he told Sigrid as the fifth bell chimed and the study week was officially over.

Sigrid frowned. He had been studying up until the bell rang, just as they had agreed. It was kind of hard arguing with someone who threatened to cut your fingers off if you disobeyed. But he couldn’t argue that the threats worked. He had learned quite a bit about both basic elementical properties of common objects and symptoms of magical overuse in the last four hours. The artefact that Mistress Varja had created for him not only let him understand and speak Imperial. It worked on reading as well. He could not tell that the texts were in Imperial, it looked like Nordheimr as soon as he wore the medallion. As soon as he took it off it was the same gibberish as it had been before.


“I did not say anything,” she said adjusting her armor and counting all her knives.

She did that when she was upset. He had started to get to know his bodyguard by now. Not that there had been much to guard against. He had gotten into a shouting match with the Idiot the day before. It was much easier now that he could understand what the git said and could answer in kind. But Sigrid ended all the fun when she pushed Jarl away.

“Are you coming?” Jarl said and located the piece of paper that Irese had given him as they debarked the Longrunner.

Sigrid grunted.

“Was that a yes?”

She nodded.

“Good. Let’s go,” Jarl said and headed out with Sigrid three steps behind.

They headed down the hill passing the inn that Jarl now knew was called Fortune’s Favors where he spent most evenings. He asked directions from a merchant after he had purchased two steaming meat pies from the man. It was about half a bell’s walk away. They could have hired a cartrunner, the damn things were just everywhere, but Jarl felt like walking. Sigrid did not comment. They passed out from the College Hill district and entered the Parchent Hill district. Jarl had no idea why it was called that, but it was where they were going. It was lucky that Irese was just the next district over, Jarl had learnt that Eldor had no less than forty-six districts and it took more than a day to walk from one end of the city proper to the other. Then there were the adjoining villages. It was huge.

Parchent Hill had less book shops and stationary shops than College Hill, but far more inns and pubs. It was a sprawling place. Merchants were trying to outsell each other, and Jarl ended up with no less than four walking sticks before Sigrid grabbed his purse and forbade him to buy any more. They stopped for another quick bite before he asked a young woman for directions and got a strange look and a smile as she pointed up the street they were on. Ten drops later they stood outside of the establishment she had indicated.

“Right,” Jarl said as he looked up at the very graphical portrait of a woman and a man in an anatomically difficult position. “Do you think that they have hung it upside down?” Jarl asked and tried tilting his head.

Sigrid grunted.

“Nope. It is the right way around. Let’s head inside shall we?”

Sigrid grunted again. A wall of perfume hit Jarl as he stepped past the threshold. The reception room was decorated with even more of the though-provoking paintings. *I must get me some of those*, Jarl thought as he looked up at a spectacle including no less than six people and what looked like a misshapen table with … anatomical parts.

“May I help you sir?” said a woman’s voice from behind him.

Jarl turned around. A middle-aged woman with a long green gown was looking up at him. She was a nexus of eyelashes and long nails, as well as being a significant source of the perfume scent.

“Ah. Yes. I am looking for a woman named Irese,” he said smiling widely.

The woman blinked once and then smiled at him.

“You mean miss Shayla,” she said nodding.

“Do I?”

“He does,” said Sigrid from behind him.

The woman beamed.

“Come, come. She will be ready in just a moment. May I offer something to drink beforehand?”

Jarl let himself be led into an adjoining room and did not complain when a bottle was opened, and a glass poured and put into his hand.

“Will your friend be joining as well?” the woman asked as Jarl sipped the drink.

Jarl looked over at Sigrid.

“Good question. Will you be joining?” he asked with a smirk.

The Sister’s hand twitched and reached for her knives that Jarl knew were located inside her thick leather belt. Her hand stopped halfway, and she shook her head.

“Voyeurs are half price.”

“Voyeur will be fine,” Jarl said taking a big gulp of the drink that burned its way down his throat. “Won’t it?” he said looking at Sigrid.

She stared at him for a blink. Then she nodded.

“Excellent,” the woman said. “Miss Shayla will be ready in just a few drops. Make yourselves comfortable in the meanwhile. I am madam De Launay. If you need me just pull one of the velvet cords and I will be with you shortly,” the woman said backing out of the room.

“Well, well,” Jarl said after the woman had left. “So, our Irese is a lady of the night. Who would have guessed?”

Sigrid sighed and rolled her eyes and went to stand by the window looking out. Jarl leaned back in the soft chair and looked up at an inspiring painting in the ceiling. Hundreds of little creatures out of fairytales were performing the most debased acts. Jarl nodded approvingly.

“My prince,” came Irese’s voice from the door.

Jarl looked over at her and stood up. She took a step into the room. Sigrid turned around by the window. Irese startled at the sight of her and then a look came over her face that Jarl couldn’t interpret.

“Irese,” Jarl said walking towards her. “So good to see you again.”

He took her hand and kissed it. Irese smiled widely. She was wearing a long red dress that accentuated her large bosom. Jarl tried his best to keep his eyes on hers and almost succeeded.

“Shall we?” Irese said indicating one of the stairs.

They ascended together and Irese let them into a room that was dominated by a large bed with a silken ceiling.

“This is where you work?”

Jarl looked around the room. It was actually very nice. Heavy tapestries covered the walls and the two windows overlooked a small park.

“As if you didn’t know,” Irese said pouring three glasses of liquor.

Jarl looked at her. She was offering one of the glasses to Sigrid who refused. Irese looked confused and put the glass down on the windowsill and went over to Jarl.

“I didn’t. Not until today. Is it a good place?”

“As Parlors go, I cannot complain,” Irese said smiling and throwing a look at Sigrid, the sister was staring out the window.

“Is this one of the ones run by the College?”

Irese let out a laugh.

“Oh no. We are a regular establishment, you have nothing to worry about,” she said smiling.

Jarl smiled back but did not quite understand what she meant. He nodded, that always did the trick. He took a step towards her and pressed a kiss on her lips. She leaned in towards him and sighed.

“I did miss you,” she whispered. “I …” she trailed off.

“I promise that I’ll come visit more often. And you are always welcome up at the College whenever you want.”

Irese looked up at him with a curious look in her eyes. Then she smiled and shook her head.

“That’s no place for someone like me.”

“Or course it is,” he said putting his arms around her and kissing her once more. “Don’t you get any time off?”

She nodded.

“Well then, it’s decided. Next time you’re off you’ll come visit. I’ll send Sigrid to get you.”

Irese looked between him and Sigrid. Then she looked up at him and smiled.

“Promise me?”

“I promise,” she said with a smirk.

“Excellent. Now if you don’t mind, I have been dreaming about you since last we met. Would you sate a thirsty man’s desires?”

Irese chuckled and nodded. Jarl kissed her again and pressed her up towards him.

“Just a moment,” he said breaking off the kiss. “Sigrid. Would you come here please?” he said looking over at the Sister.

Sigrid looked over her shoulder at him. He beckoned with one finger. She shrugged and walked over to them. Jarl took a step backwards.

“Undress her for me.”

Irese looked between Sigrid and him and seemed utterly confused. Sigrid hesitated for a blink before she went over to the other woman and started undoing her dress. Irese stood perfectly still as Sigrid removed her clothing. Jarl could feel himself stirring at the sight and when Irese was naked in front of him he was ready. Sigrid took a step to one side and waited.

“On your knees,” he told Irese who promptly obeyed.

He walked over to her and without asking she coaxed his member out of his pants and took it into her mouth. Jarl exhaled loudly.

“Oh Irese, you have such a wonderful mouth, I had almost forgotten.”

Irese continued pleasing him for a while longer. The feeling was just too good, and Jarl couldn’t help but put his hands on her head and started using her mouth harder. Irese gagged a bit but did not complain. Jarl looked up at Sigrid. The Sister stood watching like she always did. He remembered his encounter with Mirja and wondered how far he could push her.

“Sigrid, come hold her head for me.”

The Sister looked up at him. She seemed to be considering the command for a moment. Then she moved with her feline grace and put herself behind Irese and put her hands on the side of the blonde woman’s head and pushed her thighs against her back. It put Sigrid’s face just inches from Jarl’s. She looked down as Jarl thrust his erect flesh into Irese’s mouth. The blonde woman still did not complain or flinch. Jarl increased his pace feeling his climax approaching.

“Look at me,” he told Sigrid.

She looked up at him. He put his face a mere inch from hers.

“I am going to fill her mouth with my seed. Watch me do it.”

Still holding Irese’s head in a tight grip Sigrid looked down. Jarl put his hands on Sigrid’s shoulders as he thrust the last few times until he finally spasmed into the Irese’s waiting mouth.

“Thank you, Sigrid,” Jarl said as his climax was ebbing, his face was still very close to hers. “And thank you,” he said looking down and caressing Irese’s face.

They sat talking in the room for a while longer after Irese had cleaned up. Jarl talked about the College and all the strange people there and Irese asked as many questions as she could. Jarl tried asking about her and her life, but she went quiet as soon as he did so. That and the sharp looks that Sigrid gave him kept him away from the subject.

“Have you been up to Palace Hill yet?” Irese asked leaning back on her longchair her legs tucked up underneath her.

Jarl shook his head. He was a bit embarrassed to say that this was the first time that he had left College Hill.

“I have been planning to go but there’s just not been any time.”

Sigrid grunted and stood up and walked over to the window again. What was she looking for? There was only so much one could see in a boring green garden.

“I would love to go there,” Irese said sighing.

“Why don’t you then?”

Irese smiled at him.

“Because she wouldn’t be allowed in,” Sigrid said from over at the window.

Jarl turned towards her. Those were the first words she had uttered since they entered Irese’s private room. He could see from the tension in her body and the fiddling with the knives that she was upset.

“You need an invite,” Irese said reaching for her glass and bringing it to her lips.

Jarl nodded. It made sense. You couldn’t allow just anyone to come near the castle. There would be no end to the kind of rabble that would accost all the good people.

“Let me see if I can’t arrange to get one. For all three of us. Actually, make that four, I’m sure that Mirja would like to come as well.”

Irese raised her eyebrows.

“Are you still seeing her?”

Had he forgotten to mention Mirja when he was talking about the College? Maybe, he had been busy describing the different Masters and Mistresses and their quirks. He nodded.

“Turns out she’s a student there, just as myself.”

Irese nodded then her brows furrowed.

“Is she one of the ones, you know, that work at those Parlors?”

Jarl nodded.

“Not yet though. She had some tests to pass first. But eventually I guess.”

Irese curled up further in the longchair and her eyes glittered.

“Do you think I can meet her? You hear things you know. I would love to know what is true and not.”

Jarl shrugged.

“Sure, I’ll see what I can arrange.”

Irese beamed at him.

Jarl paid for the entire night with Irese, they talked until the sun rose in the east. Then they slept together in the large bed, and to Jarl’s surprise, even Sigrid lay down on the other side of Irese. Jarl and Irese enjoyed each other’s bodies as they woke up late in the morning. He had expected to pay at least a gold and as the madam asked for ten silver he started for a blink before he nodded and handed over the money. It meant that he could have ten nights with Irese for a single gold. He had never actually paid for things back home, but he thought that he had some idea of what things cost, apparently not.

On the way back Sigrid seemed a little less somber than on the way over. She walked with a firm step close to the tall buildings to avoid the traffic of midday Cleansingday. Cartrunners competed with the merchant’s carts drawn by donkeys and oxen for space along the narrow streets. More than once they had to step into a doorway as two carts where meeting under the loud yell from the cartmen and shrieks from the animals. Things calmed down as they entered College Hill and now and again, they spotted one of the Masters and Mistresses, but no-one that he knew.

They passed through the large reddish domes. Jarl couldn’t help but close his eyes as he passed through. He felt a slight tingle in his skin as he did so. He saw Sigrid glancing over at him when he opened his eyes. He looked back at the glittering structure and Sigrid followed his gaze, clearly not seeing what he did. He had learned to ignore the domes for most of the time but passing through them was still disturbing. They walked between the looming stone buildings that made up the College.

“I think I’ll grab a few more hours of sleep,” Jarl said yawning as he unlocked the door to his quarters.

“My dear son!” came a shrill voice as he stepped through the door.

Jarl had trouble understanding what he saw. When his brain caught up with current events, he had a sudden urge run away, but instead he fell down in one of the chairs and let out a long sigh.


This was the fifth chapter of our book An Ode to Uncertainty. A new chapter will be available every Friday here on Reddit.

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