The Camgirl Part XXX: Now You Do Me [FM] [Oral]

**XXX: Blake**

“Now you do me.”

Liam blinked, swallowing and clearing his throat. He didn’t object, though. Blake switched places with him so that she no longer stood under the water, and leaned against the shower wall, moving her hair out of the way so it fell over her shoulder.

That was what she hoped it looked like, at least. After that sudden weakness in her knees, Blake had decided to brace herself against the effect of Liam’s touch.

Blake hissed when Liam’s hands came to rest on her shoulders. His hands were so big. Knowing that he was behind her, looming over her, Blake felt safe, as she always did when around Liam, and relaxed a bit. When she remembered that his hard, erect cock was likely pointed directly at her ass and only a few inches away, if that, Blake twitched as her pussy clenched, and blinked in surprised when she realized she had widened her legs and stuck out her ass a bit.

Suddenly, with Liam’s soapy hands working her shoulders and upper back, thumbs gently massaging her muscles, his cock behind her spread legs, Blake felt uncertain. *That,* she wasn’t ready for, though her body obviously was, and was damn impatient. The problem was, picturing herself, Blake knew she looked like she was offering herself to Liam. Inviting him to…to *fuck* her. She wasn’t ready for that, but fuck, she wanted it. If Liam grabbed her by the hips and rubbed the head of his cock against her lips, Blake didn’t think she would be able to tell him to stop. She would just ram her ass back against his hips and take his cock as deep inside her as she possibly could.

Blake realized she could feel her heartbeat in her ears, her chest was rising and falling much more heavily than it had been a few minutes ago.

With not inconsiderable effort, Blake brought her mind back to the present and concentrated on Liam’s hands.

*Liam won’t just line up his cock and fuck me.* As delicious as that sounded. *He would ask, and he would be able to tell if I wasn’t ready.*

Of course, he would. He was her friend. He was Liam.

*My Liam.*

That particular thought did something strange to Blake. For a moment, the shower and bathroom seemed to waver, and she panicked.

Then Liam’s fingers touched just the right spot on Blake’s back in just the right way, and Blake let out a low moan. That moan seemed to solidify everything around her again.

*Liam’s hands. Focus on that. That’s all that matters right now.*

Those wonderful hands had reached Blake’s hips. For a moment, Blake shuddered at the image that popped into her head as Liam’s fingers curled around Blake’s hip bones.

“Fuck,” she hissed.

Then those hands moved down to Blake’s ass, and she moaned again. Liam’s hands seemed made for her ass as he cupped Blake’s firm cheeks. Despite her rules, Blake wanted Liam to spread those cheeks and run a finger over the flesh between them. She hadn’t planned for that tonight, but that wasn’t as daunting as sex. She could handle that.

*Though technically, Liam would be handling–*

Blake cut off that horrible pun before her mind could complete it and focused once more on Liam’s hands. He seemed to be having similar thoughts, as he lingered on Blake’s ass far longer than he had anywhere else, squeezing and kneading the globes, and tentatively spreading them just a bit. Blake arched her back in response and felt Liam’s fingers dig into her flesh a bit more firmly. Then he spread her cheeks.

Blake could feel Liam’s eyes on her pussy and asshole. It made her want her to encourage him–to tell him he could have that view any time he wanted. All he had to do was ask.

After what seemed like an eternity, Liam loosened his grip on her ass and moved his hands down. Blake was a little disappointed, but then Liam began to knead her thighs, continuing all the way down to her calves, and Blake moaned at the impromptu massage.

That, she *would* tell him he could do any time he wanted.

The sudden sensation on her pussy *and* asshole made Blake gasp, falling forward against the shower wall. Eyes wide, she spun around to find Liam with a sheepish grin on his face.

When she continued to stare at him, Liam shrugged, “Figured I’d just follow your lead.”

Even with the steamy air of the shower around her, Blake felt how hot her cheeks grew at that.

“Now the front?” Liam asked.

Blake nodded, and this time she was the one swallowing the lump in her throat, “Now the front.”

Liam soaped up his hands liberally–Blake was going to need to buy more of that soon, likely in bulk if this became a regular thing–and hesitated a moment before placing his hands just above her breasts. Blake held back a snort at how silly he looked with his arms stretch all the way out. Blake leaned back against the shower wall and grabbed Liam’s upper arm, tugging him toward her.

He stumbled forward but caught himself. They both went rigid at the contact, however, as Liam’s cock was now pressing against Blake’s stomach. Blake met her friend’s eyes and was surprised to find the slightest hint of worry in them.

“It’s okay,” she said, squeezing his arm, “Just do the front, remember?”

Liam nodded slowly. He let his hands travel down her chest, but held Blake’s gaze, pure desire flooding those blue eyes.

Blake moaned when Liam’s hands slid over her breasts. She played with them every now and then but having someone else touch them–having *him* touch them–was on an entirely different level.

“I’m sorry,” she breathed as his hands explored the soft, sensitive flesh, “I know they’re small. Fuck, that feels good, Liam.”

There was a flash of…something…in Liam’s gaze when she said that.

“They’re perfect,” he said, shaking his head slightly, “They’re yours.”

Blake’s pussy throbbed at those words, and she took a deep breath as Liam’s hands continued down her stomach and her sides, squeezing at the curve of her waist and her hips. As much as she was enjoying this, she needed to push things along a bit quicker.

“You remember last week?” she breathed, knowing it was a stupid question.

As Liam’s hands moved further down her stomach, he pulled back. Blake barely held back a growl at the lack of contact.

“What about last week, exactly?” Liam said, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth, “You’ll have to remind me.”

“Ass,” Blake said, unable to keep from laughing at that. She cleared her throat and reached out, wrapping her fingers around his hard cock, enjoying how he flinched at the contact, thrusting his hips toward her instead of away, “Well, I really liked playing with this. I basically touched myself every night since then. Thinking about it–about making you cum–it was so much fun. When I think about it at night, I can’t fall asleep until I get myself off.”

Liam’s hands were frozen on her hips. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, but nothing came out.

“Anyway,” Blake continued, “I want to do it again. I want to make you cum. Only–I wasn’t entirely satisfied just using my hands last time.”

Liam’s eyes flickered down to Blake’s pussy, and her words caught in her throat, forming a lump. She had to swallow hard.

“Not that,” she managed, “Not yet, anyway. But…when I went to clean off after I made you cum, I tasted your cum. All of it. I want to taste your cock, too. And I want to make you cum again. With my mouth. I–” Blake faltered for a moment as she felt her cheeks grow hot, not knowing why this of all things embarrassed her, “I’ve actually been practicing. For a while now.”

Liam blinked, “Practicing?”

Blake nodded, “On my dildo.”


Blake cut him off with another nod, and glanced down his hands, “Don’t you have something you’re supposed to be doing with those?”

Liam’s brow twitched up, but his fingers loosened their grip on Blake’s hips and started traveling down her legs. Liam kneaded and massaged her thighs the same way he had last time but took his time.

“Do you want one?”

Liam had made it down to her calves at this point, and was starting back up, hands gravitating more toward the inside of her thighs.

*Oh fuck, yes. Please, Liam.*

“One what?”

“Your cock is rock hard, Liam,” Blake said, trying to keep her voice steady despite how fucking good his hands felt as they worked their way up her legs, “I’ll bet you probably want to cum, and I want to make you cum with my mouth. Do you want that, or–”

Blake cut off with a gasp as Liam firmly dragged one hand from the inside of Blake’s thigh, up and over her nether lips and her clit, pressing the heel of his hand into her pelvis with a wonderful pressure.

“Oh, fuck,” she gasped, finally breaking eye contact as she squeezed her eyes shut at the pleasure. Liam had only brushed her lips and clit, but they were so damn needy that the simple touch felt like fireworks.

*And it’s only going to get worse until I feel his cum shooting down my throat.*

“Yes, please.”

Blake blinked open fluttering lashes to find Liam looming over her, hand just above her pussy, hard cock pressed against her hip.

Blake knew she was seconds away from begging Liam to fuck her senseless, so she sank down to her knees right there and stared at Liam’s cock as it jutted out inches from her face.

She gazed up at him, “Is this good? Do–do you like having me on my knees in front of you? Naked and dripping wet?”

Liam nodded.


Blake reached up and grabbed Liam’s cock by the base. For a moment, she just stared at it.

*I’m really going to do this. And he’s really letting me.*

Blake leaned forward and stuck out her tongue, giving the head a firm lick.

Liam’s cock twitched, the head bouncing off her tongue, and Blake laughed, gazing up at Liam.

“I take it that means you like it?”

Liam nodded again, eyes fixed on her.

Grinning, Blake straightened a bit and gave the head another lick before running her tongue along the underside of Liam’s cock. It tasted good. A part of Blake was a little frustrated at knowing she was tasting some of the water and residual soap, but she didn’t care–she would take care of that later. For now, Blake was thoroughly enjoying covering every part of Liam’s cock she could reach with her tongue. He had even shifted to stand in the way of the water, so she didn’t drown while having her fun.

Blake continued to lave Liam’s cock with her tongue–she could do this all day–but finally decided she wanted him in her mouth.

Somehow tearing her gaze from the wonderful cock before her, Blake gazed up at Liam, smiling as shudders wracked her body when she met his lust-filled gaze.

“I’m going to put it in my mouth now, okay?” she said.

Keeping her eyes fixed on Liam’s, Blake brought him to her lips and kissed the tip before parting her lips around the hard cock. Keeping one hand on the base of his cock, she moved the other to his ass and squeezed, grinning when Liam twitched in her mouth.

Blake didn’t go all the way down–not yet. For now, she was satisfied with what she had–it was only a little more than the tip, but it felt just so damn good, finally having Liam in her mouth like this. Blake bobbed her head up and down as she worked the length of cock with her tongue, working the base with her hand.

All the while, Blake kept her gaze locked with Liam’s, watching with satisfaction as his eyes burned with desire.

*Desire for me. Fuck, I love that he wants me so much.*

Blake fell into a bit of a trance, losing herself as she alternated between bobbing her head up and down with Liam’s cock in her mouth, and taking it out to breathe and lavish his cock with kisses and long broad strokes. A part of her mind wanted Liam to just grab her hair and start fucking her face, using her throat for his pleasure…

Blake shut off that part of her mind, coming back to herself.

*Maybe one day, but right now I need to be the one leading.*

Eventually, Blake’s stupid knees started to get sore, and she let Liam’s cock pop free from her mouth before she straightened slowly–her legs were a bit wobblier than she had realized.

Once she had straightened fully, resting against the wall for support, Blake reached out and grabbed Liam’s cock, looking up at him.

“I can’t be like that anymore,” she said, “But I don’t want to stop.”

Liam nodded, then grabbed Blake by the shoulders, surprising her as he moved her under the water. Blake stared at him in confusion for a moment as he ran his hands over her body, turning her a bit this way and that, before realizing that she hadn’t exactly rinsed the soap off her.

Blake washed herself and Liam off hurriedly, mind starting to grow hazy from impatience. She liked that haze, but if she didn’t have Liam’s cock in her mouth soon, she was likely to put it somewhere else, and that was not part of the plan tonight.

Once Blake shut the water off, she reached for the shower door to get a towel of her own–she had forgotten to move one from the towel rack to the shower door–but Liam stopped her, handing her the fluffy towel he’d gotten for himself earlier.

Blake beamed up at him as she wrapped it around herself, “Thank you.”

He just smiled, stepping out of the shower for his own towel, then opening up the cupboard before tossing her another one.

Blake wanted to melt as she wrapped the towel around her hair. She wanted to melt, and she also wanted to jump him right then and there for being so damn sweet.

*No!* she reminded herself, *Not tonight. The only place his cock is going tonight is your mouth.*

Blake dried off hurriedly and ushered Liam out of the bathroom and back into her bedroom with a similar urgency, locking the door to her room. It didn’t have an actual lock from the inside, unfortunately, so Blake slanted a large wooden dowel across the handle that would prevent it from turning and the door from opening.

When she turned back around toward the bed, Blake frowned at the towel wrapped around Liam’s waist.

“No,” she said firmly, marching over and ripping the towel off. Ignoring Liam’s incredulous look, Blake spread his towel out over the sheets on her bed, then did the same with her own. Then she grabbed Liam’s wrist and yanked him over to the bed.

“Sit down and get comfortable,” she ordered, holding back a smirk when he did as told.

Once Liam was situated on the bed, Blake climbed on herself, crawling toward him on her hands and knees, reveling in the way his eyes raked over her naked body. She spread his legs, then got comfortable between them, taking his cock in hand once more. She glanced up at him and licked the tip.

“Don’t be afraid to help me or tell me what feels good,” she said, knowing full well that if he was in a state of mine similar to hers, he probably wouldn’t, “Remember, I want to make you cum.”

He nodded, swallowing, “Okay.”

Blake was about to start, but then remembered the towel wrapped around her head. She pulled it off and discarded it somewhere in her room, then smoothed her damp hair out of her face. It was cold on her back, but Blake didn’t really care at the moment. She picked up where she had left off, taking Liam’s cock into her mouth and working it with her tongue while bobbing her head up and down. She started out with one hand around the base of Liam’s cock and the other on his thigh, but as Blake continued to suck his cock, taking the occasional break to run her tongue up and down its length, her free hand started to drift.

Reveling in the taste of Liam’s cock, knowing that she was the first and only girl to get to experience that, Blake blinked when she felt a different texture under her fingers. Her eyes darted down, and her lips curled into a smile around Liam’s cock.

She took it out with a “pop,” then grinned up at Liam, “Would you like me to play with your balls at the same time?”

Liam cleared his throat, “Yeah–yeah, that would be good.”

Blake’s grinned widened, “Tilt your hips up a bit more.”

Liam quirked an eyebrow but did as Blake asked.

Keeping one hand on his cock, Blake began working Liam a bit more like she had when she had made him cum. With her other hand, Blake cupped Liam’s balls and lifted up from the towel. Then she stuck her tongue out and licked them.

Even after a shower, there was something a bit stronger about the taste of Liam’s balls compared to his cock, but Blake liked it. It was Liam. That was all she really cared about.

When Blake took one of Liam’s balls into her mouth, the moan Liam let out made Blake’s pussy tremble.

She couldn’t help the cackle that escaped her as she glanced up at Liam. His chest was rising and falling heavily, and the muscles of his stomach were drawn taught. His eyes were squeezed shut, but Blake gazed up at him as she took the other ball into her mouth, wanting to see exactly what she did to him.

His cock twitched and his abs rippled, fingers flexing around the sheets at his side. Blake grinned. A part of her was disappointed that Liam wasn’t being more active, but she didn’t really think she could blame him given the fact that this was his first blowjob.

“Hey Liam?” Blake said, letting his ball fall from her mouth, “Can I try fitting your cock all the way in my mouth?”

Liam’s eyes shot open, that lust filled gaze emboldening Blake, “Could you maybe put your hands on my head just to help steady me?”

Liam hesitated, but nodded, and Blake shivered as he brought his hands to her head, long fingers tangling in her hair.

The image of Liam holding her head still as he rammed his cock in and out of her mouth, facefucking her, flashed in Blake’s mind. Her pussy clenched at the idea, but she knew that would have to come later. For now, Blake moved her hands to clutch at Liam’s thighs and steadied herself as she took his cock in her mouth.

It was big, but thankfully just to the point where it strained Blake a little bit. She *had* practiced on her vibrator. Then her dildo. Unfortunately, neither was not as big as Liam. She’d gotten a bigger one to practice on after making Liam cum the previous week, but she’d only gotten that a few days prior.

Blake stretched her jaw as inch after inch of Liam’s cock disappeared between her lips, Liam’s hands in her hair and his lust-filled gaze encouraging her. When it hit the back of her throat, however, Blake panicked and gagged a bit, and had to let his cock back out.

“Sorry,” she said, steadying herself as she looked down, trying to hide her embarrassment from Liam, “Can I try again? I think I can do it this time.”


Blake looked up, shuddering at how thick with lust her friend’s voice sounded, “Yeah?”

“You don’t need to keep asking.” He took a deep breath, “You can do whatever you want.”

Those words sent shivers down Blake’s spine and a wave of arousal radiating out from her pussy. She held Liam’s gaze as she opened her mouth wide and made his cock disappear into her mouth. This time, Blake swallowed when it hit the back of her throat. The contraction pulled Liam’s cock the last few inches, and Blake moaned as her lips sealed around the base of his cock, nose pressed against Liam’s pelvis.

“Fuck,” Liam hissed.

Blake reveled at having him so fully inside her—making him feel so good–swallowing more to squeeze the head while she massaged the underside of his shaft with her tongue. Her hands went to his hips, holding her there as she continued to swallow around his cock to keep herself from gagging. Her mind started to fuzz with arousal. Only when a few spots appeared in her vision did Blake remember herself and reluctantly raise her head from his cock, coughing a bit as she tried to catch her breath, taking in huge gulps of air.

“Sorry,” she breathed, smiling up at Liam, “Forgot to breathe.”

Once she steadied her breathing, Blake gave the tip of Liam’s cock a kiss. Then she took it in her mouth once more. This time she got it all in a bit faster and remembered to breathe. It was a little difficult, but Blake was determined.

As Blake used her tongue to play with Liam’s cock, moaning in enjoyment, she felt a strange sense of empowerment wash over. She could *feel* just how much Liam enjoyed what he was doing—every twitch of his cock in her throat, his fingers flexing in her hair, tugging gently. The sensation was intoxicating.

“Fuck,” Blake gasped, pulling herself off Liam’s cock when started to run out of air. She was becoming very frustrated with the necessity of breathing.

“You’re so hard,” she half-moaned, half-giggled, using her hand to stroke Liam’s cock for a bit and give her mouth a bit of a break. Her jaw was a little sore too.

*That just means I need some more practice.* Blake eventually wanted to try having Liam hold her down, mouth impaled on his hard cock, longer than she thought she could go. She wanted to find her limit, maybe even pass it. If she happened to pass out from lack of oxygen…that definitely wouldn’t be a good thing, but she trusted Liam to take care of her and keep her safe. She’d just have to make sure he didn’t freak out.

*That will have to wait for another time, though.*

“I love feeling your cock throb in my mouth,” she said, gazing up into those sparkling blue eyes, “I bet it will do that a lot when you finally cum for me. I hope you have a lot of cum saved up.”

“Fuck, Blake,” Liam gasped, twitching as she continued to work his cock with her hand.

Feeling cheeky, Blake grinned, “I like where your head is at, but not tonight. Tonight, I want to feel you empty all your cum down my throat. Do you think you can do that for me?”

Blake giggled as Liam nodded, “Your cock tastes pretty good, you know.”

Some sort of strangled noise was all she got in response.

Glancing down at her hand, Blake couldn’t help but grin even wider at the delicious power she had over her friend.

“You okay, Liam?” She asked, trying to sound innocent, “Are you getting close?”

He nodded.

“Tell me when you’re going to cum—when you can’t hold back anymore and feel like you’re going to explode. Just so I’m not surprised by it.”

Another strangled noise was her response.

Blake lowered herself back down so that her face was level with Liam’s wonderful cock. She gave it a few good licks, savoring the taste that was uniquely Liam, then took his cock in her mouth all the way to its base. Once there, Blake took a few experimental breaths through her nose, trying to work out the timing, then started bobbing her head up and down.

“Oh, fuck,” Liam hissed, “Blake, that—”

Liam didn’t finish that thought.

Blake cackled inside her head, loving the reactions she got out of Liam. She wasn’t hammering her face up and down on his cock like some porn star, just bobbing it up and down enough to give Liam a new sensation. Blake was sure she would enjoy a facefucking from Liam if she could ever convince him to be that rough with her, but for now she wanted to keep his cock in her mouth for as long as possible.

Blake moaned at the wonderful feeling of making Liam lose control—loving the way his fingers twitched erratically in her thick hair.

After less than a minute, Liam’s entire body seemed to tense, “Blake! I—”

Blake moaned around Liam’s cock and firmly grasped his hips, securing her face against his hips.

*Cum for me Liam. Give me all of it.*

Blake felt his cock twitch in her mouth, followed moments later by the first spurt of cum straight down her throat. Thinking back to the handjob she had given him and how much Liam had cum from that, Blake wondered if he would cum even more this time because he was in her mouth.

As Liam’s cock spurt out her second helping of cum, Blake suddenly realized she wasn’t tasting it. As much as she wanted to gaze up at Liam once he was totally spent and show him an empty mouth, she wanted a mouthful of his fucking cum. She wanted to taste it.

*I want to taste* him.

Blake moved back just as the next glob of cum shot into her mouth. It hit the back of her mouth, and Blake felt her eyes start to water. She almost gagged. Almost. Sheer will and determination helped her push through the instinct and seal her lips around Liam’s shaft. With each shot of cum Liam gave her, Blake sucked on his cock, trying to coax more of the salty-sweet liquid from his cock.

That seemed to be a bit too much for Liam, as he squirmed underneath her, fingers curling and tugging on her hair. A lot of variations on “Fuck, oh Blake, oh fuck,” spilled from his lips, too. Blake did not let up, however. Not until she had coaxed every last drop of cum from Liam’s wonderful cock. Even after the flow of cum seemed to subside, Blake continued to suck on Liam’s cock, moaning as it continued to twitch and pulse between her lips, and even when it began to grow soft. Finally, when it was either let Liam’s cock go free or risk letting some of his cum slip out of her mouth, Blake let Liam’s mouth slip out from between her lips.

Her friend lay back on Blake’s bed, head tilted back against the pillows. His hands had slipped from her hair at some point, but Blake had been too focused on Liam’s cock to notice. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths, and he seemed to be staring off into space. Pushing herself up onto her hands and wiggling a bit to warm up stiff muscles, Blake crawled up toward Liam on hands and knees, settling in beside him. When he didn’t look at her, she poked him in the chest.

Liam turned to her, blue eyes hazy and heavy-lidded.

Blake felt her cheeks color a bit under that gaze, but she opened her mouth, showing him her hard-earned reward, then swallowed all of it with an exaggerated motion.

She still wasn’t used to the taste enough for the experience to be strictly enjoyable, but she didn’t let that show. As far as Liam would know, she thought his cum tasted like candy.

Liam’s eyes went wide at that, and Blake grinned, snuggling up next to him and resting her head on his shoulder.

“Hey Liam?” She said, closing her eyes and trying to mold her body to his own. He was so warm.

“Yeah?” He asked, voice thick.



“For letting me suck your cock,” she said, unable to keep herself from grinning at her mental picture of what is expression must be, “It was really fun. We should definitely do that again some time.”

Liam said something after that, but the words were too fuzzed and ephemeral for Blake’s mind to register. She didn’t fall asleep, exactly. She more…floated. The sensation seemed oddly familiar for some reason.



  1. Part 2 of the 3-part chapter!

    Reviews are appreciated as always! Enjoy!

    [Part I](
    [Part II](
    [Parts III and IV](
    [Part V](
    [Part VI](

    [Part VII](
    [Part VIII](
    [Part XI](
    [Part X](
    [Part XI](
    [Part XII](

    [Part XIII](
    [Part XIV](
    [Part XV](
    [Part XVI](
    [Part XVII](
    [Part XVIII](

    [Part XIX](
    [Part XX](
    [Part XXI](
    [Part XXII](
    [Part XXIII](
    [Part XXIV](

    [Part XXV](
    [Part XXVI](
    [Part XXVII](
    [Part XXVIII](
    [Part XXIX](

  2. Awesome as always ! Can’t wait to see what will happen when she’s back to reality.

  3. I love this juxtaposition from the main story. I find it almost adorable (in a very sexy way) that because of how much she likes and cares for Liam that she imagines them exploring their “first-times” together.

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