First time writing something. Let me know what you think

He drove home silently this time, the road just a dark strip through the dusk. He had a long drive ahead of him and he had a lot to think about. On the one hand he’s happy. Spending an entire weekend with his girl always left him that way. On the other still a little curious and angry the snake showed up. He won’t let that bother him though. He had done everything to avoid contact with him when he actually did appear outside the apartment at eleven Saturday night. What was the damn kid thinking. Firstly that’s stalkerish. Secondly he had been lucky that he wasn’t beaten over the head with a wooden paddle that was meant for a bare ass.

Jake smoked two cigarettes when snake appeared. He was tall thin and everything you think about when you think of a hipster. The high man bun with the sides of his head shaved. A short beard, and glasses that didn’t quite look as if they were real. He went inside the apartment with her to have the discussion that she had to make. This wasn’t Jakes fight, though he wanted to fight it for her. This was something she had to do. Eventually he would go back in, after making some calls to friends to calm him down enough to not commit a murder. Jake was a good kid. Never broke the law and definitely never killed; though with his air force job coming up it is definitely something that he was afraid he might have to do and how it could change him. After getting calm enough to go back inside he sat in the bedroom while she and the snake talked. He wished for nothing more than for her to kick him out and come join him in bed. Snake was smarter than that though.

He brought her a bottle of her favorite vodka, supplying to her delinquency as a minor. Not only that but he drove there drunk. Two crimes. Less than 4 hours. At about midnight she kicks him out and comes back to bed. The toys from the weekends events are strewn on the floor. She has to step meticulously to avoid stepping on them. The corner of the room that were on is covered in tapestries, on the wall and ceiling. Her weighted blanket lays at the foot of the bed. She looks different. Anxiety is riddling her. “You know what I want?” Mia asks. He has no idea, so he only gives a confused look in reply.

“I want someone to hurt me, please.”

“Let me get everything,” jake says. He comes back with rope cuffs. The floggers and paddle off the floor and the vibrator wand. He knows exactly what she wants. It’s how she copes sometimes. He’s okay with it, he would rather it be this way than another.

He ties up her hands first, cinching the knot tight so she can’t get her hands out. “Over.” Jake tells her sternly. She nods and does as she’s told. He brings the flogger down swiftly on her bare ass. She jumps, bringing a slight smile to his face. He whips her with the flogger a few more times before grabbing the paddle. Giving a solid smack makes her jump and gasp. Trying to turn away. “What are you doing?” Jake asks.

“The paddle hurts!” Says Mia, the pain in her voice evident alongside the clear stimulation that slightly overpowers it. Along with the stimulation in her voice it’s very prevalent that she is enjoying it as her nipples are hard, the bars going through them shinning dully in the dark.

“I know but you asked to be hurt! Back on your stomach!” Jake demands and she does as she’s told. He spanks her twice more with the paddle. After that he tells her that she is in charge of getting herself to orgasm through the vibrator. She can only get there through clit stimulation, Jake learned early on. She not only wanted to be hurt but she wanted to be fucked until she could barely move and who was he to neglect her of that.

After an hour they are lying in bed again. He is happy for her lying next to him, but she still seems anxious. Jake tries to help her relax, but while doing so dozes off. He wasn’t trying to but the evening took a lot out of him. As he falls asleep, feeling bad about it she whispers in his ear, “I’ll be back soon. I’m going to go watch some tv.”

“Okay.” He says half asleep. He wakes up in the morning, and next to him, not sleeping due to the fact that she doesn’t sleep. “When did you come back to bed?” Jake asks

“Around 4am.” Mia says. Jake woke up rather quickly hearing that. Confused at why but also understanding that he fell asleep before he could really do any good at helping her anxiety. He feels bad but is unable to do anything about it now. Jake wanted some sort of sustenance so he got up and went into the small kitchen. Looking for anything to eat, and settled on some bread. He stood there looking at her, in only her underwear. She wore his hoodies and one was in a pile on the floor next to her. She was more comfortable naked. She should be. She was beautiful. The curves of her hips, the small breasts that fit perfectly in his palm, only barely too big. Her ass, he could look at her ass all day. It was a very nice ass, big too.

Jake smelled of stale cigarettes and a musky cologne she couldn’t put her finger on. He had a mousy nose that made his eyes and ears look a little too large for his head, and short dark brown hair that he left unkempt from last nights sleep. When he spoke he spoke fast, as if it were the last breathe and he had to say what was on his mind before he went.

Mia sat on her couch doing homework. As an English major, she always had some. She always managed to get straight A’s too, no matter how much she procrastinated the work. It vexed him. He even envied her for it as he had never been a good student. He noticed a second too late she was looking back at him staring at her.

He stood there, wondering what she was thinking. Right now she looked content. Happy even; however, analytical looks was her specialty and she wore them just as often. When she wasn’t dawning the skeptic face she had a peaceful look on her. Like a child in sleep, it was the kind of look that made you want to curl up next to her and fall asleep knowing it would be a peaceful rest.

It wasn’t his fault he is easily distracted by her looks. Her face was like ivory. Her nose decorated with hoops. Her ears filled with almost more metal than skin. Perfectly tweezed eyebrows that complimented her not so innocent blue-green eyes. Not to mention the beautiful strawberry blonde hair that ran down to the small of her back. He liked her. Leaving after a weekend like this one, where they spent the majority behind closed doors. Leaving her, for him, was never easy; Always hurt a little bit being torn away from someone that amplified his happiness and smile by something as trivial yet crucial as work. They both knew they had to split but it didn’t make it any easier. Most drives home were filled with loud music and an aching to turn around so as to hold her again that night.

And then he was home. “Time for another long boring week.” He said to himself as he walked inside to go to bed.


1 comment

  1. The beginning is in need of some paragraphs to break it up, it’s a solid wall of text that is painful to the eyes and fills me with a sense of weariness, it could be great writing but without formatting it hurts.

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