OMG it’s huge! (m/f/dd)

Little Annie Watson had never before in her eighteen years done anything wicked. Never cheated on a test, never played hooky, never even kissed a boy. Nothing.

But then her stupid twin sister Emily had coaxed her into peeking through the little hole in the wall of the outhouse, where their father and brothers were changing back after swimming in the lake. Emily kept nagging her and nagging her, and in the end Annie had snuck a peak, just to make her sister stop. Annie didn’t want to see naked boys, least of all her brothers. She wasn’t interested in such things. Really, she was a good girl.

That was why it was so unfair that her father would be facing just the right way. Or the wrong way, as it happened. Annie barely had time to squint her eye and come to terms with what she was seeing, before she found herself looking straight into her father’s eyes.

“Annabelle Watson, you stay right there!” Her father’s tone had been stern and demanding.

“How could he possibly know it was me?!” Annie kept asking herself as she waited for her father to come out of the shed. Her sister had vanished in an instant, the hussy, and her brothers had giggled their way to the main building, smirking at Annie.

And yet, her annoyance was already mostly gone, replaced by other emotions. Mainly, of course, fear. Annie knew her father to be a very strict disciplinarian, although she had very rarely been the victim of it, being an all around good girl. Emily, on the other hand, was often severely punished, getting spanked for misbehaving, even though she was technically an adult.

But now it was Annie’s turn to face her father’s judgment.

And yet, beneath the fear, there was also something else. Even though she had barely had ten seconds to look around in the small, badly lit changing room, Annie could not shake the image of what she had seen.

Her father had been turned towards her and he had been completely naked. Annie had, of course, never ever seen her father in any state of undress before. He wasn’t the type of man to walk around the house with a bare chest or even the top button undone. Come to think of it, Annie hadn’t seen any male nudity since her brothers were small. Hence, Annie hadn’t really known what to expect. She knew, of course, that men and boys were equipped differently than girls. And she had occasionally come across the farm animals rutting, before quickly looking away in embarrassment.

When she had peeked into the changing room, she had seen a man surprisingly fit for forty seven. Her father was a tall man, with broad, muscular shoulders, and a toned upper body and legs. But it had not been his abs or thighs that had caught Annie’s attention.

Between her father’s legs hung something impossibly large. Annie of course realized that it must be her father’s penis, but nothing had prepared her for something like this. It hung down heavily, with a slight curve at the root, at least ten inches long in its flaccid state. It looked easily as thick as Annie’s arm at its widest, and ended in a bloated, apple sized head. When her father had moved a little, it had actually swung a little, like a pendulum. Before her attention was drawn to her father’s face, Annie had time to notice that the slight curvature was created by a pair of huge ball sacks hanging from his scrotum.

The quick flash of her father’s penis confused Annie. On the one hand it increased her fear, for some reason. The huge penis felt in itself strangely threatening by virtue of its sheer size. It dominated her mind, somehow, like a scene from a scary tv-show or a book. She couldn’t stop thinking about it. Repulsed by its menace. On the other hand, the memory also created another feeling, even stranger. Curiosity, perhaps? Surely not?

Even though her mind was utterly disgusted by the mere thought of her father’s man thing, her feelings made her regret it had all been over so quickly. Had it really been that big? Could anything be that big? She wished she could look again, just to be sure it wasn’t true.

Then she heard her father’s voice again, pulling her out of her conflicted emotional state.

“Annabelle, get in here!”

She had expected her father to come out. But shivering with fearful anticipation of what was to come, Annie walked around the outhouse and entered it.

In the dimness inside, she could see her father standing by a small table and some chairs in the center of the room. He was fully dressed again. His face was stern, but not more so than usual. Sternness was its natural state.

“Come in and close the door!”

Annie did what she was told and then started on her defense.

“Daddy, I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! But it wasn’t my fault! Emily …”

“Silence!!” Her father’s voice was like a whip. Not terribly loud, but sharp and demanding.

“Annabelle, I’m deeply disappointed in you.”

Annie froze, terrified. She didn’t remember her father being this angry with her. He’d never had any reason to. And being a good girl at heart, Annie realized that it had been wrong of her to try to blame her sister, even though the peeking had been Em’s idea. But she should have said no. She should not have acted in that sinful manner.

Annie felt her face getting red as the guilt overtook her.

“I’m sorry, daddy. I know I did bad.” Her voice was small and apologetic, but it didn’t seem to have the usual soothing effect on her father’s temper. He was still standing by the table, with a closed, unyielding expression on his face.

“Annabelle, your behaviour was unacceptable. Trying to look at naked men is not something a young lady does. It is what a slut does. Are you a slut, Annabelle?” His tone was measured now, almost matter-of-fact.

“NO, daddy. I’m NOT a slut!! I am a good girl!” Annie was shocked that her father would say such a thing to her, even think it. What had she done?! Tears were welling up in her eyes.

That’s when she saw it. Annie tried to blink away the tears to get a better look. It was fairly dark in the small outhouse and getting darker by the minute, but she could still see a big bulge that tented the leg of her father’s pants.

Annie’s very first, almost whimsical thought was that her father must have brought something, some large bat-like object, and for some inexplicable reason decided to stuff it down his pants. But an instant later, she understood what it was that must be causing the huge bulge all the way to the knee of her father’s left pant-leg. The penis. But how was that possible? She had never seen her father’s penis until just now, and she knew that it didn’t normally show in his pants, even though she now knew it was very large.

And then the realization hit her. Her father was aroused. That was why his penis was showing. It had grown to an impossible size and could barely be contained by his pants. Her own sinful … slut-like behaviour had made him forget the rules of God and society, and become sexually aroused by his own daughter. Annie’s sense of shame increased. What a horrible, sinful person she must be! She understood why her father was so angry. She had obviously shamed them both, deeply. Even though it made her scared, Annie understood the need for punishment for such horrible, slutty behaviour.

Her father seemed to be able to read her changing emotions.

“Bend over and hold on to the table, Annabelle,” he commanded.

Annie was not surprised and did not argue.

“Do you understand why I have to do this, Annabelle?,” her father asked.

“Yes, daddy”, she replied in a barely audible whisper.

“And why is that?”

Oh, no, he was going to make her say it. Annie started crying again. It was too much.

Her father waited.

“Because …”


“Because I behaved badly, daddy.”

He waited and seemed to expect something else, something more.

“Because I behaved like a slut.” There it was. She’d said it.

“Yes, Annabelle.” Her father sounded pleased by her confession. But Annie could also hear something else in his voice. Something strained, as if he was holding back some strong emotion. He must really be very upset, she thought.

“Yes, you behaved like a little slut, trying to peek at naked men. Such slutty behaviour must be punished so that you learn your lesson and don’t act like a little slut again. Lift your dress.”

Although she had sensed the depth of her father’s disappointment in her, Annie was still shocked. She had figured she was going to be spanked, but as far as she knew, not even Emily had been spanked on her naked bottom for many, many years.

“Daddy, I …”

“Annabelle!” Her father’s voice took on that whip-like quality again. “I thought you understood that you have behaved badly and that you need to be punished like a little slut.”

Through her tears, Annie, who had always had a penchant for judging herself harshly, saw the logic. Girls who behave so slutty they arouse their own fathers, needed to be punished like sluts to learn their lesson.

But she just couldn’t raise her dress. It was a hot summer’s day and when they dressed this morning, Emily (of course) had convinced Annie to borrow a pair of thong panties. “Your ugly grandma panties are gonna show through your new yellow dress, stupid. I thought you wanted to wear it today, but whatever …” And in the end Annie had allowed herself to be convinced, twirling in front of the mirror. The thong really didn’t show at all and the new dress looked very pretty.

But now she realized that had been another horrible mistake, in a day full of horrible mistakes. If her father saw that she was wearing bad girl panties, he would just k n o w she was a slut. Well, maybe she was. Why had she put on those panties? Hadn’t it been to look good for the boys in her new summer dress? Wouldn’t a slut do exactly what she had done – put on nasty underwear to make the boys think she was attractive? Annie blinked away her tears, having reached a conclusion. She had acted like a slut. She had to accept her punishment.

Hands trembling a little, she slowly raised her yellow summer dress, exposing her round, almost naked bottom.

She could hear her father’s slight intake of breath when he saw what she was wearing. He must be so ashamed of her.

“Annabelle, what is that?” Again his voice was strained in that weird way, like he was barely able to hold back, maybe from screaming at her.

“It’s … underwear, daddy.”

“It is a thong, Annabelle. It is not appropriate wear for a good, eighteen year old school girl.”

He seemed to be waiting for her to say something.

“No, dad?”

“What kind of girls puts on tiny thongs to tease the boys with their young bodies, Annabelle?”

He waited again. Annie bowed her head in resignation, unaware that it made her bottom jut out even more.

“Sluts, daddy,” she whispered.

“Yes, that is right, Annabelle. Only sluts do that.” Annie thought it was strange that his voice was so content, but it was probably because she was finally telling the truth.

She heard him move closer to her and, in one quick, rough motion, her father ripped the tiny thong off of her quivering bottom. Suddenly the lower half of her body was completely naked and exposed to her father. Annie felt an instinctive need to cover up her most private parts, but she didn’t dare to anger her father anymore, so she held onto the table, while the chill of the oncoming night made goose bumps on her naked bottom.

“Sluts who like to walk around in nasty underwear to tease the boys might as well be completely naked for their punishment, don’t they, Annabelle?”

Annie swallowed, but knew now what was expected of her. “Yes, daddy.”

And then she felt her father’s hand on her naked bottom.

Annie’s first instinct was to recoil from the unnatural touch, but she didn’t want to get into even more trouble, and checked her movement. Besides, in contrast to the tension of the situation and her fear of punishment, there was also something strangely comforting to his touch. Annie realized that even though she had behaved like a little slut and didn’t really deserve such consideration, her father loved her and was trying to help her become a good girl again. His hand on her flesh created a connection between them that showed he would take care of her.

Her father’s hand moved slowly over her cheeks, gently caressing and squeezing. “It doesn’t really feel like a punishment yet,” Annie thought. But still, father’s weren’t supposed to touch their daughters like this, were they? Make them bend over, pull their dress up, rip their panties off and fondle their bottom?

Slap! The sting of her father’s palm spanking her was a brutal contrast to the soft caress of a second ago. Annie yelped and tears welled up in her eyes again, this time from the pain. Even though she knew she deserved it, for being such a wanton little slut, Annie was afraid of the pain of the spanking she was about to receive.

But then the hand came back. As gentle as before. Caressing and squeezing ever so gently. It felt so soothing on her aching bottom. Annie couldn’t help but let out a small moan of relief, and maybe something more. The hand just felt so good. No one had come even close to touching her like that before.

Slap! Another hard smack on her bottom, which her father saw made a perfect palm print on the round cheek.

And then the gentle caress again.

Her father alternated between cruel spankings and soft touches, and Annie became more and more agitated. Her bottom was now red and smarting with pain, but at the same time the in between caresses were heavenly, comforting, soothing .. and … pleasurable.

Annie felt her breathing getting ragged and quick, interspersed with soft little moans that she couldn’t hold back. And, to her intense horror, Annie’s exposed little teenage coochie was starting to feel strange. It was getting all tingly and wet, as if she had peed herself.

But it felt so good.

Annie’s coochie had never felt this way before, but instinctively she knew she needed to touch it. Or have it touched. That would make it feel even better, she thought. Then it wouldn’t be so exposed anymore, it would be covered, taken care of.

She rolled her hips when her father was caressing her bottom between the slaps, trying to make his hand find its way between her legs. Almost immediately, it worked. She made a sudden move forwards and her father’s caressing hand ended up touching her most private, intimate place.

Several things happened. At the touch of her father’s hand, Annie felt the pleasure increase tenfold to the point where she instinctively felt she was agonizingly close to something truly amazing. She let out a loud, delirious, frustrated moan. Her father, meanwhile, suddenly found himself touching his own daughter’s sopping wet pussy for the first time. There was no denying that this slut, this needy, wanton whore of a daughter had been getting off on her punishment, instead of learning from it.

He felt his anger increase, but also his own lust. The horrible realization that his own virgin, teenage daughter was a nasty, masochistic pain slut aroused him to the point that he almost lost it. Well, it was obvious he had to be a lot stricter with this daughter, the one who he once had thought to be a good girl. He raised his hand and landed a cruel slap, much harder than the modest spankings so far, right on the exposed sex of his wayward daughter.

It did not have the intended, disciplining effect.

Annabelle did scream in pain, loud enough to be heard for miles.

But then her body started to shake uncontrollably, and the scream transformed into a series of loud moans. It was obvious that his slut daughter was coming from having her pussy slapped hard, orgasming more intensely than any woman he had ever been with.

Annie just couldn’t figure out what was going on. Since she raised her dress and exposed her naked bottom to her own sexually aroused father, her sinful body had taken complete control over her mind and her emotions. The mix of the pain from the spankings, the soft sensations from the caresses and the utter humiliation of having her little coochie and broad bottom exposed and manhandled by her own father, made her body feel things – strange, strong, wonderful things, that she had never felt before. Annie had never in eighteen years touched herself, much less had anyone else touch her in a sexual way. So the intense, escalating feelings of lust emanating from her well spanked bottom and her sopping wet coochie were completely new to her, and utterly unexpected.

And when that final, brutal slap landed on her coochie, her body had literally exploded from the pleasure that the sudden pain elicited in her depraved, slutty nervous system. Finally, her naked, exposed coochie was covered and protected by her father’s large, masculine hand. It felt so right, as the natural order of things.

When she slowly started to come down from her orgasmic high, Annie felt an intense rush of love and gratitude towards her father. She was apparently a horrible, depraved, sinful little slut, but instead of turning her away, as a man of his moral standing probably should have, her father had found it in his heart to overcome the disappointment and shame he must be feeling, and show his love for his daughter by disciplining her so that she could be redeemed.

Yes. She wanted him to punish her and teach her the error of her ways. She wanted him to dominate her will and make sure that she obeyed him completely, so that she wouldn’t stray again. Daughters should obey their fathers, shouldn’t they? Wasn’t that even in the Bible somewhere? She would do anything he told her to from now on. She would be a good daughter, even if she was a slut.

While Annie’s emotions were getting more focused, her father’s was getting more conflicted. On the one hand, he was disappointed and, frankly, outraged. His one “good” daughter had turned out to be a complete slut, even worse than her sister. Trying to ogle naked men and having orgasms from being spanked. He just couldn’t believe it. On the other hand, his daughter’s big, naked ass and the fact that she had become sexually aroused from the pain he had landed on that big, naked ass, made him so horny he just wanted to rip out his cock and shove it in Annabelle’s sopping wet pussy.

He had always been a dominant man. He was the strict, but just ruler over a family kingdom of two loyal sons, who idolized him and tried to emulate him in every way, Annie and her mother, who were naturally good and obedient women, and Emily, who he had to discipline regularly to keep in line. He had liked to be the undisputed master of his kingdom, but lately it had started to feel a little too accommodating. This feeling had surprised him, but now he understood it. His wife’s modesty and lack of enthusiasm during sex, while right and proper in a wife, didn’t challenge him. True dominance was only established in the breaking of someone.

* Part 1 of a 5 part adventure and it gets better and bigger *



  1. I should have attributed, my bad, please don’t sue.

    I originally posted the link but it was disallowed so just did a copy/paste instead.

    Only later I realized links were ok in the comments section.

    Whatever….it’s a great story that deserves to be widely read and enjoyed.

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