
I can imagine going through the drive through only seeing the top wondering what the rest looks like . Is she naked, wearing sexy panties or pants like the boss says . As I get my order she smiles the devilish smile only confirming my suspicion ,I’m going to have to come back here again Tom says to himself.

Tom circles around the building one time and parks in back In hopes to catch a glimpse of her on break . Slowly sucking the straw of his drink Tom thinks …. Wonder where she lives , does she have a boyfriend,or girlfriend for that matter . Thoughts race through his mind of what he would like to do to her …. Bend her over the hood ,tie her down in the back seat , on the grassy hill in front on Tom’s parked car ….
Finishing the last of Tom sandwich sucking down the last swallow of his drink , Tom opens the door walking is trash to the trash can as he turns around he see she’s outside now, wow long slender legs pants that’s what she’s wearing I was right . Without a waiver in a step Tom makes his way over to her slowly walking checking her out . Would anybody see they did it right here I would it be better to take it to the car Tom has thoughts in his mind racing everywhere undecided on what he should do Tom slowly walks up to her excuse me can I borrow a smoke. She says yes no problem, how was your food. Good Tom says I’ve seen you here a few times coming through the drive-thru are you dating anyone, I have a boyfriend she says, oh Tom says that’s nice, what time do you get off Tom ask. 6 a.m. she She replies . I’ll be here waiting for you I’ll pick you up we go get breakfast. Sure she said Ill see you at 6 . What about your boyfriend, he won’t know.. I’ll tell him about it later…….
