Daddies Little Princess [FM] [DD/LG] [BDSM] [CHAPTER 5]

# Daddy’s Little Princess chapter 5

So far this morning I have been to busy to worry about anything apart from the orders coming in, turns out that the coffee shop round the corner shut down over the weekend and all their customers have been coming in to our little coffee shop instead this morning. We now had a lull before the lunch time rush start

“Sarah im going to go have my lunch break now, before we get slammed again”

“ok Sasha, is it ok if I have mine after you get back”

I look up as I finish the last order I have sitting in front of me, looking over to Sarah. She is short about 5.4 5.5 I would say she’s pretty but not overly, more like the girl next door, with her long brown straight hair pulled back in a high ponytail, and her hazel well I think they are hazel coloured eyes. She isn’t daddys type to flat chested and not enough curves for his taste but still a pretty young lady.

“yeah of course Sarah, I will be about 45minutes, then as long as we arent busy you can go for your break then mate”

Sarah smiles at me “thank you Sasha, enjoy your lunch” her smile lights her whole face up, making her very striking, “thank Sarah I will”

Grabbing the xxl caramel latte I just made for myself before bending down and picking my sandwich up that I picked earlier, I don’t normally eat the shops food, but today I had no choice. I sigh as I think about why I have no choice, feeling the tears welling in my eyes again I take a deep breath and stand up coming face to face with Josh, I stop breathing, I can feel myself shaking taking all my will power to not drop my latte. I swallow deeply before speaking “Sarah you have a customer, Sarah will be right with you im just going on lunch” not taking my eyes of your face trying to read your reactions to my words, “Sasha what the fuck is going on” you growl at me making my knees nearly buckle under me. “Sarah customer” I shout before walking out the back of the shop leaving you standing at the counter with a look of confusion mixed with anger on your face.

When you cant see me any more I lean against the wall, trying to control my breathing I can feel a panic attack building deep inside me, I need to get out of here, I need some air, a drink, a smoke something anything I just cant stand here. Taking a deep breath as I push myself off the wall and will my legs to carry me outside grabbing my handbag as I go. Reaching the back door I can feel my hand shaking as I push the bar to open the door, blinking as the sun floods into the doorway, taking a second or 2 to adjust to the light, I hunt in my bag for my sunglasses “fuck sake I always have them in my bag, where the fuck are they” pulling my smokes and a lighter out I search the other pocket, letting out a sigh of relief as I pull my sunnies out “least no one can see the swollen redness of my eyes”.

As I light my smoke and turn around to lean against the wall I scream and drop my bag, there you are, standing there staring at me “what …..the …..fuck….. Josh” my hand on my chest trying to slow my breathing “your nearly gave me a fucking heart attack for fuck sake”. I hear a low growl coming from you “watch that mouth of yours little one” I stare at him trying to stay strong trying to not grumble at your tone, your stare your presents “im sorry you scared me daddy” I snarl. Without your eyes leaving my face u take 1 slow step towards me, I stand still I will not back away from you, but my eyes have not left your face

“what are you doing here Josh, what do you want”

“what do I want, I want a fucking explanation as to where the fucking hell you went this morning and why you are ignoring me, what the fuck is going on young lady”

swallowing hard, my resolve to stand up to you starting to weaken, “please Josh, please dont do this, not here not now” you take another step closer towards me, my breathing becoming more laboured the closer you get to me, with every step you take closer I can feel the pain bubbling closer to the surface, remembering what I saw and heard this morning. Shaking my head to try and clear the painful memories “please Josh, please stop I cant do this not at the moment please” “Sasha im not asking, you will tell me what is going on NOW!!” the last word you speak is lower than the rest of the sentence so low its almost a growl, as you take another step closer to me. Your so close no I could reach out and touch you, feel your warmth against me, feel your heart beat on my hand, the tears well you in my eyes no matter how hard I try to fight them I cant stop them from running down my face “daddy please, I….i…..i……i saw you” that was it the moment those words left my mouth I couldn’t stop the pain any more I collapse on the floor sobbing, hyper ventilating my whole body shaking uncontrollably.

I can feel you standing over me watching me, that’s when I feel your hands on me pulling me up to my feet, im to tired to struggle, but just the simple touch of your hands under my arms makes my pain escalate, I cant breath I cant see I cant speak, I don’t know what to do what to say, I just stand the unable to look at you as you slow take my sunnies off my face my eyes fall to the ground, any last resolve I had gone. “Sasha look at me” I shake my head and whisper “i cant daddy” your finger curling under my chin and raising my face to yours “i said look at me little one” looking at you through the tears, my eyes red and puffy again, my make-up running down my face “but I look awful daddy” “i don’t care I love you for you and you always look stunning to daddy” hearing you say you love me sparks my anger, looking you in the eyes as I pull my face away from your hand “love me, love me, that’s a joke. If you love me then why are your fucking Charlie, am I not enough for you, have I been bad, what have I done for you to hurt me like this daddy” I cant stop the words from spilling out of my mouth, my voice sounds weird to me almost like I don’t know my own voice, saying those words I sounded cold, heartless broken.

I hear you chuckle to yourself, I stare at you with the confusion and pain clear on my face “are you laughing at me?” “yes Sasha I am. I am not fucking Charlie. You are my little one why would I need or want any one else” not able to process what im hearing I stammer the words out im sure they make no sense “you…i…..Charlie….heard” “listen to me little one, whose birthday is coming up soon?” “ummm m…m…mine daddy” I sniff and try and wipe the tears from my face, the look of confusion clear on my face. “do you trust me little one?” I stood and stare at you, thinking about the question thinking how quickly I would of answer yes daddy to that yesterday, you cough and stare at me “well im waiting” “ daddy, I do” “well then why would you think I was cheating on you with any one let alone your best friend” I stood and thought about it and before I could think about what I was say “because I don’t ever feel like im enough for you, that I cant make you happy, no matter what I do I will disappoint you, and im scared that you will wake up and see that im not worth it and walk away” the tears stream down my already sore cheeks, looking at the floor as I shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other whilst I twiddle my thumbs.

I hear you sigh deeply as I feel your hands cup my face and make me look at you, “you are MINE I don’t want any one else, you are all I need, all I want, if anyone is not deserving it is me. Why didn’t you come and speak to me about what you saw and heard, why did you run” crying now unable to stop “because I panicked I saw my life being ripped out from under me and I didn’t know what to do. Im sorry daddy” gasping as I feel your lips press against mine, your hands sliding down my shoulders my arms, over my hips over, making me muffle a scream as you spank me hard. “you and I will talk about this when you get home young lady, you need to get back to work and I have a meeting” “do you forgive me daddy” “yes Sasha I do, but you will be punished, harshly for doubting daddy, running, making daddy worry and for ignoring daddy speaking with the tone you have been. I think its time we stepped up your training little one” blushing as I bite my lip “yes daddy”

you stand staring at me, this look appearing on your face, I can almost hear the thoughts going round in your head “in fact im going to have my fill of you now, for making daddy worry” you look around, not sure what you are looking for I stand open mouthed and watch you, a smirk appearing on your face as you point to a wall round the corner, looking straight at me a deep growl leaves your lips “get over there and drop your trousers now” I stare at you not sure what to say or do, I just nod in my shock “yes daddy” slowly I start walk towards the wall, pausing I turn to you “ but what…” “NOW!!!” whimpering I do as im told. Standing against the wall with my trousers around my ankles, the cool breeze making me gasp as it its my bare skin. “turn round and put your hands against the wall and hold on, do you hear me, this is for me and me only don’t you dare cum or you will be in even more trouble, is that clear” I nod, jumping as you smack me hard straight across my naked ass “i need to hear you, use your words little one, do I make myself clear” biting my lip as my ass stings from the smack “y..y..yes daddy” “good girl” your foot pushes my feet apart spreading my legs wide, making me pushing my ass out to you more, stifling a scream as rip my panties off “open your mouth you little slut” you have never spoken to me like this, it causes a mixed reaction inside me, I can feel myself getting wet yet part of me is confused by your attitude, shaking my head to clear my thought I do as im told, as I open my mouth you shove my ripped panties in my mouth. “now you need to be quiet this is for daddy and daddy only and will be over quickly, nod if you understand” I nod my head.

All of a sudden your fingers push into my princess parts, roughly fucking my tight opening with your fingers, feeling my wetness growing you pull out of me, a muffled moan leaving my lips. “right now my little slut, daddy is going to fuck you hard and rough, I am taking what I want what is mine DO NOT CUM, this is daddys, daddy is going to fill his little cunt with his cum but you you little slut does not get to come” as I nod you slam your rock hard cock into my tight pussy making me scream into my panties. Your fingers digging into the soft flesh of my hips as you slam into me over and over and over, one hand goes to my hair and wraps it round your hand yanking it hard as you start to lose control and really start fucking my dripping wet cunt. The tears stream down my face as you use me, this is what daddy needs, this I deserve I should never of thought bad of my daddy, this is for daddy I repeat over and over in my head. Screaming into my make shift gag as you bite down on my shoulder and growl deeply, releasing me from your bite you growl again “you will never run from daddy again, do you fucking hear me?” fighting to focus on your words as my body is alive with the mix of pain and pleasure the sensations almost to much to handle, I just nod at your words.

Your pace quickens even more, your basic primal instinct taking over as your rain strike after strike down on my ass as you chase your own pleasure, my red rare ass stinging in the cool breeze, refusing to cry any more I resolve to take my punishment, to take what you need. I can hear your breathing becoming laboured and your cock twitching inside me, I know it wont be long before your explode inside me, as I that thought enters my head you hank my hair hard pulling me back against your chest as your cock impales me again with one last hard thrust you fill me with your warm cum, biting down on my shoulder and growling “MMIINEEEE” making me scream in to my panties again. Once you have emptied you load into me you pull out bending down you pull my jeans up biting my red ass cheek before pulling my jeans the rest of the way up, I squirm as I feel the material of my jeans get soaked by your cum leaking out of me.

Jumping as I feel your hands on my arms, spinning me round on the spot. I look up at you as you pull my panties out of my mouth, “daddy needs to be cleaned” I look down seeing your cock dripping with your cum and my juice looking back in to your eyes as a glint appears in them I smirk slightly oohh I get to play now is all I can think my mouth watering. Quickly I drop to my knees taking you in my mouth I start to clean your cock of all the juices, running my tongue over you sucking you, cleaning you making sure I get all of the juices, my eyes not leaving your face as my mouth works diligently to clean my daddys cock. Groaning as you pull out of my mouth and tuck yourself back into your trousers. “get up little one” holding out your hand to help me stand, I smile weakly as I take it and stand in front of you. “thank you daddy”. Tenderly you tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and smile at me “are you ok?” smiling back at you as I lick my lips “yes daddy” your arm wrapping round my waist and pulling me tight against you , my hands resting on your firm chest as we look at each other “kiss your daddy” not needing to be told twice I wrap my arms round your neck and press my lips against yours, your tongue splitting my lips as devouring my tongue tasting our juice together in my mouth, your hands slide down my back and grab my ass firmly as you bite my lip causing me to groan softly “i need to get back to work and so do you, we will deal with your other punishments tonight, you will go straight home when your shift is finished” I know that look on your face its the look of DO NOT argue with me “yes daddy”. Giving my ass a quick spank before kissing me softly again “see you tonight” “see you tonight daddy”. Watching you walk away im still shell shocked at what just happened, “oh shit how long have I been” looking at my watch I see that I still have 15 minutes of my lunch, all that happened in 30 minutes. Sighing deeply as I walk back over to the back door of the shop , giggling to myself as I pull my cigarettes out, lighting one and taking a long drag on it “what the fuck just happened”
