The Hunt, Part 5. Clean Up. [MF][Oral][BDSM][Swingish]

# Clean Up

*Recap: The Hunt is an invite-only BDSM event where couples and singles find new partners for the event by playing an adult hide and seek with BDSM overtones. Its held on the land of a private alternative lifestyle club in northern Michigan. My wife Harley and I are attending for the first time where I have just left the Hunt with my newly captured prey, a beautiful curvaceous redhead with tribal tattoos and pale skin, leading her by my collar and leash.*

We walked back into the main area after checking in with the Game Warden to record the capture and to grab a few bottles of water. The Game Warden marked down my name and camp location as well as her number. This leads to me realizing as we walked away from the hunting grounds I still didn’t know the name of the woman now mine for the night.

“What’s your name?’ I asked as we walked.

“Whatever you want it to be,” she replied. Her voice was low and smokey but sweet like sultry desire draped in innocence.

Alright, I thought to myself as I looked sidelong at her. So many names, titles or descriptions floated through my head, but I dismissed them all. I shook my head as we walked, “Since I do not know you yet, let’s just leave it at prey for now, until something better comes to mind.”

“I haven’t seen you before, is this your first time here?”

“You got me. That obvious?”

“Oh no, it’s not bad. There are always new faces, and that adds to the excitement. I hope you’ve had a good time?” The last she said pushed a little closer to me.

Moving the leash to my other hand I wrapped my arm around her to pull her close for a moment. “Oh yes, this has been exceptional. The whole event, the concept, and the chase has far surpassed my expectations.”

“That was just the beginning, there is a lot more time left.”

“Speaking of, will you hand me your permit?”

She pulled it over her head, which then left the chain of my leash through the lanyard, which she let slide down to my hand. I looked it over once more making mental notes of what was marked no or maybe before sliding it into my back pocket for later reference.

The air horn blast marking the end of the hunt, I see many walking around the main buildings and pavilion. Most are paired off with hunters holding prey on leashes, talking and joking about the events that just happened. I could also see there were munchies in the main pavilion as well as more water since we both had finished ours, we headed that way.

As we entered the pavilion we snagged a few more water bottles and I asked her to gather a plate of snacks for us. Letting go of the leash I watched her walk away again. Her hips had a sway that seemed to make the Celtic tattoos dance on her skin. I found us a few seats and waited a few moments for her return. There were many around and all seemed to be in great spirits. I did catch the one that they called Fox earlier with one of those scooters that you kneel on the leg on weaving through the crowd a plate of her own balanced in one upturned hand. I also saw Thorne and Shade in other groups but all those I could see that I recognized. My prey was at my side then with a plate piled with cheese cubes, crackers, sausage slices, and fresh fruit. She kneeled on the ground beside me and handed me the plate placed atop her open palms where there were hand sanitizer wipes and napkins. I took the plate with a “thank you” and placed it in my lap as I wiped my hands down with the sanitizer. Hands clean I popped one of the cheese cubes in my mouth. I looked down at my prey as she looked back up at me. She had not brought back a plate for herself but was looking at me expectantly. I took one of the cubes of cheese and held it down to her, which she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around my fingers as she pulled the cheese from them with her tongue, all the while not breaking eye contact with me.

I shook my head and chuckled at her as her actions also had an effect on my lap. She laughed as well under her breath and I continued to feed us a few more pieces. Eventually, she waved off my hand and looked up at me. “It is a good thing for you I get distracted by hot fucking, that big guy was savagely giving it to that little pixie of a girl. I’m willing to bet she was cumming all that whole time from the way she moaned and was manhandled by him. I know you saw it,” she stopped and cocked her head to the side. “What?”

“Huh?’ I responded, pulling my eyes from her not realizing I was staring.

Her eyes became slits as she turned her head slightly from me. “So you distracted by seeing those two going at it like wild animals?”

“I mean I saw them, but I was focused on catching you.”

“Good answer, Hunter.” She replied, and ran her fingers through her hair pulling a few leaves from her hair.

“Maybe we should get you cleaned up?” I offered

“That’s a great idea!!” She said excitedly bouncing slightly as she clapped her hands.

As I stood up I pulled on her leash, and she rose and headed for the bath building. Now the bath building was more impressive up close. It was a large rectangular building with double doors at either end. Along the side walls were five shower stalls, each shower stall was about six foot square with a copper colored frame about seven foot up the frame where two shower curtains hung, one on each side that started at the wall and wrapped completely around the stall. One curtain was clear and see-through, the other was more white opaque. Four large copper posts were on each corner holding the curtain rails in place. Halfway out from the wall to the outside of the stall was a copper pipe that came up the inside of the curtain and crossed over the top and then down the other side. Halfway up, there hung handheld sprayers and wire baskets, just before the bend to come across on each side were two large normal shower heads, and the top of each shower stall was a huge rain head that took up about half the top of the stall. There were controls for each on the pipe near the heads. At the center of the rain shower head, there was a large metal ring, as well as others where the curtain rail met the pipe and at the ground at each of the legs. The floor was made up of a metal grate with multiple holed rubber mats on top (I later found out that all the water was recycled and heated using ground filters and solar pumps and heats. It was ingenious and you can ask the Instructor who designed next time you’re there). Along the wall at the back, there were two plastic stools and a tall plastic cabinet with doors. Most of the stalls were empty with it being midday, but a few were in use.

Since I had noticed plenty of service-oriented items marked “yes” on her permit, “I would like you to bathe us both,” I told her as we reached one of the empty stalls.

She smiled broadly at this, “But of course. May I make one request?” I nodded and she continued. “Will you wash my hair? It feels so good when someone washes my hair.”

“That can be arranged, as a reward at the end,” I said as we entered one of the shower stalls.

“May I undress?” She asked.

“Please,” I responded and she took a step back so that the three-foot leash had only a slight hang to it between us. She locked her brilliant green eyes on mine as she reached behind and untied the fabric of her top pulling it out to each side once it was free before letting both sides drop to become uncrossed as they slide across her breasts coming to rest on either side of her bountiful chest. Without breaking her eye contact with me, she reached up to one side and started to pull the strip of silver trimmed purple fabric down so that it lifted on the other side, then her other hand reached higher on the fabric and continued to pull it down continuing to do this until the fabric left her shoulders to pool on the mat beneath her. Her hands then went to the tie of cord on her tattooed hip, her eyes never wavering from mine, she slowly pulled at one of the loose ends of the tie, and just as the loop of the tie was pulled through she stopped for a moment. After what seemed like an exceptionally long moment, a smirk played across her lips and she gave the cord a final tug. The back of her bottom slid down as she pulled the bottoms around her hip and across her front to her outstretched arm before she let it go for it to join her top on the mats. Breaking the eye contact with me she bent over while taking a step forward, her copper ponytail falling forward over her shoulder. With one sandal unbuckled, she pivoted on the balls of her feet, now giving me an astonishing view of her hips and ass as she unbuckled the other sandal, before standing back up and kicking the sandals towards her discarded clothes.

I took in the spectacular view of her as she now stood before me completely naked. The ponytail now hung across one shoulder to end just above her left breast. Her large soft breasts seemed to shimmer with each measured breath she took and I could see that each of her nipples were already hardening in anticipation. She had a soft curve to her stomach as my eyes dropped slowly down her body, drinking in all of her glory. The black Celtic knotwork tattoos were a high contrast to her remarkably pale skin as they came over her high hips plunged back down to met at her copper mound with a triple knot that also added an inviting arrow point down to her most holy ground. The garter lace tattoos around her mid thighs seemed to act as the bottom of the frame that held the erotic picture of her. Her legs were long, toned and looked very strong but soft as well. Looking at her now I also noticed that all of her nails, both on her hands and feet were painted the same purple with silver accents of her outfit.

She stepped close to me and started to pull my shirt over my head, she then placed over her shoulder as she knelt down to untie my boots. After pulling each boot off she removed the sock and placed them inside the boot. Next, she undid my belt and jeans and pulled my boxers down with my jeans. Her slowly stripping me, and watching her kneeling form as she did, had started to have an arousing effect on me so that once she had pulled my boxers down by semi-hard cock sprung forward. I stepped out of my jeans and as she folded up my clothes leaving them on her lap before grabbing her own to fold and add to the pile on her lap. She dropped her head down slightly as she held her hair to one side. I leaned over her slightly to undo the buckle of my collar and as I did she moved so that my cock slid between her silky lips into her mouth. I groaned and fumbled with the catch as I felt the head of my cock rub against the back of her mouth, and then be swallowed deeper down her throat. The buckle was mostly undone and her repeated swallowing motions loosened it the last little bit and it slid off her neck to dangle at the end of the leash. She slowly pulled back until just the head of my cock was kept between her lips as she stood up.

She stood, holding our clothes in her open palms in front of her, and lined them up to collect the dangling collar and most of the leash on top of them. Letting go of the leash to fall onto the pile, she then took them to the cabinet opening the doors and placing them on an open shelf in the middle. The top shelves were filled with white towels, the bottom shelves had many bottles of what looked to be shampoos, conditioners, and body washes. Hanging on the inside of the doors were a few sets of varying sizes of strap style cuffs in clear rubber and on the other door were varying lengths of chain and clips. She now bent over at the waist giving me an exquisite view again, and looked over the bottles, selecting a couple of them and deposited them in the wire basket behind her and turned on the water to fall from the two shower heads high on either side before joining me in the center. The water was warm even in this summer day, not hot but a very pleasant temperature.

I wrapped my arms around her to pull her close, our faces inches from each other and I could feel her hands on my back. We let the water spray hit our shoulders for a few moments, her hands roamed up and down my back, and I let mine do the same, lingering on her ass before grabbing her ass and lifting her up towards me to kiss her deeply. I let go of her ass and she dropped the few inches to part our lips and I watched as she rubbed her body back and forth against mine as she lowered herself down my body. She ran both of her hands around and down my legs as she once more pulled my cock into her mouth. It is then that I look out of the stall realizing that she never drew either curtain and we are completely exposed. I have never been one for exhibitionism but at this moment knowing that anyone could come along and see us makes my cock pulse in her mouth. It’s only for a moment as she starts to stand, letting my cock slide from her mouth. I leaned down to kiss her again as she stood up, but she slowly slides to my right still pressing against me until I felt her hard nipples press into my back before she repeated the same motion all the way down and up of rubbing her breast back and forth across my back. Sliding around my other side now, but this time sliding her back across my chest and her ass across my hardness.

Reaching up with her hands, she ran her fingers through my hair, as she leaned her head back against my shoulder. I brought my hands to her hips and felt my way across her stomach to her chest and where my hands could just barely cup her breasts. She continued to run her fingers through my hair as she lowered herself once more, my cock sliding between both of her ass cheeks, until her arms were full out stretch, then her hands caressed my face, then my neck, before dancing across my chest for she dropped them to reach behind her to wrap around my legs. I grinned to myself as I saw that my cock now was sticking straight up out of a mess of copper hair. She then started wiggling back and forth as she stood once more, using her hands running up my legs to my ass to pull me closer to her as also pushed back against my crotch, my cock easily sliding between her beautiful ass as she wiggled back and forth slightly.

The whole process felt so wonderful that a half groan half growl rumbled in my chest as she reached her full height, with a look over her shoulder she popped herself up on her tiptoes which were just enough to lift her ass just above my straining cock so that when she dropped back on her feet my cock easily slide between her thighs to push against her pussy. The move not only caused me to growl more but also got a slight moan of her own. She arched her back, tilting her ass and bringing her head back to my shoulder and slowly moved to slide my cock across her lower lip. She was biting her lower lip as she did, then as she pushed back against me she leaned forward and to the side where she turned down the water pressure and pulled one of the bottles from the wire basket. As she stood up she moved forward just enough let my cock free and turned to face me again.

Opening the top of the bottle, she squirted a liberal amount on to her chest and just as she closed the bottle wrapped my arms around her waist once more and pulled her in to press our bodies together. Startled, she giggles and tossed/dropped the bottle, staring back at me our faces a mere inch apart and I could feel her breath on my lips as I watched gears of green fire turn within her glaring eyes. I ran one of my hands up her back, the other down to the small of her back, keeping her pressed against me. She wiggled in my arms, rubbing her chest against mine as suds begin to form between us. I let my arms relax and she repeated her earlier slide down my body, rubbing back and forth scrubbing my body with hers, this time leaving a trail of soap suds in her wake. This time, however, when she got to my leg, she slid down the right leg, almost straddling it with her body and I could feel her thighs on either side of my ankle, where she then pulled on my calf until I balanced on my other foot and lifted that one for her to grind between her thighs. I was standing on both feet once more, she slides around to slide up the back of that same leg and up my back, followed by her going back down my other leg. Again, when she came up my left leg in front of me, she turned around so her ass was what slide up my leg to come to rest with my cock nestled in the middle of her ass cheeks and her back pressing against my chest, now sliding up and down my body slightly.

She reached out and turned back on the water to spray us, but this time from the rain head above us, letting the falling rain rinse all of us at once. She was leaning back against me once more, her hands in my hair, her head resting against my shoulder but facing away from me. She was slowly grinding and sliding up and down my body as we let the water wash all the soap and the hunt off us. My hands are once more moving up and down her stomach occasionally cupping her breast and sliding my fingers across her now rock hard nipples. As the water started to run clear she moved her hands once down my body and she reaches around past my hips to pull me close once more as she pops herself up on her toes to bring my cock between her thighs. This once more brings a growl from me as the pressure of her thighs presses around my hard cock. I can hear a mix of giggling moans from her as she slides back and forth over my cock.

She reaches over to turn off the water and grabs the other bottle from the wire basket. Turning towards me she lowers herself to kneel before me, holding the bottle up to me in her open palm. As I take the bottle of shampoo from her, she reached behind her and pulls the hair tie from her hair. With the hair tie also comes the few strands of beads that were attached to it and she tosses it to the side. I squeeze some of the shampoo into my hand before discarding the bottle near the other one and move my hands down to her hair to start working it into a lather in her copper mane. Using lengthening strokes, I run my hands through her hair spreading the shampoo further and further down her hair, but to do so I have to lean forward and over her. I am so focused on the task and enjoying the feeling of her wet hair in my hands that with very little movement from her she is able to once more take my cock in her mouth. I pause for a moment to enjoy the slight suction on the head of my cock before continuing to spread the shampoo through her hair. The further down her hair my hands move the deeper my cock slides into her sucking lips as her tongue plays along the bottom of my cock. Bringing my hands back up her scalp she lets my cock slide out until even my head slides from her lips to rest against them, I start to massage the lather with my nails lightly scratching her head, this brings her a sigh from her which blows past the head of my cock and when she closes her lips again she once more has just the head of my cock between them.

We continue this way, the further down her hair I work, the deeper she takes my cock in her mouth, letting it slide out when I get back to working on her scalp, for much longer than was probably needed to wash the hunt and dirt from her hair. I can feel my own desire growing and make the decision that something needs to change. I pull one of the handheld sprayers and turn the water on to spray clean my hands. Once my hands are clean, I take a step back, pulling my cock from her lips and I swear I think she pouted a little when I did. The pout did not last long, as I take my free hand and wrap it around her throat with a mild grip. With that hand, I push her back just a little to lift her head so it tips back and starting at her forehead I start to rinse the shampoo from her hair. It takes a few minutes to get all the shampoo out, but the whole time she holds completely still in my hand, with a slight grin on her face. I pull her forward so she is centered over her legs once more. Once I release her throat, her head falls forward as I replace the handheld sprayer and come to stand before her with my hand outstretched.

She looks up as I step in front of her and taking my offered hand pulls her self to standing with me. I notice that there are still some suds on both of us, and reach over to turn back on the overhead rain from the shower. I wrap both arms around her to pull her close as the water cascades over us, our faces are once more close enough our noses could almost touch, her eyes are on mine with the green fire still burning, but her eyes narrow as she looks deep into mine. I can tell there are thoughts fighting in her head as if some mental war was being waged beyond the fire. As if a switch had been flipped in her, her eyes relaxed as they close, her face closed the gap and her lips met mine and parted to allow our tongues to dance. As we kiss I could feel her body tensing against mine, like a spring coiling in my arms. Breaking the kiss, she pulls back from me. When I go to pull her close once more, she spins in my arms and presses her ass into my slightly waning cock. Sliding my cock between her ass cheeks as she leans back slightly against me, the water still raining over us.

I can feel her hands roaming across my lower back and hips as she continues her grinding on me. She moves her hands into the same spot on my hips as before but I am ready this time when she pops up on to her toes and tighten my cock as I adjust my hips slightly so as she lifts her ass just past my cock, instead of sliding between her thighs along her pussy, when her body drops down she sinks herself on to the full length of my cock. Her pussy is tight and inviting, and I can feel her muscles clenching, milking my cock now buried deep in her. A shocked gasp that becomes a low long moan as the full pleasure of my cock filling her pussy hits her unexpectedly and she is completely still as the water washes over us. Wrapping one hand around her wet ponytail, I slowly pull out until just my cock head is all that’s within her, then using her hair and my hand on hip for leverage I slam into her and a screams that sounds like its from the depths of her soul escapes her, her whole body convulses and I find myself having to slide the hand on her hip under her to support her as her whole body trembles and shakes in orgasmic bliss. This lasts for minutes as I held her, and she is still having aftershocks of trembling as I slide out of her and lower her to the mats.



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