Sexy stunt gone wrong [Exhibitionist][ENF]

It was meant to be a stunt, just a funny video for their Instagram. Julia would take off her top as the roller coaster went up the first hill, wave it over her head, then “accidentally” let it go as the coaster started its descent. After they’d stopped filming and before the ride had finished, Kayla would give Julia the replacement top from her bag so nobody other than the people on the coaster would be any the wiser.

That was the plan, anyway.

The line was long and the girls were excited when they finally got to the front of the line, but as Kayla went to follow Julia onto the ride the attendant stopped her.

“Excuse me, miss, no bags on the ride. Please put it in the cubby there and you can get it after the ride.”

Kayla had waited in line for so long, and was so excited at finally getting to ride Goliath, that she forgot about their stunt. She ran over to the cubby, stuffed her bag inside, then raced back to the coaster and got into the car with Julia.

The safety bars came down, the attendants performed the pre-ride check, and after a short wait the ride finally started up.

As their car climbed the first hill Julia started to unbutton her top. “Get ready with your phone,” she said.

Kayla reached into her own top for her phone, which she kept tucked inside her bra.

“Ready?” Julia said, removing her top completely.

“Ready when you are,” Kayla replied.

The car climbed the hill, Kayla started recording, and Julia covered her breasts with one arm then began swinging her top over her head. As the car crested the hill and began to plunge down the other side Julia let her top slip from her fingers then feigned a horrified face for the camera.

The car picked up speed and Kayla had to stop recording and put away her phone so she could hold on. Julia also had to throw modesty to the wind and grab hold of the safety bars. Her breasts were now exposed and free to bounce around, and bounce they did as the ride tossed the girls and other riders around and even upside down. The car rounded the final bend, jerked to a stop, then started its slow crawl back towards the station where hundreds of people eagerly waited for its return.

A few of the more observant riders were positive they’d seen a topless woman in one of the cars, word had quickly spread, and now almost everyone had their cellphone in their hands, just in case.

The ride attendants had also heard about the supposedly topless woman on the ride, the shift manager had alerted security, and as soon as they’d confirmed on the security cameras that Julia really was topless they’d broken the park record in racing over to Goliath.

“Quick, Kayla! Give me the top in your bag!” Julia exclaimed.

Kayla gasped. “Oh, shit!”

“Kayla! Where’s your bag?!”

“The attendant wouldn’t let me bring it on the ride!”

“What? Why didn’t you tell me?! Oh my God!”

“I’m sorry! I forgot you were going to throw your other top away!”

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!” squealed Julia, covering her chest with both arms as their car pulled into the station. To the dismay of the girls, and the annoyance of the other riders, the bars didn’t release immediately. Julia covered herself up with her arms but everyone with a cellphone started shooting picture after picture anyway. Some shot video, and some even livestreamed it.

“Everyone please remain calm,” came the announcement. “Security will be here shortly.”

“Security? What?! Noooo,” moaned Julia.

Finally two large ladies-in-uniform arrived and walked up to Kayla and Julia’s car. One nodded to the ride operator. The safety bars sprung open releasing the riders but before Julia could react the security guards had grabbed her arms and hauled her up out of the car.

Julia fought to keep herself covered but the guards were strong, and relentless.

She screamed as they forced her arms behind her back then handcuffed her. Her breasts were fully exposed, and now everyone had their phone or camera out and was taking pictures or shooting video.

Julia tried to lean forward to at least partially cover herself up but the two security guards just pulled her upright again as they dragged her towards the ride’s exit.

“Please! At least let me cover up!” Julia protested.

The guards snickered. “Yeah? With what?” one said.

“You had no problem showing off your tits on the ride,” said the other. “Why so bashful now?”

“My friend is back there!” Julia cried. “She has another top for me in her bag! You can get her and get my top!”

“Well, if she’s really your friend, she can come find you at the security office,” the second guard said. “Now get on up there.” She pointed at the seat at the back of their cart and Julia realized they expected her to sit at the very back, facing backwards.

“No, please! Let me cover up, or at least sit inside!”

“I guess we do this the hard way then,” said the guard. “Ready?”

“No! I’m not ready!” screamed Julia.

“Wasn’t talking to you,” said the guard.

The two guards grabbed Julia’s arms, lifted her up, and sat her on the back of the cart, then while the first guard held her in place the second guard went around behind her. One of the cuffs was removed from her wrist but before Julia could process what had happened the cuff was back in place and snapped closed again.

The guard holding her let go and stepped back. When Julia tried to move her arms she realized the other guard had handcuffed her to the back of the cart.

“Okay, let’s get this deviant back to the office,” the guard from behind her said.

The cart started up and drove through the park, a lot more slowly this time, with a large crowd gathering behind them. A few people were initially confused about the topless woman sitting exposed on the back of the cart, but word about Julia’s exploits on Goliath had spread throughout the park, and so everyone took the opportunity to take pictures or shoot video of her.

When the guards finally arrived back at their office and got out of their cart one of them said to her, “You just wait here while we process the paperwork.”

The other one laughed. “Might be a while. Never had a case like this. Not sure what to do about you.”

Julia watched in disbelief as they walked into the security office and closed the door behind them. She turned back around and saw hundreds of park guests staring at her with hundreds of phones and cameras pointed at her.

One guest took a step forward to get a better picture, and when they did, another followed suit. Then a third guest stepped forward. Then everyone began moving closer and closer.

Inside the office one of the guards was watching out the window. “Think we should do something?” she said.

“Are you kidding?” said the other. “There’s hundreds of people out there. Probably thousands. I’m not getting involved. We don’t get paid enough for that.”

The first guard nodded, then watched as the crowd slowly surrounded Julia.

“Park closes in 6 hours anyway,” she said to herself.



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