Summer Lovin’ Part 1 [BBW][public][nature][M/F][summervacation]

Melissa looked at the swimsuit in her hands and sighed before tossing it onto her bed.

Summer. She thought to herself trying not to get disappointed. There was really no escaping it when you lived in The Sunshine State, where it was summer weather almost all year long. Sure she enjoyed the nice weather and as a teacher some time off of work. But it barely made up for the extra tourists, daily afternoon thunderstorms, and scorching days followed by muggy evenings. But the worst part of summer, in her opinion, were swimsuits. Not swimsuits in general, she really had nothing against bits of fabric, just when she was forced to wear one in public.

Melissa had no qualms about pulling on her swimsuit and laying around her own pool, even a family member or close friends were okay. But it was when she had to go out in public that her anxiety arose and she couldn’t get that obnoxious bit of fabric far from her mind. Today she was determined to not let it ruin her day though. Today was her best friend Lilly’s birthday and they had planned for a group to go tubbing down the river then to a local bar and grill for drinks and dinner.

Melissa sighed, it’s not like she really had to worry about anybody looking her way anyway. She pulled the bottoms on then the top which covered her stomach but was cut low. Both sides of her breasts showed from the triangular fabric covering them. Melissa turned in the mirror admiring her large breasts, which actually looked decent, then frowning at her large stomach and thighs. She pulled on a pair of shorts and slipped on her flip flops. Lilly texted her that she was parked in her driveway so Melissa grabbed her bag and headed out the door. She was smiling when Lilly jumping out of the SUV squealed and ran over to Melissa.

They both laughed and hugged. “Happy Birthday!” Melissa pulled out a small box with a bow on it and handing it to Lilly. Lilly squealed again and pulled the box open eagerly. She held up an anklet with a silver dolphin charm on it and a gift card to Sephora.

Lilly threw her arms around Melissa again. “You’re the best friend ever!” She bent down and put the anklet on right away. “This is so cute! And I just saw a new pallet I am dying to get. We’ll have to go to the mall tomorrow and wipe this thing clean.” Lilly waved the card around making Melissa giggle. A hand shot out of the open window of the back seat and snatched the card from Lilly. “Give that back!” Lilly jumped in the window after the card. The door on the opposite side opened and a tall man stepped out.

Lucus, Lilly’s twin brother held up the card and smiled over the roof of the car at Melissa. “Melissa, she doesn’t need any more make up crap. How about I change it in for some movie tickets and we can go see one of those summer blockbusters everybody is going on about.” Lilly had managed to get through the window and out the other side and was now jumping up and down trying to get the card from her brother. Lucus and Lilly were twins but were exact opposites. Lucus was tall, tan, and muscular, with dark brown eyes and dark hair. While Lilly only came up to his shoulder, has light blond hair, and pale skin that burnt at the mere thought of sun. Lucus ignored Lilly and walked around the SUV. “Good to see you Melissa, it’s been awhile.”

Melissa did her best not to blush. “Yeah, not since graduation.” While both Lilly and Melissa had stayed local, Lucus had gone off to California and film school, making a name for himself doing local commercials. Melissa glanced at Lilly, who now sat angrily in the drivers seat being consoled by her boyfriend Arnold. “You’d better give that back to her.” Melissa pointed to Lilly. “I mean it is her birthday and all.”

“It’s mine too.” Lucus reminded her. He smirked. “And you didn’t get me anything.” He dangled the card in front of Lilly’s face and she snatched it from him with a glare. Lucus crossed his arms over his chest and cocked his eyebrow at Melissa.

She tried her best to give him a nonchalant shrug. “I didn’t know you would be here. Lilly didn’t mention it.” She walked past him and put her bag in the back window. When she came back around to the door Lucus was smiling and holding it open for her. She got in and he shut the door then hurried to get in on his side.

Lilly, her mood already back to normal, started towards the river. “Jane and the rest of the guys are meeting us there and we’ve already made reservations at the Gator. There’s a good band playing tonight so be prepared to stay out late.” Lilly looked in the rearview mirror and caught Melissa’s eyes. “You’re not going to wimp out like you normally do and leave early and sober. As my best friend it’s your duty to stay the whole night.”

“Isn’t that Arnold’s duty, I mean he is your boyfriend right?” Lucus frowned at his sister. Arnold grunted from the front seat in agreement. Melissa smiled into her lap at Lucus’s defense of her then turned her head to watch out the window.

It wasn’t long until the four of them along with the rest of their friends were floating in innertubes down the crystal clear river. They had tied the tubes together with a cooler containing beers and snacks in the middle. Somehow Melissa and Lucus had ended up in the final two tubes with the cooler on a tube behind them. It was relaxing and Melissa’s face was warm from the summer sun kissing her freckled skin. She leaned her head back against the tube trailed her fingers in the cold water. Her friends chatting and joking, she let her eyes close thoroughly enjoying herself. With eyes closed she couldn’t be a witness to what transpired next. She was half listening when Lucus make a remark and Lilly counter it. This was followed by a giant splash. When Melissa sat up in her tube she saw Lilly being pulled back onto hers by Arnold while she cursed at her brother. Lucus was clutching his stomach howling with laughter.

Lilly gave him a cold satisfied smile then untied Lucus from the group. “Have fun by yourself.” Lilly gloated.

Lucus just smiled smugly back at her. “Oh I will, I’ve got Melissa.” It was true, Melissa looked down to see that her and Lucu’s tubes were securely tied together and since the heavy cooler was tied to their rafts, the others quickly pulled away, carried on faster by the current. Lucus pulled a beer from the cooler. “And I’ve got all the beer.” He gloated to himself. Lucus laughed and watched as Lilly’s group of tubes quickly rounded the next corner. He flashed Melissa a huge smile which quickly dropped when he noticed her raised eyebrows and slight frown. “What?”

“Lucus, how are we going to get home now? I doubt she will wait.”

Lucus smiled at her again. “Melissa, I’ve got the key. She gave it to me since she couldn’t fit it in her suit.”

Melissa couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Okay okay. You’re good.”

Lucus handed her a beer. “The things I had to do just to get you to myself.” Lucus took a drink from his own bottle and looked up into the trees on the side of the river innocently.

Melissa watched him. “I didn’t know I was so in demand.”

Lucus flicked water at her. “Well you’re always with my sister. We never get a chance to spend time together just you and me.”

“Lucus, you’ve been on the other side of the country for the past eight years.” Melissa wiggled around in the plastic tube self-consciously. Lucus was looked at her, his eyes lingering on her longer than she could ever remember before.

Finally he looked her in the eyes still smiling. “I know. I’ve actually just got offered a job at a production company in Orlando.”

Melissa eyed him wondering at the vagueness of his reply until it clicked. “Oh no.” She laughed. “You’ve taken up with the Mouse.”

Lucus splashed her making Melissa sputter and wipe the water from her face. She quickly retaliated and an all out battle was soon taking place. “Truce, truce!” Lucus sputtered.

They both leaned back in their tubes panting. “Sell out.” Melissa laughed at him.

Lucus chuckled leaning his head back, letting his fingers trail in the water on either side of his tube. “The mouse pays good cheddar.”

Melissa laughed and felt Lucus’s fingers brush against her own in the water and pretended not to notice. “Well I’m glad you’re home.” Melissa leaned back again and watched the clouds above her. Lucus continued to let his fingers brush against hers. Melissa was so relaxed that she didn’t notice at first that she was sitting lower and lower in the water. The water was lapping at her ears when she sat up and groaned. “My frickin tube’s got a hole in it!” She yelled out.

Lucus sat up and looked from her to her tube his brows furrowed. “Well, we’re just gonna have to share. We still have about an hour left till be get to the exit.”

Melissa looked over at him skeptically. She knew there wasn’t really another option unless she wanted to tread water for the next hour or more. She sighed. “Scoot over.” Lucus scooted as far to the side of his tube as he could and Melissa awkwardly pulled herself into his tube. There was even more awkward shuffling before they got comfortable. Melissa’s right leg ended up between both of his, and her right hip mostly on top of him. Lucus’s arm was behind Melissa’s neck and to his delight he almost cradled her in his lap.

“Isn’t this nice Melissa?”

Wiggling around in the tube Melissa grumbled. “Just cozy.”

Lucus’s fingers caressed her upper arm and shoulder, tracing patters over the wet skin. Melissa couldn’t stop blushing this time. “You’re getting a sun burn.” Lucus commented absently. “I’ll put some aloe on you when we get home.”

Melissa just nodded and let out the tension in her body sinking further into Lucus. Her hand fell from her thigh to Lucus’s lap. Under her fingers she felt a hardness, without thinking her fingers grazed it until she felt a rigid twitch. She gasped and pulled her hand to her chest. “Lucus!”

“Well I don’t know what you expect Melissa. I have a beautiful, half naked woman in my arms, whom I traveled across the entire country to see, might I add. I can’t help it.” The first part sounded flirty to Melissa but the last sentence was filled with frustration and little annoyance.

“Sorry.” Melissa mumbled but then couldn’t help herself. “And besides, I’m not beautiful and there is no way you came all the way back here to see me.”

Lucus growled in frustration. “You know it kind of kills me that you think of yourself like that. I think I should get a say in who I think is beautiful or not, and you are, beautiful I mean. Downright sexy. This morning when I saw you it was a physical struggle with myself not to carry you back into your house and fuck you right there.” Lucus whispered the last part in her ear. Melissa’s nipples hardened and she became aware of an ache in her pussy along with a slickness that wasn’t from the water.

She cleared her throat. “Lucus stop. It’s not funny.” She wouldn’t look up at him. His lips brushed against her cheek then her neck before resting on her own lips. His left arm squeezed her shoulder pulling her harder against him.

When he pulled away he rested his forehead on hers, his breath tickled her cheek and he kissed the corner of her mouth. “Melissa, I’m not joking.” His lips captured hers again and Melissa had to admit to herself that she was hooked. His kisses were urgent, he seemed to think he had to make up for something. She would have been content with the kisses but soon his left hand was pulling one of her breasts from her swimsuit top and she didn’t complain. He pulled her breast out and ran his thumb over her nipple. Melissa moaned into his mouth and she felt him smile against her lips. “That sounds better than I ever imagined it would and oh how long I have imagined it.”

Melissa looked up at Lucus. He was leaning into her as much as their situation allowed and his face was still inches from hers. She fought with herself. She wanted to believe what he was saying. There had been a moment, a brief moment, when they were younger where they could have been together. But circumstances didn’t pan out and they had both gone separate ways. She wanted his touch but she didn’t want to set herself up for regrets down the road. Lucus leaned back instantly reading something in her eyes.

“I’m sorry Melissa, if you don’t want… I mean, I’ll stop… If you’re not okay with this.”

Lucus went to pull her top back into place but Melissa stopped him. “I was just thinking if this counted as a birthday present.”

Lucus chuckled. “Only if I get to unwrap it all the way.” Melissa giggled, quickly mesmerized by the sight of Lucus teasing her nipple in his fingers. He rolled the pert nipple between his thumb and middle finger and Melissa moaned again. Encouraged Lucus pulled the other side of her swimsuit down exposing both breasts to the sunshine. He leaned over and captured the left nipple in his mouth and began sucking and nibbling at it. He gently caught it in his teeth and pulled causing Melissa to cry out in a pleasurable pain.

She felt Lucus’s fingers at the edge of her swim suit bottoms. Lucus brought his lips back up to hers and kissed her urgently. “God I want to taste you.” He moaned the words and Melissa could feel the sincerity in his voice. His fingers found her pussy lips and she jolted when he brushed abasing her clit. Lucus smiled and chuckled. “Did you like that Melissa?” Her eyes were closed again and all she could manage was a nod and another moan. Lucus continued to pay attention to Melissa’s clit, admitting the wetness of her pussy and the slick juices that he longed to taste.

Lucus hungrily looked down as Melissa thoroughly enjoying the look of pure pleasure on her face. “Open your eyes Melissa. Look at me.” Melissa’s eyes fluttered open and she saw Lucus looking down at her. She gasped and let out another moan and a pleasurable shiver ran up her body. “I want to look into your eyes when I make you cum.” His voice was low. “Can you do that?”

Melissa nodded her head fervently. “Yes.” She gasped out.

Lucus smiled down at her. “Good.” He doubled his ministrations and Melissa stayed true to her words. Lucus enjoyed the faces Melissa made as he pleasured her and it wasn’t long before she cried out loudly and she couldn’t help curling up into Lucus, trapping his hand between her thighs. He continued to lightly stroke her clit and pussy lips while Melissa rode out the orgasm with small gasps and moans. Lucus brushed a strand of wet hair from her face and kissed her smiling lips.

“That was…” Melissa couldn’t find the right word to finish the sentence, something that when she looked back on it had never been an issue for her. She just laughed in amazement.

“So I take it you liked it?” Lucus asked, looking down at her. Melissa replied by pulling his head down and capturing his lips.

She soon registered the sound of voices in the distance and broke away from Lucus. She sat up a bit and looked around. Just around the next corner was the dock where their journey down the river would end. Melissa looked at Lucus and then looked down at herself. Her breasts were still pulled out of her top so she reached down and fixed it. It took her a moment to get her top readjusted and by the time she was finished the dock was in sight. She looked around but didn’t see Lilly or any of their other friends.

She and Lucus were quiet as the exited the river, leaving the tubes for the river guides to pick up . Lucus carried the almost empty cooler back to the parking lot and towards Lilly’s SUV. Melissa saw a piece of paper fluttering under the wipers and pulled it out as Lucus stuck the cooler in the back.

“They caught a ride with James.” Melissa explained to Lucus. Lucus nodded his head as he started the engine. “She wants us to meet them at the Gator when we make it back.” Melissa clicked her seatbelt and looked down at her lap. The moment they had shared on the river seemed to be slipping away from her as her nerves got the better of her. Lucus didn’t say anything just made his way out of the parking lot and onto the Highway.

Melissa watched out the window as they drove out of the forest and into town. “Lucus!” She called out swiftly looking over at him. “You missed the bar.”

Lucus looked at her and flashed a cocky smile. “Melissa if you think that I am going to spend the rest of my birthday sitting at a bar where I won’t be able to lay a hand on you, you must have gotten heat stroke.” Melissa smiled down at her lap. “Nope, we are going back to your house where I can get you fully naked and you can give me a proper birthday present. I eve brought my birthday suit.” He winked at her.

Lilly would be mad at her for weeks for this. She glanced back up at Lucus. Totally worth it.
